#arpnetworks 2015-02-03,Tue

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up_the_ironsmnathani_: jlgaddis brycec : i have mutt simply send to localhost (postfix), then postfix takes care of the rest. nice when you're on coffee shop shitty wifi. [00:00]
brycec(Exactly what was suggested ;) )
Except I suggest using a decent MTA <.<
up_the_ironsmeh i like postfix [00:03]
jlgaddisyeah, i've been using postfix for ~10 years and sendmail for ~10 years before that. no desire to learn something new, especially since i've gotten postfix down pretty well. [00:09]
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brycecI'd used postfix and exim for 5-10 years each. Recently I've gotten into OpenSMTPD and I'm really, really loving it (obviously). There's a lot of doodads that exim/postfix can do that it cannot, but for 99% of my uses, it does it and it's simpler. And so I preach it. (But still using exim on most boxes, because it's Debian's default package, and their dpkg-reconfigure makes it pretty dang easy too) [00:12]
mercutioexim still confuses me
i hardly ever look at it, but the logs are more confusing than postfix when i do.
i used to like exim when i hardly had any ram though. it can run from inetd and as a single process.
but now all the unix seem to have lots of random processes, and so postfix having a few extra processes is hardly noticable.
brycecI find exim's queue management tools to be the best. exiqgrep et al ftw [00:15]
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mercutiomaybe i should look at the queue management side
i just look at logs
brycecmercutio: http://bradthemad.org/tech/notes/exim_cheatsheet.php So very handy [00:55]
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mercutioahh cool
will bookmark
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LT has joined #arpnetworks [01:44]
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mike-burnsmnathani_: https://gist.github.com/mike-burns/986fae26fd1fdb331b59 [03:04]
BryceBotGist: "FastMail + mutt" [03:04]
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mhoranNow I know your top secret password! [09:08]
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mike-burnsohnoes! [10:54]
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mercutiomike-burns: you have no spf records? [14:09]
brycec:O for shame [14:11]
mercutioi hate teh idea of someone pretending to be me :) [14:12]
brycecI hate mail servers that don't honour SPF records
I even have a hard fail -all on mine
mercutioi have hard fail on mine too [14:15]
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mhoranYeah considering you can soft fail SPF I think it's pretty useless.
mhoran sets the example with ~all.
brycec"It's only useless because nobody uses it." :p [19:18]
staticsafe-all on all my domains [19:19]
mercutio~all is meant to be for testing [19:20]
mhoranSure. But unfortunately there are too many third party services built by folks who abuse From vs Sender headers for one to practically enable -all and still receive important mail. [19:30]
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RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz waves [19:32]
brycecbrycec waves back
@wa 2 light minutes
BryceBot2 light minutes;3.598×10^7 km (kilometers);3.598×10^10 meters;22.35 million miles;length;Light travel time t in vacuum from t = x/c:, ->2 minutes;Light travel time t in an optical fiber t = 1.48x/c:, ->3 minutes [19:34]
RandalSchwartz@wa next solar eclipse visible from north america [19:43]
BryceBotCouldn't grab results from json stringified precioussss. [19:43]
@wa 300 USD to CUC
BryceBotconvert $300 (US dollars) to Cuban convertible pesos;300.00CUC (Cuban convertible pesos);, 1-year minimum->295.51CUC (October 16, 2014->4 months ago), 1-year maximum->304.30CUC (September 5, 2014->5 months ago), 1-year average->299.93CUC (annualized volatility: 3.8%) [19:44]
RandalSchwartzheh... that's pegged, so that's an easy one
@wa 300 USD to MXN
BryceBotconvert $300 (US dollars) to Mexican pesos;$4398.54 (Mexican pesos);, 1-year minimum->$3852.57 (May 30, 2014->8 months ago), 1-year maximum->$4492.70 (February 1, 2015->2 days ago), 1-year average->$4033.99 (annualized volatility: 6.2%) [19:44]
RandalSchwartzand I pulled out 4400 last weekend [19:44]
brycec@exch 300 USD MXN [19:45]
BryceBot300 USD -> 4410.342 MXN (as of Tue, 03 Feb 2015 19:01:01 -0800) [19:45]
simpler way
brycecAnd a better source
@exch 300 USD CUC
BryceBotbrycec, I didn't recognize 'CUC'. [19:45]
CUC is legally USD right now
brycecNeither did I, BryceBot [19:45]
RandalSchwartzexcepnt no bank will do that
dollars from tourists are used to pay for oil in venezuela
2/3 of the oil is paid in dollars
the rest in CUCs
.vz then trades the dollars on the market, and gets their value back
but now, with more US coming to Cuba, that might exceed the .vz oil pay
the bigger problem is .cu infrastructure not set up for 5 times tourist
and that's what's more or less allowed now
we were in a public/private venture hotel sponsored by a local cigar company
but there really aren't that many places to sleep there.
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [19:49]
RandalSchwartzheh [19:49]
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JC_Dentonup_the_irons: bit late on the reply, but it's a dedi. i guess i'd need to look up the label on the portal.
i just think it'd be damn cool to get a photo and maybe promote ARP a bit :)
up_the_ironsJC_Denton: i'm a budding amateur photographer; i'd love to give you a good photo ;) [23:18]
JC_Dentoncool [23:18]
up_the_ironsJC_Denton: so, it's on the bottom row here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130053163@N03/15710721294/
it's in the blurry part past the depth of field (in the back)
mercutiothat's not so obvious from photo :) [23:30]
up_the_ironsmercutio: they are labeled in the back only :) [23:30]
mercutioeven if it was labeled in the front i dont' think it'd be easy to tell
i suppose number helps.
what do the other dedicated servers look like?
mercutio: ^^ the 1Us there
mercutioahh mtl03 etc.
apparently i'm mtl04
well my work
wow i see how much more space efficient blades are.
brycecbrycec is stl21 :) [23:34]
mercutiowhat does stl stand for?
i assumed mtl was metal
brycecI have no idea... up_the_irons ? [23:34]
mercutioarp metal sounds kind of cool
heh contrast: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130053163@N03/15710721294/ to https://www.flickr.com/photos/130053163@N03/16307207656/in/photostream/
similar gear, different cameras.
well supermicro both times, i assume their colour scheme is the same.
brycecI just noticed something on https://www.arpnetworks.com/dedicated -- the Starter level is 8GB and $129, Medium is 16GB for $20 more, but... an 8GB upgrade is only $10 more. Nice and linear, up_the_irons ;) [23:38]
mercutiothe astute will get 8gb with 8gb upgrade. [23:39]
brycecindeed [23:40]
up_the_ironsmercutio: you're right, steel [23:40]
brycecbrycec is one of those astute types [23:40]
up_the_ironsmercutio: arp metal *does* sound cool, you're right ;) [23:40]
brycecNice to know, thx [23:40]
up_the_ironsbrycec: nah, i always charge $149 for the larger one [23:40]
mercutiosome people probably just go "around the middle, that'll do" [23:40]
up_the_ironsmy non-linearity stops at me saying, "no, it's still $149" [23:41]
brycecheh [23:41]
mercutiowhen hosting with steadfast they charged heaps of money for ram [23:41]
brycecbrycec still needs to get around to digging up those certs :[23:42] <mercutio> but they had an outage, and gave free ram upgrades. [23:41]
mercutiobut dell, hp, etc all charge heaps for ram too
it's just one of those upgrade things
I worked for a company that sold servers... RAM was $$$ (and we didn't rape /that/ bad)
mercutioyeah arp's ram pricing is reasonable. [23:45]
brycecYep [23:45]
mercutiofbdimm's came down in cost heaps on ebay a while back.
but fbdimm's have a hidden cost of using lots of power.
but ddr3 ecc unregistered ram is kind of expensive
and i imagine that's what they're using.
brycec(my favourite $rape was the fact the server used to have 1GB RAM, but the specs were silently upgraded to 2GB. Pricing was kept the same, but we still charged for the upgrade to 2GB_
brycec just wanted to share that.
mercutiohaha [23:47]
brycecbrycec is glad to have moved on [23:47]
mercutiooh god servers with 1/2gb of ram were way worse
servers are a lot better these days :)
i remember reading about datacentres that'd use normal pc's and stick a kvm on as needed
brycecWell nothing "wrong" with that in and of itself, there is a market for it even.
(hence sites like beigeboxservers.net)
mercutiowow i found $16/month dedicated servers.
with 2gb of ram

i thought they might do non real servers :/
JC_Dentonup_the_irons: nice shots -- would love an up close one if you ever have the time [23:54]
up_the_ironsJC_Denton: wait but... those *are* really close ;) [23:55]

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