#arpnetworks 2012-10-23,Tue

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mike-burnshttp://goo.gl/Kvue0 - my favorite slide from this year's OpenBSD PF talk (so far, still reading through). [01:55]
........ (idle for 36mn)
up_the_ironsin case anyone has issues with a CentOS 6.3 custom install, I just wrote this: http://support.arpnetworks.com/kb/vps/centos-63-experiences-segmentation-faults-and-crashes-during-install [02:31]
Finally official: https://www.arpnetworks.com/dedicated
or, without the s, http://arpnetworks.com/dedicated
toddfhttp://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2006-June/013818.html <-- timo's official answer to the 'can I store email in a sql database with dovecot' .. seems to suggest a shared filesystem is better than a non existent free multimaster database, maybe with postgres sporting multimaster as well as mysql these days (yes? pgpool at least .. or am I dreaming?) maybe this answer would be different today dunno [05:54]
pletttoddf: http://blog.dovecot.org/2012/02/dovecot-clustering-with-dsync-based.html looks like an official answer to a different question [05:57]
up_the_ironshttp://support.arpnetworks.com/kb/dedicated-servers/about-the-dual-1-gbps-gige-nics-on-arp-metal-dedicated-servers [18:46]
http://arpnetworks.com/dedicated [18:55]
andolhttps://halleck.arrakis.se/smokeping/images/arrakis/leto4_last_10800.png [20:10]
up_the_ironshttps://twitter.com/arpnetworks/status/260941977959415808 [20:14]
andolup_the_irons: This is what I am experiecing between leto (arpnetworks) and my other vps halleck - https://halleck.arrakis.se/smokeping/smokeping.cgi?target=arrakis.leto4 [20:16]
staticsafehttp://smokeping.asininetech.com/smokeping.cgi?target=_charts like so [20:18]
jbergstroemup_the_irons: http://stats.pingdom.com/31n57wtu0gs4/660615 [20:18]
staticsafehttp://pastie.org/pastes/5106895/text?key=vaugnxeraqkpybeshs6r5q - can anybody make anything out of this? this is the fcgiwrap process, trying to debug a smokeping issue [20:25]
roothttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822145476 -- That's probably what I'd pick. [20:29]
andolup_the_irons: http://pastie.org/5106931 [20:40]
up_the_ironsroot: had to make this sticker once: http://www.flickr.com/photos/51184165@N00/2174345059/in/photostream [20:49]

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