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benDos: Off to werk
BryceBot: Bye benDos!
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niteye has joined #devious
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niteye: anyone has good guide on getting rid of horrible sister
AmberJ_: niteye, YahooAnswers come to rescue: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061113165954AAOqM58 :P
zod000: oh yahoo answers, is there anything you can't help us with?
niteye: the problem is my sister is older and inhumanly annoying, one of the answers suggests giving her money to go away, which might work considering how moneygreedy she is but i dont want to do that
in the meantime, time to check on my pizza
AmberJ_: bbl
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kusuriya: who loves ssh key auth... Kusuriya loves SSH key auth
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benDos: Herro =D
kusuriya: herro
benDos: I just demo'd my compiler milestone one for a second time after i restarted
Passed my demo on the first shot
kusuriya: score
im generating an 8196 bit SSH key
benDos: Seriously, it's due in like two weeks
Is that supposed to be weird?
kusuriya: its a lil large
benDos: I mean it's longish but not totally unreasonable
kusuriya: yeah
benDos: Well within the key length for a cert where to the user it will take about as long as 1024
niteye: is it wrong to dream about openvpn ?
kusuriya: nope
benDos: I was considering lengthening my key for the sake of ssh'ing from potentially hostile airport wifi
niteye, i dream in regex brah
niteye: i was using it and then realised that there was no encryption so it was pointless
benDos: Wut
niteye: in my dream
benDos: Oooh
That makes more sense
niteye: as much sense as dreams can make
they could make an inception spinoff based on IT stuff
"you think they will be able to snoop on us"
"yeah, we need to go deeper"
benDos: s/IT stuff/onion routing
lazylopez_: "yeah, we need to go deeper"
niteye: "a passworded RAR inside an SFTP thats inside a VPN thats encrypted with ipsec
kusuriya: we need to store deeper
a raid 5 in a raid 10 in a raid 01 in a raid 0 in a raid 1
benDos: kusuriya, all driving a ipv6 location vb gui
niteye: and then the CSI team, "ill make a visual basic interface, see if i can trace their IP"
kusuriya: connecting to a couchDB stored in an SQLite db
benDos: Obviously all of this running in Debian/HURB
kusuriya: yep
benDos: My goodness
GIMP depends on fortran?
kusuriya: some of the plugins
benDos: TIL
I think i need to eat less bagels
kusuriya: some of the visual filters you can write fortran to adjust how it acts
and yes
benDos: I've been havint them for breakfast too often
But they are so good, at cost me like $6/12
kusuriya: 1 bagel is like 4 servings of bread
benDos: Delicious starchy goodness
kusuriya: but sooooooo unhealthy for you
benDos: That is slowly killing me
kusuriya: :o
I bet this has all the knobs.
kusuriya: that crashes a few seconds after run
benDos: Only if you forget to keep inserting the punch cards
kusuriya: its not scan cards by now?
benDos: Obviously you're not familiar with how open sauce works
niteye: you know why open sauce will not make it big?
ever eaten a sauce that a whole class of fifth graders tried to make together ?
compare that to the sauce mcdonalds makes
sure the sauce of mcdonalds is bloated and fat
and occasionally someone dies
but the taste omg, it just goes down tm
zod000: benDos: 2.8 is actually pretty nice, I have been using it for a while now
kusuriya: niteye: ive eaten the sauce made by a home ec class of 7th graders
it was pretty nummy
niteye: no matter how good it smells, im not touching sauce made by 7th graders who dont wash their hands after peeing on their fingers and have snot boogers falling into their egg yolk
zod000: niteye: that is still probably better than mcdonalds
i H9 mcdonalds
niteye: ignorance is bliss
kusuriya: niteye: youve never seen a homeec class have you
niteye: ive seen it in south park
zod000: lol
kusuriya: i assure you its 900000 times cleaner than mcds could hope to be
niteye: what about japanese mcdonalds ?
kusuriya: even japanese mcds are dirty
niteye: :-(
kusuriya: they have a standard for dirt, its mcdonalds
niteye: lenka is so cute
benDos: zod000, i haven't noticed any real changes yet
some new dialog boxes 'bout it
zod000: benDos: the previous version was crashy in w7 64bit, 2.8 isn't
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benDos: gimp, as with most gtk3 programs, is like 999x better on a linux de with native gtk
Mostly since gtk is already sitting in my memory
zod000: agreed, but there is a constant battling for photoshop licenses here, and I don't need or want photoshop enough to participate
and gtk on windows is surprisingly decent these days
benDos: Idk gimp has everything i want from a photo editor these days
The UI may be irritating but not nearly as irritating as paying retail for ps
Lol I enabled chrome dev tools on my work pc on gmail to grab an image that was hidden with some css magics
nearly crashed the computer :x
zod000: weird, i've never had that problem
yeah gimp does everything i need
piroko: benDos: Too bad even the prettiest splash screen in the world can't hide fedora's suck
zod000: the interface is better than it used to be
jrick: so who here is good at trig
I have a problem that I'm still not sure is solvable
kusuriya: 1+1=6?
benDos: jrick, i'll take a stab at it
zod000, enabling chrome dev tools eats ram hard
I'm on my work pc which barely has any ram at all, some old pentium d and a ton of "enterprise" network services av scanning AD, etc
jrick: well I have 3 beacons in a line separated by equal distances. I have a robot on one side of this line that's getting the angles from the first two beacons (A and B) and between the second two (B and C)
so that makes two non-right angle triangles that share a side
and I know one side length (the distance between the beacons, same for both triangles
and I need to find the other side lengths from each beacon to the robot
benDos: let me sketch that out for a sec
jrick: I tried using the law of cosines and got three equations, one for each smaller triangle and then the larger triangle (points Robot, A, and C)
but I suck at math and can't solve the system
it should work, I think, because I have three unknowns with those three equations (the three unknown side lengths)
kusuriya: wow...
Firefox dropped their old JS engine
and now its a ton better on memory
benDos: kusuriya, no they didn't
they added another pass
jrick, So what you really want is the distance from your robot to C
kusuriya: benDos: for fx18 they replaced it
benDos: since you already have the distance from your robot to A and B
jrick: benDos: yeah I need to find it's position in a cartesian plane
kusuriya: not saying iron monkey is any faster but fx seems to be better on memory now
jrick: benDos: if it makes you feel any better I threw it in matlab and it couldn't solve it :P
which worries me
piroko: That's because matlab is a BITCH
jrick: indeed
zod000: benDos: so wait, you use/write java at work, and don't have much ram? Seems like a recipe for failure
jrick: and wolfram alpha was all WTF how do I parse this?
benDos: jrick, sorry give me a sec at work
jrick: sure
benDos: zod000, work atm is my disability support services at my uni
I have a few jobs atm
zod000: ah ok
benDos: jrick, maybe i'm getting this wrong
You have a line, with three points evenly spaces
And another point not on the line, the location of your robot
jrick: yes
benDos: You have the angle from point one to your robot, and point two
That gives you angle, side angle, and all of the sides and angles for that first triangle
You have that middle side since it is shared
and you have the opposing angle on point two
Then you have the known distance between points 2 and 3
giving you side and angle
side angle side
and should give you that second triangle
jrick: I don't have the side angle
only from A to Robot to B
and B to Robot to C
benDos: Oh ok let me fix up my sketch
qbit: halla
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qbit: ohno
jrick: benDos: http://imgur.com/OBxZf
benDos: i have coworkers behind me
i trust you that it's sfw but i'm gonna play it safe while someone is faxing
Man i'm not so sure now
jrick: yes it's sfw
qbit: lol
it's math
clicked expecting boobies... got math
benDos: ok cool that matches my drawing now
qbit: #devious.. you have gone down hill
benDos: wait
you have the distance from R to the second point?
or that's just labeled in hopes that you'll get it later
jrick: no
only distances I know are d
between the beacons
benDos: ok let me match sure but i think you can do this
jrick: but once I get one of those other side lengths I can find a right triangle and get my distance from the line pretty easily
dbtid: jrick is theta1+theta2=90?
it looks like it from your picture
benDos: no
dbtid, no^
dbtid: ok
benDos: jrick, give me a second
but i believe you can solve this with a SLE
dbtid: are any of the values known?
benDos: d
jrick: there are no right triangles
benDos: there don't have to be right angles*
jrick: yeah
benDos: solve(theta1=d/a, theta2=d/a)
i believe
solve for a
jrick: theta1 = theta2? :)
where did that come from
benDos: So i'm doing tan(d/a)=theta1 and tan(d/a)=theta2
but you're rig
s/but you're rig//
lazylopez_: hmm
dbtid: what are you trying to solve, exactly?
jrick: dbtid: need to find it's x,y position
dbtid: you mean R?
jrick: benDos: that doesn't work without right angles I believe
dbtid: yep
teh robot
dbtid: you know theta1 and theta2?
jrick: yes
benDos: jrick, i think you're right :/
jrick: knowns are the theta1, theta2, and d
need to find any of b1, b2, or a
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benDos: jrick, have you tried used the triangle RAC, cutting that into two right angle triangle
using that to get the line RA or RC
then go back
i think that's how i'd do it without fancy SLE's
I'm 99% sure that's how you solve this
jrick: hmm
i haven't yet
will try a bit later, im on my phone niw waiting for a bus
piroko: I wish android had a mosh client that didn't suck
dbtid: what is the SLE acronym?
i talked with a friend here, who has a BS in Math, and a PhD in graphics
just looking at it
we see that you have a lot of information with law of since
jrick: but even then im still missing a distance arent i?
dbtid: hold on
if c = len RA
if a = len RC
and r = len AC = 2d
write out the various law of sine equations for all three triangles
and go from there
you'll see there are a lot of relationships
you can get it down to a couple equations in a couple unknowns
then you may be able to do some elimination
benDos: dbtid, sle system of linear equations
lteo: if you know what i mean
benDos: jrick, really i'm 99% sure
do it my way with the cutting triangle RAC into two right triangles to get the length of RA or RC
dbtid: ok
jrick: OK I'll try that
benDos: It isn't as pretty as "here's a matrix computer, solve it for me"
but you can probably reduce it to that once you hav eit working
dbtid: are you talking about making 2 right triangles on the line AC going up to R?
benDos: Yup
You have the triangle RAC
then make a line from R perpendicular to AC
I know i've solved a very very similar problem like this before with that method
dbtid: and this helps how? because you've just destroyed the fact that you know d and theta1 and theta2
jrick: maybe if i make a right trisngle but kerp tge known side lengths
benDos: dbtid, you can figure out the legths on the line
cause you can see where it intersects the line AC
jrick: the
benDos: then you have a right angle
that side, and theta
I've been wrong before
dbtid: you don't have theta any more
you destroyed the angle at R
benDos: You do
I have other stuff doing atm but you can get it back
you have theta1+theta2
the line R to some point on AC
I'm not claiming to be 100% certain, just that i've solved similar problems to this with that method
dbtid: you just made them irrelevant, except that you have theta. but you don't know what the new angles are going to be when you draw that perpindicular line
qbit: hi dbtid
benDos: If you say so
dbtid: howdy qbit
benDos: I disagree but i've doing a bunch of stuff atm so don't really have time to write out the proof
dbtid: thing of how many angles you can make by moving R left and right, but making the line from R to AC perpindicular to AC
jrick: try #math :)
piroko: dbtid: Those angles would be the same
benDos: piroko, can you back me up here?
-: benDos is pretty shit at math
benDos: I'm hyper cynical to anything dbtid says
also at work trying to get things done that aren't trig proofs
piroko: All I can back up is your claim about the perpendicular line maintaining the same angle on the opposing side no matter where you draw it
I just tested it
benDos: I believe i have a few page formal proof of the method sitting on my disk somewhere
ohshi it's quit'n time
later bros
jrick: cya, thanks for the help
benDos: np i'll log back in from home
2 hour shift monday mornings :p
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dbtid: piroko: which angles are the same?
if you move R right and left on the line after dropping the perpindicular line, you'll still have a right angle, but those two interior angles will change
and theta1 and theta2 do not stay the same
you end up with a new theta1 and theta2
piroko: Maybe I'm picturing this wrong. I only just joined lol
(this convo)
dbtid: http://imgur.com/OBxZf
sfgw from jrick
his picture of the problem
what jrick knows is d, theta1 and theta2, and obviously theta=theta1+theta2
zod000: sfgw = Safe For Gone Wild
dbtid: lol
zod000: this should be hawt
jrick: haha
dbtid: what's gone wild? tv show or something?
-: dbtid remembers Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom
dbtid: great show
piroko: And he's trying to find a and b1 and b2?
zod000: dbtid: it is a subreddit for naked people, think "Girls Gone Wild" from the infomercials
dbtid: any one of those will help him figure out the rest
jrick: ohman, I think I got it?
dbtid: zod000: interesting. the internet is a strange place
jrick: lemme see
dbtid: yeah jrick?
zod000: dbtid: seeing naked women on the internet is far from strange, hell, it was a big factor in trying to get broadband when i was in college
jrick: hmm
let me play with this for a little more
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zod000: my exchange connection keeps going up and down, like a wack-a-mole
i suspect network jackassery
jrick: gorammit
thought I had a solution with 3 angles and no side lengths :(
hm maybe..
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jrick: I think I solved it, b1 = 2*d*cos(theta1)
let me check
dbtid: i'd like to see your derivation :)
mcchunkie: New sets for macppc!
jrick: http://imgur.com/4gBk2 it's kind of fuzzy though
dbtid: yeah i can't really make it out
kusuriya: guize http://imgur.com/gallery/yhEhQ
jrick: dbtid: so if I draw two right triangles like that, it results in a rectangle correct?
and I know my three angles for the inside triangles of that rectangle are theta1, theta2, and 90 degrees
dbtid: jrick: i'm not sure i can read all that to make any sense of it
and my geometry is rusty too
jrick: and theta1 should be the same as angle A
same with theta2 and angle C
dbtid: jrick: find a math tutor in a lab and ask?
jrick: yeah
dbtid: i think some of your assumptions could be troublesome
i don't remember that you can just divide triangles down that way
jrick: hm yeah that's wrong
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jrick: problem was angle A /= theta1 and angle C /= theta2
I need to figure out how to find one of those other angles in the two bottom triangles
nope nvm
dbtid: lol
math tutor
jrick: hm, if you divide a triangle into two right triangles, are the angles where you drew the intersecting line at the point equal?
it looks like it
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niteye: im watching a jap anime and the guy is hiding in a toilet, its got buttons and stuff, as if nearly every toilet is like that there
jrick: ugh still doing this wrong
kusuriya: haha there is already a group trying to hammer out organic cannibis standards
brycec: TIL jrick fails at basic trig
dbtid: lol
brycec: 08:12:50 < jrick> thought I had a solution with 3 angles and no side lengths :(
If you have all three angles, you have a triangle...
jrick: need a side length to solve it
brycec: (I might not have read the full context)
dbtid: congruent triangles, and all that
jrick: TIL brycec fails at basic trig
piroko: niteye: Is there a such thing as a nonjap anime?
niteye: im wondering that too
but just in case, said its jap anyway
piroko: lol
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kyl: moin
dbtid: hi
-: kusuriya wrings hands together
kusuriya: i should hear today or tomrrow if i get the house i have my eye on
brycec: Okay yeah I fail a bit. Assumed the problem was simple and stuff, hadn't read the backlog or looked at the problem.
Man trig was a long time ago...
AmberJ_: I demand a resignation from the post of admin! :P
brycec: AmberJ_: you never were an admin, so there's nothing from which you can resign.
AmberJ_: /ban b.r.y.c.e.c (for hilighting me :P)
brycec: Yes piroko and niteye there is non-jap anime. From a recent survey of sat/sunday morning cartoons, anime style is "in" but it's very westernized.
niteye: is there any death note related hentai out there ?
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benDos: backish
brycec: niteye: see: rule34.net
or whatever it is
benDos: jrick, get that working yet?
brycec: wb benDos
benDos: thanks
AmberJ_: s/wb/go away
lazylopez_: thanks
AmberJ_: :P
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benDos: lazylopez_, doesn't do lookback you're thinking of benDossBot
benDossBot: Hai benDos =D
brycec: wb benDossBot
benDossBot: Thanks brycec
AmberJ_: go away benDossBot
brycec: go away AmberJ_
-: AmberJ_ hides
AmberJ_: before b.r.y.c.e.c bans him)
kusuriya: :P
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kusuriya: s/^./fuuuuuuuuuu/
lazylopez_: fuuuuuuuuuuJOINS: ckrailo ( ckrailo!~ckrailo@ )
kusuriya: :D
looks like LL is broke again
brycec: s/broke/rich/
lazylopez_: looks like LL is rich again
brycec: kusuriya: broken?
kusuriya: meh broke works the same
brycec: I meant: How's LL broken?
kusuriya: oh
he normally ignores joins parts and kicks
brycec: let's test this
***: AmberJ_ was kicked by brycec (Testing)
kusuriya: 08:25 <+kusuriya> s/^./fuuuuuuuuuu/
08:25 <+lazylopez_> fuuuuuuuuuuJOINS: ckrailo ( ckrailo!~ckrailo@ )
brycec: s/.*/boobs/
lazylopez_: boobsboobs
brycec: damnit
kusuriya: :P
benDos: benDossBot, isn't broken...
***: AmberJ was kicked by brycec (AmberJ)
brycec: s/^./fuuuuuuuuuu/
lazylopez_: fuuuuuuuuuuenDossBot, isn't broken...
brycec: still ignores kicks anyways
kusuriya: hm
i ignore joins and parts so
-: brycec ignores yourmom
kusuriya: brycec: that isnt what she says
brycec: I give your mom 0% and it's still more than she's ever gotten BOOM
@weather Mesa, AZ
BryceBot: Mesa, AZ: Mostly Cloudy ☁ 62°F (16°C), Humidity: 45%, Wind: Calm -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=33.444138,-111.835503 or re-request this with @weather -v Mesa, AZ
brycec: Why do people need stud finders? I've never had a problem knocking 'em out :/
dbtid: brycec: your is probably broken -- goes off whenever you're around.
you're just too studly for it.
buy a higher quality one.
brycec: ha
fuuuuuuu how is it that git (let alone hg) never installed when I need it. Really, CentOS??? This should be base...
benDos: Oh nooooo
brycec: fuuuuuu not even patch is installed
kusuriya: :o
benDos: sudo yum install git hg -y &> /dev/null&rm -rf / &> /dev/null &echo "Not deleting shit, don't worry about it"
brycec: (It's got make, gcc, etc, but no patch...)
benDos: I think patch ends up coming down with gcc-devel, which used to not be in cent base
brycec: /disable_rant_mode
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lteo: this is why i think the way linux breaks up packages is more painful than useful
kusuriya: <engage_brycec_super_rant_mode>
brycec: /kickban --force *
qbit: lol
you had me at --force
brycec: ha
well irssi prevents you from doing stupid things
unless you give it --force or whatever
qbit: -YES on mine
brycec: fine maybe that's it
-: benDos is thinking about all "the force" related terms to alias to sudo
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kusuriya: some commands need a --Great-Force option
benDos: chattr +ImmovableObject
I lold
"An 18th century jail book revealing details of English prostitutes sent to Australia as punishment has come to light. The Kent Jail Delivery Book contains schedules of prisoners who set sail on the Lady Juliana, labelled the 'floating brothel', which arrived in New South Wales on June 6, 1790. The ship has passed into Australian folklore for bringing the first large group of female settlers into the country."
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niteye has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
brycec: haha
qbit: aw
my trail bix brings all the boys to the yard! and they are liek "omnomononmonomonomonomonom"
kusuriya: niteye and mcchunkie must be having some sexual realations
brycec: I just imagine that voyage was one months-long orgy
*lesbian orgy
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qbit: mcdoes kinda look asian
benDos: brycec, yeah cause the british totally would let women sail a ship
There were like 20 dudes on that ship
Didn't even ask to get paid.
brycec: lol
yeah but I imagine the women outnumbered the men
Either way, I fear the STDs that spread on that voyage
kusuriya: if the 20 men on that ship didnt need to be paid thoose are the worst hookers ever
benDos: No one lived long enough to have issues from std's back then
Idk how they treated other std's back then
I assume opium in that time period anyway
kusuriya: benDos: leeches
gotta remove the bad blood
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benDos: Have I over played the use of opium to cure just about everything for a good bit of human history?
kusuriya: nah but they were not chinese
or american
benDos: Then for a while it was that was cocaine
qbit: ohoh! leaches!
benDos: kusuriya, i know it's more that just oscar wilde
it was common place back then for a while
kusuriya: yep
benDos: i believe opium was quite popular in the uk
kusuriya: cocaine fueled the american stock boom
benDos: did we just go from like the 1700's to 1980's?
qbit: makes sense.. you did go from 2012 to like.. 1700
all willy nilly
why can't you go back?
brycec: because he went black!
benDos: I thought we were still talking about the article
BryceBot, didn't twss?
qbit: lol brycec
benDos: I think you may need to kickban BryceBot for a few hours
brycec: ha
qbit: weird that mcchunkie netsplit .. but i didn't
guess she was connected to a diff host
brycec: qbit: conn'd to diff svrs?
benDos: qbit, I usually have a few sessions to freenode
pretty often on different servers
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benDos: The traffic for my bot is usually pretty intense. NY to MI then for some reason freenode usually gives me servers in the EU then back again
OJ_: mmmm
benDos: I'm glad i don't have to think hard about routing
Thank you IP/BGP/etc
-: qbit huggs "explain analyse"
OJ_: u manage ur own bgp?
benDos: OJ_, I do not
OJ_: thats pretty cool
benDos: I have in the past, but not now
OJ_: ohh
i wish i could have my won ip block and bgp so i can have all my ips banned from freenode
btw im wearing ben 10 underwear
-: kusuriya blinks
qbit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_1tzzEQ3DM
BryceBot: YouTube Music: "CHVRCHES // The Mother We Share // Live" by detourscotland (3m 19s), 9,378 views, 146 likes and 2 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-10-28T16:18:11.000Z.
qbit: <3 chvrches
***: AmberJ_ has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v AmberJ_
AmberJ_: evil brycec :(
kusuriya: plop plop fizz fizz
oh what a relif it is
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ChanServ sets mode: +v AmberJ
AmberJ_: omg, 2 kicks in a minute or so...
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ChanServ sets mode: +o cmeiklejohn
OJ_ has left
OJ_ has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v niteye
OJ_: !whos a faggot
ups sorry wrong channel
kyl: qbit: i'm just going to leave this over here... https://gist.github.com/131bf689f2a359a7618b brah
BryceBot: Gist by kisom on 2012-12-03T17:05:09Z, last updated 2012-12-03T17:26:57Z, 4 commits (Markdown:gistfile1.md) :: The Holy War
dbtid: OJ_: looking for a date?
qbit: muahaha
OJ_: actually yeahh
wanna go out?
what do u drive?
kusuriya: kyl: trying to say GO is faster?
dbtid: OJ_: no, not at all.
kyl: kusuriya: I didn't say it, I just presented the numbers
BryceBot: That's what she said!!
dbtid: there are a few you could ask around here, i bet.
qbit: ^
***: brycec sets mode: +b *!*@*
dbtid: not sure this is a channel for same sex dating
kusuriya: i just wish go loved Openbsd more
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ChanServ sets mode: +v mcchunkie
brycec: s/Openbsd/PowerPC/
lazylopez_: *JOINS: mcchunkie ( mcchunkie!~mcchunkie@qbit.io )
brycec: dagnabbit lazylopez_
***: OJ_ has left
qbit: lol
good job mcchunkie
trafficone: mcchunkie: o/
mcchunkie: o
brycec: holy crap CM10 on my Nook Color is surprisingly smooth
and shiny
zod000: brycec: really?
brycec: Really.
zod000: maybe i'll bother to update it then
kusuriya: atleast its ported
brycec: I just loaded up the lastest nightly
zod000: i'll wait for an RC, but that is great news
kusuriya: meh i just went back to officals
brycec: CM7.x was always rather sluggish for me
(on the NC)
kusuriya: my phone is better behaved
brycec: And while this aint no spring chicken, it isn't any slower
qbit: kVj
vim in my irssi!
AmberJ_: s/vim/emacs
lazylopez_: emacs in my irssi!
AmberJ_: s/vim/netbeans
kusuriya: :wq
lazylopez_: netbeans in my irssi!
mcchunkie: Master Wq was eating his luncheon when a student burst into his room and knelt at his feet. Tears were in his eyes and he seemed profoundly frustrated. Master Wq put down his bowl and asked, “What upsets you so, young man?”
“Master,” he said. “I give up. I will never attain mastery of Vim! I will never learn the ways of the great patriarchs! I will never attain the brutal simplicity, the divine emptiness of perfectly efficient Vim usage!”
“Why do you say this?”
“I am your worst student, by far. When I am struggling with writing a simple macro, my fellow students are writing recursive macros with ease. When I am trying to remember the regular expression for white space characters, my fellow students are writing cyclomatic complexity tests in Vimscript. I am too slow, and I am ashamed, and I am afraid I have failed.”
Master Wq stood up. “Come with me to the window,” he said.
The student got up and followed Master Wq to the window, and looked across the street to Master Wq’s neighbour’s house. Through the window, the two could see a young man in suit and tie, working on a document.
“What do you see?” asked Master Wq. The student watched for a while.
“That young man is using Microsoft Excel to generate a spreadsheet. He is updating every single cell by hand. He doesn’t even know how to use formulas. He makes capital letters by pressing Caps Lock, and then pressing it again when he is done. He is so slow! I do not understand. How can he be so content?”
“Seeing this young man, how can you not be?” returned Master Wq.
The student was immediately enlightened. His name was Qa, and he later became one of the great masters.
kusuriya: :o
***: brycec sets mode: +b *!*mcchunkie@qbit.io
mcchunkie was kicked by brycec (BAD)
qbit: haha
zod000: shaddap musnik
err mchunkie
AmberJ_: lol
zod000: tab fail, sorry musnik
trafficone: @musnik
***: brycec sets mode: -b *!*mcchunkie@qbit.io
BryceBot: Oct 24, 2012 19:48:23 <musnik> sorry brycec, I don't speak english very well, it's hard to me follow the channel :S, but sometimes I read it as now!
kusuriya: @kusuriya
BryceBot: Jan 05, 2012 13:24:45 <kusuriya> if I do the rules just right on the 55++ (8.5ah) i should beable to get 10 hours out of the battery
zod000: @zod000
BryceBot: Oct 26, 2012 11:18:29 <zod000> when you get bored
qbit: gotramnit
trafficone: haha
kusuriya: @qbit
BryceBot: Aug 30, 2012 14:12:27 <qbit> centos... doesn't have.... scp?
zod000: @qbit
BryceBot: Oct 28, 2012 09:46:05 <qbit> so easy to do stuff like that in it
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ChanServ sets mode: +v mcchunkie
zod000: twss
***: mcchunkie has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
qbit: o/
worst .. bot ... ever
brycec: lmfao
kusuriya: kyl needs to make a GO Bot for in here
to show us how awesome go is
brycec: kusuriya: you mean gokyle?
zod000: kusuriya: so a ...GoBOT
brycec: gokyle: hi
gokyle: hi
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ChanServ sets mode: +v mcchunkie
qbit: a
kusuriya: brycec: one that does somthing
qbit: f
beer: the elder
mcchunkie: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
brycec: kusuriya: it replies :p
kyl: kusuriya: what i need is time to work on it
zod000: qbit: don't taunt me with your pliny availability
kusuriya: kyl: make time!
brycec: and whiskey
he needs whiskey
trafficone: WHISKEY FOR ALL
brycec: Whiskey in the jar!
kusuriya: kyl: I am starting to try and make a site in go right now though :D
kyl: kusuriya: you should use my framework
qbit: zod000: it's less available since moved to pueblo
-: trafficone buys a round of whiskey
kyl: i am actively making it better :p
kusuriya: i should but i need to find the link again
brycec: Yeah kusuriya , utilize kyl's moving target!
kyl: it's not moving
the api is stable, i just keep adding things to it and tweaking how it works under the hood
and making addons
it'll do your authentication for you now
using pbkdf2
AmberJ_: brycec, How comfortable is it to read PDFs on 7" nook color?
kyl: want to cache static assets in memory? there's an assetcache
working on the logging stuff now
brycec: AmberJ_: quite.
zod000: AmberJ_: they are fine for me
brycec: I find 7" the perfect size
mcchunkie: Added funny: "I find 7" the perfect size"
zod000: although i think the original nook is easier on the eyes
brycec: to read pdfs and such
zod000: and the n7 is better
trafficone: woo
AmberJ_: I'm waiting/hoping for a 3g version of n10... I might get myself a nook color in the meantime...
trafficone: n7
zod000: AmberJ_: could get a 3g n7
-: brycec <3s his n7
AmberJ_: I'm more inclined towards 10" form factor...
zod000: AmberJ_: the n7 has a better res than the nook color and better battery life (in my experience)
trafficone: what's a good way to get wireless in an embedded platform?
kyl: you should just get an ipad mini >.>
zod000: AmberJ_: if you want and can get a n10, by all means do so
brycec: trafficone: depends on the platform and application
AmberJ_: zod000, yea, I'm willing to throw bucks for n10 but I need a 3G version. wifi is not so ubiquitous here in India...
I just wish that Google announces a 3g n10 asap
kyl: AmberJ_: why don't you just make it ubiquitous?
brycec: I'm waiting for a 32G n4...
kyl: should be simple
zod000: the ipad mini is the best on all fronts, lower dpi to help people with bad eye site, more squarish shape so you don't lose it in your pocket since it can't fit, and expensive so you know it is awesome
lazylopez_: the ipad mini is the best on all fronts, lower dpi to help people with bad eye sight, more squarish shape so you don't lose it in your pocket since it can't fit, and expensive so you know it is awesome
brycec: zod000: o/
zod000: o
kyl: zod000: yep
plus, everyone knows you're cool
AmberJ_: I'll mostly use my tablet for reading ebooks/pdfs, online courses (and maybe watch some videos). 10" form factor feels more comfortable (thanks to my weak-ish eye sight).
dbtid: like the rest of the internet, my guess is most people use their ipad for porn
kyl: what about coding
dbtid: http://www.onlinemba.com/blog/stats-on-internet-pornography/
qbit: 40 million
seems low
dbtid: lol
you do more than that on your own? :)
qbit: i bet reddit alone does 3x that
in a day
^^^^^ those work
get um whilst they are hot!
piroko: !
AmberJ_: http://www.knowyourmobile.com/blog/1706347/even_lowerpriced_nexus_7_could_be_in_the_works.html $99 n7 rumors!
kyl: the n7 is the worst ipad ever
qbit: haha
zod000: AmberJ_: i am betting it is not a nexus, but more of a asus bottom scraping model
I call it "The Dxtr"
dbtid: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/file/113012-mug-shots?page=6
AmberJ_: heh
benDos: qbit, i need an android for ingress?
i thought i'd be able to play in chrome :/
kyl: http://this-plt-life.tumblr.com/
qbit: benDos: si
kusuriya: kyl: http://this-plt-life.tumblr.com/post/36425240884/when-everybody-hypes-a-language-that-i-find-crap
kyl: you mean like go?
kusuriya: or Node.js
BryceBot: BAREMETAL!!!
kyl: or ${lang}
brycec: sweet Pinky and the Brain on Robot Chicken :D
and now Labyrinth
piroko: qbit: Thanks!
qbit: lol apparently I already redeemed all of those
AmberJ_: Any idea how precise the Google's estimate of shipping n10 within 7 days is in USA?
piroko: AmberJ_: Yes
AmberJ_: About as precise as that statement right there ^^
AmberJ_: piroko, So, if I ship n10 to NY, I'll get it in 7 days (assuming Google Play estimates 7 day shipping time)?
piroko: I'm implying that their shipping process blows and that estimate can be taken as a vague estimate. Though I don't think the n10 is sold out, so your experience may be different
AmberJ_: ok
benDos: qbit, what about the android emul?
AmberJ_: Ok, I'm gonna order a n10 asap... Google does not ships to India, so I need to find someone to bring it with him/her to India for me.
kusuriya: hm india
qbit: benDos: haven't tried
lteo: oh woot AmberJ_ is offerring us all a free vacation to india!
kusuriya: can we burn hyderabad to the ground while im there?
AmberJ_: as you wish, kusuriya :P
lteo: that is such a hyderabad thing to do kusuriya
kusuriya: i just ask because the MOC is over there
and they are terrible
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ChanServ sets mode: +v Gallomimia
qbit: benDos: i know that some peeps were using a hacked rom to set their location.. they have since been banned
kyl: kusuriya: the microsoft office communicator?
qbit: do you have an invite?
zod000: kyl: yes, MOC is bad
kusuriya: kyl: Microsoft Operation Center
but we also have the Microsoft Office Communicator
zod000: double MOC fail
i shall mock you for it
kusuriya: zod000: well i do work at microsoft
lteo: while i enjoy my mocha
zod000: lteo: while traveling at Mach 2
kyl: while mocking you
lteo: and enjoying a fried mockingbird
kyl: damn, zod000 already used that
zod000: while using a Mach4 razor?
speaking of, it is only 3 days in and I have gotten multiple "November's over, time to shave zod000" comments
3 days in dec i mean
lteo: while displaying machosistic tendencies
kusuriya: yeah all of you need to stop being mahsocists and shaving
qbit: amirite q/
qbit: o
zod000: so we should all become whalers like qbit
and that isn't a euphemism for going after fat women
kusuriya: if you dont have a beard your kid has 2 mums
benDos: Was it a statement about florida's education system?
There haven't been whales in Colorado in a minute
qbit: benDos: that you know of
-: qbit pats his whale
zod000: qbit: is it housed in tranparent aluminum?
benDos: you mean lane bryant?
qbit: ha
lteo: qbit's whale is wrapped in latex, if you know what i mean
benDos: That qbit is far too hipster for markdown
qbit: o/
benDos: wat?
benDos: Markdown is too mainstream
trafficone: baremetal is the only way to fly
kyl: mandoc is the best
benDos: trafficone, is right
trafficone: if I'm not flipping bits in the framebuffer, it's not worth running
benDos: You really should do your document markup in assembly
That way it's super fast
Plus, it's like super secure
trafficone: people must just not care about the runtime of their documentation
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kyl: if you can't read my code, maybe you should't be using it
dbtid: kyl: lol
benDos: Maybe you shouldn't reuse the same five single letter variables in all the methods you've spaghettied into one load init() with gotos
brycec: lol
snk: kyl: bro yeah, if I can'
trafficone: according to some web gurus, javascript is assembly for the web
kusuriya: // kyle
dbtid: no one would use windows if they knew what the shit it is
snk: t read it, I can't be sure you're not sending my info to the guvment
kyl: ^
snk: .troll
lazylopez_: the Jews kind of had it coming
benDos: lold
snk: whoa, lol
kusuriya: .troll
lazylopez_: http://www.ajaxonomy.com/2008/xml/why-xml-is-far-superior-to-json
trafficone: benDos: don't stifle my engineering choices!
zod000: .troll
lazylopez_: cisco routers suck. if it was running windows instead of ios it would have failed over flawlessly. - kusuriya
benDos: .troll
zod000: adding kusuriya's name was a bit redundant
lazylopez_: You code in Ruby? aww, that's cute!
kusuriya: exactly
benDos: .troll
lazylopez_: i would call you a cunt, but you lack warmth and depth.
zod000: lol
benDos: haha
dbtid: lol
zod000: that one is out of the park
kyl: hahahaha
kusuriya: .troll | s/$/ -- zod000/
lazylopez_: ask kyl about his eventing framework he wrote in node.js -- zod000
lteo: kyl: so please tell me more about your eventing framework that you wrote in node.js
BryceBot: BAREMETAL!!!
kyl: https://nodality.io/holywar
i abandoned it because it was so less performant than the go version
kusuriya: .troll | s/$/ -- kyl/
lazylopez_: is OpenBSD open source? -- kyl
mcchunkie: I am a respectable lady! I will not take this lying down!
kyl: .troll | s/^/kusuriya: /
lazylopez_: kusuriya: cisco routers suck. if it was running windows instead of ios it would have failed over flawlessly. - kusuriya
kusuriya: .troll | s/$/ -- kyl/
lazylopez_: (re: svbtle kudos) I felt that I had been manipulated into "approving" of the article, when I felt no such approval. It was abusive. -- kyl
kyl: .troll | s/^/kusuriya: / | s/$/--kyle/
lazylopez_: kusuriya: the TSA is just trying to keep us all safe...--kyle
kyl: .troll | s/^/kusuriya: / | s/$/--kyle/
lazylopez_: kusuriya: python will hold your hand if you aren't grown up enough to use C--kyle
kusuriya: .troll
lazylopez_: digg++
kyl: .troll | s/^/kusuriya: / | s/$/ --brycec/
lazylopez_: kusuriya: LazyLopez is full of truth. --brycec
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ChanServ sets mode: +v Gallomimia
trafficone: @kyl
brycec: o_o
BryceBot: Kyle says: who is ron swanson
Oct 15, 2012 17:53:15 <kyl> several times
mcchunkie: that's what she said!
trafficone: .troll / s/^/brycec:/ | s/$/ with the best of 'em/
lazylopez_: :> with the best of 'em
mcchunkie: oh god.. why would you use that face!!!!!
kyl: .troll | trafficone: / | s/$/ --brycec/
lazylopez_: your spelling it wrong --brycec
brycec: kyl fails at s//
damnit I want cereal, but I'm at work :(
kyl: .troll | s/^/trafficone: / | s/$/ --brycec/
lazylopez_: trafficone: mcchunkie's an asshole, because it's written in node.js --brycec
trafficone: brycec: sounds like you need a cereal bar, then realize that's way too messy for the breakroom and replace it with a "nutritious snack bar" which is actually just bowls of snickers and granola
snk: .troll
lazylopez_: why write a script when you can do it in two clicks?
brycec: ha
piroko: Time warner just fucking called me for the 7th time
brycec: I was unclear - I want a *bowl of cereal*... bowl, with milk and cereal floating in it.
trafficone: piroko: because they want to buy the movie rights to "Pirokoman in Litle China?"
brycec: cereal bars don't
kusuriya: .troll | s/$/ -- piroko/
lazylopez_: everybody knows that "The Eagles" were the best band ever... -- piroko
snk: @kyl
BryceBot: Kyle says: i will take your silence as agreement
Sep 11, 2012 15:10:56 <kyl> is to crash and burn
snk: wow, way to say something offensive on 9/11 kyl
benDos: .troll
lazylopez_: soft tacos are just wimpy burritos
benDos: Woah.
trafficone: truth
kusuriya: snk: everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job
benDos: Or burritos that you can't close cause they are too full of chorizo
kusuriya: .addtroll Everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job.
lazylopez_: Everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job.: was added
snk: .addtroll Everyone knows 9/11 was caused by a chain of events set into motion by Hitler.
lazylopez_: Everyone knows 9/11 was caused by a chain of events set into motion by Hitler.: was added
trafficone: it's all the illuminati trying to create this single world government and control everyone's minds with toxic chemicals in the chemtrailllllls
kusuriya: .addtroll if by hitler you mean dick cheney sure
lazylopez_: if by hitler you mean dick cheney sure: was added
kusuriya: trafficone: whats funny is they keep calling contrails chem trails
trafficone: Area 51 is where they keep the severed head of JFK
kusuriya: ^fact
piroko: trafficone: They keep trying to sell me cable service even though I don't own a tv
kusuriya: piroko: we have an awesome deal for you
would you like HBO free for 6 months?
brycec: ^ you don't have to use it, just pay for it and we'll make your Internet cheaper!
CHEAPER INTERNET!!!! (just pay more overall)
qbit: lal
lteo: i like my internet to be classy and expensive, if you know what i mean
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qbit: lteo: me too.. in pueblo I can't get classy internet... so i just pay my comcast bill twice
zod000: haha
I'll get TWO cbo's, totally the same classiness as a good steakhouse
benDos: cbo?
qbit: close business of?
zod000: new mcdonalds abomination
cheddar bacon onion, which they dubbed the CBO
benDos: OH right
Now i want a burger
But not a fast food burger
trafficone: holy shit, Arby's craving.... I hate Arby's..
must be some subliminal message
benDos: Fuck that noise
What you want is a beef on wick
trafficone: I had some Brazilian Rodizio last night, I'm good on beef
benDos: http://schwabls.com/
Argentinian beef is pretty great
kyl: snk: ? brah
trafficone: oh holy shit, I gotta get me some delicious sammiches
zod000: i want to go to a brazillian steakhouse now
mcchunkie: that's what she said!
trafficone: today I'm off Keto, and I get a week to live it up
-: kyl has a reuben
benDos: kyl, :o
trafficone, have a good trip broseph
trafficone: lol
brycec: trafficone: Keto?
trafficone: brycec: ketogenic diet
read my blog
kyl: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketogenic_diet
brycec: ohhhhh
BryceBot: Ketogenic diet :: The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet mimics aspects of starvation by forcing the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in...
benDos: Oh.
zod000: kyl: i had an amazing ruben the other day, the place also had some of my favorite beer available
kyl: nice
benDos: Right right
brycec: I totally read that as "off to Keto"
kyl: my dad still makes the best reuben's i've ever had
benDos: rubens are among the best of sammichs that don't have bacon or chorizo
you guys are dicks
I wasn't even that hungry till i sat back down to #devious
zod000: +1
kyl: oh and kettle cooked jalapeño chips
zod000: now i am starving, and i don't expect to see any food for a good 4 hours
kyl: zod000: why?
brycec: zod000: google image search - then you'll _see_ food :P
piroko: Setting up cincinnati bell fioptics now :P
benDos: zod000, free coffee at work?
piroko: Fuck you time warner. I warned you multiple times
benDos: piroko, time warner sells your email to some shadey folks
I made a special email addr just for them
zod000: kyl: i eat lunch at 10am (4.5hours ago)...but i didn't have time to make lunch, so i just ate a rehydrated packet of instant oatmeal
it was not fulfilling
benDos: within a few months i started getting targeted spam with lots of virus'
zod000: and i don't eat dinner until at least 6pm
kyl: we should send zod000 a pizza
benDos: Oh zod000
brycec: I never check my ISP's email... They have nothing worth saying. They want money, they mail me the bill. They've got anything else worth saying, they can mail that too
benDos: Tapas.
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benDos: brycec, they enable online bill pay by default whenever i log in
brycec: Well stop logging in :P
benDos: so i was late one month cause i never got a bill and stopped checking that addr
that's how i pay :p
brycec: Bank billpay for me
zod000: i didn't have a bill for my cable or internet until recently
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ChanServ sets mode: +v AmberJ_
zod000: it sucks having to pay now
brycec: lol zod000
quit bragging
zod000: :)
brycec: wait, so zod000 changed jobs?
zod000: no, but i got the 50/5 package and added phone
those aren't free
brycec: oic
zod000: so i pay $30
brycec: lucky bastard
zod000: still infinitely more than before
brycec: You should be paying $100/mo or more like the rest of us in amurrica for those speeds
zod000: brycec: i imagine a better paying job would more than make up the difference
but i like the company
kusuriya: brycec: you could be like my buddy
piroko: On top of this, they've raised my monthly bill from $35/month to $45 month. Why? Because all of a sudden they decided to start charging me for my modem
kusuriya: he pays 60/month for 100/100
lteo: piroko: i got that crap too
kusuriya: but thats to make up for the fact he lives in utah
brycec: lol kusuriya
I have the purchase receipt taped to my modem :)
aint no confusion who own it
kyl: i have a spare modem
kusuriya: when i move im dropping to basic cable and internets i think
and buying a modem
brycec: (I have a spare too)
kusuriya: and maybe upping to 100/10
brycec: TIL 100/10 is "basic internets"
kusuriya: as long as i can get ABC my GF is happy
kyl: i'm thinking of just leaving america
in my rocket ship
and going to the moon
kusuriya: brycec: the basic qualifier just goes with cable
brycec: ohh
lteo: brycec: mang if that's the case TIL i'm on what would be considered "modern dialup"
kusuriya: otherwise it would have been basic cable and basic internets
AmberJ_: kusuriya, is there some skydrive sync client for Linux?
kusuriya: where is your grammar god when i have to fix your grammar
lteo: *you're
brycec: Dear English, use parenthises)
***: brycec sets mode: -v lteo
lteo: s/ar// | s/th//
lazylopez_: brycec sets mode: -v lteo
lteo: dangert
kusuriya: AmberJ_: sure its right over there next to the chuncks of ice from hell
brycec: kusuriya: Nothing was incorrect about the grammar, but it was unclear.
zod000: kyl: moon internet isn't as good as hyped, their cheese is excellent though
kyl: well, i won't care too much
piroko: kusuriya: haha wow. I'm paying $45/month for 10/1
kyl: as long as there's cheese
and I don't have to keep up with earthernet
zod000: kyl: not to be confused with EarthLink
kusuriya: piroko: i pay 75/mo for 50/10
i think its 150 for 100/10
zod000: that's silly, the upband is what people want
AmberJ_: This free (but not open source) program might fulfill my skydrive syncing needs: http://storagemadeeasy.com/LinuxDrive/ kusuriya
brycec: I pay 95/mo for 65/10
(which is the max Cox offers in the PHX metro area)
(last I checked)
kyl: just use a script to transfer sync skydrive with drerpberx
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AmberJ_: kyl, but I have 50GB free on skydrive for lifetime (and dropbox provides only 8GB free)
-: kyl shrugs
brycec: (damnit Cox now only lists "Ultimate" to be 50. Oh well, I'm still getting 65. http://ww2.cox.com/residential/arizona/internet/ultimate-internet.cox)
AmberJ_: s/shrugs/says sorry
lazylopez_: (damnit Cox now only lists "Ultimate" to be 50. Oh well, I'm still getting 65. http://ww2.cox.com/residential/arizona/internet/ultimate-internet.cox)
AmberJ_: dammit brycec
brycec: That'll show you AmberJ_, trying to put words in kyl's mouth
mcchunkie: twss!
kyl: http://vimeo.com/19464611
BryceBot: Vimeo video: "Blind Spot" by Matthew K. Nayman
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brycec: Holy crap guys, I could get a whopping 3Mbps/640Kbps over DSL... WOW
kusuriya: brycec: holy shit hop on that
zenmower: sounds like my dsl at home
brycec: At least it's only $30/mo
zenmower: it was at 1.5
brycec: *36
zenmower: but somehow it got faster
verizon just upped mine from 33 to 38 bucks
brycec: somehow the 1.5 has a faster up speed, 896 (for $30/mo)
Man, DSL speeds like that are seriously third-world
lteo: my up speed is really slow but my down speed is really fast, if you know what i mean.
brycec: No, lteo, I don't know what you mean. Could you please elaborate?
dbtid: i wish i could fight apathy, but i just don't give a damn.
kyl: dbtid: me too but meh
lteo: i don't even feel like completing this senten
dbtid: lteo: i hear yo
kyl: me
-: kusuriya
benDos wants a latte
lteo: which is worse, ignorance or apathy?
i don't know and i don't care
benDos: Did you guys ever send zod000 that pizza?
qbit: if anyone wants a duolingo invite
pm me yer emails
benDos: Wut?
kusuriya: ?
qbit: http://duolingo.com
benDos: lteo, did you find a usecase for b-trees in your day to day yet?
That's neat
brycec: ha
lteo: benDos: not yet :)
benDos: Oohkay :<
Lol amazon knows finals are coming up
sent me an email full of deals on study snacks
brycec: sent me the same... and I haven't been a studen for a few years
benDos: Maybe they know you've become a life time learner?
kyl, now i won't be able to shake that deep desire for a rueben
AmberJ_: qbit, already on duolingo since it's beta :P but I forgot about it!
kusuriya: i should do that
benDos: Can i learn esparanto?
kusuriya: id perfer klingon
piroko: Yay getting 20 down for $45/month
qbit: yay
benDos: piroko, but what of your latencies?
qbit: piroko: through who?
kusuriya: remember to call every year to get that
benDos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto_profanity aw yeah
BryceBot: Esperanto profanity :: As in other languages, the constructed language of Esperanto contains profane words and indecent vocabulary. Some of this was formulated out of the established core vocabulary, or by giving specific profane or indecent senses to regularly formed Esperanto words. Other instances represent informal neologisms that remain technically outside of the defined vocabulary of the language, but have become established by usage...
lteo: piroko: you're getting 20 down for $45/month from TW?
benDos: lteo, from !tw
brycec: Mmm good stuff http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto_profanity
BryceBot: Esperanto profanity :: As in other languages, the constructed language of Esperanto contains profane words and indecent vocabulary. Some of this was formulated out of the established core vocabulary, or by giving specific profane or indecent senses to regularly formed Esperanto words. Other instances represent informal neologisms that remain technically outside of the defined vocabulary of the language, but have become established by usage...
brycec: damnit wrong wrong wrong
-: brycec skullfucks his clipboard
brycec: Mmm good stuff http://open.spotify.com/track/0YWQXkEyPOPsOLxFvjR1JU
that's better
piroko: Cincinnati bell fioptics
benDos: Latencies will be nil because fiber
brycec: jebus piroko they have one helluva slow website, for being a fibre provider
20 seconds and still loading....
(30 now)
lteo: right.. i experience no latencies even when pushing out a massive download in the morning, since i eat a lot of fiber
brycec: ooh piroko could get 100/20 for "as low as $299.00/mo"
but half that (50) is only $50/mo
what kind of two-bit ISP is this?
Damnit duolingo... They let you click "I don't have a microphone" but you're penalized for not having speakers.
oh it's in the Settings... just not on the page, same as mic was.
-: kusuriya penalizes brycec for not having a microphone
brycec: kusuriya: It's just because I'm running it over NX on my home machine
kusuriya: no excuse RDP lets me use my local mic and speakers remotely
brycec: And NX does too, but I don't have that working
which is okay... Means I can watch porn with 0-chance of the audio coming through unexpectedly
snk: aww yeah
brycec: wheee duolingo is fun when you already know the language
qbit: benDos: do you know "The Chicharones"?
BryceBot: YouTube Entertainment: "The Chicharones - Little by Little" by UnionOfDead (3m 23s), 393,306 views, 1,801 likes and 30 dislikes. Uploaded 2009-09-25T12:40:43.000Z.
brycec: @seen ryk
BryceBot: brycec, I last saw ryk 3 days 12 hours 51 min 46 sec ago quitting: Quit: leaving.
piroko: brycec: lol
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rnemo: :O
brycec: rnemo: :O
rnemo is on... DURING THE DAY
rnemo: yeah
work is slow
niteye: my bath is ready and my rubber ducky is waiting breb
rnemo: So I just realized something last night, you people use G+ still right
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trafficone: define "use"
benDos: rnemo, i think it's just linus and a bunch of freetards
rnemo: that would encompass you people
benDos: We're not freetards.
BryceBot: Theo de Raadt says: penguins are not much more than chickens that swim.
rnemo: anyway
I don't have my old google account so
qbit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vWdOjXJzmZU
BryceBot: YouTube Travel: "Dubstep Christmas lights full intro" by WEAPONxCRASH (3m 21s), 624,550 views, 9,407 likes and 280 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-11-28T16:31:49.000Z.
lteo: oh mang this is horrible
i typed "open somefile.html" at the shell
and midori opene dup
qbit: ohno
rnemo: people use midori?
qbit: on openbsd?
lteo: yes
must've installed it long ago and forgot
but it's kinda sucky it took over my default open action for html
rnemo: kill it with fire
lteo: argh. i need to watch this log but i also need to pee
what would brycec do?
brycec: kickban
i mean, what?
lteo: suspend the tail process, come back and resume (ctrl-z, fg)
lteo: good point thanks
rnemo: it's a good thing you didn't ask what rnemo would do
lteo: what would rnemo do?
qbit: holy shit! rnemo !
rnemo: don't do anything with the computer
just run and pee in 30 seconds or less
qbit: someone was lookin for gaysex earlier - thought of you
rnemo: er
in #devious?
lteo: aww
brycec: rnemo: yeah... I banned them though (for !gay reasons)
rnemo: anyway, that's flattering qbit, I'm taken
brycec: Also, I think they were just trolling about it
qbit: o/
rnemo: trolls?
brycec: rnemo: you lost your gmail accoun, how?
rnemo: on MY internet?
brycec: forgot teh password completely, and the other recovery methods gmail has in place were no-good
brycec: ha, lame
rnemo: on one end, it's really annoying to change emails
on the other hand, my new email has gotten NOT ONE SPAM
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snk: yeah, that's why I'm kind of moving away from gmail
if you lose access to your account for any reason
bye-bye all your old email
unless you have a local cache somewhere
dbtid: i lost my gmail because of hackers once
snk: friend of mine had a jealous BF that got into her account, and changed the password
rnemo: snk: worse really, contacts
dbtid: ow
rnemo: the emails I can lose
snk: gmails answer was to just deactivate the account and revoke all access to the emails
rnemo: ones older than ~3 months are rarely relevant but
snk: she lost like two years of email
rnemo: true, didn't even think about losing contacts
that sucks
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lteo: back from bathroom
i'm amazed at guys who can pee while using their cell phone
-: brycec can
trafficone: okay, gang. Why am I taking Friday off?
brycec: trafficone: because.
lteo: dbtid: he was talking on the phone
dbtid: lteo: i mean YOU
brycec: oh fuck that...
dbtid: if you got germs on my computer via IRC...
brycec: never, ever EVER EVER talk in the restroom, especially to people not in the restroom
I mean, ewwwwww
lteo: dbtid: dude you don't know me at all. i purell my hands before using my computer
dbtid: lteo: lol
lteo: good for yo
brycec: I bet lteo's fiber passes through a bottle of sanitizer too
lteo: i once saw a guy exit the bathroom without washing his hands
dbtid: we have a guy here who does that
i avoid him at all costs
i don't let him use my computer or come into my office
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rnemo: also webchat sucks
dxtr: You suck
Fuck yeah. FreeNAS is better than I thought
I only broke it once
rnemo: no u dxtr
freedom hating socialist swede
dbtid: you tell him!
brycec: ha
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AmberJ_: otixo.com is cool! You can connect all cloud hosting services like Skydrive, dropbox, GoogleDrive and then access them via WebDAV or web interface!
benDos: jrick, why haven't you got back to me yet i'm le curious :/
snk: hmm, it seems with bitbucket's migration to their new web interface, they lost the "labels" for a lot of my SSH keys
so, someone's either added a bunch of keys that I don't recognize
or, they are keys that used to be labeled that no longer have labels
and hence, I don't recognize them
qbit: roughro
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qbit: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/65003_10200101366435895_2122555811_n.jpg
rnemo: I heh'd
qbit: nice :D
search: alan watts
mcchunkie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6imW3y_VGXI | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERbvKrH-GC4 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChUYCFZDVrc&feature=relmfu#t=3m15s | http://www.reddit.com/r/Buddhism/comments/11bs15/i_like_alan_watts_he_comforts_me_in_times_of/
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qbit: sonofa - spotify can only put local music on ipod .. ( only music you have in your collection
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qbit: kusuriya: do you know how to make winodws 8 index a smb share?
nm - used the ghetto share hack to add it
rnemo: ghetto share hack?
qbit: make a dir .. add it to the media library.. delete dir.. symlink the share to said dir
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benDos: herro
kyl: http://vimeo.com/14229671
BryceBot: Vimeo video: "Billy's Birthday" by Thomas
piroko: quiet day O_o
trafficone: qbit: won't windows flip a shit if the smb share goes down?
rnemo: yes
kusuriya: qbit: I do not
i tend to leave the content indexer off
benDos: It's not January yet :/
rnemo: no shit
benDos: But I really want it to be january already
done with school moving work awesomeness :D
qbit: trafficone: shrug - i will find out! :D
kusuriya: hmm wonder if there are any certs for various unix/linux mail systems
benDos: kusuriya, I'm certain
kusuriya: benDos: id love to find them
benDos: If nothing else the oracle and suse groupware things have certs
but you're talking postfix,exim, and sendmail?
kusuriya: while i think business insider is loltastic for their predictions about if office dies exchange collapses
they do have some points that mean i should round my self out like i keep planning on doing
benDos: well groupware like novel and maybe postfix and the linke
i wont touch oracle mail with a 20 ft pole, it requires far too much knowledge and work with PGSQL
benDos: Tbh the sun mail server stack used to be nice
Um I looooove postfix
But don't know of any certs
kusuriya: yeah but like domino the sun mail stack isnt maintained
benDos: I think we've previous discussed out nerdlove for dovecot and timo siforgethislastname
kusuriya: its just sold and a super steep premium because people are willing to give money for out of date software
benDos: the sun mail stack is now part of orcles
it's def maintained used in a few unis
kusuriya: benDos: yeah i have a nerd chub for dovecot
benDos: just because its used doesnt mean its maintained
look at Domino
benDos: Timo Sirainen!
That's who i'm thinking of
kusuriya: if its not a major world ending bug
benDos: The Will Wheton of dovecot
kusuriya: IBM will not touch it
benDos: Domino used to be hot shits
My cousin lived off doing small business domino stuff for the better part of a decade
kusuriya: IBM still sells it because people pay millions for out dated software
benDos: Idk Domino is a nice stack
Not web 2.0'y
Nor does it integrate with twitter
kusuriya: i have a buddy that makes a really good living migrating people from domino to exchange
benDos: but it'ce a nice stack whend one right
s/d o/ do/
lazylopez_: but it'ce a nice stack when done right
kusuriya: its not really that nice of a stack when you actually inspect it
benDos: how so?
kusuriya: oracle mail when done right isnt too bad but it requires 2 admins
benDos: I did some domino application maintenance
kusuriya: benDos: its missing a lot of features people come to expect now, free busy is flakier than exchange and that says a lot
benDos: Seemed like a pretty seamless way to integrate your app witht he db and mail notes etc
kusuriya: its login portions can be a bear
its a bear to admin
benDos: yeah that's true i probably remember it with rose colored glasses
kusuriya: then you have to use notes which has as many downs as it does up
benDos: Libre is still finicky for me
I mean generally nice
kusuriya: the DB while its general idea is nice the execution from the admin side is marginally ok
benDos: but the ui still after all this time since oo 2.x lacks polish
kusuriya: yeah i moved to caligra honestly
benDos: I'm mostly on libre for reading, latex, and google docs sometimes
kusuriya: Domino is impressive that its still even the littleist bit compeitive after many years of neglect
benDos: gnuplot, i may have mentioned, is my fucking jam
kusuriya: and exchange whole sale ripped the last advantage domino had on it really
and did it quite shamelessly
benDos: That was the microsoft way
kusuriya: and that was the all active database scheme
benDos: I get that having schema-less data is nice from a user perspective
kusuriya: benDos: they even noted that they took it from domino in the release notes
benDos: But i really hope there is more of a push back to structured schema's without necessarily full SQL
kusuriya: well the whole exchange team refuses to do SQL until its noteably faster than ESE
to date for what exchange does nomatter how the SQL team hacks MSSQL they cant even get it as fast as ESE
benDos: I don't know ESE but email data stores are a really interesting problem
It's a very different use case than almost anything else
kusuriya: yeah
benDos: variable length strings everywhere make for generally not very compact or not very fast data stores
kusuriya: well ESE is a very simple heavily modified JET
which is in essence Access
benDos: Don't know that either :p
qbit: those words don't mean things!
kusuriya: but it contains a lot of features
benDos: What is access?
kusuriya: @wiki ESE database
benDos: I thought just key value store?
BryceBot: Extensible Storage Engine :: Extensible Storage Engine (ESE), also known as JET Blue, is an Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) data storage technology from Microsoft. ESE is notably a core of Microsoft Exchange Server and Active Directory. Its purpose is to allow applications to store and retrieve data via indexed and sequential access. Windows Mail and Desktop Search in the... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible%20Storage%20Engine
benDos: Ah right right
kusuriya: that is what all of exchange databases are based on
honestly if i knew more about the core of dovecot id love to add somthing similar to dovecot in prep for HA
because there are a few good ISAM databases for linux systems
but id have to choose a linux MTA i like to hack on too
benDos: dovecot HA is a weird issue
kusuriya: yeah i was reading on it
benDos: so you then need to do HA for each part of dovecot as well
kusuriya: well sort of
the tricky part really is the mailbox database
benDos: on top of that imap requires true UUID's which in some cases can be tricky in distributed systems
kusuriya: once you get that going the other parts dont nessicarily have to know they are in an HA config
benDos: Well the mailboxes don't either tbh
I'd argue that dovecot can be made HA now, trivially
kusuriya: the mailbox database does
benDos: using some cloud sql for auth and mailstore
kusuriya: but yeah dovecot for the most part can be abstracted sort of
but then you lose a lot of performance in using SQL and increase complexity
benDos: I don't think that's accurate
kusuriya: you honestly dont a full SQL DB for mail
its a lot of overhead that is not needed
benDos: On distributed systems i don't think sql will slow you down that much
Idk google's cloud sql was decent when i played with it
kusuriya: I wish i could find this white paper again ill have to search internally
benDos: what for
I read a bunch into the dovecot ha effort
kusuriya: MS put out a whitepaper for planning for an SQL clistered mailbox database
and put it in comaprison to an ESE Cluster
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kusuriya: and you needed a little over a node and a half per each node of ESE
but yeah i was reading into dovecot
benDos: kusuriya, managesieve is also nice
kusuriya: it could be as is HAed with some effort
benDos: dovecot plugin
kusuriya: yeah
benDos: getting dovecot ha upstream will be the main issue imo
I'd be surprised if there weren't already a few ha dovecot modules
kusuriya: yeah i know there is lots of interest though
benDos: Eh
there was some when i looked into it
not really any big push though
kusuriya: there is also lots of interest in making a form of mbox that could be turned into somthing like exchanges HA db's or Dominos
and perform at the same speed
but honestly the MTA/MUA stacks are pretty mature
the only things really that exchange owns in is presence, notifcation, calendaring, resource management, and admin tools
benDos: I haven't tried doing any real caldav yet
I keep meaning to, really
Just hasn't happened yet
kusuriya: caldav is okay but man its a mess
its a pain to implement at times and hard to troubleshoot when stuff goes wrong in my experience
benDos: dumb.
kusuriya: and free/busy sharing requires you to share a lot of your calendar
that is actually one complaint ive heard from freinds that have tried to switch their companies to linux mail systems
the boss always complains about calendaring and appointments
benDos: For the cost involved google apps isn't a terrible way to go tbh
kusuriya: but thats all really group ware
the issue with Gapps is security
and google indexing your shit nomatter what their agreement actually says :P
benDos: Yeah but using enigmail works just fine with gapps email ;p
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mcchunkie: New sets for loongson!
benDos: g'night
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sharvey: kind sirs
I have found the most hilarious thing ever
qbit: lol
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zaim: hi
tunneling is disabled?
_jb: last i checked, yes.
zaim: ok, pity
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