#arpnetworks 2010-04-15,Thu

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auabout 3 hours from there
on the border :)
***schmir has joined #arpnetworks [01:21]
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up_the_ironsamdprophet: http://www.flickr.com/photos/51184165@N00/4522413173/in/photostream/
amdprophet: man this thing is QUIET
bob^^30w, nice
i'm guessing that'd be even less in the UK on 230v :)
up_the_ironswell let's see... [03:01]
auhehe nice
which o/s?
up_the_ironsbob^^: i think it'd still be 30W, just less current used (amps)
bob^^: so less dissipation, and in that sense, a bit less power
nice little box, ideal with the CF :D
up_the_ironsau: trying various OS's [03:06]
au:) not windows I hope [03:06]
up_the_ironsbob^^: yeah, the CF is nice, but disk I/O kinda blows; guess i shouldn't expect much, it's CF after all...
au: not windows :)
augreat [03:07]
bob^^yeah, the bottleneck will definitely be the CF card itself :)
perfect for a little monitoring server though
auhow much was that up_the_irons?
I need to replace my home server, it's a 1u 2x xeon 2.8, 4gb ram and 2x 74gb (or 73gb?) scsi hd
very good server, but uses too much power
interested in these atom servers
up_the_ironsbob^^: order the CF/SATA converter, which says 150 Mbps (so 18.75 MB/s), even though the CF card is a 266x high speed card, which is rated at 40 MB/s
au: $269 shipped: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816101262

au: just add ram and your choice of HD
up_the_ironsau: bet your Xeon is 110W TDP. This Atom is 8W TDP ;) [03:09]
aunot sure, they're basically p4's
do newegg ship to .au?
up_the_ironsau: no idea [03:12]
auhm okay :) [03:12]
bob^^that is a good price
i bet in the UK that's £269
normally how it works for us :(
au:/ [03:13]
up_the_ironscheaper here: http://www.provantage.com/supermicro-sys-5015a-h~7SUP91AQ.htm [03:13]
augah they don't [03:15]
up_the_ironsau: what about provantage? [03:15]
hm loading that pge now
hm they ship here
up_the_ironscool! [03:18]
nenolodrackmounts, etc have preassembled supermicro servers with max RAM and 500GB(?) HDD for $300
dxtrThat's cheap [03:19]
up_the_ironsnenolod: lol, when did you get here? ;) [03:20]
dxtrup_the_irons: Shouldn't you go to bed, btw? Isn't it kinda late (early?) over there? :P
You're kinda in the wrong time zone
nenolodit's 3AM in california [03:20]
dxtrexaftly. It's 12 here :D
I'm considering going to school
up_the_ironsdxtr: i already slept some; then woke up and wanted to play with my atom :) [03:21]
dxtrI got an atom box as a router
But I think I need to replace is because I want it fanless or something
bob^^i'm thinking of getting an atom machine to replace my old celeron home server [03:22]
dxtrGah. Can't type [03:22]
bob^^which uses loads of power [03:23]
up_the_ironsbob^^: i bet
dxtr: can an atom be fanless?
dxtrup_the_irons: yep
I've seen lots of fanless atom setups :9
up_the_ironsdxtr: nice
up_the_irons ponders disconnecting the fan header...
dxtrBUT! I wouldn't do it with any atom board [03:27]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons stops
dxtrFor example the one I've got (Intel D-something-something-something) the north bridge (is it called that in english?) gets really hot
I mean.. Like.. You can fry eggs on it
So I need a fan on that one. But I haven't got a fan or something on the CPU
bob^^yeah - i've seen boards where the d945 chipset has a fan, but the atom doesn't (just a big passive heatsink)
the chipset used to use more power than the atom, i think there's a new chipset now though :)
nenolodup_the_irons, a while ago. [03:30]
That's the one I've got
according to sysctl -a in obsd
bob^^yeah, i think that's the 'hot' one :) [03:30]
nenolodup_the_irons, i was going to get an arp networks vps but then i moved my fremont stuff to LA instead because Hurricane was having problems keeping their power distribution system from catching on fire [03:30]
dxtrI friggin' Love openbsd. Might not be the most performing OS but it's rock solid and just plain awesome
It's real love I'm talking about. I'm going to marry obsd
nenolodi'll stick with debian :p [03:32]
dxtr:( [03:32]
it's gotta be *bsd
dxtrI use freebsd on the vps and that's awesome too [03:32]
up_the_ironsnenolod: LOL, catching on fire? wow [03:33]
bob^^i'm freebsd pretty much everywhere :) [03:33]
dxtrbob^^: I don't use freebsd on my router :)
I use obsd there
nenolodbob^^, debian is more useful to me given the amount of infrastructure i have [03:33]
bob^^i've got a netscreen at home for that ;) [03:33]
dxtrI got an atom box o [03:33]
bob^^used to use freebsd for it though, always worked great :D [03:33]
Anyhow. I'm going to school now (I think)
Unless I turn around on the way there
up_the_ironshad to bounce eth0 on the atom cuz my ping flood seems to have killed something; bum rtl8169
shucks, too bad
bob^^ugh, realtek
any pci headers for a decent nic? :)
up_the_ironsyeah.. i can put 1 PCI-E (x4 or x8) card in [03:36]
bob^^nice [03:37]
up_the_ironsneed a riser though
then i can put in an intel dual port ET
which costs half as much as the box itself ;)
auhttp://www.news.com.au/technology/microsoft-accused-of-52c-an-hour-slaves/story-e6frfro0-1225854187905 heh [03:38]
bob^^worth it though up_the_irons :) [03:39]
up_the_ironsyeah :) [03:40]
aemhiya up_the_irons :) I do believe your the boss man. I would like to order a FreeBSD vps, is there a wait time at the moment?
up_the_ironsaem: no wait besides the regular 24 hours [03:52]
aemokey dokey
I will place the order now
up_the_ironsaem: great :) [03:55]
nenolodup_the_irons, yes. on fire.
up_the_irons, twice. then we found out the HE reseller we were using was bankrupt.
up_the_irons, which really made things interesting.
up_the_ironsnenolod: oh jeez
sounds very interesting indeed
nenolodby interesting, i mean rather annoying. [03:56]
up_the_ironsfor sure [03:56]
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opssysarchhello, anyone working for support at arpnetwork here now ? [11:55]
mike-burnsI do not work for ARP Network. What is your question? [11:56]
opssysarchoh , my request was to get a management console account, becoz i was dumb enough to lock myself out of my openbsd vm by not adding myself to the wheel group and can't su - anymore
i haven't heard back from anyone yet so i was following up with some one to see if i could get a status update
**some here
mike-burnsDid you email support@ with your SSH public key? [11:59]
opssysarchyes i did [11:59]
mike-burnsup_the_irons is in charge of that and, depending on time of day, he may be busy. Sorry. [12:00]
opssysarchcool [12:00]
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up_the_ironsopssysarch should just hit VNC... [13:18]
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dxtrup_the_irons: honestly. My SSH key isn't working to the management console thing
I think :p
At least I can't conect
I'm using PuTTY
.... (idle for 16mn)
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finkdxtr: you should post your error
and use verbose mode
usually it's -vvv
i don't know about putty though
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