#arpnetworks 2009-10-21,Wed

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***vtoms has joined #arpnetworks
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sroute has quit IRC ("WeeChat 0.3.0") [10:26]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen [11:02]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away [14:50]
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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Wed Oct 21 15:17:50 2009
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ballenpretty slow coming up [15:23]
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up_the_ironsAll VMs want to do fsck at the same time, really taxing wrt I/O [15:24]
ballenyea [15:24]
up_the_ironsballen: your VMs come back up alright? [15:24]
ballenprolly should track that ternal panic down... even though thats usually a pain in the ass [15:24]
up_the_ironsNagios is all green, but of course that is only wrt pings [15:24]
ballenone is [15:25]
up_the_ironsballen: absolutely [15:25]
ballenlet me know if you need any research help [15:25]
up_the_ironsballen: will do, thanks [15:26]
ballenmy personal vm is still down, as well as the second vm at work [15:26]
jeevheh [15:26]
up_the_ironsballen: VNC shows it at the login prompt (both)
I wonder what's up...
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ballenwierd... good to go now [15:31]
up_the_ironsballen: logged into your personal one, ssh complained about address already in use, but I was also able to login with plain SSH [15:32]
ballenyea don't worry about that little guy [15:32]
mhoranWhat happened? :( [15:32]
ballenkernel panic [15:33]
up_the_ironsballen: just logged into one of your work ones (i see you logged in) [15:33]
ballenyea [15:33]
mhoranAh. [15:33]
up_the_ironsballen: also the other one; you seem good, no?
mhoran: kp :(
balleneverything appears to be good now
up_the_ironsballen: smashing
ballenthe ssh error is becuase I use dropbear instead of openssh
and forgot to turn off openssh
up_the_ironsoh ok
dropbear? interesting...
ballenits an embedded ssh server
takes like no memeory
up_the_ironsoh nice [15:35]
ballenopenssh takes up a lot of memory
although i did have to patch dropbear as it hardcodes the PATH env
up_the_ironsah [15:35]
ballenand doesn't read any of the .bash_profiles etc when doing straight commands, i.e. using git [15:36]
***Douglas has joined #arpnetworks [15:37]
i think i found you on newegg
Works great
white Reviewed By: up_the_irons on 10/3/2009
Rating + 5
Tech Level Tech Level: high - Ownership: 1 month to 1 year
Douglas: that's me :)
Douglassomeone linked me to the FBDIMMS and was like
will these work
first review i glance at says up_the_irons i was like ROFL
up_the_ironsDouglas: yup, those Super Talent, eh? [15:38]
what SM board were you using
up_the_ironsDouglas: yeah, i've bought many gigs of those
Douglas: X7DWN+
great board
DouglasI have a board with 16 ram slots
in my closet
up_the_ironsCan take 128GB of RAM [15:39]
got that in my closet
that's a nice looking board too
Douglasand i got

that in my closet too
up_the_ironsah [15:40]
jeevjeev smells turd [15:40]
Douglasoh look at this loser
Douglas points at jeev
jeevjeev punches Douglas [15:41]
Douglasup_the_irons: boot him for trolling me [15:41]
jeevi didn't know you were on freenode
Douglasim gonna go to opers on you jeev
goddamn fraudster
jeevlol [15:41]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons gets food and lets the kids play [15:41]
i just ate
***vtoms has joined #arpnetworks [15:44]
move to the west coast
east sucks
Douglasget lost
i don't want to troll the west because cool stufff is in the west
but you alone is enough to deter me
jeevlol [15:47]
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up_the_ironsman, that kp bums me out :(
hey, why am I not op'd...
***ChanServ sets mode: +o up_the_irons [16:00]
up_the_ironsthere we go [16:00]
Douglaswhat kp
up_the_irons: did you hear about the equinix/switch and data deal
up_the_ironsDouglas: had a kp on a big box about an hour ago [16:02]
Douglaswhats a kp[
up_the_ironsDouglas: did not hear about equinix/switch and data
Douglas: kernel panic
Douglasup_the_irons: yeah well they are the same thing now [16:02]
***ballen is now known as ballen|away [16:02]
Douglasequinix and switch and data [16:02]
i c
Douglasread: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Equinix-to-Acquire-Switch-and-bw-1861646012.html?x=0&.v=1 [16:02]
up_the_ironswho bought who?
ah, makes sense
S&D has been drowning for a while
Douglasah [16:03]
***ballen|away is now known as ballen [16:05]
switch and data is gay
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vtoms has quit IRC ("Leaving.")
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ballen has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)
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obsidieth has joined #arpnetworks [17:24]
jeevDouglas [17:31]
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Douglas. [17:46]
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mhoranup_the_irons: time sleep 1 is busted again. :( [19:20]
ballenyou should really stop breaking that mhoran [19:20]
mhoranIf only.
If I reboot, will that fix it? I should probably fsck anyway.
Douglasjeev: what the helld o you want [19:21]
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mhoranAll better. [19:27]
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heavysixer has quit IRC () [20:28]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen [20:50]
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ballen is now known as ballen|away [21:09]
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ballen|away is now known as ballen
srouteI see I missed some fun earlier [21:38]
ballenthat you did [21:38]
srouteany lingering effects? [21:39]
ballenI haven't seen any
it was a kernel panic so Garry needs to track down what went wrong
sroutemy vm shut down yesterday (or the day before... they all look the same to me) for no apparent reason but Garry believed it may have been due to heavy disk IO (not me) at the time.
not currently concerned
ballenthats kinda odd
growing pains I'm sure
jeevmaybe cause it runs ubinti [21:53]
ballenyea I'm game on blaming it on linux [21:54]
jeevno, not linux
ballennah linux [22:08]
jeevok fine [22:08]
srouteNo doubt it is really a Vista problem; isn't it to blame for all computer ills? [22:18]
jeevmaybe it's cause i run vista at home [22:21]
ballenVista it is [22:22]
jeevyea, i have the kernel panic button on my vista computer.. all i do is click start and the box panics [22:22]
stop that then
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cablehead has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection) [23:11]

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