#arpnetworks 2013-08-14,Wed

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up_the_ironsthis is a good watch re lavabit: http://www.democracynow.org/2013/8/13/exclusive_owner_of_snowdens_email_service [13:02]
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Fifty flippant frogs
Walked by on flippered feet
And with their slime they made the time
Unnaturally fleet.
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mnathaniup_the_irons: +1 on the "good watch re lavabit" [14:16]
up_the_irons:) [14:17]
mnathaniscary stuff though [14:17]
up_the_ironsextremely [14:17]
mnathanibeing bound by laws you cant even talk about [14:17]
up_the_ironsi put this on facebook: [14:17]
mnathanifeels more like the mafia running things
rather than US Government
up_the_irons"If you can't say you got a National Security Letter (NSL), and when asked, "Did you receive a National Security Letter?", you say, "I can't talk about that.", it would seem to imply you got one. Yay, METADATA "
then put a reference to that video
DN shared my post, w00t
mnathani: indeed
mnathaniDN ?
Democracy Now
up_the_ironsDemocracy Now [14:19]
mnathaninice [14:19]
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hazardousup_the_irons: doesn't a NSL say that you can't reveal its existance or inexistence or whatever instead of just 'no'
like theoretically they could rule warrant canaries illegal in secret court
not like you can do anything about it
up_the_ironshazardous: yeah dunno
hazardous: the lavabit guy should just say, "Once upon a time...", then tell his story using farm animals or something (kinda like how Orwell did with Animal Farm). you can claim it's all fiction.
m0undshaha, i dunno if his lawyer would be down w/that [15:38]
up_the_irons: even going from "we have not received a nsl" to "we have not received an nsl" if you never varied it before
would be illegal disclosure
and get you tossed in gitmo, so
someone doesn't get the point of a vcs
brycecIt looks like they do get the point, they're just really bad at/don't grasp the utility of descriptive commit messages.
Now if there were just a single commit, that would be "doesn't get the point"
up_the_ironslol [15:52]
that makes me a little sad inside
gizmoguycome on, the commit messeage even tells you if it works or not :P
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up_the_ironslol [17:22]
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mnathaniWhy did Gmail have to go and change their compose window interface? I really liked (was used to) the old one
Anyone else upset about that? (I know initially you could chose to temporarily use the old interface, but it looks like this change is permanent)
brycecOh I thought you were talking about something new. What you've described was (I thought) pushed, as in forced, a couple of months ago. [19:30]
mercutioyou don't have to use gmail :)
but yeah google are pushing/forcing controversial updates all over the place recently
brycecI wasn't a fan of it initially - It abstracted the signature and "send from" fields and I couldn't find them for awhile - But I'm okay with it. [19:31]
mercutiolike they made google maps on android so you can't save offline data nearly as easy [19:31]
mnathanisimple things like discard draft are harder to find [19:31]
brycecmnathani: Click the little trash can at the bottom of the compose window.
brycec found that fairly intuitive.
mnathanithanks brycec :-) Figured that one out after a while [19:32]
brycecbrycec checks out this claim about offline maps [19:32]
mnathaniedit subject was another that took me a while
when replying / forwarding
brycecI'm not thrilled with the new maps... but only because I was pretty used to the "old" interface. Oh and because some things are really not obvious, like you're supposed to tap the (what is apparently) route option when getting directions.
But I can appreciate that the new Maps streamlined a lot of activities, which makes it fairly slick.
mercutio: so how the hell DO you do the offline maps thing? I can't seem to find it tapping through menus...
mercutiotype ok maps
into the serach thing
you're meant to use google to find out how :)
brycecif I have to look at documentation/help, they're Doing It Wrong (imho)
It should be pointed out that "search thing" is the Maps search, not the phone's Google Now search.
m0undshttp://i.imgur.com/sWSHAqN.png [19:43]
ahh right
yeah i went from screenshots on some web page
m0undshaha [19:44]
mercutioi really wish they'd improve the offline maps stuff [19:44]
m0undsmine's three dots > download maps > select region > done [19:45]
mercutioi want offline directions too
no reason to rely on data
and like some areas don't even have gps/data reliably
and if you have to take a detour it's confusing
m0undsyep [19:45]
mercutioit's compounded by google maps often choosing non main roads
so if you go between cities it'll take some strange paths
m0undsyeah, in states in the US with lots of rural forest roads and reservation service roads, google maps is atrocious for nav [19:46]
mercutioi'd like to see a "favour main roads" option too [19:46]
m0undsbecause it expects every single road to be publicly usable [19:46]
mercutiothere's a don't take highways/motorways option
but not the reverse
m0undsyeah [19:47]
and some of them are available sometimes but not other times etc
m0undsmy satnav device i use in my truck works fine at figuring out what roads are probably not gonna work
but my old phone had nav issues pretty regularly
brycecHuh, can't say as nav has ever been like that for me... It usually directs me to use the biggest highway available [19:47]
mercutiobryce: interesting, it's not like that for me
and it never suggests doing a youturn
so sometimes it suggests going ages away in a huge loop to avoid doing a u turn
m0undsyea, wasn't like that for me either..and it doesn't really make a lot of sense to select the "biggest highway" when there's no big highways nearby :) [19:48]
brycecThat's true. And sometimes assumes I can't make a left so it gives me some weird route based on the right turn. [19:48]
m0undsin teh case of service roads and things
mercutiom0unds: well it has to be sensible [19:48]
m0undsmy cheap magellan gps is sensible about it
and doesn't tell me to use closed or private roads :)
mercutioit seems better than last time [19:49]
m0undsweird too is that the map data magellan uses is from whatever the company is that does tomtom's nav stuff, which is supposedly inferior in the US [19:49]
i ended up in a stoney rd once
m0undsmy phone just uses navteq [19:50]
mercutioi'm like wtf
i hate ubuntu in lots of ways
but i'm curious how ubuntu phone will work otu
m0undsthe team working on it is pretty passionate about it
i hope that translates into a quality product
hard to know
m0undsyea [19:53]
mercutioi wonder what they're going to do for maps [19:53]
m0undsdunno, openstreetmaps maybe
mercutioi hardly run anything on my phone now days
just maps/phone/voip/sms/email
and maps is probably the hardest of those to get right
maybe they should hookup with tomtom or something
m0undslooks like they're banking on web app apis
so, a hybrid of html5 stuff and native code
i have no idea how google's map stuff works in mobile device browsers
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up_the_ironslol at that comic
so true
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hazardous<brycec> mercutio: so how the hell DO you do the offline maps thing?
theres some save available offline option
and you draw some kind of boundfary box and zoom in or out
and it'll just dump that entire thing down
brycechazardous: I remember that option in the old version, but it's since been ("temporarily" according to something I read somewhere) removed
Also describing the old version: 19:44:43 < m0unds> mine's three dots > download maps > select region > done
mercutio: had the right answer though - fit the desired area to the screen and then in the onscreen Maps search box type "ok maps"
Oh sweet looks like today's Maps update re-includes the offline maps
"*You can make a map area available offline by tapping the search box and selecting “Make this map area available offline”. Visit http://goo.gl/wawgE to learn more.

mercutiowell taking it out was damn stupid [23:43]
brycecheh, I was reading an article somewhere... Basically described Google's process as radically rebuilding the product and re-adding features.
(but get the new design out first, even before the present features are re-added)
mercutiowell it's damn annoying
they should just stick beta on the redesign and have a separate one
on that note has anyone else noticed that google market got really useless
when it got replaced by google play

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