#arpnetworks 2014-01-20,Mon

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milkiup_the_irons: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/10.0R/schedule.html, 1/15 [00:01]
......... (idle for 42mn)
brycecmnathani: the guys I know use internal Oracle IRC servers (ops and stuff) [00:43]
mnathaniI guess thats what you get with proprietary / Commercial software
I was looking more for user support channels
brycecOooooh totally different ballgame :p [00:44]
mnathani#mysql has over 600 users whereas #oracle < 60 [00:48]
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mercutiomnathani: #openindiana?
oh uless you looking for oracle specific things
orcale is a prison
the only reason people are in there is co sthey're locked up
and no-one wants to be there
.... (idle for 18mn)
up_the_ironsant: are you on memrise? i need a good competitor there too... [03:20]
antup_the_irons: never heard of it until now
seems to be like duo
up_the_ironsant: like duo, but user contributed lessons (which is actually want duo is getting into now in their beta courses)
ant: also, not just languages.
ant: and their "mems" concept is quite good; helps me remember long term
antup_the_irons: some of the english courses could be a good idea for me
ant signs up
up_the_ironsant: if you sign up, follow me: http://www.memrise.com/user/up_the_irons
ant: your english is good already :)
antup_the_irons: i usually can express what i want to say, but my vocabulary could be better and also i have the feeling that some of my sentences could sound strange to native speakers [03:28]
up_the_ironsant: yeah vocab can always be expanded
up_the_irons gives ant a 80,000 word dictionary
antalso my pronunciation sucks, but that's prob because i don't get to actually speak english much [03:29]
up_the_ironsyeah, with all these tools to learn new languages (duo, memrise, lingq, etc...), the one thing missing is actually speaking
your grammar is really good, never sounded strange to me, BTW
antthat's good to hear :) [03:31]
my understanding of the chat in ##bsdforen.de grows daily... ;)
antmemrise is quite slow currently... [03:37]
up_the_ironsthat must be me downloading a 50 level course to my phone...
"1000 German Words of Elementary German" :)
ant"Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung" [03:39]
up_the_ironsthey announced 6 hours of downtime last month for upgrades (and i thought, "6 hours?! n00bs")
up_the_irons looks at "Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung" and faints
anthehe. but tbh that's neither elementary nor essential
except if you plan to branch out to germany (i would love that ;)
up_the_ironswell actually i *am* thinking that would be my EU location [03:42]
anti'll go get some lunch
up_the_ironsgood data centers, DE-IX is there, and i get better at the language daily :)
man, i still can't hear the difference between "ihr" and "er" on duo's electronic voice...
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up_the_irons: maybe that's because duo's voice is not good enough. at least some of the spanish sounds very strange (once the slow voice was actually totally wrong)
mike-burnsThe Swedish is sometimes rather off, too. [03:55]
antup_the_irons: try google translate. that sounds like recordings sometimes [03:56]
up_the_ironsant: google translate is better, yeah
ant: dict.cc has "real" recordings
an unfortunately ihr / er still sounds very similar. although with google i can tell the difference
antdict.cc doesn't work for me...probably b/c it needs flash [04:12]
up_the_ironsit does? crappy...
(guess it uses my flash and i don't even know)
antnot sure. it didn't work and there was a notification from chromium that something on the site needs flash
well..that what easy
ant score 1950 points on memrise
up_the_ironshah yeah, they give out points like candy
followed you back
antoohh. these 6478 points you have are only from this week ;) [04:20]
up_the_ironsyeah i think i have like 90k all-time [04:22]
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phluxI have working flash and dist.cc doesn't do anything here [07:08]
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SpeedBus has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [08:09]
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staticsafehttp://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-announce/2014-January/001532.html - FreeBSD 10 released [08:48]
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RandalSchwartzI wonder how long before the ISOs are available for mounting. Since in theory I'm migrating to a new box now, I should start with 10 not 9.3 [09:04]
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m0undshm. [09:55]
RandalSchwartzfreebsd-10.0 beta 3, but not release yet [09:59]
staticsafeftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/ISO-IMAGES/10.0/ [10:00]
RandalSchwartzYeah - I'm downloading that to play with personally
bsdinstall apparently can build ZFS on root directly!
see... I'm saving time by delaying :)
is ZFS worth it on a VM though? hm
RandalSchwartzyes, for snapshots and off-machine backups
so yes, to be safer :)
staticsafestaticsafe nods [10:08]
RandalSchwartzooh. It uses buildenvironments by default [10:10]
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jpalmerup_the_irons: has FBSD moved to ZFS as the default FS yet?
err not sure why I tagged up_the_irons, but.. meh
RandalSchwartznot that I've seen
it's just an option
but a more first-class option now
built in to bsdinstall
jpalmergotcha. I know they were talking about moving to that a while back. wasn't sure if they did or not. [10:31]
.... (idle for 15mn)
up_the_irons / mnathani looks like the CentOS6 issue is specifically due to older versions of KVM. apparently, using newer versions of KVM has eliminated the issue for most people.
(the 'yum hangs forever' issue causing corruption
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mnathaniup_the_irons: do the different ARP nodes have different KVM versions? [14:12]
brycecmnathani: yes, newer hosts have later versions
Given that the hosts are in service and an upgrade would take its guests out of service, not to mention the host is running fine otherwise, upgrades are not done.
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up_the_ironsstaticsafe: you'll need a lot of RAM for ZFS to run decently (i've seen crashes otherwise) [16:06]
milkimilki nods
zfs hungers for ram
up_the_ironsmnathani: yes, and brycec's analysis is correct. kvr27 and greater have newer KVM [16:07]
brycecheh [16:08]
up_the_ironswe'll be upgrading the older hosts this year though [16:08]
What's that going to look like, up_the_irons? Migrate, upgrade, migrate back?
up_the_ironswhile for the most part, they run great, there are some rare instances where bugs crash VMs and the only fix is migration to a newer host (which consumes time / resources). would rather eliminate those problems. [16:09]
brycecOr is the downtime likely to short enough that migration won't be necessary.
BryceBot<brycec> Or is the downtime likely to short enough that migration won't be necessary? [16:09]
up_the_ironsbrycec: no migration, that would take forever. [16:09]
brycecOh right, no shared storage [16:10]
RandalSchwartzYeah - it's already taken me three months, and I'm not even started. :) [16:10]
up_the_ironsi'm pretty sure the upgrade can be done in-place and then a reboot (or a couple) is the downtime [16:10]
RandalSchwartzGood thing I waited though... I can move to 10.0 now [16:10]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons heads out [16:11]
brycecup_the_irons: provided that the new versions of tools can still talk to the still-running processes [16:11]
RandalSchwartzup_the_irons - do you need a support request to get the 10.0 release
or is that just an obvious thing to do. :)
brycecI've had fun with VirtualBox upgrades ;) [16:11]
RandalSchwartzI'm the only one in the office today (except for some CSRs that left an hour ago). I stupidly let the gardener in, and he's working on plants, but I don't *really* know that he's the gardener.
So now I have to wait past my normal departure time to let him leave first.
Because the alternative is unthinkable
mercutioup_the_irons: is that updated kvm version or kernel version?
i assume you probably don't need to update the whole surrounding OS
with ZFS you could rollback..
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mercutioRandalSchwartz: sounds paranoid :) [16:22]
brycecIs it really? I mean... If I were SE'ing my way into a building, gardener seems like an easy approach.
"Do we even have a gardener? Maybe we do now?"
(Versus janitorial/maintenance which do show up frequently, and you'd likely catch on if a new guy showed up)
mike-burnsFirst question: does the garden look better or worse than before he showed up? [16:24]
brycecRegardless, I've already come and gone, the damage (garden or otherwise) is done :p [16:25]
.... (idle for 19mn)
RandalSchwartzwell, he seems pretty thorough as a gardener
he's been here an hour doing all sorts of things on the patio. :)
he's probably just doing the same thing over and over again and I'm not able to tell, just waiting for me to go
mercutioit's impossible to know for sure
you could always have a criminmal/gardener combo
but most dark sinister types are obvious
RandalSchwartzHmm. $client has been using *email* to process parts of payments
email went missing on sunday. I can't find a trace of it.
I thought these emails were just FYI, but apparently it's live data that has to be 100% reliable.
he's done with the leafblower
and some trimming
now he's watering
hopefully that's the last step
Señor, por favor, deje!
Yo quiero ir a la hora feliz, y que se está cortando a mi tiempo!
brycecbrycec HAAAAAAATES leafblowers [16:49]
RandalSchwartzWhen I translated that first one back to english, it came out as "Lord, please stop!"
RandalSchwartz giggles
bryceclolol [16:52]
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RandalSchwartzNow we have a situation
gardener is done (after two hours)
but the key for the back door deadbolt is not in the building
this means that anyone who can get on the balcony (not really all that hard) can easily break in. No alarm either.
and their address is... :) [17:42]
brycec(That's what [off] is for ;P) [17:43]
RandalSchwartzheh [17:44]
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brycec is now known as duuuude
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milkio.O [17:52]
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up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: i'm putting the 10.0 ISO in the library shortly [18:07]
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up_the_ironsmercutio: kvm is a kernel module and it might be problematic to upgrade just it, without the kernel. and if i'm going to go whole kernel, may as well do the OS itself [18:07]
brycectl;dr just going to apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ?
Or are we talking dist-upgrade?
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up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE ISO will appear in the library in about 5 minutes from now
brycec: dist
brycecwhee! [18:18]
up_the_irons26 servers are still at Jaunty
and Jaunty is getting DUSTY these days
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m0undsyeah, just a little
up_the_irons: is that the difference that makes it possible to use virtio w/BSD on kvr27 +? [18:26]
brycecm0unds: newer kvm+seabios? Yes. [18:26]
up_the_ironsm0unds: yes [18:27]
m0undswhat're you using on the newer nodes? 12.04? [18:27]
12.04 wasn't out yet when i was building the first 10.04 machine (kvr27)
and i like to keep things as uniform as possible
m0undsah, gotcha
yeah, not fun having variances in an env like that
up_the_ironsnope [18:30]
m0undsleast favorite part about a freebsd upgrade- rebuilding everything installed from ports [18:31]
Yamazaki-kunYou done much with pkgng yet? [18:32]
m0undsi did on my smaller vps; it's not ready yet as far as i'm concerned
the whole update cluster was borked for like 5 days
and pkg-ng does nothing to inform you of that, it just throws some ambiguous error about missing catalog, but doesn't mention if it's local or remote
they really need to solidify the infrastructure for pkg-ng, fix the docs, stop pushing bad default configs and tidy it up
(default configs for 9.2 include deprecated config params that aren't actually clearly shown in the handbook)
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Yamazaki-kunthere's a thread about that on freebsd-doc
perhaps I should sign up and start writing some
need to do more of that
m0undsfreebsd's docs are largely really great
wish i had time to contribute - i'm much more of a systems guy than anything though
Yamazaki-kunneed to finish unpacking my house.
probably just in time to pack again
....... (idle for 30mn)
RandalSchwartzup_the_irons - thank you! Perhaps I will indeed be getting started soon then. :)
I'm gonna rehearse first inside virtualbox.
up_the_irons:) [19:17]
RandalSchwartzespecially with the new bsdinstall that can make zfs on root [19:22]
........... (idle for 52mn)
mercutioup_the_irons: well there is a userlevel component too
for the qemu bit
up_the_irons: i wonder if it'd make more sense to jump to ubuntu trusty?
not that it's out yet
but lucid is getting pretty old now
oh wow lucid is 2.6.32
just how old is centos 5 then?
RandalSchwartz"as old as the hills" [20:20]
mercutioapril 2007 it seems [20:20]
RandalSchwartz"4 doublings ago!" [20:21]
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m0undsyea, centos is ancient
woo, new mogwai
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up_the_ironsmercutio: that big of a jump is not in my comfort zone
12.04, possibly, it's an LTS
ant: omg, new duolingo design
man, i sure miss their original "flow-chart-y" design
this "super flat" theme that everything is taking these days is annoying
.... (idle for 16mn)
i like super flat minimalist stuff a lot
textured things and gradients make me sad
up_the_ironsbut why???? :)
texture and gradients make things have character
m0undsthey can look good, i just think they get overdone a lot [22:29]
up_the_ironsimagine if your food had no texture; all you'd eat was baby food [22:29]
m0undslike apple stuff
for years, they did the faux leather and faux metal and whatnot - that skeuomorphism doesn't appeal to me at all
up_the_ironsyeah that is a little too much [22:31]
mercutioyeh i suppsoe it's a big jump with lots of diverging virtual machines
if it was new node it'd be easier
up_the_ironsyeah [22:36]
mercutioare you using standard ubuntu kernels? [22:43]
is $126.88 an average price for a wildcard ssl cert?
(weird pricing namecheap just gave me for renewal)
can't remember what i paid last year..
mercutiosounds a lot
i think it's normally ilke $50?
up_the_ironsthat's what i was thinking [22:51]
mercutioi dunno i like places like naemcheap
which are cheap
i reckon the whole validated certificate thing is a con for the most part
mostly certificates just let the data be encrypted
oh is that multidomain or not
i'm confused now
i hate their new web site

oh that's multidomain
ithese are all more expeneive than i remembe rthem being
dunno if that is good but it cheap
..... (idle for 20mn)
wildcard ssl for $42/year
antup_the_irons: oh. yesterday just the front page had the new design [23:21]
mnathaniup_the_irons: do you generally use the same private/public key pair for the different subdomains or generate new wildcard certs for each individual subdomain / server [23:21]
antup_the_irons: at least it's kind of consistent with the app now [23:22]
brycecup_the_irons: $59.00 http://www.startssl.com/?app=39
<3 StartSSL's free certs
Also <3 that StartSSL actually uses certificate auth for the user portal.
rather than user/password
antoh yeah, i use them a lot. it is SO NICE to not have this annoying warnings from my browser without importing some cert [23:29]
brycecagreed [23:30]
anti just found out that the puppet agent keeps reports in /var/lib/puppet/reports even when run directly via the command line because nagios warned me about free disk space getting low on some server. 128K for each puppet run. [23:34]

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