#arpnetworks 2010-05-10,Mon

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***schmir has joined #arpnetworks [00:41]
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sbp__ has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [06:36]
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fink has joined #arpnetworks [09:17]
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jdoequiet. [10:37]
cedwardstoo quiet. [10:39]
now that I'm not paying 40 cents/minute to be logged in, I should be more vocal
bob^^bob^^ hears the tolling of a distant bell [10:40]
cedwardsI'm troubleshooting why my FreeBSD 8.0p2 VM isn't seeing more than 4G RAM. [10:41]
jdoe... does it have more than 4GB RAM? [10:41]
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz checks the channel
are you talking about a VPS slice? special config?
bob^^64bit i assume? [10:42]
cedwardsyes [10:42]
also working on getting ccache fixed for amd64 buildworld. [10:50]
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.... (idle for 18mn)
dxtrI just payed 125 USD to my girlfriend o/
I felt so rich for a while
Now I feel nothing
finknot even love? [11:24]
mike-burnsOr remorse? [11:24]
cedwardswas that so that she'd stay your girlfriend? [11:24]
dxtrcedwards: Kinda. I'm guessing she'd leave me if I didn't pay back her $125 :P [11:25]
cedwardsahh. paying her back is quite different than just paying her. :) [11:25]
dxtrBut still
I had so much money for a while!
I have 3.9 SEK now o
cedwardsI'm guessing that isn't very much [11:29]
dxtr0.5 USD [11:30]
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finksek? [11:39]
..... (idle for 21mn)
DaCafink: swedish pesos [12:00]
luckyor krona :P [12:12]
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Wraithanswedish peso hahaha [12:13]
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schmir has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [12:29]
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dxtrgrowisofs <3 [13:02]
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puppynuts has quit IRC (Quit: http://znc.in) [15:37]
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dxtrBtw, am I the only swede in this channel :P [15:58]
jdoeprobably. [16:00]
http://www.nt.se/nyheter/artikel.aspx?articleid=6005670 <- Local newspaper. The article says "Young man pulled into car and assaulted". But wtf is with the image?: P
cedwardsdxtr: I'm not native, but I have recent swedish heritage and a swedish name. [16:04]
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dxtrcedwards: Benny?
Oh wait, that's not really that Swedish :P
Björn? Greger?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you my name :( And my relative.
cedwardsdxtr: Christer. We have a lot of swedish names in my family. [16:06]
dxtrChrister o
My first name is Kim :D
cedwardsmy grandmother is from just outside of Stockholm (although I forget the town)
cedwards digs through his archives and comes up with Spånga
Spånga.. At least I've heard of it :D
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sp%C3%A5nga o
cedwardsI've never been there myself, but we have a lot of Swedish traditions in my family. [16:10]
dxtrYeah? Like? :D [16:10]
cedwardsWell our Christmas celebration isn't very "American". My mother and sisters do Santa Lucia every year. We do a ham with cheeses and hardbread.
my dad also like, I forget what it's called, but it's basically salted fish spread. It's gross! :)
dxtrSurströmming? :D [16:13]
cedwardsI don't know the names. My parents both speak swedish (as do my grandparents and aunts/uncles), but my generation never learned. [16:13]
dxtrAh, right
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norrk%C3%B6ping <- I live there
You should seriously ask your parents about Norrköping. They'll have a laugh
cedwardsI don't know if my parents have been there for ~30yrs, but I'll ask. [16:15]
dxtrAsk what they remember of Norrköping. Everyone is hating us because of our dialect ;) [16:15]
cedwardsman, buildworld seems to take forever despite the hardware. [16:16]
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Stadsbiblioteket_Norrk%C3%B6ping_april_2005.jpg <- I pass that every day

And I hate it. Looks kinda like a polish suburb :P
Sometimes I like Wikipedia. Just found out why we don't have any wooden houses in town
cedwardswhy don't you have any wooden houses in town? [16:33]
dxtrBecause it got burnt to the ground too many times
So we banned wooden houses once upon a time :P
1826 or so
bob^^dxtr: the UK has plenty of terrible buildings like that too
here's one, for example: http://www.brummieblogs.com/images/BrummieCodePics/CentralLibrary.jpg the main library in one of our biggest cities :/
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Gamla_vattentornet_Norrk%C3%B6ping_2008-05-10_bild02.jpg <- I can't believe people actually live in this building
bob^^hah, that's cool :) [16:37]
dxtrSure, it's close to the city. And yeah, you get a view over the soccer arena (yeah, it's right next to it) but like... wtf?
bob^^people live in windmills here, that's similar i guess
and this: http://www.birminghamuk.com/BrumFoto/newstreet/rotunda2.jpg
(same city as the library!)
Wanna see where I live? :)
http://tinyurl.com/2c77aaw <- That door :D
Or, well, that apartment
You see that window just left of the door? That's the room I'm sitting in right now :D
I don't think it's live because it's rather dark here right now
cedwardsit would be quite interesting it Google Maps / Street View were live. [16:43]
dxtrBtw, did the link work or not? :) [16:43]
Wraithanhttp://➡.ws/缴ᢜ [16:43]
dxtrcedwards: Yeah, I could open the window and show some skin for you! [16:44]
DaCacedwards: they're working towards this :p [16:44]
Wraithanhttp://tinyurl.com/248qpmp [16:44]
cedwardseck! [16:44]
WraithanMy building where I work
in a quonset hut :)
dxtrHehe [16:45]
cedwardsmy neighborhood is too new to be on google maps radar. it still looks like dirt. [16:45]
dxtrBtw, what do you think my neighborhood looks like?
If you looked around
....... (idle for 32mn)
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Wraithanhttp://s3.amazonaws.com/forrst-production/posts/snaps/2289/mega.jpg?1273456394 [17:27]
cedwardsnice [17:28]
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ballenhah [18:06]
jdoeseen it. funnier than the font one.
...... (idle for 25mn)
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infrared24 was awesome [18:55]
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cedwardsI'm about ready to submit ccache 3.0 to the ports tree. Significant speed improvements in this release. (long way since 2002 creation of ccache 2.4 port!) [18:58]
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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Mon May 10 20:09:42 2010
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cedwardsI can't get to either of my boxes via ssh or vnc [20:10]
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coil has joined #arpnetworks [20:20]
coilwhy so laggy :(' [20:20]
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WraithanMy server lost connection, though I am not sure how long. [20:52]
ballendefine lost connection [20:52]
coili couldn't ssh
well it was very laggy then timed out
Wraithanas in all my services report being disconnected from the internet at 8pm PST
the quickest to come back was 5 minutes later
send a ticket to Gary and let him investigate
................... (idle for 1h33mn)
***ballen has quit IRC (Quit: ballen) [22:30]
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