#arpnetworks 2010-08-30,Mon

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schmir has joined #arpnetworks [04:23]
mattx86up_the_irons: do the VPS hardware nodes have dual network connections, such as dual ethernet? and what's the port speed? [04:32]
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toddfmaybe someone needs to send some iscsi hw to claudio@openbsd.org and then the *BSD's can all do iscsi clients to the iscsi server and disk space would be easier to allocate and deallocate via a std protocol
aka let the admins of the vps's deal with disk space on a per disk basis not on a dynamically resizing block device
technically one could add usb disks to vps's via arp's nifty control panel that hits the (kvm) prompt on the sly .. wonder which would be more overhead, a 2nd nic for iscsi for vps's or usb io to a dynamic block device? ;-)
cedwardsare any of you any good with Apache rewrite rules? I'm getting stuck with an ugly loop. [07:35]
toddfrandom suggestion .. up_the_irons .. if the additional disk space were available via additional disk devices instead of resizing the existing one .. it could theoretically be possible to do so via the control panel with the caveat the customer would have to hard shut down the vps then boot it again in order to start using the additional storage .. and some might even set such a system up from the get go, os drive vs data drive etc .. ;-)
cedwards: I've got some in httpd.conf floating around, lemme dig them out
its always a chore until it works ;-)
cedwardsit is. a lot of trial and error.
what I have now is: / -> browse/.
toddf(caveat #2 for the random suggestion above: obviously the server in question would have to have disk space available, customers would have to realize if they `purchased' enough storage to over-allocate the server they're on there would be a delay for provisioning, but I think we'd be more than happy with that potential... I know I personally might be interested in more disk someday ..) [07:37]
cedwardsI need to add: if ! ^/browse/$ then ->^ (.*)$ -> /browse/$1
makes sense in my head.. Apache just doesn't seem to like it
toddfwhat is your current full ruleset? [07:38]
cedwardsRewriteEngine On RewriteRule %{REQUEST_URI} !^/browse/$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domain.tld/browse/$1 [R,L] [07:41]
toddfyou must be using irssi heh [07:41]
cedwardsack! no line breaks. [07:41]
toddfif its long enough or pasted slowly enough there are. *sigh*. I would love to know how to turn that `feature' off
at least on the input side
cedwardsnormally it does wrap for me. odd. [07:42]
toddfif you have a few lines, it'll wrap if you pasted it fast enough [07:43]
cedwardsI'm thinking my ! rule isn't specific enough. It needs to be: if ! /browse/* [07:44]
toddfhah yeah thats precisely it
ought to do it
depends on if you have /browse.php /browse.html /browseable.jpg etc if you have nothing else that starts with /browse you could easily do !^/browse.*$
cedwardsRewriteRule %{REQUEST_URI} !^/browse/.*$ [07:45]
toddfright [07:45]
cedwardsRewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domain.tld/browse/$1/ [R,L]
let's give that a try. Fingers crossed.
damned redirects
toddfbah I've been loking, I have redirect not rewrites .. this is definately interesting though will keep looking. some forum has ' (?!(mydir)) .. to negate the matching of mydir ' but that doesn't parse in my head's regex lib [07:49]
cedwardswhat I'm aiming for is domain.tld/browse/project/ [07:49]
toddfyeah that much is very clear [07:49]
cedwardsI don't need to use Rewrite if you have a Redirect solution that'll work. [07:50]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/browse/.*$
I bet works better than RewriteRule
that works
toddfimagine that
toddf grins
cedwardsI'm getting a few extra //, but it doesn't seem to affect functionality. [07:53]
toddfif you want to nix the extra // try
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://domain.tld/browse/$1 [R,L]

that should nix 2 of them off the bat
cedwardsI don't get the // at the end, I get them at browse//project/ [07:55]
toddfI bet you if you hit in the web browser http://domain.tld/project/ you'd end up with http://domain.tld/browse//project// [07:55]
cedwardsno.. still just double at browse//, single at project/
and if I just hit domain.tld I end up with domain.tld/browse///
toddf(echo "telnet domain.tld 80"; echo GET http://domain.tld/project/)| sh
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://domain.tld/browse/$1 [R,L]
what does that do?
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cedwardssorry. got distracted by "work". pfft.
it almost works, but digging deeper I find that we have /browse/style.css, which I need to leave intact as well.
toddfthat should match the RewriteCond [08:27]
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cedwards..must not be. css gets clobbered [08:31]
toddf'ftp http://domain.tld/browse/style.css' shows what? [08:42]
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dxtrWhy doesn't my secondary DNS server realize that my first one actually is authoritative? [09:22]
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cedwardstoddf: finally figured it out. There were some additional Alias directives in another file that I didn't know about.
toddf: once I stumbled upon those and made exceptions for them, everything works as expected.
***Guest41948 is now known as phlux [11:45]
up_the_ironstoddf: ah, yes, that's a good point. that'd be pretty doable; just create a blank volume, attach it to the VM, then require a reboot
mattx86: yes, they have dual. the public nic (what VPS's use) is 100 Mbps port, the private NIC (backend disk traffic, when needed) is 1 Gbps
toddfup_the_irons: removing a `volume' would be as easy, limit 3 volumes with the cdrom slot .. w/out emulating scsi and/or usb volumes, but anyway, yeah lots of flex [12:13]
mattx86up_the_irons: hrm, backend disk traffic? like an iSCSI SAN? [12:27]
up_the_ironsmattx86: no, just for rsync of large files and junk
it _was_ going to be for a SAN, but i like my non-SAN setup better (isolation between servers, super fast local disks, etc...)
mhoranup_the_irons: Did you give up on DRBD? Are you doing something else for failover now? [12:47]
up_the_ironsmhoran: yes, i gave up on it. i can count on one hand how many times i had an unexpected reboot (like 3), and 2 of the times was caused by drbd
so F*@! that
mhoranup_the_irons: Yeah. We work with a consultant who had nothing but trouble with it as well. [12:49]
up_the_ironsmhoran: when it worked, it worked well, but i can't have unexpected reboots [12:49]
mhoranWanted to know if you actually had luck with it, or if you had the same troubles.
Yeah, of course not.
up_the_ironsyeah, i don't think i'll visit it again [12:50]
mhoranThe state of network storage is still pretty sad.
iSCSI's got its problems, ATA-over-Ethernet is interesting but I've not seen anything of the quality I'd want to put in production ...
DRBD sucks, FC is expensive.
(and not network backed.)
up_the_ironsyup, there is no good solution yet; KVM 0.12.3 supports block device migration, without needing anything special; it copies the whole volume, then all the marked dirty blocks; seemlessly. so if I ever get around to feeling comfortable upgrading my QEMU/KVM/Libvirt setup, I can use that feature for live migration
but the thing is, after 18 months of running what I got, I actually haven't had much of a need for live migration
i thought I would; i sounds and looks cool, but meh...
up_the_irons knocks on wood
mhoranHeh. [12:54]
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dxtrup_the_irons: apathy <3 [15:44]
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mattx86up_the_irons: ah, thanks for the info
I was actually using details from ARP to see how other guys stacked up :)
all in all, the other guys are about the same really
mhoranBut with ARP, you get All the Right Pieces. ;) [18:39]
mattx86true :)
i just realized, that's what ARP stands for, right?
mhoranIndeed. [18:40]
mattx86cool :) [18:40]
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mattx86hm.. wonder what kind of day job, or hours, this guy at this UK VPS provider has
I sent him an e-mail at what would have been about 2:30 PM over there, and he replied at around 11:00 PM over there
today, monday in fact
must have had a busy day i guess.. last e-mail i got from him, was on a saturday, at approximately noon over there
of course, i waited before replying to him, so not like i waited all sunday and all today for a response ;)
oh hey, can you guys answer me this... [18:59]
RandalSchwartz"riddle me this, bat man..." [18:59]
mattx86are AS numbers recycled over time?
I'd kind of assume that a provider with a low AS number has been in the business for a while, but I don't know that to be true, per se
RandalSchwartz :P
RandalSchwartz... However, if you got your ASN from an LIR, you can only use it while you continue to receive connectivity from the LIR. That is, if you decide to no longer use the LIR as one of your upstream providers, then you have to return the ASN. (Note this condition only applies to ASNs assigned after 1 December 2002).
Hmm. that doesn't quite answer it
because you're returning it tot he LIR, not to IANA
I "owned" a low ASN for a while
I was in charge of one of the two pipes that intel.com had to the internet
then they fired me, but nobody updated the INTEL-IWARP ASN :)
mattx86well, from looking up the ASN on bgp.he.net/ASnnnnn, I can't see any sort of registration date or otherwise
even in the whois details on bgp.he.net
RandalSchwartzAS99 [19:04]
mattx86orly [19:04]
RandalSchwartzso for a number of years, I was still listed as the contact for AS99
even after the larger-than-life criminal prosecution :)
mattx86why'd they fire you though? [19:04]
RandalSchwartzuh - they thought I was a spy
you didn't follow the case?
details there
changing locations... back in a few
***fink_ has joined #arpnetworks [19:09]
mattx86ah, yeah, i only got online around 95-96 i guess, i suppose with win3.1/win3.11 and/or win95
at that time, I didn't have the slightest idea that linux and perl even existed, let alone what it was ;)
fink_mattx86: netscape!
and geocities!
mattx86yeah :)
rocketmail and ml.org's dyndns
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fink_back when hotmail was cool [19:15]
i remember signing up for coldmail once :D
yeah - geocities!
mattx86oh, and angelfire
there was another, tradewinds or something-winds
crosswinds i think
i remember buying a copy of WIRCSRV with the intent of running a permanent IRC server
IIRC, the program looked like and probably was designed for win3.1
those were good times ;)
ah, they're running it on xp.. I knew I seemed to remember the window being totally white
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz has never owned a computer that came with windows [19:25]
mattx86actually, i know i wanted to buy a copy of wircsrv, but i don't think i ever managed to get the money for it.. i was like 9 or 10 years old i guess heh
so i just ran the trial version with a few other guys until I lost interest
I remember trying to run BIND once on windows 9x, when I found a guy on IRC who could change his IP or hostname
one guy tried to tell me how to spoof IP addresses, but I couldn't get it to work lol
guy was likely feeding me a bunch of bs, or had shell accounts or something
but anyways ;)
RandalSchwartz: that's interesting though; I mean, I had no idea who you were :o)
fink_RandalSchwartz: you have a macbook pro now, right? [19:33]
mattx86so it's cool that you'd hang out with us, so to speak [19:33]
fink_mattx86: who he was is different from who he is [19:33]
mattx86ah, im sorry [19:34]
fink_mattx86: lol i totally forgot about angelfire
i used to have some angelfire pages
mattx86//;0 [19:34]
fink_ah, learning html, and hotlinking to other people's pics…the good old days [19:35]
mattx86er :) darn vaio keypad
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RandalSchwartzI have an MBP yes
17 inch, mid-2010 model with the i7
8GB ram, 500GB fast internal drive
mattx86nice [19:58]
RandalSchwartzsince I have no home system, this is it [20:00]
mattx86that's cool
it ought to last a while
IPv6FreelyI have the 15" for work.
same mid-2010 model
its my primary desktop now though, i just dump any personal files into dropbox
mattx86did work pay for it? :o [20:05]
IPv6FreelyOf course. [20:05]
RandalSchwartzyeah - this replaced a 3-year-old model
not like the old days where I'd upgrade each 18 months
IPv6FreelyThats not too bad, even a 3 yr old model probably had some legs left [20:06]
RandalSchwartzmoney has been... tight. [20:06]
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IPv6FreelyI had been using a 1ghz powerbook up until about February (though not my primary machine), then I bought a refurb macbook. Then when I got this job in April they sent me the MBP and my wife replaced her 3 week old toshiba.. heh
with my old macbook, i meant
mattx86nice [20:08]
IPv6FreelyA 2 year old macbook > a brand new toshiba :) [20:08]
mattx86:P [20:09]
IPv6FreelyI still need to put that thing on ebay [20:10]
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