***: [FBI] has joined #devious CyL: Okay, that host name is indeed a bit creepy law: lol whut? zentrification: lolol CyL: holly shit ctcp versioning this thing returns surprising results qbit: ribo: http://www.reddit.com/r/OSHA law: whose bot is that? trafficone: law: move along, fellow citizen, there are no bots in this channel CyL: http://colas.nahaboo.net/Software/IrcLogger trafficone: now, let's continue discussing the entirely legal and wholly patriotic things which we were discussing before CyL: Only american citzens can be charged of treason, right? ribo: qbit: haha, was looking at that yesterday qbit: rad bcallah: according to it's own site, it has basically no logs trafficone: CyL: non-Americans will be charged as enemy combatants, were they to fight against the great and righteous American Government. ***: zod000_ has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) bcallah: oh look, this is not its first time in #devious
http://irclogger.arpnetworks.com/irclogger_log/devious?date=2012-11-28,Wed jrick: it's on arpnetworks, definitely someone in here brycec: I blame lteo_ bcallah: yeah, arpnetworks is a big *BSD VPS provider brycec: he's in both #arpnetworks and #devious
It must be him
y u hate the bot? bcallah: http://irclogger.arpnetworks.com/irclogger_log/syminet?date=2009-08-01,Sat&sel=6#l2
so whoever is up_the_irons, sup! brycec: up_the_irons is Garry from ARP Networks. But he's not in #devious ***: Scrawn has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Scrawn has joined #devious
Scrawn has quit IRC (Changing host)
Scrawn has joined #devious bcallah: explains why his bot is in predominanty *BSD heavy channels
yeah, spelling errors preserved for all time (at least until the bot and its logs die in a HDD crash)
s/ty/tly/ BryceBot: <bcallah> explains why his bot is in predominantly *BSD heavy channels brycec: I dunno, ARP is a pretty solid provider jrick: uk govt smashed the hdds because of super sekrits
smashes CyL: Does the provider offer decent service? brycec: Yes bcallah: I'd use them
that's saying a lot brycec: I use them jrick: I plan on moving my email to them when I stop being lazy about it
since my lavabit is dead brycec: as do lteo and qbit and kyl, I think. CyL: jrick: Lol, the guy who got arrested was brazilian kyl: i do what bcallah: as long as devio.us continues providing mail, I don't have a hitch on one of your guy's VPSes :)
s/e a/e to/ BryceBot: <bcallah> as long as devio.us continues providing mail, I don't have to hitch on one of your guy's VPSes :) brycec: kyl: use ARP Networks? kyl: no brycec: Solid, reliable devio.us mail, eh? jrick: I dont' trust brycec not to read my super sekrit emails kyl: ^ brycec: Well I don't... But now that you mention it bcallah: BryceBot already publicly declares when I sent certain emails -: bcallah got nothing to hide brycec: ^ Note: To a public mailing list kyl: bcallah: so, if you've got nothing to hide, i've got a few questions
:P -: bcallah doesn't really send private email CyL: kyl: he's not available tonight, sorry bcallah: kyl: yes, I really do have a 13-inch penis
:D kyl: bcallah: I was worried CyL: s/1/1./ BryceBot: <bcallah> kyl: yes, I really do have a 1.3-inch penis jrick: bcallah: I wish I didn't have to brycec: WHERE THE FUCK IS THE UPS DRIVER HE'S USUALLY HERE BY NOW GODDAMNIT bcallah: kyl: well, you know, I have to pick up the slack from you kyl: bcallah: duh bcallah: brycec: he hot lost since midnight
s/ho/go/ BryceBot: <bcallah> brycec: he got lost since midnight brycec: lol bcallah reads the backlog bcallah: lol, no -: bcallah was here when you wrote that brycec: UPS changed that to be 0645 btw qbit: yay arp brycec: yay qbit bcallah: qbit: quoi? brycec: yay ndp qbit: arp brycec: ndp dbtid: kusuriya: bcallah: oh shit, someone in Japan is playing Viper Phase 1 right now
but it looks like he sucks dbtid: kusuriya: does it seem wrong to install files into windowssystem32fonts ? kusuriya: dbtid: not if youre installing system wide fonts bcallah: aww, he blew the 100% destroyed bonus already
lame hexreel: https://medium.com/architecting-a-life/fee8f3ee97a0 ***: Scrawn has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) hexreel: because the homeless need node.js! BryceBot: BAREMETAL!!! bcallah: STEVE HOLT! BryceBot: STEVE HOLT! kyl: hexreel: i liked the one where someone left google to go find themselves dbtid: kusuriya: but if you wanted to have some application-specific fonts it would be ok to put them there? qbit: https://vimeo.com/66169135 BryceBot: Vimeo video: "M&D 2013 Sabotage" by Mike and Duane Show qbit: lol steve holt BryceBot: STEVE HOLT! kusuriya: dbtid: yep qbit: holt
steve holt BryceBot: STEVE HOLT! qbit: lol steve holt BryceBot: STEVE HOLT! bcallah: he also doesn't know the basic medal pod trick
._. kusuriya: to have user specific fonts its a pita to set it up right its just easier to put all the fonts the system fonts dir qbit: .,. dbtid: kusuriya: thanks, that's what I thought.
we've only gotten 2 of 9 of these standalone installs to work right. at a certain point, on the bad installs, files are missing.
but i can't figure out why they're copying over windowssystem32reg.exe when it's already provided by windows, and they're installing the exact same version.
well, actually, i think i *do* know why they're doing it: they're morons.
i hate working with morons. bcallah: doesn't everyone? zentrification: generally only comptent/smart people mind dbtid: well, there's a difference between hating to work with morons and tolerating working with morons. brycec: YAY UPS pulling up! dbtid: some people are wired such that they can make allowances, or they're early enough in their careers that it doesn't really bother them.
brycec: what are you expecting? bcallah: fuck it, watching this kusoplay of VP1 means it's time for a shippumd credit - see everyone in 25 minutes brycec: dbtid: baofeng ux5r+
aka bonerfag ***: Scrawn has joined #devious qbit: bonerfag!
hi Scrawn
above was in reference to then American in-ability to pronounce "baofeng" bcallah: TIL: qbit is unable to pronounce "baofeng" qbit: brycec: no call sign yet?
s/qbit/americans/ BryceBot: <bcallah> TIL: americans is unable to pronounce "baofeng" qbit: :D
even got the grammar right! bcallah: awesome grammar bebe qbit: hey, this is america, if you don't speak it, get the fuck out! bcallah: my favorite is the sign that spelled "morons" as "morans" Lefty: GO HOME MORANS jrick: YOU'RE DRUNK brycec: not yet qbit :( -: Lefty suddenly has the urge to go home bcallah: lol, I'm reading a nekochan forum post... title is "octane randomly freezes" and I thought it said "octeon randomly freezes" and I was about to throw a shit fit qbit: that's clearly a play on the blasfemus book: the Koran -: jrick works from home qbit: brycec: boo - hopefully tomorrow!
i just got my fcc paper work stuffs kyl: rad
i just sent in the paperwork to renew my license
it will be 10 years in november jrick: license to kill? kyl: yes jrick: cool kyl: the license to chill expires in january
so it's right around the corner too brycec: wow that's pretty quick qbit kyl: and i think three years on the license to ill -: brycec leaves his ht scanning dbtid: baofeng ux56 doesn't bring anything up on google. kyl: baofeng uv5r dbtid: i wondered qbit: brycec: cha kyl: i might get another baofeng for my truck qbit: my fav part about the bonermang is that the battery is really wtf
earlier i was spying on some locals..
said 3 bars of battery
then BAM no bars
and power off brycec: sorry bummer qbit dbtid: can you call the moon with it? brycec: specifically mine's the uv-5r+ qbit: dbtid: if you get a big enough thing to plug it into :D
uv-5r+++ brycec: sweet found something.... sounds like an amber alert or something
montana doj thing
oh it's weather qbit: oh, the other boooo is you can't take the battery out if the belt clip ( or screws that hold the belt clip ) are snug. jrick: you found your sweet something? qbit: brycec: http://www.repeaterbook.com/ :D -: brycec is listening to WXL86 qbit: ham: wxl86 mcchunkie: I found 11 licenses, here is the first: Name: ANTRIM, C RODNEY, Callsign: WXL8610, Category: Safety of Life, Desc: Expired brycec: lol
http://www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr/Maps/PHP/site.php?State=WA&Site=WXL86 qbit: not that one :P -: jrick is listening to google play music
bcallah is listning to The David Pakman Show jrick: specifically, alice in chains qbit: aprs: wx WXL86
aprs: wx WXL86-2
aprs: wx kc0oca-2 mcchunkie: name: KC0OCA-2, time: 1377113813, temp: 38.9, wind_direction: 180, wind_speed: 0.0, wind_gust: 0.0, rain_1h: 0.0, rain_24h: 0.0, rain_mn: 0.0 qbit: ^ hot jrick: woah it's my brother's 21st tomorrow ***: theschoo1master has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) jrick: I should invite all of #devious for mad epic drunkenness qbit: yes bcallah: do it qbit: TO THE PLACE JRICK WORKS AT! bcallah: his house? ***: theschoolmaster has joined #devious goodchiliburns2: jrick: it's 1 day after month's 21st jrick: lol
we're going out to a bar goodchiliburns2: thats odd jrick: fresh beer yo goodchiliburns2: why would you invite us to your hous when you are out ?
house* qbit: bcallah: cha
jrick: does your bro like beer?
if not.. lets give him a SWIRLY! jrick: I was thinking a car bomb qbit: what's that?
"Dinosaurs didn't have Javascript. See what happened to them?" - kyl jrick: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Car_Bomb BryceBot: Irish Car Bomb :: An Irish Car Bomb is an American beer cocktail that is drunk as a bomb shot, similar to a boilermaker. It is made with Irish stout, Irish cream, and Irish whiskey. To make the drink, whiskey is floated on top of Irish Cream in a shot glass, and the shot glass is then dropped into the stout. Once mixed, it must be drunk quickly because it will curdle. While Kahlúa was part of the original recipe, it is often excluded from... qbit: we would dunk his head in it? jrick: god I hope not
you're a terrible person qbit: ICB's are nasty jrick: it's like chocolate milk for adults qbit: turn to concrete in your glass brycec: I have no problem with this. 12:33:49 <@qbit> oh, the other boooo is you can't take the battery out if the belt clip ( or screws that hold the belt clip ) are snug. qbit: orly
like - it pops right out? brycec: slides right out qbit: twss mcchunkie: Added funny: "slides right out" ***: goodchiliburns2 is now known as xpt
law has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) qbit: hm
hacked it with a knife - works better now
brycec: https://admin.qsl.net/index.php <-- free hosting :D
not sure what the quota is kyl: 10 bajillobytes bcallah: 18 bananas
because your data doesn't really need anymore K than that qbit: phew
lol bcallah
that's a godo one
because potasium
+s jrick: jelly bananas
bcallah would understand if he watched steins;gate bcallah: qbit: good job :D brycec: lol bcallah
qbit: yeah once I get my callsign... jrick: you can call me jrick qbit: his name.. jrick: bcallah: but seriously I can't stress enough how much you'll like that show qbit: is jrick
his name... is jrick
his name is jrick bcallah: jrick: _b
ok maybe ***: law has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v law trafficone: @log_search hobro BryceBot: 3 results found. Here's one at random: Nov 28, 2012 09:23:34 <trafficone > hobros before brohos trafficone: Brycec: still no callsign?
ham: kg0mdk mcchunkie: I got nothin. trafficone: ham: k9wang mcchunkie: I got nothin. trafficone: looks like it's time to apply for a vanity callsign! Guest25447: qbit: o!
late I know. Been working ALL FUCKING DAY
OH GOD DAMMIT ***: Guest25447 is now known as piroko
ChanServ sets mode: +v piroko Boohbah: i think potassium is a good answer qbit: piroko: o/ ;D
!o/ ;D
lol late ribo: K trafficone: oll korrect ***: rnemo has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v rnemo qbit: bcallah: building liferea
correction.. building webkit :'_
:P bcallah: correction.. compiling kernel xpt: well it's quite easdy as you have working kernel
bcallah: i hate you :p bcallah: aww shit... I gotta go big time_t first
see you guys next week! :-P xpt: bcallah: you need to build it with gcc? ***: FreezingCold has joined #devious bcallah: you don't *have* to, but I'll ignore builds not done identically to how I did it xpt: the only propper way?
i think i've heard of it in history class... mcchunkie: TWSS! xpt: be aware, the guy that said that is dead now. bcallah: the way it'll be done in packaging
since that's the point of ports qbit: ^ wish more people understood that xpt: well i don't really mastered mine ports-fu
but i'm rarely using bsd qbit: ham: bryce dood mcchunkie: I got nothin. bcallah: s/bsd/computers/ BryceBot: <xpt> but i'm rarely using computers rnemo: hey deviants~ qbit: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!
hi rnemo o/ rnemo: o bcallah: OMG IT'S RNEMO! rnemo: omg it's me mcchunkie: ohlol, that's what she said! rnemo: back to work and significantly poorer bcallah: how does that work? xpt: bcallah: alse true
about computers
i know non-it people that use computer more than i do CyL: Today I've read gcc is not part of OpenBSD itself because it is not licensed under BSD. Is there any compiler that is BSD-licensed? bcallah: CyL: clang rnemo: bcallah: well I went on vacation to portland and also had to replace my phone CyL: bcallah: OBSD blobs are compiled with it? bcallah: no, they're compiled with gcc rnemo: apparently toilets are bad for phones bcallah: rnemo: that sounds like lies jrick: ugh copyleft losers keep @mentioning me on adn CyL: bcallah: Any particular reason for not using clang? bcallah: have you seen our supported platforms list?
jrick: linkies? jrick: https://alpha.app.net/0xmf/post/9535709 this thread BryceBot: App.net link: "So SwiftKey is on sale at the moment. If you haven't got it and are following me on an Android device all I can say is "WTH is wrong with you"
Srsly get it because its one of the few really good apps on #android and no I am not being paid by them. " by 0xmf bcallah: oh it's that guy
he unfollowed you, remember? :-P CyL: bcallah: At least he's not the one wearing a red upside down bucket like hat jrick: a fez? bcallah: the fuzz? qbit: bcallah: should that liferea-1.10.1a stuff have gtk3 in the RUN_DEPENDS? or is it just needing webkit-gtk3?
i don't even know fi there is sucn a thing as gtk+3
yeah bcallah: qbit: it doesn't have gtk+3 in RDEPs? brycec: qbit: are you actually expecting "bryce dood" to ever return a result? qbit: 44 x11/gtk+2,-guic [14:07] <qbit> brycec: no brycec: lol ok bcallah: qbit: of course it needs RDEP=x11/gtk+2,-guic - did you notice PLIST? brycec: FUCK YES
I HAVE A CALL SIGN rnemo: what brycec: ham: KG7FAZ bcallah: whenever you have share/icons/hicolor in PLIST, you must have x11/gtk+2,-guic mcchunkie: I got nothin. brycec: you're a gay homo mcchunkie bcallah: I thought mcchunkie was a girl? piroko: and? brycec: bcallah: so?
gay is equally applicable to male and female piroko: The search for "KG7FAZ" produced no results.
You are not on QRZ brycec: piroko: I'm not even on data.fcc.gov yet
but I am on wireless2.fcc.gov bcallah: you're all being tracked by teh fedz /lolomgotfbbqattack brycec: that's what aprs is for qbit: brycec: o/ :D brycec: o qbit qbit: er
!o/ bcallah: jrick: I have less symphathy for you - you voluntarily entered that thread :D qbit: bcallah: OK abieber@
hurray rss reader!
brycec, piroko, kyl the goal is to use asterisk / app_rpt to make a #devious ham net
jsuk kyl: why? brycec: good luck with that qbit
cuz finding hardware is gonna be a bitch, and support was dropped a long time ago mcchunkie: ew! you guys are sick! qbit: brycec: wasn't - and hw is easy
it was "officially" dropped from asterisk
but the last commit was 4 days ago brycec: sauce? qbit: 08:50 @ qbit >> piroko: http://svn.ohnosec.org/viewvc/projects/?root=svn <-- has the app_rpt stuff for asterisk
sauce kyl: using ham + internet just kills the magic
i could just use asterisk brycec: I like to use ham as backup for internet :p qbit: ^
and internet for backup ham! ***: law has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) qbit: BACKUP ALL THE CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION! kyl: ... ***: technoid_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) qbit: kyl: you don't have to be part of the #devious net kyl: i'm already on the #devious net
it's on freenode :o qbit: #devious-rf-net kyl: maybe you could explain htf this is going to work
-.- qbit: brycec: https://allstarlink.org/
kyl: ^ brycec: I am also already a part of #devious-rf-net kyl: so you have a computer, connected to the internet
and then you have to be in range of that computer qbit: local tranciever ( local to each member ) <-> asterisk box <-> CLOUD <-> other asterisk box <-> remote tranceiver
kyl: the one here in pueblo that is on that system gets ~30 miles brycec: so, repeater over internet? that's been done. qbit: duh
i use one every day
but it's cool
and when we don't feel like bouncing stuff off the moon you can use that kyl: lol
but you said as a backup for internet brycec: bro I bounce signals off the moon all the tiem! It's so powerful that everyone can see it, all around the world. Helps that I use the sun to do it too. kyl: if your internet goes down, your node goes down qbit: except not, because i have auto failover to my neighbors internet - who is on an alternative internet provider bcallah: that's why we all need redundant uplinks
just in case qbit: aosl .. they are solar
where is your negative-god now kyl?
hmm? ' kyl: qbit: heh i don't have that CyL: I've once done CLOUD <-> AFK modem <-> transceiver <-> air <-> transceiver <-> afk modem <-> remote computer qbit: see - CyL gets it :D
o/ CyL: Well, I did transmit a few email messages that way kyl: we should do something with satellites instead :o qbit: kyl: k, as long as it doesn't cost 3029039209 kyl: bro
get you a yagi antenna CyL: kyl: Actually satellite fun if fun, since it broadcasts the the whole convered region. You can easily grab others comm
s/if/is BryceBot: <CyL> kyl: Actually satellite fun is fun, since it broadcasts the the whole convered region. You can easily grab others comm kyl: CyL: yeah, satellites are the best CyL: kyl: They're hard to interfere with though qbit: http://makezine.com/projects/homemade-yagi-antenna/
^ asian approved CyL: qbit: Wich frequency? jrick: s/asian/lteo/ BryceBot: <qbit> ^ lteo approved CyL: qbit: Yagi's have a somewhat narrow band kyl: yes
but you want that with a satellite CyL: qbit: They only transmit well on certain frequencies
kyl: One could used phased arrays and microstrip as well qbit: sure
we come to that later
first video! kyl: CyL: those are way more work CyL: kyl: Well, draw, print, corrode, done! qbit: corrode
lal CyL: qbit: What's the proper way of saying it? qbit: that's right - i just like the word :D -: CyL corrodes qbit's eyes with vineager! qbit: YEAAHHHH!
CORRODE ME BABY! mcchunkie: heuheuhuheuheuhe CyL: Lol
s/h/heuh | s/h/heuh | s/h/heuh BryceBot: >>> CyL corrodes qbit's eyes witheuheuheuheuheuheuheuh vineager! CyL: :/ qbit: heh
:D CyL: heuheuhuheuheuhe
s/h/heuh | s/h/heuh | s/h/heuh BryceBot: <CyL> heuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuhuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuheuhe qbit: http://bpodgursky.wordpress.com/2013/08/21/average-income-per-programming-language/ BryceBot: Ben Podgursky link: "Average Income per Programming Language" by bpodgursky qbit: lol -: qbit starts writing actionscript ***: JainAmber has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) brycec: s/ction/pple/ BryceBot: >>> qbit starts writing applescript CyL: s/ction/pple/ | s/cr/h | s/p// BryceBot: >>> qbit starts writing aleshit CyL: s/cr/h | s/p// | s/ction/pple/ BryceBot: >>> qbit starts writing appleshit qbit: lal brycec: The problem with Daft Punk being mainstream is that I'll be scanning the radio and I think I've found a disco station, but it's just another top-40 station. -: brycec is playing with the FM radio receiver trafficone: FM RAGE-IO qbit: lal rnemo: fucksake qbit: brycec: o/ brycec: o qbit qbit: er
!o/ trafficone: o! -: brycec feels pretty pimp walking around with his ht clipped on qbit: me too kyl: lol
NERDS! :D qbit: people think i am a cop or somethin trafficone: I definitely look like an "or somethin"
do they still have that 300mW superthin HT out there? -: trafficone googles trafficone: isk.amazon.com
motherfuck ***: zod000 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 263 seconds) piroko: qbit: Dude that would be awesome (#devious ham net) brycec: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED trafficone: it's internal search, nothing special brycec: TIL that Amazon uses split-horizon DNS ***: Zelest has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) qbit: piroko: i thought so :D ***: zod000 has joined #devious brycec: I think the different LCD backlight colours is my favourite feature so far - different backlight colour for xmit, receive, monitor etc qbit: yeah i kinda like that too brycec: I'm a sucker for colourful LEDs ribo: brycec: yeah, that's why route53 still doesn't have DNSSEC brycec: lol
Good for Amazon I guess, eating their own dog food ribo: route53 is otherwise, fantastic, though jrick: s/ute/t/ BryceBot: <ribo> rot53 is otherwise, fantastic, though jrick: it's like rot13 but moar secure kyl: more rounds trafficone: @rot13 There once was a man from Nantuckett BryceBot: Gurer bapr jnf n zna sebz Anaghpxrgg
Apr 23, 2013 02:09:43 <rot13> if anyone could have a look at this for me I'd greatly appreciate their help. kyl: !tell ninjapants http://i.imgur.com/0okcGiN.jpg zdo: kyl: I'll tell ninjapants next time they speak. trafficone: hahaha
when did "zitz" get called "breakouts"
@google the dope show BryceBot: 51,800,000 total results returned for 'the dope show', here's 3
The Dope Show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dope_Show) "The Dope Show" is a song from Marilyn Manson's 1998 album Mechanical Animals, released in September of that year as the album's lead single. The lyrics  ...
Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R682M3ZEyk) Oct 8, 2009 ... Music video by Marilyn Manson performing The Dope Show. (C) 1999 Nothing/ Interscope Records.
MARILYN MANSON LYRICS - The Dope Show (http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/marilynmanson/thedopeshow.html) Lyrics to "The Dope Show" song by MARILYN MANSON: The drugs they say make us feel so hollow We love in vain narcissistic and so shallow The cops and. .. ***: zoldyck has quit IRC (Quit: I quit) qbit: aprs: loc KG7FAZ
aprs: loc KG7FAZ-5 CyL: Isn't Marilyn Manson that artist who removed one of his ribs to practice self felatio? qbit: ham: KG7FAZ mcchunkie: I got nothin. qbit: CyL: cupposedly
but he was married to dita von tease.. so he wins at life
also rose mcgowen
doublewin trafficone: CyL: I heard that myth, but it's not true, ribs aren't a limiting factor in autofellatio
it's the flexibility of your neck and lumbar, also the length of your wang -: qbit has a 30Kj wang CyL: trafficone: How do you know this? rnemo: gay here
I have 100% of my ribs qbit: hahaha
rnemo: <3 rnemo: and it isn't that hard to suck my own dick CyL: rnemo: the question is, do you practice sekf felatio? rnemo: it's not really pleasant bcallah: qbit: rose mcgowen looks terrible now rnemo: but I've done it bcallah: nbdjs qbit: bcallah: don't you fuck this up for me! bcallah: qbit: one of my college roommates was (is?) in love with her trafficone: it isn't that hard, but it's not really pleasant
twss mcchunkie: Added funny: "it isn't that hard, but it's not really pleasant" CyL: Also, I'm not sure if self felation qualifies as homosexual sex bcallah: CyL: it counts about as much as masturbation counts qbit: CyL: technically i think it's extra homosexual sex mcchunkie: ohlol, that's what she said! trafficone: ^ CyL: bcallah: That's why I said so qbit: same same sex
vs .. same sex
#iykwim CyL: qbit: Wel, so does masturbation bcallah: autofellatio (which is the proper term) is just "challenge masturbation" qbit: ima push legislation to make the term "homosexual" cover masturbation bcallah: when you feel that switch hitting isn't cutting it anymore for thrills trafficone: marriage is supposed to be between a man and a man, or a man and a woman, or a woman and another woman, but a man and his member! THAT IS TOO FAR! qbit: lol kyl: won't somebody think of the wangs!? qbit: come here my-dick! IMA MARRY YOU! bcallah: ^ requires a location CyL: Now I wonder if auto cunilingus is possible qbit: CyL: my sources point to yes CyL: qbit: Is your source a girl? qbit: yes bcallah: more importantly
is your source a girl who can? and has a camera? CyL: qbit: Then it might very well be possible bcallah: because ffs, that needs to be documented CyL: bcallah: It looks like you've got second intentions trafficone: today science has shown that humans are weird kyl: people are strange bcallah: s/seconds intentions/ulterior motives/
s/second intentions/ulterior motives/ BryceBot: <CyL> bcallah: It looks like you've got ulterior motives bcallah: true story time: when I was in HS, a kid got suspended for performing autofellatio on the bus to school
it was not me
and it was not on my bus
inb4questions kyl: "talking about a friend"
uh huh bcallah qbit: CyL: there are videos (read documentaries) of it
obviously they are nsfw bcallah: kyl: note how I didn't say "friend" there at all :) kyl: bcallah: it was implied bcallah: oh, no. I didn't even know the kid
but shit like that spreads like wildfire trafficone: holy shit, how fucked up do you have to be to be like "this seems like a reasonable place for this type of activity" bcallah: like the kid who shit on the gym floor at the end of freshman year as a prank
didn't know him either
still a great story kyl: great prank, farva qbit: FARVA
lol trafficone: farva? qbit: super troopers kyl: seriously CyL: .define farva lazylopez: Over-weight jackass in "Super Troopers" bcallah: holy shit qbit: trafficone: TELL ME YOU HAVE SEEN THAT MOVIE! trafficone: oh
qbit: I seen it bcallah: for once lazylopez gets a definition exactly right qbit: phew trafficone: where the masturbating monkey is printed on the bales of illegal drugs qbit: ll, always there in a pinch trafficone: and the asshole town cop is in on the whole thing
and "the snozberries taste like snozberries"
which is taken from "Willy Wonka and the Charlie Factory" ribo: http://www.woot.com/offers/monster-hdmi-performance-maximizer-6
fuckin lol trafficone: loool ribo: $150 list price trafficone: Shit, it was 999 cents! kyl: great savings! qbit: jesus CyL: First sucker?
damn, consumist praising site are funny ***: Zelest has joined #devious trafficone: <3 woot
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weeping_Angels <- Not even a "villans of Doctor Who" but their own damn article? BryceBot: Weeping Angel :: The Weeping Angels are an ancient race of aliens from the long running sci fi series Doctor Who . Steven Moffat, their creator, attributes their appeal to childhood games such as Grandmother's Footsteps and the notion that every statue is secretly a Weeping Angel. Their usual mode of feeding is to send their victims back in time, which creates time energy to feed on. When they are not being observed by another being,... ***: brunoro has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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ChanServ sets mode: +v zenmower
CyL has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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eest has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) jrick: wtf is wrong with people http://i.imgur.com/pdJDpkm.jpg kyl: idgi ***: CyL has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v CyL jrick: riced out prius kyl: s/riced out // BryceBot: <jrick> prius jrick: with quad exhaust! ***: CyL_ has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v CyL_ kyl: i didn't recognise it as a prius jrick: yeah the prius itself is enough for a wtf kyl: otherwise i would have just made fun of them for having one of those trafficone: I'm just going to hope they ripped out all hybrid equipment and it has some big v6 up front or some malarky
like the big block acura integra
@google acura integra big block v8 BryceBot: 9,750 total results returned for 'acura integra big block v8', here's 3
Blown 454 big block powered acura integra - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMdUo43-qu0) May 23, 2011 ... Blown 454 big block powered acura integra. MrBennyficial·3 videos .... V8 crx drive for first timeby crxV8 754,768 views · 0:46. Watch Later
Pontiac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontiac) The 1976 models were the last of the traditional American large cars powered by mostly big block V8 engines. After this year, all GM models would go through ...
Acura Integra Big Block V8 Swap | Car Tuning (http://fancytuning.com/2012/04/acura-integra-big-block-v8-swap/) Apr 9, 2012 ... We always love unique tuning projects and cars like this Acura Integra will surely impress those who witness it first hand. trafficone: nothing says "bad idea" like a ricer with waaaay too much horsepower ***: clakes has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v clakes
jrick has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
eest has joined #devious kyl: order has been restored to the universe
got 9front installed on the t410
phew ***: jrick has joined #devious rnemo: kyl: that sounds like chaos kyl: rnemo: it is 100% win, let me assure you rnemo: heh CyL: .define hail mary cloud
@google hail mary cloud BryceBot: 207,000 total results returned for 'hail mary cloud', here's 3
That grumpy BSD guy: Rickrolled? Get Ready for the Hail Mary Cloud! (http://bsdly.blogspot.com/2009/11/rickrolled-get-ready-for-hail-mary.html) Nov 15, 2009 ... Get Ready for the Hail Mary Cloud! If you publish your user name and password, somebody who is not you will use it, sooner or later. It's been a ...
BSDCan2013: The Hail Mary Cloud And The Lessons Learned (https://www.bsdcan.org/2013/schedule/events/403.en.html) There was a time when brute force attacks were all rapid-fire and easily blackholed on sight. That changed during the late 2000s: The low intensity, widely ...
The "Hail Mary Cloud" Is Growing - Slashdot (http://linux.slashdot.org/story/09/11/15/1653228/the-hail-mary-cloud-is-growing) Nov 15, 2009 ... badger.foo writes "The Australian rickrolling of jailbroken iPhones only goes to prove that bad passwords are bad for you, Peter Hansteen ... jrick: trafficone: ricers by definition don't add horsepower
just bodykid mods and other stupid stuff
bodykit ***: CyL has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) CyL_: It seemns wolfman went down mcchunkie: heuheuhuheuheuhe ***: CyL has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v CyL CyL_: mcchunkie: no mcchunkie: Sorry: "It seemns wolfman went down" CyL_: Connection to wolfman is pretty much instable ***: CyL has quit IRC (Quit: Hc svnt dracones!)
brunoro has joined #devious trafficone: jrick: I thought a ricer was any severely modified Japanese car ***: brunoro has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8)
juanfra has quit IRC (Quit: juanfra) jrick: RICE = race inspired cosmetic enhancement
or rice for asian
I suppose trafficone: I've never heard of a riced out American/German car jrick: most are honda civics or mitsibushi evos, I will agree trafficone: but I guess the acronym is less racially insensitive jrick: I wouldn't mind having a non-riced out evo though
that's a nice car trafficone: or Lancers jrick: lancer evolution
is the evo trafficone: oh
bah Boohbah: subaru ftw trafficone: okay, riddle me this: Scion FR-S and Subaru BRZ are the SAME EXACT CAR, whose idea was it to pump them into two different brands? jrick: the two companies who made it
and it's more like 3 brands, outside the us and canada it's the toyota gt86 trafficone: yeah
it's a nice car though mcchunkie: that's what she said! jrick: I'd buy one
if I didn't already have a focus st trafficone: yeah, I know that feel
well, I'm off to REI
for real this time
no more fakeouts
later all ***: CyL_ is now known as CyL CyL: @rot13 AQ NW TGT US BryceBot: ND AJ GTG HF
Apr 23, 2013 08:13:08 <rot13> brycec thanks.. jrick: lol
brycec: bug &
@brycec BryceBot: Nov 30, 2012 12:54:01 <brycec> or is Go hacking jrick ? kyl: definitely go is hacking jrick jrick: damn that go kyl: time to switch to rust jrick: yup
brb x-compiling rust for openbsd kyl: k
while you're at it, go ahead and port it to realBSD jrick: I think it already runs on realBSD Boohbah: how bout fakeBSD kyl: Boohbah: he already said he's going to port it to fakeBSD Boohbah: sorry, i must not have been paying attention brycec: thank you for pointing out the that the BRZ is actually made by 3 companies, jrick
jrick: that's not a bug
Same as if a user named omegle joined, @omegle would both trigger Omegle_Bot and a random quote from user omegle
I can't control what y'alls nicks are jrick: brycec: it's two companies
scion is toyota brycec: yes
if you want to be technical jrick: but 3 brands CyL: @omegle stop -: Omegle_Bot There is no session currently active. CyL: @omegle -: Omegle_Bot Connecting to Omegle... Everything you say to Omegle_Bot (eg: Omegle_Bot: asl?) will be sent to the Omegler (e.g. asl?), everybody appears as just one person to them. To disconnect, @omegle disconnect. For more help, see @omegle help
Omegle_Bot Waiting for stranger...
Omegle_Bot Connected!
Omegle_Bot Common likes: unicorn CyL: @omegle stop -: Omegle_Bot Disconnecting from active session... jrick: brycec: @rot13 with no args searches for user rot13, with args rot13's the text? brycec: ewww special cases
I'll consider it jrick: bro do you even branch brycec: jrick: each function is its own class
so, branching wouldn't really help jrick: well there's your problem
you're using OO brycec: oh no, modular design is a problem! :p jrick: modular design you'll use nowhere else
yes brilliant brycec: It works quite well... And in my defense, I didn't design it.
There's a good deal of re-use inside of BryceBot
But each module is blind of any other, the only drawback zentrification: yeah OO sucks
just have a huge list of pure functions that encapsulate all your state =P jrick: the problem is you have each module listening to every line instead of using a if else or switch case or something to run a single handler brycec: well there is a single handler, it's just abstracted above the modules
above/in front -: jrick facepalms brycec: (it's part of the module loader)
on load, it reads the patterns that each module will match
then each message line fires off the relevant modules jrick: if that's all it's doing, you can do that in awk super easy
pattern { stuff } pattern { stuff } etc
and your modular code reuse is just appending a new pattern to the bottom of the file :p brycec: fyi when I said pattern, I didn't mean regex. It's a one-word "command"
eg @stuff jrick: yeah I figured brycec: anyhow, if you're interested in how BryceBot works, go look at php-irc-2.2.1 jrick: nah
I'm good
it'll just make me rage more brycec: It's what I started with long, long ago. Little inconveniances like this just aren't worth my time to redesign or reimplement
but I will patch the @user function to not fire if there are arguments jrick: fwiw I did my own bot a long time ago https://bitbucket.org/jrick/botdamantus/src/0d7f0cce7d0444f9ed07a66617531765ecbb3e25/botdamantus.sh?at=default -: brycec recalls jrick: if I was in this situation I would just put some more logic in that if elif chain ***: Kurooooo has joined #devious
Kurooooo is now known as Kur0 brycec: @rot13 d00d BryceBot: q00q brycec: whoa.... jrick: far out d00d
@rot13 BryceBot: Usage: @rot13
Apr 23, 2013 07:43:21 <rot13> 05:09 rot13: I was just hoping to leave my irssi idling with screen jrick: well that's broken still bcallah: https://alpha.app.net/0xmf/post/9551642 BryceBot: App.net link: "@mrgan Sorry man. Unfortunately not. I genuinely mean it, however, that's not usually the case - if you read my posts.
I hate when people I follow change their avatars randomly because it mixes me up as to who is saying what. Love reading your posts BTW." by 0xmf jrick: I feel like I'm todd, finding literally every bug in a piece of software bcallah: identifies pictures... can't read names
jrick: hi todd CyL: s/t// BryceBot: <bcallah> jrick: hi odd bcallah: as long as you don't walk around claiming you wrote sudo or giving random ok millert@'s I think you'll be ok jrick: oh I don't know about him and openbsd
was referring to our bugs bcallah: oh, lol
our todd is also going around fixing all teh things right now jrick: like, running cyphertite on afs and all sorts of problems occur and I don't even know
fries? bcallah: no
that's Todd
todd is Todd C. Miller
aka millert jrick: oh
yeah I'm talking about fries bcallah: who'se also an obsd dev :D
s/se/s/ BryceBot: <bcallah> who's also an obsd dev :D bcallah: https://www.bitrig.org/viewgit/?a=search&p=bitrig&h=HEAD&st=author&s=Lawrence%20Teo
TIL: lteo was a Bitrig dev before moving to a real OS trafficone: heyhey brycec: jrick: what would you suggest, given there's no way to know whether the requested wanted a random quote of user rot13, or doesn't know how to use the rot13 function? jrick: I would do @help rot13 kyl: i would do @rot51 instead jrick: my only reference in the bitrig git https://www.bitrig.org/viewgit/?a=commit&p=bitrig&h=986379d5a6bdfb5abb2ac93281ca5d1f42110e75
is an openbsd commit kyl: hah bcallah: mine are all under "Imported from OpenBSD" jrick: oh wait I'm in ports https://www.bitrig.org/viewgit/?a=search&p=bitrig-ports&h=94e7d40a9f7164d88c4826c5db7e9ea47cc07b13&st=commit&s=jrick
I like how marco copied the commit message I used for xombrero even though it makes no sense with that port commit
lol bcallah: yeah bitrig's gitweb's not working
sweet jrick: maybe they blocked your IP
better not use a vpn to get around it
because that's illegal kyl: the link on the front page is broken
i mentioned it in the channel bcallah: I'm actually in gitweb
oh fuck
4 out of the 5 are a fuckup I did at 3 AM before driving my mother to the hospital for hip replacement surgery
that entire morning was a fucking blur because I had gotten no sleep jrick: those look like cherrypicks bcallah: they are - I have plenty more src commits
oxide says I have 14 src commits, but that's wildly out of date
oxide hasn't been updated in a month
and most of my src commits won't be picked up by bitrig since they're in octeon ***: rainbow-zsh has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
rainbow-zsh has joined #devious bcallah: good fucking times
remove patch I lifted from freebsd -> turns out patch wasn't needed
fml kyl: so
if you guys were hearing a talk on crypto
what would you want to hear about?
talk time ~ 15m bcallah: what can I do today to use more crypto effectively in my life
s/I/anyone and everyone/ BryceBot: <bcallah> what can anyone and everyone do today to use more crypto effectively in my life jrick: how can I crack 1028-XAES? kyl: you can't
it's impossibru jrick: well that's a boring talk kyl: but we can try
ON AN RPI bcallah: also means he doesn't need all 15 minutes ;-)
the drinking starts early! kyl: o/ zentrification: kyl - what the roadmap migrating towards ECC will look like over the next 3-7 years kyl: that was last month
it's got to be Go specific bcallah: easy programming tips to implement crypto in your latest Go project? brycec: sweet, IRLP is fun kyl: is
i once hit japan from my backyard with a 20 year-old HT
I might talk about using NaCl in Go -: brycec is listening to W0CRA brycec: it's quiet... bcallah: so you ask us what we want then go on using something else entirely?
o/ kyl: bcallah: wot?
o bcallah: I'm just fucking with ya kyl: bcallah: don't make me swing on you bcallah: as I updated the seed7 port to openbsd
tho not quite in past tense kyl: what is seed7 bcallah: http://seed7.sourceforge.net/ jrick: seeds your RNG with 7 kyl: i guess none of you watch workaholics bcallah: despite what the page says, I kinda see it as a language to teach kids
it's pretty simple
with a lot of non-complex example programs jrick: c as an intermediate language is stupid bcallah: I didn't write the language
Thomas Mertes is to blame for this kyl: but you're an enabler jrick: why does a programming language website need a screenshot section in the sidebar bcallah: example progs
look, it even can make a webserver!
idk, cool jrick: look at all the super h4x0r windows you'll open when you use this! bcallah: or something kyl: i wish you could make web servers in Go bcallah: this thing was apparently the subject of the guy's doctoral dissertation jrick: wow compiler screenshots
that's.. thrilling bcallah: lol
well, the compiler is written in the language jrick: same with rust
which is why I don't have it on openbsd bcallah: well, make it happen
don't let us stop you jrick: I believe ghc is mostly haskell as well
ohI know, but I'm just lazy
and I need a linux to cross compile
too much pain
my time is better spent hacking go bcallah: use bitrig jrick: I really only like rust because of the way it does memory
the rest of the language, I like how Go works better kyl: jrick: maybe if you just gave in the linux superiority
realUnix bcallah: I bet realBSD has a rust compiler jrick: does bcallah: so start there kyl: or just use that jrick: I only use unrealBSD bcallah: I hear realBSD has a terminal these days ***: zoldyck has joined #devious bcallah: a/unreal/unrealtournament/
s/ unreal/ unrealtournament/ jrick: I should fork unrealBSD and name it irrationalBSD BryceBot: <jrick> I only use unrealtournamentBSD bcallah: yes! saved! jrick: and I'll switch gcc with rustc
rewrite everything C as I need it bcallah: should just write a whole OS from scratch
call it GNU or something catchy
gee en you jrick: gee en eww bcallah: btw, new gary vid
in which he shows us a computer from Staples brycec: and fucks google, or something bcallah: says he's gonna buy it with all the money he's making receiving in the backdoor or something jrick: he has a job right? brycec: I have no doubt he's receiving in the backdoor ;) bcallah: jrick: no
he do got a job jrick: oic bcallah: hmm... I hear the scsi drive of the O2 making occasional clicks
I hope that's not a bad sign kyl: speaking of the O2 jrick: nope carry on nothing to see here kyl: is nekochange some kind of weird O2 fetish cult? bcallah: lol, stalking me? brycec: *s/O2/MIPS, from what I gather jrick: yes stalking your public posts
and I totally have an oxygen fetish bcallah: brycec: actually s/O2/SGI kyl: brycec: -.- brycec: ah bcallah: the fucking site runs on IRIX kyl: ruining my making fun of bcallah
for being a O2 fetishist bcallah: in my defense, Cameron is the one who told me to go over there
I just listened
so totally not my fault jrick: riiiiiight bcallah: so... like my damaged case I don't give a shit about?
also, miod is there - how bad can it be? kyl: i think
you just invalidated your own argument bcallah: I like miod... he gave me the ok to put urtwn(4) all up in the sgi kernels jrick: bcallah is there - how bad can it be? bcallah: jrick: passes the sniff test to me! jrick: alrighty time for bed ***: AmberJ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) bcallah: lame
bye jrick: unless you want cranky me in the morning
I can do that too bcallah: I don't give a shit
marco prolly does tho ***: AmberJ has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v AmberJ kyl: everyone in the company is on CST or EST
except for me jrick: and oga bcallah: I'm on EDT jrick: okay night for realz now kyl: oh right
est/edt bcallah: that hour makes a world of difference ***: Kur0 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) bcallah: heh... kuro
make me think Ibara Kuro: Black Label
the far inferior version of Ibara kyl: kuro? bcallah: oui kyl: was ist? bcallah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpO-HR4R5rM BryceBot: YouTube Games: "Ibara Kuro 1CC, Cave arcade PCB (2006)" by CAVE PCB (27m 32s), 2,194 views, 13 likes and 0 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-08-09T22:42:23.000Z. kyl: oh a game bcallah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iWFWa6Fi3E BryceBot: YouTube People: "Ibara - Superplay - Score = V.66 - Stage 1" by Toarcade (3m 48s), 156 views, 1 like and 0 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-09-10T19:14:46.000Z. bcallah: and that's Ibara
the better version
and the one which I own (the arcade PCB, at least) kyl: oh wait, can't do NaCl
need a proper curve25519 package for Go ***: rnemo has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) kyl: back to square 1 ***: Kur0 has joined #devious
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JainAmber has joined #devious brycec: sweet stumbled on a police freq ***: Kur0 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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