#devious 2012-12-14,Fri

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***[FBI] starts logging #devious at Fri Dec 14 14:41:59 2012
[FBI] has joined #devious
brycec:P [14:42]
benDos: clearly you haven't see csi
brycecugh, worst thing about that Gizmodo "article" - using "NIC" [14:42]
qbitthey ahve tons of peeps who know what they are doing [14:42]
benDosqbit, i've seen 24
That seemed legit
I usually fix servers by looking pout'y at a camera
brycecbenDos: don't forget the cleavage [14:43]
qbityou know then [14:44]
benDosI wonder how long the courts will stop putting people in jail because only one person can use an ip address before it gets discarded forever [14:47]
qbitwhat if they didn't actually catch him.. and they want his friends to think he sucked..
and you are blowing the cover?
brycecs/v/pp/ [14:48]
BryceBotand you are blowing the copper? [14:48]
benDosthen I expect to be paid a hefty sum ot keep quiet [14:48]
brycecs/ver/ppah/ [14:49]
BryceBotand you are blowing the coppah? [14:49]
qbitamericans and your entitlement!
trafficonetr/r/ah/ [14:49]
BryceBotameaicans and youa entitlement! [14:49]
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kyls/paid a hefty sum/the victim of a drone strike/ [14:49]
BryceBotthen I expect to be the victim of a drone strike ot keep quiet [14:49]
kylwell, don't worry
that can be arranged
trafficonekyl: you and your drones [14:50]
kyltrafficone: d-ron and i are good buddies [14:50]
benDosbrycec, https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/12/8/KwjH4z5AA0-WK1BEjpQrow2.jpg [14:50]
brycecha [14:50]
That is awesome
brycecthat was entirely too difficult to read
mcchunkieAdded funny: "that was entirely too difficult to read" [14:51]
trafficoneis there a way to do that with regular expressions?
or will that incur zalgo?
pirokoThat's just because your not smart [14:51]
benDosYes tehre is a way to do it with regex
But what are you talking about?
BryceBotYes there is a way to do it with regex [14:51]
kyltrafficone: DO NOT MENTION HIS NAME
he comes he comes
trafficonewell, if I want to re-arrange the letters in every word except the first and last letter
that seems a little too... engh for REGEX
benDosYou can if you know the word size [14:52]
benDosbut regex can't do counting so reordering isn't really gonna work
regular expressions can't do counting i should say
you can use regex libs that offer more than pure regular expressions
kylqbit: was on lobste.rs [14:57]
qbitcha [14:57]
kylnbdjs [14:57]
brycecbrycec waits impatiently for travis to get around to his build [15:01]
qbitogmwhatareyoutravising? [15:02]
trafficonetrafficone pokes travis [15:02]
bryceca lib for which I submitted a broken pull-req [15:02]
aw - my node pull req hasn't gone in yet
kyland it won't
qbit:O [15:03]
brycecAnd I [apparently] can't run the unit tests on my own machine, it bitches... so I'm waiting for Travis [15:03]
qbit:'( [15:03]
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kylbrycec: well hurryy up, would you?
I forget, does travis do Go?
brycechttps://travis-ci.org/brycied00d/twilio-php says it passed
kyl Yes
goddamnit Travis you useless piece of shit, you only tested master, not the branch I'd pushed to
kylnot that I really use a lot of travis since i can just 'go test' on the CLI [15:04]
brycecoh now it's started the branch [15:04]
kylfailed [15:05]
brycecyes, as expected
I was pissed off when it said "Passed"
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trafficonetr/i/a/ [15:09]
BryceBotI was passed off when at saad "Passed" [15:09]
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jrickHAHAA I passed my systems and signals class
I didn't learn a single thing from that class
trafficonejrick: good job [15:17]
jrickwith a B no less [15:17]
trafficonethat seems like a pretty bad teacher
the signal is disconnected from the system
if you can pass with a B and learn nothing
clearly, had you learned something, you would have gotten an F, or expelled, or something
jrickyeah probably but I don't care because I don't need this class for anything [15:18]
trafficones/need/sex with a goat in/ [15:18]
BryceBotyeah probably but I don't care because I don't sex with a goat in this class for anything [15:18]
jrickit's a req for my major (computer engineering) but it's a EE class [15:18]
brycecHoly crap, Travis-CI can time travel! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3167967/screenshot_2012-12-14_16-20-07.png "2 minutes from now" [15:20]
trafficonegood job, Travis-CI
jrick: but EE is sodamn sexy
it's where robots come from
brycecoh btw congrats jrick
jrickthx [15:21]
trafficoneBono is telling me he is the walrus... I've got a strong feeling I should listen to him [15:21]
brycecNO TRAFFICONE DO NOT! [15:22]
trafficonejrick: yes, congrats [15:22]
brycectrafficone is the walrus. Without question. [15:22]
trafficoneI am the walrus [15:22]
kyljrick: how much longer? [15:22]
trafficonetrafficone walruscone [15:22]
jricktill the grand day of graduation? 4 months [15:22]
kyluntil classes are over?
i thought this was your last semester
jrickoh [15:23]
brycectrafficone++ [15:23]
jrickclasses are over right now
but I have one more semester
and 2 finals for this semester
kylohdamn [15:23]
brycecMan, Travis is cool... I should use it more. [15:23]
qbithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS0P7w4YCDI&feature=share [15:23]
BryceBotYouTube Comedy: "Walk Like an Eqyptian" by thecleverlys (3m 9s), 325,018 views, 1,143 likes and 16 dislikes. Uploaded 2009-07-16T03:22:09.000Z. [15:23]
kyli dunno what it's useful for [15:23]
qbityeah - i should too - no idea how to test irc on it tho [15:23]
kylat least not in this case
qbit: spoof a connection
brycec^ [15:24]
kylwhen i was testing irc shit
i just wrote a quick python server
brycecPHP's got something called Mockery, that Twilio is using to mock HTTP request/response [15:24]
kusuriyalol i think planetside 2 overheated my processor [15:24]
trafficoneplanetside 2 overheated my everything
I was all happy with my 5 year old computer
now I need a new one
BryceBotI was all happy with my 5 year old motherboard [15:26]
kylI need to set up a media server [15:28]
qbitomg kyl you should set up an openbsd media server
kylqbit: i'd probably use a sheeva
mmm guess i could use a beagleboard
qbituse that for the frontend
you aren't gonna be doing any transcoding on a sheeva or bb
kyli won't be doing *any* transcoding
transcoding is for nubs
by media server
i really mean NAS
something I can attach my media drive to
and still watch/listen to stuff on my laptop
qbitmmm [15:30]
trafficones/(?<=really mean ).(.)(.)/211/ [15:31]
BryceBoti really mean SAA [15:31]
trafficoneOH I FAILED
trafficone commits ballpoint-pen seppuku
qbitthat was pretty good man
nice boobieform
trafficoneregex is the origin of T&A on the Internet
anyone who says otherwise isn't aroused by pattern matching
s/(?<=really mean ).(.)(.)/122/
(if trafficone was wondering, BryceBot says the pattern didn't match to anything
(bear in mind it only goes back 15 lines or so...)
s/(?<=really mean ).(.)(.)/122/
BryceBoti really mean ASS [15:37]
brycecI upped it to 30 :D [15:37]
trafficonewoot! [15:40]
benDoss/(transcoding)/1 with nodejs/ [15:40]
BryceBotBAREMETAL!!! [15:40]
trafficone@log_search transcoding [15:40]
benDoss/(transcoding)/$1 with nodejs/ [15:40]
BryceBot38 results found. Here's one at random: Oct 10, 2012 15:20:05 <benDos > Yeah vlc does a bunch of transcoding as well, but I believe you can pull out specific audio video tracks and save them
@log_search transcoding with nodejs
qbit:D [15:40]
benDostoo far back to match "transcoding is for nubs" at 18:29est
brycecyes [15:41]
trafficones/s(?= )// [15:41]
BryceBottoo far back to match "transcoding i for nubs" at 18:29est [15:41]
trafficonethis is going to bother me... [15:42]
brycecbenDos: it went as far back as 16:30:29 <+qbit> mmm [15:42]
benDosbrycec, can you just expose some php debugger so we can play with the regex stuff? [15:42]
brycecno? [15:42]
benDosFine. [15:42]
brycecthat sounds like a terribly insecure idea [15:42]
trafficonebenDos: don't you already have a regexbot?
s/terr/rel/ | s/in/un-/
BryceBotthat sounds like a relibly un-secure idea [15:43]
benDoss/ibly[ -~]+[^(idea)]/ibly fun idea [15:43]
BryceBotthat sounds like a terribly fun ideaidea [15:43]
benDosdoh :p [15:43]
trafficoneholy shit, my mp3 player just totally freaked out [15:44]
brycec@log_search don't%penis [15:44]
BryceBot6 results found. Here's one at random: Jan 05, 2012 16:12:24 <dxtr > I don't wanna stick my penis in something that smells like that :( [15:44]
brycecmeh, close enough [15:44]
trafficone@log_search tran%stick [15:46]
BryceBot4 results found. Here's one at random: Feb 12, 2012 13:26:54 <eest > vimja: i pic of my alix firewall featuring a transparent obsd sticker [15:46]
oh my god
BryceBotYouTube Comedy: "Forever Alone Meets Michelle Jenneke" by Alecofthechive (2m 5s), 1,061,580 views, 11,306 likes and 447 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-12-13T20:10:32.000Z. [15:47]
]i love that video
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benDostrafficone, I do have a regex bot
brycec, was playing with adding regex to BryceBot so no need for benDossBot in here
Duplicates some functionality from other bots in here, and some plugins specific for the main channel i made it for
trafficonegetting the last 30 lines, supporting tr/, and even m/
m/./ ???
BryceBotg,e,t,t,i,n,g, ,t,h,e, ,l,a,s,t, ,3,0, ,l,i,n,e,s,,, ,s,u,p,p,o,r,t,i,n,g, ,t,r,/,,, ,a,n,d, ,e,v,e,n, ,m,/ [15:51]
trafficoneBryceBot: thanks [15:51]
brycectrafficone: m// is Perl match
BryceBotaff,atc [15:51]
brycecsweet, my MySQL query went from .55sec to 1:12 [15:52]
trafficonem/(ar|ba|la|ad|re|no|ne|do) / [15:52]
benDosbrycec, for BryceBot? [15:52]
trafficonem/no / [15:52]
trafficone: I don't handle OR properly, sorry.
trafficoneoh, okay /me kicks a can [15:53]
brycecbenDos: Working to fix an edge condition in its SQL [15:53]
trafficoneselect * from custeez c left outer join heirarchy1 p on c.parentid = p.id left outer join custeez c2 on c2.parentid = p.id and c.id<>c2.id where c2.name != 'YOURMOM' and c.name = $1 [15:56]
brycecFAIL you forgot the trailing ; [15:57]
brycecfine. [15:58]
trafficone^_^ [15:58]
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kusuriyaENOTFAIL [16:00]
cerry8hi, I do not remember the password to my email where there was Qualla mysql database. how do I change it?
hi, I do not remember the password to my email where there was the mysql database. how do I change it?
benDosophcrack [16:02]
Leftyrainbow tables [16:02]
kusuriyaluck [16:02]
cerry8:) Database that is on your server [16:02]
jpgcrI'm sure an admin would be happy to disable your potentially-compromised account for you. [16:02]
kusuriyaor kick you for trying to compromise an account [16:03]
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cerry8I'm sorry, why should disable the account? I have never had a problem? [16:04]
benDosNational Security [16:05]
Guest43106s/N/Intern [16:05]
BryceBotInternational Security [16:05]
benDoscerry8, maybe rephrase your question? [16:05]
jpgcrYou've potentially let your password out into the wild. Your account credentials may be compromised. [16:05]
Guest43106Laters.. take care! [16:06]
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trafficonejpgcr: roll for initiative
@roll 1d10
BryceBottrafficone, rolling 1d10... 6 [16:08]
kusuriya@roll 1d12 [16:08]
BryceBotkusuriya, rolling 1d12... 9 [16:08]
cerry8time ago I signed up because I was trying php mysql, now I started studying php and mysql and I wanted to give it a try, but I do not remember the password to my old email [16:09]
kusuriyacerry8: your best bet is to email admins@devio.us [16:09]
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jpgcrcerry8 So even if you went through the standard lost-password process, you wouldn't be able to receive the email? You're screwed man.
Pro-tip: Don't lose access to your important email accounts.
kusuriyano admin will reset a password ever via IRC requests
its just the breaks
trafficonecerry8: not to be too commercial here, but to do that you can get a free AWS account, and use Elastic Beanstalk to set up a virtual server with PHP+Apache+Mysql installed [16:10]
kylcerry8: how would I know it was you who owned the account? [16:11]
jpgcrtrafficone: Not cool... [16:11]
trafficonenot only will you learn PHP, you'll get exposure to a cloud environment which scales with your company [16:11]
cerry8I do not know, how can we do? you tell me [16:12]
kylwell, i'm pretty busy and don't have time to really think about it - come up with some ideas, and run them by me
trafficone: I heard AWS sucks
trafficonewell, first you need to set up your AWS account. Just browse to aws.amazon.com and set up the account [16:13]
kyltrafficone: and they only have bad devs [16:13]
cerry8I swear I will not do anything more with microsoft! [16:16]
kylbut microsoft is best operating system [16:16]
trafficonekyl: I am more of a Excel fan myself [16:16]
cerry8I do not know what they changed on their servers and I can not log in to my email more! [16:16]
kyltrafficone: i agree
trafficone: access for database work, of course
scales way better than the crap they call aws
trafficonecerry8: actually, another thing you might want to look into is XAMPP, you can istall it on your local machine and write PHP against it [16:17]
kylthe cloud - what if it rains? would a thunderstorm disrupt your data? we don't have any evidence, so clearly aliens. [16:17]
cerry8I already have a virtual machine installed LAMP on my pc, but I have trouble accessing the outside! [16:18]
trafficonekyl: it's okay, the cloud is based out of seattle, so downtime is only expected during the summer months. That's why they suggest you put some servers in the Australia site for double cloud redundancy. [16:18]
kyltrafficone: interesting [16:19]
trafficonehave you tried putting it by a window?
you might get better access to the cloud that way
BryceBotTO THE CLOUD!!! [16:21]
kylno, but i used a cantenna [16:21]
trafficoneI have too many versions of "devil's haircut"
cerry8: if data size/speed/etc isn't an issue, you could use sqlite
IIRC, wolfman has sqlite running
kyltrafficone: pfft
sqlite is so passé
i'm over it
redis and mongo are the new hotness
cerry8hmm, I have to try! [16:27]
trafficones/the.*ss/bringing wolfman to its knees/ [16:27]
BryceBotredis and mongo are bringing wolfman to its knees [16:27]
kylwith their sheer powerrrrrrrrrrr [16:27]
cerry8so the database will be up to the maximum 10mb
if I enter every day something inside
kusuriyaoh i love people XD
"We need to ban all pistols they are more offensive weapons, were rifles are more defensive weapons" :/
kylyep [16:29]
kusuriyaits like um no they are both equally offensive and defensive depends on the situation
kyl*technically* handguns are defensive and rifles are offensive
kusuriyakyl: thats what i was trying to impress upon them [16:30]
kylalso fwiw i carried a hdangun for a year in a warzone and never fired it except at a range
and by fired, i include NDs in that list
brycecGood news everyone! I fixed a "bug" in BryceBot's regex, so it really will search through the last 30 lines, not just the "somewhere between 15 and 30 lines" it was doing before. [16:30]
trafficoneI thought that shitfucks were offonsive, pistols and rifles are just guns [16:30]
kyltrafficone: i'm talking about the intended usage of the tools
offensive might be hunting
trafficonekyl: well, just look at them from a range standpoint [16:31]
kyltrafficone: i don't [16:31]
cerry8I hope to find a solution, good night! ;) [16:31]
trafficonelike, you *probably* aren't defending if you're shooting at people a quarter-mile away
cerry8: good lucks
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trafficonewtf was up with that guy? [16:32]
kylman, submitting my code for review is always a tense moment
i *know* i'm a subpar dev who writes subpar code (i've only been coding for a few years with no formal background)
but still
trafficones/submitting/pushing/ | s/for review/to production without testing it/ | s/$/ until something breaks/ [16:33]
BryceBotman, pushing my code to production without testing it is always a tense moment until something breaks [16:33]
benDosI totally win at burritos [16:33]
brycec^ and yet kyl's code is better than a lot of "profession, trained devs" I've encountered. (no ijoke) [16:33]
kylno one uses my code in production
"no i joke" is correct
brycecs/ij/j/ [16:34]
BryceBot^ and yet kyl's code is better than a lot of "profession, trained devs" I've encountered. (no joke) [16:34]
brycec:P [16:34]
trafficonebrycec: yeah, the more I learn about programming/programmers, the more I'm frightened for every piece of softwere I ever use [16:34]
brycecI should replace boa with srvwd just to spite kyl [16:34]
kylbrycec: i still hold to the standard of, "it's not that i'm good, it's that everyone else sucks too" theory [16:34]
benDoscolbyjack cheese from a regional cheese company, turkey, chorizo, lettuce, and a habanero and peach sauce [16:35]
kyli'm probably going to try for a mango salsa this weekend [16:35]
brycectrafficone: The good news is that, based on my experience, a lot of those programmers end up working for big contractors like Honeywell doing annoying gruntwork like radar control systems. The bad news: see "good news." [16:35]
trafficoneSgmentation Fault. [16:35]
kylit's why the .mil's computer systems suck -- you get what you pay for
s/Sgmentation Fault./SIGSEGV/
BryceBotSIGSEGV [16:36]
benDostrafficone, how comfortable are you with C?
If you were scared of programmers before...
trafficonebenDos: don't make me think about that, I want to be able to sleep tonight without the use of drugs
It's not that bad, C has lots of benefitsxma9xak0/39x a3crxm 0/;9 m90]8m;.;
benDostrafficone, are you on a linux system atm? [16:37]
trafficonebenDos: yes and no? [16:37]
kylI mean, I know a lot of the things not to do, but i'm not particularly good [16:37]
benDostrafficone, there's something cool with strace if you want to be really scared of programmers
Attaching to already running processes of the same user
trafficone:-( [16:38]
brycec(I love that strace can do that, so handy) [16:38]
benDosIt's pretty easy to in real time monitor all disk, network, keyboard, etc io and filter it into meaningful data
And man
My browser usually runs as me..
BryceBotMy browser usually runs as $USER.. [16:39]
benDosHappens to be one of things that as far as i know fedora is the only major linux distro fixes by default [16:42]
kusuriyamy browser runs in a sandbox! [16:43]
brycecMine does too! I just wish the cat didn't crap in it too... [16:43]
trafficoneI run all clients as root, it's okay 'cause they're at least 5 years old [16:43]
jrickI sandbox everything in my $HOME [16:46]
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kusuriyai do everything live [16:50]
benDoss/live/in production/ [16:52]
BryceBoti do everything in production [16:52]
trafficonessh root@productionbox, vim production code [16:52]
benDosNote, port 22 ^ [16:53]
brycec^ But not necessarily a public IP
And maybe there's a firewall too
benDosproductionbox doesn't have a public ip? [16:54]
snkwooo, had jury service on monday that just got cancelled! [16:54]
kusuriyahey guys i need you to hack my network ip
i need to make sure i secured that network!
brycecbenDos: maybe productionbox resolves to a local/private IP [16:54]
benDoskusuriya, lol gonna ddos you so hard [16:54]
trafficonesnk: great, now you have to do a jury downtime report [16:54]
benDosbrycec, i suppose [16:54]
brycecAlmost all of my production machines have only their services externally visible, and things like ssh are only accessible over the VPN
Keeps that simple.
benDosI keep some semiprivate ip's, no dns pointers to them generic rdns of my datacenter which i use for some stuff like that [16:56]
kusuriyahm well this is bad
my blood sugar is at 407
trafficoneO_O [16:58]
brycec-.- [16:58]
benDosobscurity as the first layer of my security has kept my ssh logs clean of literally any malicious logins for years [16:58]
kusuriyai actually really should go visit the hospital and get some insulin [16:58]
benDosI'm not doctor but that seems pretty high
Yeah man
brycecGoody for you benDos. IP's I've never published frequently get port-scanned [16:59]
trafficoneyeah, you probably should [16:59]
kusuriyabenDos: normal is 75 - 120 [16:59]
benDosbrycec, i've got a few scans 'n stuff from previous users
Like some dudes in italy keep trying to hit a samba share on that ip
got a few scans but never even all of the tcp ports...
benDos shrugs
Been pretty lucky i guess
kusuriya, gf is an lpn says get some insulin now pls
border line ketoacidosis
@wiki ketoacidosis
BryceBotKetoacidosis :: Ketoacidosis is a metabolic state associated with high concentrations of ketone bodies, formed by the breakdown of fatty acids and the deamination of amino acids. The two common ketones produced in humans are acetoacetic acid and β-hydroxybutyrate. Ketoacidosis is a pathological metabolic state marked by extreme and uncontrolled ketosis. In ketoacidosis, the body fails... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoacidosis [17:01]
benDosCause i had to wiki it anyway [17:01]
trafficoneoh hey, someone at tried to log into my home server as root [17:02]
kusuriyabenDos: i know its a bit late to do shit about it
unless i make a trip to the hospital
benDosyou don't keep insulin around? [17:02]
brycecThose damn brazillians [17:02]
which like
kusuriyanope im pill only [17:02]
benDosyou probably should do
huh idk at least call your doctor mang
kusuriyaits not my high score [17:02]
benDosbenDos shruygs
BryceBotshrugs [17:02]
kusuriyayeah im going to call my doc in the AM [17:02]
benDoswell gl [17:03]
kusuriyaget him to reup the insulin pens he took from me
since im kinda in this position since he took forever to get my glyburide up
i need to visit the pharmacy anyway tomrrow
my high score is 455
my dads beats me though 710
benDostrafficone, most of my login attempts come from china
Usually on my mail server, from the same few blocks
But they try a couple user names, one password each then don't do it again for days
trafficoneI had a few login attempts from china [17:07]
benDoshttp://www.theonion.com/articles/fuck-everything-nation-reports,30743/ [17:10]
trafficonepeace, y'all, I'm out
BryceBotAu revoir trafficone! [17:11]
benDoslater [17:12]
...... (idle for 26mn)
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sharveyso from my end
the internet died
trafficonesharvey: the Internet is not dead [18:21]
chihttp://ompldr.org/vZ3A3MQ [18:22]
trafficonechi: well put [18:27]
qbit: another night, another world class beer: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/14/505
BryceBotBeer Advocate: "" [18:39]
lazylopezYou code in Ruby? aww, that's cute! [18:39]
trafficonesnk: I'm surprised it's not called "India Big Male Ale" [18:42]
snkuse to be called the big man ale
close enough :P
benDosloled: export EDITOR=$(which rm) [18:45]
that one's a silent killer
because it might not do anything for months
and then you'll run visudo and BAM
a less distructive prank that I've played on people is to add a random sleep to their $PS1
they freak out about how slow their computer is
BryceBota less destructive prank that I've played on people is to add a random sleep to their $PS1 [18:50]
benDoshaha [18:51]
mcchunkieNew packages for i386! [18:53]
.... (idle for 19mn)
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..... (idle for 23mn)
brycec@ping [19:38]
Omegle_Botbrycec: Pong! Round-trip time: 0.9062 seconds. [19:38]
jpgcrbrycec: Pong! Round-trip time: 1.6024 seconds. [19:38]
BryceBotbrycec: Pong! Round-trip time: 2.2455 seconds. [19:38]
brycecI love how inaccurate those ping times are... They're all running on the same server
same path to me, etc
well they might not be on the same FN node
....... (idle for 32mn)
trafficoneI forgot everything from PHP [20:11]
brycecThere's nothing wrong with that.
Fresh start in a better language, like Go
brycecOr a good reliable language, like Python [20:11]
zenmoweryeah [20:12]
trafficonebut I'm writing a twilio thing [20:12]
zenmoweri have had to write entirely too much javascript lately [20:12]
brycectrafficone: ANOTHER?! [20:12]
trafficonebrycec: it's pretty much the thing we wrote meets the thing I wrote [20:12]
brycectrafficone: if you care, I pushed a pull-req to twilio-php :)
trafficoneI do, gj [20:12]
brycecwell that's good solid description :P [20:13]
it's basically a game where you get a bunch of people to put in their phone numbers
and then you dial them
and they all have to put in a number of who they think "the villan" is
except the villan
who puts in their own number
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trafficoneand the villan gets a message telling them they are that when they're called [20:14]
brycecInteresting... but a bit confusing
But I think I like the concept
zenmoweri just ordered 4 more magazines for my cz-75
just in case
brycecMostly... how the hell am I supposed to remember other peoples' numbers, trafficone ? [20:15]
zenmowerthey gonna take mai gunz [20:15]
trafficonebrycec: an alias
brycectrafficone: Unless there's a prompt "Press 1 if you think Bryce is the villain"? [20:15]
trafficonezenmower: bigger fish to fry [20:15]
brycecAh [20:15]
trafficoneno, it's got a wobsite [20:15]
brycec thinks this totally calls for a cloudservice like AppEngine or Heroku to host
trafficonewell, it's on AWS, if that makes you feel better [20:18]
brycecnot much [20:18]
mcchunkieaw, where's the pun in that? [20:18]
brycecBryceBot: twss? [20:18]
BryceBotThat was 50% what she said. 'not much' [20:18]
trafficone50% should not be the threshhodle [20:19]
brycectrafficone: it's not -- two different bots' opinions
BryceBot's threshold is 97% iirc
trafficoneBryceBot: twss? [20:21]
BryceBotThat was 50% what she said. 'BryceBot's threshold is 97% iirc' [20:21]
brycecWhat's a good file I could expect to find on a C: drive?
I'm testing a php app's security on a windows system
trafficoneIDK, porn.jpg [20:24]
kylc:windowssystem32cmd.exe ?
trafficone: porn.png
brycecha thx guys [20:26]
kylbrycec: no worries
heh i just designed some go stickers, but i really don't trust my design skills
brycecYeah, we don't either. [20:31]
trafficoneI trust they're terrifying [20:31]
kylimagine zalgo meets the gopher
and they started hanging out
then ctulhu came over because he heard there was beer
and then odin was just liek sup brosephs
and thor parked sleipnir outside
and then... they ran out of beer
^ that level of terrifying
trafficoneI'm building something on my eee
I need someting to read or do while I wait for this to finish
BryceBotGist by kisom on 2012-12-14T06:49:27Z, last updated 2012-12-14T06:54:21Z, 2 commits (Markdown:gistfile1.md) [20:38]
kylthere you go [20:38]
brycecI skimmed it, I like it. Especially the font. [20:39]
kyldon't skim it
read it
brycecikhtg [20:40]
kylbut do you [20:41]
brycecwell, some. [20:41]
trafficoneis go setup on warfman?
by micheal dorn
bryceclol [20:41]
kyldon't think it runs on wolfman [20:42]
brycecand I wish, but there is no Go or wolfman afaik
cuz Go would need utf8 stuffs at the least
and obsd 4.7 is a no-go on that
trafficonewhat librarrry am I missing? undefined reference to `SSLv2_client_method' [20:53]
kyllol [21:06]
brycecFYI Portlandia 3x1 has been posted to the Internets [21:12]
sharveywoo portland [21:22]
.... (idle for 15mn)
trafficonewoo indeed [21:37]
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........ (idle for 39mn)
zenmowerhttp://www.brython.info/index_en.html [22:26]
already posted
jrickbrony python [22:32]
brycecwow that's some frightening js [22:32]
kyljrick: are you seriously interested in stickers? [22:32]
jrickmaybe [22:32]
kyli'd be giving them away [22:32]
jrickwhat do they look like? [22:32]
there's three designs
I ftp'ed that url and was wondering why tar wouldn't open it
turns out I donwloaded a webpage
kyllol [22:35]
i can probably get by picking up one of those designs [22:43]
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