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*** | hive-mind has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
hive-mind has joined #arpnetworks | [00:25] | |
eryc has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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relrod has joined #arpnetworks
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up_the_irons | nathani: godaddy wasn't around either, yeah
we go back to 1999 man i was only 19... why did i think starting a hosting company was a good idea, lol... | [01:00] | |
nathani | what is something you would have done differently looking back now? | [01:03] | |
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nathani | tucows acuired the domain registration portion of Melbourne IT - almost 2 million domains
s/acuired/acquired | [01:07] | |
BryceBot | <nathani> tucows acquired the domain registration portion of Melbourne IT - almost 2 million domains | [01:07] | |
nathani | ping BryceBot | [01:08] | |
up_the_irons | nathani: no, not really, i've really enjoyed running this company. been far from easy, but way rewarding. | [01:11] | |
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when one does a tcpdump on an interface with a lot of traffic, is it normal to see dropped packets
? Like: 81465 packets received by filter 73025 packets dropped by kernel Like that seems awfully high | [03:15] | ||
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*** | Nahual has joined #arpnetworks | [05:52] | |
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Lucifer333 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [06:08] | ||
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RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks
RandalSchwartz has quit IRC (Changing host) RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks | [07:48] | ||
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ziyourenxiang has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) | [08:08] | ||
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brycec | up_the_irons: normal? Yes. Is that high? also yes.
nathani: from where I'm sitting, BryceBot had replied to your s// within 1 second. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmvnxijyymtmed8/screenshot_2017-01-06_08-54-09.png?dl=0 | [08:54] | |
BryceBot | Dropbox photo: "https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmvnxijyymtmed8/screenshot_2017-01-06_08-54-09.png?dl=0" | [08:54] | |
brycec | nathani: unless of you were looking for the @ping command :) (or really, any self-returning command. I prefer @uptime)
@uptime bot | [08:55] | |
BryceBot | Bot uptime: 3 days, 22 hours, 51 minutes, and 57 seconds. | [08:55] | |
brycec | (Could BryceBot be faster? For sure. But then it wouldn't be written in PHP which was the whole exercise... an exercise in sadomasochism.) | [08:55] | |
RandalSchwartz | Next version in InterCal? :) | [08:59] | |
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brycec | Unlikely :P
(Ruby is my language of choice these days, so it would probably be in Ruby if I rewrote it.) | [09:17] | |
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mercutio | i think most of the lag comes from irc rather than the bot | [09:33] | |
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brycec | mercutio: Quite right, but there's still up to 1 second of lag in the bot because it's single-threaded | [10:02] | |
mercutio | 1 second seems a lot
s/1/one/ | [10:03] | |
BryceBot | <mercutio> one second seems a lot | [10:03] | |
mercutio | that's pretty quick to me still | [10:03] | |
brycec | There's a lot for the bot to do in its service loop - checking on channels, getting responses, etc | [10:03] | |
mercutio | is parsing slow?
just do it in c! :) | [10:03] | |
brycec | But that completely defeats the very purpose for BryceBot -- to see if I could duplicate qbit's bot using purely PHP | [10:04] | |
mercutio | ahh | [10:04] | |
brycec | (Which, btw, I did with great success and continued to add features to it)
It's now something of a Frankenstein's monster :) | [10:04] | |
qbit | except your bot only does irc, mine does all the chats :D
nbdjs | [10:06] | |
brycec | But no, lag isn't typically 1 second, but it can get up that high if it's waiting on a database lookup, or an https request.
qbit: Mine does Telegram too :P | [10:06] | |
qbit | for small values of "does"
i would say it "lurks" :P | [10:06] | |
brycec | I lost interest before fulling implementing it :P | [10:07] | |
qbit | uuhuh | [10:07] | |
mercutio | did you update to the new php? | [10:07] | |
brycec | @version
version: brycec smacks BryceBot | [10:07] | |
qbit | haha | [10:07] | |
brycec | (clearly I don't remember my own bot's commands) | [10:07] | |
mercutio | i didn't think of waiting on db lookup
does php not have non blocking db lookups? | [10:08] | |
brycec | Not really, definitely not in the MySQL libs | [10:08] | |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [10:08] | |
brycec | And BryceBot wasn't written with that degree of async in mind | [10:08] | |
mercutio | ahh | [10:09] | |
qbit | my bot is in node, so i had no choice
h9 node | [10:09] | |
brycec | (Fun fact: http requests are non-blocking because BryceBot has its own scheduler and I can make semi-async requests. But https is much harder to do "by hand" so I never bothered.) | [10:09] | |
mercutio | i love async coding
or i more i should say i hate synchronous/blocking | [10:10] | |
brycec | But to keep those https and other high-latency lookups from consuming the bot's time, I have a small number of http endpoints for the bot so it can make an easy http request and come back later, leaving the sync handling to a web server. | [10:10] | |
mercutio | the problem comes when doing async stuff is you find this or that can block
even though it's normally fast like dns... | [10:10] | |
brycec | Anyways, suffice to say, BryceBot is inefficient and ought to be rewritten. Someday. | [10:11] | |
mercutio | if everything is cached it's sweet, if it's not everything else can stop | [10:11] | |
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awyeah has joined #arpnetworks | [10:31] | |
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Lucifer333 has joined #arpnetworks | [11:44] | ||
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nathani | qbit, what other chats are there? Slack? ICQ? FB Messenger? Whatsapp? Google Chat? Hangouts? Skype? | [12:53] | |
qbit | nathani: matrix/riot, telegram, xmpp
are the ones my bot specifically supports | [12:53] | |
nathani | is your bot in here? | [12:53] | |
qbit | nope | [12:53] | |
nathani | rather where can your bot be found? | [12:53] | |
qbit | #devious
https://github.com/qbit/mcchunkie and there | [12:54] | |
nathani | is there a list of supported commands | [12:56] | |
qbit | half implemented one via the help command
best bet is looking in the plugins directory | [12:58] | |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [12:58] | |
qbit | BryceBot: no | [12:58] | |
BryceBot | Oh, okay... I'm sorry. 'best bet is looking in the plugins directory' | [12:58] | |
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brycec | All these people always demanding lists of commands and capabilities, sheesh :p | [15:25] | |
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RandalSchwartz | I've been hacking FreeBSD for years now, and just today learned about sysrc! | [17:33] | |
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brycec | To be fair, sysrc hasn't been around /that/ long
only since 9.2 | [19:01] | |
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sorressean | RandalSchwartz: I learned about sysrc the other day too.
I just edit all the things. | [20:02] | |
nathani | @google sysrc | [20:06] | |
BryceBot | 1,570 total results returned for 'sysrc', here's 3
How to control and setup service? (https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-hackers/2015-August/048178.html) Aug 27, 2015 ... Or realize them because it can be useful for such tools like > service(8), sysrc(8) or even your_new_tool(8), and code written once > would not ... FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report (https://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report-2013-04-2013-06.html) Userland Programs. bsdconfig(8) and sysrc(8); bsnmpd(1) Support in hastd(8); Capsicum; LLDB Debugger Port. Ports. FreeBSD Haskell Ports; GNOME/ ... | [20:06] | |
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Nahual has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) | [22:31] | ||
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JC_Denton | up_the_irons: idea for trello: 2fa for the customer portal
/1 | [23:10] |
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