#arpnetworks 2010-08-17,Tue

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***leander has joined #arpnetworks
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Ehtyar has joined #arpnetworks
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schmir has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [06:21]
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Sunil has joined #arpnetworks [06:58]
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RandalSchwartzHmm. Looks like the PCBSD-8.1 DVDs might be the right thing to mount and build from.... they can build FreeBSD or PCBSD, and use ZFS for root!
I'm downloading now to test
......................... (idle for 2h4mn)
yeah - pcbsd was *much* easier to install, even installing freebsd
and it made a root zfs just fine
mattx86nifty :) [10:00]
RandalSchwartzno more "kldload /mnt/foo/bar/opensolaris.ko" crap [10:01]
I'm running it inside virtualbox
virtualbox can do live migration... and I want to test that
mhoranWatch out ... don't want to get sued by Oracle. [10:12]
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RandalSchwartzI love how installing portupgrade on a new system installs both Perl *and* Ruby. :)
"no no, one scripting language was NOT enough for us"
dxtrRandalSchwartz: And that's why you should use portmaster ;) [10:25]
RandalSchwartzNope. Did you see the thread just now in fbsd users?
portmaster *doesn't* auto recover from failure
portupgrade will reinstall the previous pack automatically if things go bad
so it's ok if it needs more support, because it's doing more for more
for me
dxtrdetails [10:28]
RandalSchwartzindeed [10:32]
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IPv6Freelyhumph, qos [10:57]
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schmir has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [14:33]
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schmir has joined #arpnetworks [15:32]
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [18:17]
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mhoran_Yeah. [19:52]
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mhoran_Nice. [19:52]
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coil_sup with routing [19:52]
mhoranOh hey I somehow stayed connected? [19:52]
coil_??? [19:52]
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mhoranWin. [19:53]
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mhoranv6 routing seemed to drop.
v4 was fine.
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RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks
coil_oh [19:54]
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cmeiklejohnWIN [19:55]
***RandalSchwartz has joined #arpnetworks [19:55]
there... now it's working
mhoranYeah, we're back. :)
v6 dropped for a while there.
coil_it dropped again for me [19:59]
mhoranHm. [19:59]
for me too
coil_annoying [20:01]
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IPv6Freelysup doodz [21:17]
IPv6Freelyim on my iphone :D on my vps :) [21:19]
***Guest65811 is now known as phlux [21:27]
mattx86nifty :)
an ipad may be more appropriate though ;)
I tried one out in a best buy.. looked pretty sweet
even had internet on it too at the store, so i got to try safari online
I guess its called safari on there too
IPv6Freelyim considering one but a kindle dx is more likely [21:37]
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz retries pcbsd with x64 version
so far so good
mattx86IPv6Freely: isn't that just for ebooks?
IPv6Freely: I'd kinda considered a sony reader
***awyeah has joined #arpnetworks [21:54]
mattx86RandalSchwartz: trying to get pcbsd/x64 with zfs going? [21:55]
hmm. it booted once, but isn't rebooting.
mattx86that doesn't sound good [21:56]
RandalSchwartzand it could be virtualbxo too
it's waiting on usbus1
ahh, just had to wait another 10 secs
mattx86cool :) [21:58]
RandalSchwartzyeah, it's working ok [22:09]
building stuff now
speaking of which, I need to spin up on nagios quickly
oh wait, there might be an o'reilly book on that
IPv6Freelymattx86: thats exactly what its for :) [22:16]
RandalSchwartzoh, tehre's many [22:18]
mattx86RandalSchwartz: you might even check out CactiEZ; I just found out about it yesterday, but anyways, it also has nagios [22:18]
IPv6FreelyRandalSchwartz: you want to look at the nagios book by wolfgang barth
RandalSchwartz: its the best nagios book ive found out there.
RandalSchwartz: also, the #nagios people are great.
I was a heavy nagios user at my last job :D
RandalSchwartzhow about the one from Dave Josephsen
I get that for free
IPv6Freelytheres lots of things that integrate cacti and nagios and such, i just personally prefer to keep them all seperate... seems to be better as far as updating
havent read that one
mattx86IPv6Freely: ah, right. I just don't know that I would use too many ebooks, at least, when you consider what all isn't available (tech material, at least) [22:20]
RandalSchwartzBuilding a monitoring infrastructure with nagios [22:20]
IPv6Freelyi had my nagios install super tweaked. I had my core routers notifying me within 10 seconds of failure, with not a single false positive in 3 years.
mattx86: tons of tech material. not from the kindle store, but theyre 100% PDF compatible so id just load all my books on there that way
mattx86: considered an ipad, but the e-ink is more valuable to me than all the ipad functions combined.
i cant read off an LCD screen
i can use a computer all day long, but when it comes to reading a big block of text, i swear i go crosseyed and lose focus
mattx86IPv6Freely: orly? see, I have at least one tech PDF I'd like to use on such a device, but a year or so ago, it meant you'd have to convert it to the device's format if you wanted proper text flow (or w/e they called it) [22:23]
IPv6Freelyyea, they had a software update a while back that completely changed that
now its native pdf capable
mattx86ooh :) [22:23]
IPv6FreelyAnd being a network consultant, having my books with me is incredibly valuable [22:23]
mattx86kindle dx right? [22:24]
IPv6Freelyyea, dx [22:24]
mattx86how much do they go for nowadays? [22:24]
IPv6Freelythe regular one is a 6" screen, perfect for novels, crap for tech books
they JUST refreshed the hardware a few weeks ago, so theyre kinda pricey
DX is 299 i think
mattx86ah [22:24]
IPv6Freelywow, was i ever off

379 apparently
mattx86ouch, that's rich [22:25]
IPv6Freelyyea. i wanted a QUE, which was like 849 or some ridiculous price, but it was an e-reader designed specifically for business use
it did ms word, ppt, excel, etc as well as read ebooks
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IPv6Freelybut, that got cancelled last week :(
the ipads are nice, and would be useful for a traveller such as myself, but without e-ink, the rest of the cool stuff is irrelevant
mattx86yeah, I see what you mean [22:27]
IPv6Freelynice to hear, the ipad fanboys just argue with me about it [22:27]
mattx86I think the sony does the extras, but honestly, unless or until sony supports native PDF viewing, it's no dice [22:27]
IPv6Freelyand believe me, if anyoneis an apple fanboy its me... but thats just because my mantra is and has always been: "best tool for the job", which means a macbook pro for a laptop, and i phone for a phone, and a kindle for an ebook reader. [22:28]
mattx86(extras like word, ppt, excel and so forth) [22:28]
IPv6Freelythe sony is nice, but it doesnt have a large-scale model like the kindle DX, it only has the small novel-sized model. and i dont know about pdf support.
the ipad fanboys argue about how much more stuff i get with an ipad... and i just cant convince them that a device that doesnt do my #1 needed function is worthless to me, no matter how many other things i can do.
mattx86well, they have an "every day" version I think it's called, that's supposed to be bigger than at least the pocket versions
IPv6Freelylike if i wanted to fly, telling me i could get a car with more features for the same price is absolutely irrelevant [22:30]
mattx86heh, yeah :) [22:30]
IPv6Freelyim going to try to convince our SD to buy kindle DX's for the whole team
Build up a database of tech book PDFs, and we can all have this huge library with us wherever we go
i just wish Safari worked on the kindle ... oh my god that'd be epic.
though, im sure safari would work perfectly on the ipad... which i suppose kind of sways my decision a bit
sorry, babbling to myself
mattx86nah, sorry, I was chatting in another window :)
that does sound like a good idea
esp. if safari worked on it :)
the ultimate knowledgebase in your hands
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IPv6Freelyindeed [22:56]
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