qbit, Any thoughts on this: http://www.brython.info/index_en.html ? :D
JainAmber: cool
I just saw the scrollback... this is at least the third time someone posted brython link to this channel! :P
and the first time I've clicked it
Amber's law: A link should be posted at least thrice before mwheeler clicks it!
s/mwheeler clicks/40 percent users click
Amber's law: A link should be posted at least thrice before 40 percent users click it!
(I just made up that^ statistic right now) :P
I really (really!) like the icons used on this webpage: http://ijustmadelove.com/map/statistics/ :D
Hay gaiz
AmberJ, did you ever interview with that duder?
not yet benDos
Is it scheduled at least?
Naah, I'll drop him an email later tonight...
I could not find time in the last few days. I was away on a ~800km long family trip without fast and stable Internet connectivity.
Plus, my brother-in-law and sister are leaving for US tonight. I'm supposed to see them off at airport..
Neat where are they headed?
Charlotte, NC
Oh cool :)
Btw I know what you mean with the email
I've been pretty bad the last couple weeks about getting back to emails...
Off to airport. bbl...
Hows it going?
Oooh very sneaky youtube
Now defaulting to "What to watch" which inlines promoted videos
good morning deviants
http://i.imgur.com/YG5zh.jpg :)
I want to write android apps in Go
jrick, use clojure
be a man use C++
kusuriya, good to hear you made it through the night without kidney failure...
benDos: you have to use the android NDKs
If that was a question, the answer is no
yep high tolerances
and it wasnt a question to actually use C++ correctly in android you have to fiddle with the NDKs
otherwise youre just doing J++ :)
Without some significant emulation layer
a lot of c++ just isn't going to port to java nicely
thats why they really suggest you use the NDKs if youre bound
Real men write in Dalvik byte code
double xp weekend on call of duty means i'll bbiab
I wonder if there's a way to make mpd play output in mono
so I can use just one headphone
yeah i should figure that out one day for spotify
maybe it'd be a sndio option
if not maybe there should be an SNDIO option
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawsuits_against_God :P
Lawsuits against God :: Lawsuits against God have occurred in real life and in fiction. Issues debated in the actions include the problem of evil and harmful "acts of God".      Actual suits      Ernie Chambers  In the U.S. state of Nebraska, State Senator Ernie Chambers filed a suit in 2008 against God, seeking a permanent injunction against God's harmful activities, as an effort to publicize the issue of public access to the court system...
I like how all the reviews for bing on the play store are now from "a google user"
aaaahhhh yeeeahhhh https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.slaughter.look.of.disapproval&feature=md
mmmm ZFS online zvol resizing
How easy is it? TOO easy. zfs set volsize=
What's new, dbtid? Still in Dallas?
benDos: bored of COD already?
brycec, I can't play cod for more than a couple rounds at a time
My attention span for twitch heavy console gaming is not that long
Too many 9 year olds calling you faggot?
No I just miss a mouse
After months i still feel silly with a joystick vs a mouse for aiming in fps'
After years i still feel silly with a joystick vs a mouse for aiming in fps'
I've never been very good with aim, but I'm at least decent with a mouse
with sticks... it always overshoots
I used to play some pc fps' competitively
So i'm one of those assholes with a 2' mouse pad when i game
The little joystick just isn't as accurate, for me
s/as // | s/,.*/at all/
The little joystick just isn't accurateat all
Anyway be back in a few, to the supermarket!
stebs out of puking range
steps out of firing range
I never realized how much of a difference having monitors tilted downwards makes on the amount of dust that accumulates (on the screen)
which one provedes more dust on the screen?
which one provides more dust on the screen?
Tilted-down gets basically no dust at all
I have 4 monitors, 2 across by 2 tall. The upper two screens are angled down and have no dust on the screen to speak of. The lower two are tilted up slightly, and are covered in dust.
htat's totally your faulf brycec.
next chance I get, I'm going to be rebuilding my desk, repositioning things, and I'll make it so the lower two tilt downwards
xpt: No argument there... Did I blame someone else? :P I was just surprised at the level of difference
xpt: No argument there... Did I blame someone else? :P I was just surprised at the degree of difference
you have 2 monitors too much, because only 2 of them with dust. But you can send me those 2 dusted monitors. and everyone will be happy
pretty sure it would be cheaper for my to buy them for you locally (in .pl) rather than to ship these... And that's not going to happen
fuck, america is so great
I just got 1.5lbs of fried chicken for $5 at the super market
Idk what the fuck i'm going to do with that much fried chicken
But i have it
heh the dilemma of the day... do i want to code in go or play go
code in go
kind of tired of programming and computers right now
How were you going to play go?
the ipad
or on the go board i have
working through some problems
Which way you do it, take notes
It'll make writing heuristics for your bot way easier
i've got a kifu log to record the games
i'm not even at 25kyu yet
benDos: I just started playing again, I hadn't really played since high school and even then I sucked because computer Go wasn't a thing and I had no one to really play against
but my brother and law and dad started playing chess, which made me want to pick up Go again
*brother in law
kyl, I used to play a lot more chess than I do now
Lately i've been getting into newer games
Monopoly was in rotation a lot for a while, in a group of programmers it's mostly a social engineering game
Munchkin, Carassone, umm
i played chess a lot in high school
but my best friend was a russian chess genius
That's makes chess often less fun
the kind who played 10 simultaneous games of speed chess and won all 10
For me anyway
chess is too bureaucratic
go is simple
and yet, not at all
Seriously, I'd highly recommend monopoly if you haven't played it in years
i played in a lab, with a bunch of comp sci and math people
i hate monopoly
It was intense 2 hours of social engineering
i also hate social engineering
having been in security
Why didn't anyone tell me I got disconnected!? :(
dxtr: you were disconnected
Oh, right
kyl, fair enough
benDos: i've been around too many social engineers, it left me with a bad taste
to me, it just feels like hustling
Yeah it's fun
i prefer openness and transparency
With a little more math
Ah i gotcha
s//little is known about maths/
haha mwheeler
s//little is known about arithmetics/
With a little more arithmetic
That one
maths is hard, let's go shopping
maybe you'd win more if you knew calc >.>
Maths is fucking hard. No joke.
^ this
What is it?
just watch it
it's amazing
What is it?
a parody of those educational videos
about maths
Look Around You is best
Super awesome classic win.
i can barely understand the australian accent in that video
Turn up the bass.
it was british by memory
Mine too
I thought it was BBC, no idea who did the voiceover though
woo I finally got my meds
well all of them
what meds
id been fighting to get my glyburide for forever
OpenSUSE handles Delta RPMs
So does Fedora
And delta rpms are super sexy
Find a distro that uses them
yeah but fedora has some minor irritations that SUSE doesnt have for me
the real big one is dealing with packages with signatures it doesnt have trusted
like flash :/
You install a new repo, verify the gpg
it's trusted until it changes...?
flash isnt in a repo
its a flat package
well its in a repo
but if you follow the instructions
it has you use the package
and even when its installed it didnt seem to work :(
I guess it's one of those works for me things?
I'm using the rpm repo at http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/linux/x86_64/
IT updates idk every week or so, maybe more maybe less?
But again, i accept their gpg key and it's trusted forever
So i don't follow the problem?
that and overall how fedora handled packages and the defaults were kinda annoying
the problem was pretty simple I follow the instructions for installing flash on the wiki and it doesnt install flash its like there is a missing step
which if i was familiar with fedora is proably a no brainer
Installing flash on some versions has been weird
it would install an rpm then you'd have to try and figure out what that rpm did
so if you know rpm
you rpm -qa "adobe-flash" --filesbypkg
then you softlink it in some magic dir in your browsers $HOME stuff
well ive already walked away and have OpenSUSE installed
But yeah, not the best of rpm installs
I totally get it
ill probly give FC a try in another version
I don't really have a good reason for sticking with it other than liking how they package some things
till then package wise it looks like OpenSUSE is keeping feature parity with FC
well packagemanager wise
I kind of dig systemd, and gnome 3, and yum ya know
Oh i didn't even know suse used yum
i thought they had something else
SUSE IIRC started with yum
and FC adopted it
heh news to me
but yum is so lovely
well its YaST
but underneath YaST is YUM
Windows really could have learned a thing or two about transactional software changes...
yeah windows honestly hits grand slams with some stuff
and misses others totally
Like running on my desktop...
and when it misses it misses bad
Which i will zero a disk out at some point and try again
a/ (?=(disk))/ whole/
s/ (?=(disk))/ whole/
Which i will zero a wholedisk out at some point and try again
So close.
but yeah delta RPMs look pretty awesome i have to retrain myself in SUSE though
Ugh they totally are
Aside from chrome cause chrome likes to statically link things
Anyway, most everything else guys pretty huge benefits from delta rpms
well chrome likes to do all kinds of strange things
well dartium likes to do all kinds of strange things
Hulu Plus is starting to get silly with all this web only content
And disabling content for the xbox cause it isn't enough of a computer
i dropped hulu plus honestly
wasnt worth it
pay and you still have to suffer ads
There are a few shows i really do want to stay up to date with, especially for the $8 a month
but now so many of those shows i used to be able to watch on my xbox in my living room
now i need to watch via a computer that isn't a xbox?
the catalog wasnt that much more than free
and that has a propor version of flash
Yeah i dropped hulu for a while cause they disabled it on linux or something
I didn't bother to investigate just saw a linux is no longer support page one day
honestly it doesnt confront me at all really because i have a browser setup in wine already for netflix
netflix doesn't care between an xbox and a computer...
but if youre in linux it cares
because wah wah wah some bullshit about DRM wah wah wah
Hah yeah i know
It really breaks the website too
Cause if you just click on a title it goes right to the LOL STILL ON LINUX NO STREAMING FOR YOU page
Like come on netflix you see my user agent dammit
send me to the right fucking page
hmm AWS is looking for Sysadmins
You mentioned that a couple days ago
just picked up some of this http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1199/11757
Beer Advocate: ""
jrick, no name beer?
Jesus man
"Brewed with flaked oats, bitter and sweetened imported chocolates, Sumatra and Kona coffee. "
that's too many things in a beer
How is it?
haven't had it yet
that sounds like a breakfast coffee
@wiki Reinheitsgebot
Reinheitsgebot :: The Reinheitsgebot (German pronunciation: [ˈʁaɪnhaɪtsɡəboːt] ([Image] listen), literally "purity order"), sometimes called the "German Beer Purity Law" or the "Bavarian Purity Law" in English, was a regulation concerning the production of beer in Germany. In the original text, the only ingredients that could be used in the production of beer were water, barley... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinheitsgebot
I more or less go by that
That said, Coors cannot be sold as beer in germany due to that law
Along with a few other 'merican beers
yeah german beers are boring :P
kusuriya, buy anything from
@wiki Hacker-Pschorr Brewery
Hacker-Pschorr Brewery :: Hacker-Pschorr is a Brewery in Munich.    Hacker-Pschorr Brewery traces its ancestry back to 1417 when the Hacker brewery was founded in Munich, Germany, 99 years before the enactment of the Reinheitsgebot Purity Law of 1516.  In the late 18th century, Joseph Pschorr bought the Hacker brewery from his father-in-law. He subsequently founded a separate brewery... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker-Pschorr%20Brewery
If you don't love it, hold onto it for a few weeks and i'll pick it up and pay you back
benDos: youve obviously never drank propor german beer ;)
and just water barley and hops
its a bit rough
and boring
Like room temperate water seeped with barley and hops?
What are you talking about?
Fine fine
What beer should i try in your opinion if german beers are boring?
im just trolling for the most part
You can't talk about german beer like that
i just laugh at purity laws
New packages for macppc!
purists tend to be pretty boring
Better than eugenics laws
need to find this somewhere http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1199/19960
Beer Advocate: ""
brycec: fix yo' bot
You're really that into stouts?
I like them
They're just so heavy for me
Are you into porters as well?
I mean i really like some wheat beers but stouts sit even heavier for me
I mean I like a wide range of ales, from stouts to IPAs
On a related note a wheat beer is a totally ok breakfast so long as you're not driving to work
this is a good wheat ale http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/287/1094
Beer Advocate: ""
meh one beer wont hurt
@wiki erdinger
Erdinger :: The Privatbrauerei Erdinger Weißbräu Werner Brombach GmbH (also known as Erdinger Weißbräu) is a brewery in Erding, Germany. Its best-known products are its namesake Weißbiers (wheat beer).      History    Erdinger is the world's largest wheat beer brewery. It is widely available and popular across Germany and the European Union. Erdinger was founded in 1886 by Johann... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erdinger
jrick, i'll check that out
but erdinger is yummy
Beer Advocate: ""
sup deviants?
does devio.us not murder my tmux processes anymore?
Man beer advocate hates that beer
i thought it was a nice lighter end wheat beer
rnemo, i believe so if you aren't logged in
I haven't been logged in since sunday
Whenever you run nohup brycec gets a text message he can reply 1 to, to bad you
rnemo: i havent had devious murder them un a while
so yeah
and...I'm here
that's what she said!
I bought a bunch of these a while ago http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/287/8682
Beer Advocate: ""
another good wheat ale
Whenever you run nohup brycec gets a text message he can reply 1 to, to ban you
the only time my tmux sessions seem to have died is when tmux starts misbehaving
I've never heard of Bell's tbh
kusuriya: so
every day then
benDos: microbrew from kalamazoo MI
sounds like an openbsd issue
my tmux has been running for days
my tmux has been running for weeks
founders and bells are two of my favorite breweries
benDos: there are known issues with tmux and irssi, it will run for months then randomly crash
ive had it happen in linux and BSD
really just tmux and curses
jrick: no! my bot is perfect :P
jrick, i'll try to find them monday
rnemo: yeah we kill tmux processes
but not mine?
rnemo: of course not, that would be bad. uid=5395(rnemo) gid=3888(devious) groups=3888(devious)
benDos: | still broken
ahh paid :D
brycec, I know :p
kusuriya: yay moneh?
also, holy shit mosh blows my mind
also, holy shit ke$ha blows my mind
also, holy shit brycec blows my mind
rnemo: people that helped prop up wolfman get the red carpet treatment
Okay BryceBot won't spam about Beer Advocate, jrick
now excuse me while I go throw my gold bars in the lake </posh>
I mean I logged in and I started irssi and it's like rnemo is logged in
that's not a fix
s/in the lake/at democrats/
now excuse me while I go throw my gold bars at democrats </posh>
jrick: the API source is returning "", I can't "fix" that. I can only tell BryceBot not to waste its time.
tonight I either have to train a new guy or work alone!
rnemo: you need this in your .profile then [[ $TERM == "screen" ]] || tmux -u attach
rnemo: o/
brycec: thnx
So why can't i just run tmux -something newSessionName
benDos: on wolfman? you can
tmux's args annoying me every few weeks
In general
I can!
I can?!?!?!
I've been tmux then C-b $ sessionName
benDos: something like tmux new-session -t sessionName
It's all in the help
how well it works i dont know
Oh yeah i've seen that
because i only run tmux once
session names are unneeded :)
But it's a kind of lengthy command
and way more key strokes
I have a script that sets up my tmux session for me (starts all my sessions, names them, starts commands running, etc)
kusuriya, i keep them short with distinct first letters
tmux attach -tr attachs to my local root session
-ti to my irc session etc
Also I think new-session can be abbreviated to ns, but don't quote me on that
tmux attach attaches to my one and only session that has like 90million screens in it
lol kusuriya
I usually have at least 3 tmux sessions at any given time
well tmux attach by default attaches to the last session (not last active, but last on the list)
I have 5 sessions
But yes tmux is best.
And 56 windows total
i only have 20 or so windows
jesus guys
but that pales in comparison to my RDC sessions when im at work
I had five the other night and I felt bad for wolfman
rnemo: well my 20 are on my home box
wolfman has 2 IRSSI and a work window for testing crap when stuff breaks
I feel like this is the nerdier version of the "what screen res are you guys at?" discussion
pretty close
"YOU HAVE THAT MANY PIXELS!?!?!" "Well yeah at work I X, Y, Z"
235x80 right now :P
but that's column/row
cuz... this is the terminal, bitches
benDos: 1920x1080 and 1680x1050
i kinda hate this laptop honestly i need more real estate
and if I had it set up right 1366x768 as well
and its hot
but I am way too lazy to figure out triple monitor docking
yeah i know that feeling
fine if we're going with pixels, I'mma beat y'all
I don't know if thats more pixels than my home pc
brycec: i think my buddy at work can beat you
kusuriya: but YOU can't :P
nope it's not
a retina book and 2 30" mac monitors :)
I'm not saying it's impossible to beat... But it's uncommon
it is
I just have 2x 1600x900 and 1x 1920x1080
4x 1920x1080 screens, 2x2
that is bigger than me actually
i wish the lenovo W series could give me 1920x1200 :(
I am bad at maths
because the IPS screen kicks ass
rnemo: at least you say "mathS" :)
as god intended
aight, off for a bit
hmm wonder if hes still watching the chan
Maybe you don't understand just how rich he is. Infact, I think I better put on a monocle.
Santa! You saved my life. Please don't kill me.
Praise $DEITY
my system works
not my work system mind you
that's still tits up
but my VPS
atleast you have somthing going for you :0
yeah I'm about to spend the next 11.5 hours being spiderman
I want a nexus 10 but they're all sold out #fwp
meh 10
nexus 7 for the WIN
evening deviants
evening kyl
hi rnemo
whats good
playing games instead of coding
at work
doing fuck all
because I don't have my logins
heh that's awesome :/
better yet I'll be here for 10.5 more hours
how long do you work between your two jobs?
(last i heard you were working two)
I guess
close to 60
yeah it's awful
but I kinda need both
how's your health?
eh it's ok now
I'm fine
really it's just my wallet that's broke
fortunately my life otherwise is actually pretty awesome so
that's great to hear
man i am getting my ass kicked :/
what are you playing
not so good at it?
been playing again for about three days
first game on a 19x19 board
do you play at all?
as often as possible
what are you using to play
i am not even 30kyu
i'm on panda igs
is there a windows client
hates teh proxy
ssh tunnel?
dont have one heh'
Hiaru no go
I like the game, but am very bad at it
me too!
i am trying to be more mindful in my life, but right now i'm not
I got some books I intend to read on it
but never get around to it
why cant I play go on devio.us :|
probably just isn't installed
kyl: no go on devio.us :|
is it in ports?
Amazon: "Travel Magnetic Go 13x13 Wallet Set"
^ ftw
I bought a little travel set from amazon,it came from asia, it broke the same day I got it
still works ok for life and death puzzles
i use this for solving problems
smartgo kifu is really nice on ios
i have almost missed my stop on the bus a few times this past week
also http://sgf2pdf.danielmaslo.com/
kapu: have you used smartgo books?
kyl: not yet. Have you?
i like it
you can play the problems right in the book
did you use the tutorial in smartgo at all?
I'll have to check them out
it's the same thing
they're cheaper than on amazon too
and there's more there than there are for the kindle
did not know that thanks
since rnemo's gonna bail on me
want to play over IGS?
Definately some day, but at the moment am up to my wits in bad code
you would beat me
but it would be cool to play
i am skipping out on coding
to play go
I should, but am behind the 8 ball on a deadline
Have a good night if I don't make it back to this terminal kyl
kapu: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r9d60r4zmif3ad6/IMG_20121215_214406.jpg
Dropbox photo: "https://www.dropbox.com/s/r9d60r4zmif3ad6/IMG_20121215_214406.jpg"
the kifu from my first 19x19 game
night if you don't make it back
that rat bastard kept taking my vital points
rsync from hell...  60576740826  21%    6.89kB/s 8706:58:07473:37:52
i don't even know how to read that time-remaining... is that 7thousand hours on top of... 8706 years and 58 weeks? madness
it's a malformed ipv6 address