#arpnetworks 2010-07-27,Tue

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mike-burnshttp://rvm.beginrescueend.com/ - it's very exciting to full-time Rails devs. [16:10]
jdoeup_the_irons: technically this is quickbasic I think, but you never did http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=44 or similar? [16:23]
up_the_irons: unrelated, I've got a /29 for work, put in a request to get rdns delegated... tech for our provider says since we don't have a class C we'll need to do classless delegation, links me http://kimmo.suominen.com/docs/notes-rfc2317/ and asks for a domain name to send the ptrs to. [18:04]

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