***: [FBI] has joined #devious benDos: Lold kyl: [FBI]: brycec has drugs
[FBI]: brycec hates america brycec: good ones
i'll share benDos: #DEVIOUS IS JUST LIKE THE WIRE kyl: [FBI]: brycec wants to blow stuff up benDos: OMAR COME'N kusuriya: fuck
kassim mohammed lets scram ***: strings has joined #devious benDos: strings might get pinged more often than cook with a nick like that kusuriya: brycec: i need some drugs for my party qbit: omg i can't find this song! benDos: So i haven't been able to log into my power companies site for 3 days now
And my bill was due last week brycec: kusuriya: no probs, meet me at 400 Broad Street kusuriya: can we do it at pike and pine
i have some christmas shopping i need to do brycec: sure but only since we can do it in one of the basement levels that are practically empty kusuriya: or we could just do it at 516 third qbit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6CH60RwK-I#t=7m38s BryceBot: YouTube Entertainment: "LG211 complete 2x11" by dacaria (43m 58s), 13,728 views, 44 likes and 0 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-04-16T20:42:42.000Z. qbit: ^^^^
can't find kusuriya: no one woud think of catching us there qbit: oh lol
it's in the comments brycec: qbit fails qbit: "Right Before Ya" by Canadian rapper Michael Boland. brycec: qbit likes Lost Girl, eh? benDos: qbit, did you watch those two youtubes yet?
Key & Peele? brycec: kusuriya: yeah sounds legit, we'll do it there kusuriya: just remember no guns they use metal detectors qbit: not yet ***: niteye has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) brycec: we could always just merge the two kusuriya, 516 broad st kusuriya: i need to clean up my subreddit subs brycec: but keep your subreddit doms dirty qbit: doms
awesome - now i can't find the song
:D kusuriya: brycec: you want to do it outside the duck depot next to the mcdonalds?
thats kinda kinky brycec: kusuriya: I figured an amphibious tour would be a good place to make the deal
and learn some history kusuriya: true i did hear they are fun ***: ckrailo has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v ckrailo kusuriya: wow when did gmaps add an Isometric 3d view qbit: piroko: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZKt6bvgcsS4Bzve8k36FZNmAYrwt8QrSn-wztNpOkhU/preview?sle=true
kyl: ^^ brycec: long time ago bro kusuriya: brycec: okay we will do it at 2401 4th Avenue #300
im sure popcap games wont notice brycec: i'll dress as a plant, you dress as a zombie, and we'll fit right in qbit: guys
lightnin' hopkins is > *
oh god
i just realized why i keep getting so many endorcements on link'd in from people i have no idea who are :D
it's really fun!
does soandso know about "Data Center"?
haha benDos: qbit, why?
github? qbit: wat benDos: the endorsements on linkedin? qbit: yesh
no not github
just cuz you are the only person i know that talks aobu tit with authority :D ( valid authority or not :D ) o/ benDos: Heh
thanks :) qbit: anyone ever encrypt a file with gpg over a | ssh to another host? benDos: I've done gpg over sshfs? qbit: negatron benDos: so you're doing wut?
passing gpg's stdout to ssh's stdin? qbit: gpg -c somefile.awesome --output - | ssh host 'cat < somefile.awesome'
or something
guess i could cat the raw file on host a and gpg on host b benDos: You could output to a normal file and scp
That's what i would do qbit: needs to be encrypted before it hits the disk on host b benDos: Right
gpg to a local file
then scp the encrypted file over
All good? qbit: and host a doesn't have enough disk to encrypt it benDos: sshfs! qbit: openbsd
:P benDos: Um
sshfs? qbit: openbsd :P benDos: you don't get that on openbsd? qbit: no fuse kusuriya: ^ benDos: I thought there was some wrapper lib that let you use fuse stuff on obsd
you guys keep giving me reasons to not bother with obsd
fuse is like the sexiest shit evar. qbit: hackup or put up brah kusuriya: fuse is a meh idea to start if you need performance
but no one is stopping you from porting it benDos: If you need performance you use in kernel file systems
Or use a fuse fs with a same vfs
sane*& kusuriya: or just not incur extra overhead ;)
and not use FUSE qbit: or man up and use pipes :D kusuriya: but im sure fuse is on some ones roadmap for security reasons
the team is just kinda tiny benDos: pipes are nice and all
but doesn't really handle endian issues for you etc
Whatever fuse makes my life easier I <3 it fully knowning it isn't as fast as ext4
lteo, told me about something netbsd had a while ago like fuse
which i thought was fuse drop in compatible qbit: also i could just do nfs benDos: http://www.dss.mil/about_dss/news/20121116.html
http://www.netbsd.org/docs/puffs/ qbit: that's kew
i run openbsd :D benDos: don't you have librefuse in ports?
dragonfly uses librefuse for fancy fuse stuffs qbit: negatron benDos: Well
At least you're secure
:p qbit: i don't even run it for the security
i run it because it is lacking in so many way benDos: obsd? qbit: it needs love and has plenty of places to give it love
ya benDos: So why obsd over l4 or something?
Idk man
Linux has stuff that makes my life easier qbit: i have a softspot for bsd
and open has the most complete toolset in base
and doesn't require things like ... wpa-supplicant
or other super shitty tools
or what was that super shitty wrapper for windows wireless drivers that linux uses? jrick: ndiswrapper qbit: yyyeaaahhh
fuck that shit kusuriya: its not just wireless
any network device or modem :) ***: lwhalen has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v lwhalen jrick: I need focus follows mouse in windows
and a better window manager kusuriya: qbit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FkF_XpA5P48#! BryceBot: YouTube Music: "Professor Elemental - I'm British" by iammoog (3m 19s), 23,819 views, 790 likes and 9 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-11-27T10:03:44.000Z. qbit: yes
i say sir, i shall aquire myself a pair of those specticals
yes kusuriya: yes sir jrick: qbit: you haz ingress invites yet? -: qbit checks qbit: woman gets first dibs tho kusuriya: pft qbit: no invites
:'( -: jrick gets a sex change kusuriya: bros before hoes qbit: haha trafficone: hobros before brohos qbit: jrick: sometimes #invites ( not on freenode ) has programming things you can do to get invites
got my 4.2.1 update fo the n7 lastnight
nothing on the n4 yet jrick: I got 4.2.1 OTA yesterday afternoon kusuriya: o/ qbit: :O jrick: so now I have my december back ***: classix has joined #devious qbit: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-lh6mGmce2Hs/ULWFTfqTpHI/AAAAAAAADk8/Xmn7FZ5y9WI/s500/l.php.gif piroko: jrick: #invites has random trivia as well for invites
I've received 3 invites total so far. One for me, one for my wife, and one for my brother in law qbit: aw jrick: eh I'll just wait
I need to spend more time on my classes anyways kyl: i am signed up
and i haven't even played yet kusuriya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWHoeElu4Gk BryceBot: YouTube Music: "بريطاني يضرب فتاة محجبة ويفقدها الوعي" by TheHamaaaada (31s), 13,784 views, 8 likes and 5 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-11-26T12:01:52.000Z. kusuriya: out cold piroko: :( Some guy took out all my resonators in DC
I hope he got frostbite kusuriya: he didnt and you know he didnt trafficone: where does one get an invite? ***: tydeas has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.7) piroko: trafficone: irc.irchighway.net #invites
Hang out in there. There is trivia and hacking challenges a few times a day kusuriya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNgFouiW-8c BryceBot: YouTube Comedy: "Skrillex Talks To Household Appliances" by Boris Khaykin (2m 38s), 1,109 views, 28 likes and 1 dislike. Uploaded 2012-11-27T17:09:26.000Z. kyl: jrick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0CjBROVfTPM#t=2s BryceBot: YouTube Comedy: "Don't make me swing on you bro" by VengeanceShredderFoo (17s), 1,669 views, 2 likes and 0 dislikes. Uploaded 2011-11-30T05:48:44.000Z. benDos: brycec, what kind of interface do you use to admin BryceBot? brycec: benDos: I PM it benDos: benDossBot's plugin management on when deps get funny isn't fun
I grab the stdout/err but for the sake of not polluting the console I don't just dump that
You have to use the cli to ask it for a plugin's stderr or out
It's not very nice. kusuriya: http://youtu.be/Bpnu1DUpNbY BryceBot: YouTube News: "Bill O'Reilly Dissects Gangnam Style. 'He's Doing The Pony' & 'Little Fat Guy From Yongyang'" by Hansel Hansely (5m 6s), 302 views, 3 likes and 36 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-11-28T05:31:44.000Z. -: kusuriya just blinks piroko: kusuriya: lol what the fuck is this skrillex shit trafficone: how does this guy have a news show? kusuriya: piroko: well i always wondered what language skirllex spoke now i know, machine
trafficone: im not sure
but dear god i just have no words for this kyl: til kusuriya just watches youtube at work all dat
*day kusuriya: kyl: i multitask all day mcchunkie: (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻ kusuriya: and reddit snk: i multitask kusuriya: you know how ops is mang snk: i multitask
i multitask all
i multitask all day kyl: when i was in ops
it was still just called sysadminning snk: kyl: bro i multitask all day mcchunkie: aw, where's the pun in that? snk: haha, mcchunkie likes kyl kyl: snk: bro well la-de-fucking-da
that's cool
:p kusuriya: kyl: pft there is no adminig to be done at my level
maybe im just better than you at computers trafficone: I nearly lost it at "It's the same as gettin' high" ***: niteye has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v niteye kyl: damn high-getters kusuriya: trafficone: i dont know how he still has a show
magnets and shit trafficone: ^ truth qbit: magnets! trafficone: potato qbit: MOTHEROFGOD
wish i could remember why i hilighted that kusuriya: because its magnets! -: qbit looks for magnets on his potato brycec: qbit: Portal2? trafficone: brycec: it predates the potato ARG
but good thinking
Portal 2: always relevant brycec: orly? That's when I remember qbit becoming obsessed with potatos qbit: shrug
dunno how to check for when i added it
that one is epic trafficone: qbit: you're like the only human in my G+ feed qbit: haha
tons of people have been using g+ in the last few days
i think because of the facebook privacy bidness jrick: I'm using it more and more
because twitter is pissing me off
killing 3rd party apps and all benDos: qbit, a bunch of hci masters people were being suuuper hipster about g+ the other day qbit: wat really? trafficone: lol, they went craigslist qbit: i auway suse the app benDos: "Wouldn't it be funny if we all switches to g+" devaluing fb with people leaving etc jrick: qbit: twitter is putting unreasonable restrictions on 3rd party apps just so users will move to their official one
for ad revenue and stuff qbit: well poopieonthem ***: hhhhhhhh has joined #devious qbit: hhhhhhhh:
mygod hhhhhhhh: :D qbit: chaphop is fantasical zod000: I think we could make a drinking game revolving around qbit saying some varation of "mygod"
wouldn't last long as we'd get too hammered qbit: haha
would take like 4 days trafficone: how about drink every time qbit mashes two words together, finish the glass if he says "mygod" and take a shot every time he slurs/typos kusuriya: sales are open for the Nexus4 again
sipping in 8 - 9 weeks zod000: trafficone: i'm game piroko: kusuriya: hahaha that sucks. I feel very lucky to have mine trafficone: zod000: except now qbit knows the rules and so he can throw the game qbit: ^
getreadytogetsmashmammered! kusuriya: piroko: im not really worried about it :P zod000: trafficone: people know how most games work, qbit has a beard and thus, honor kusuriya: i only have a CDMA pwn -: zod000 drinks piroko: kusuriya: I was really eager to leave verizon kusuriya: i still have around a year left on my contract
and i want to port my number piroko: I ported my number and I'm taking the ETF since it'll still be cheaper kusuriya: mine i dont think it will be
i need to have a reaplacement before I bother zod000: someone took the liberty of commenting out my doctypes on a production web app
i shall kill this someone qbit: man i want to get into archery -: kusuriya comments out all the doctypes qbit: http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/13xlf6/worlds_fastest_archer_reinventing_the_fastest/ kusuriya: I AINT PART OF YOUR SYSTEM ZOD000 -: zod000 comments out kusuriya zod000: but seriously, i just wasted way too much time finding that doctype
serves me right for now just doing a full unified diff
s/now/not/ lazylopez_: serves me right for not just doing a full unified diff hhhhhhhh: is this a bad place to get feedback on a project i've been working on
like will anyone get upset if i post a url :d trafficone: hhhhhhhh: we post urls all the time
but if your project is shit, we'll tell it to your face
and mock you openly
but don't worry hhhhhhhh: i've not been here in like
a year
but ***: cmeiklejohn has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) trafficone: I don't know enough lua to know how you'd do this voodoo without flea, but if this is the simple version... I don't think I like lua anymore kyl: s/l/r/ lazylopez_: I don't know enough rua to know how you'd do this voodoo without frea, but if this is the simpre version... I don't think I rike rua anymore qbit: i am starting to think that encrypting my android devices is more of a pita kyl: s/l/r/ lazylopez_: i am starting to think that encrypting my android devices is more of a pita qbit: huh hhhhhhhh: trafficone what's wrong with it kyl: damn
which reminds me trafficone: hhhhhhhh: nothing wrong with it, it's just hard to follow what's happening kyl: i need to add sessions to my go webapp framework trafficone: but, like I said, IDK lua hhhhhhhh: replace then with { and end with } and pretend it's c trafficone: what do I replace function with? hhhhhhhh: function( ... ) { kyl: int foo () trafficone: okay, that makes more sense
okay, I've almost got my head around this, but for the first example, aren't you implicitly storing a running get(request) in memory for as long as the app is open for each user? piroko: I just destroyed my verizon SIM card and it made me sad :( dbtid: since when does verizon use sim cards? verizon is CDMA not GSM, right? qbit: ^^^ trafficone: dbtid: maybe that's why he's sad
piroko: what voodoo is this? piroko: Verizon uses sim cards for their lte
Two separate radios. One for cdma, one for lte
The lte on requires a sim card dbtid: ah ok
is it a gsm sim? or something totally different? piroko: It's the same form factor
Micro sim dbtid: but not for gsm tech piroko: Right
Destroying inanimate objects makes me sad :( kyl: interasting hhhhhhhh: trafficone: there is the overhead of a function call to get( request ) while someone is making a request
but it's not going to stick around after they disconnect trafficone: if it's HTTP, don't they disconnect after the GET response? hhhhhhhh: yes kyl: that's why it should send a man to your door
to forcibly require you to reget benDos: trafficone, depends if it's a browser dbtid: piroko: how do you handle taking a dump, then? piroko: dbtid: It's a fucking mess dude dbtid: rofl
i bet you're heartbroken every time, too lteo: he cries after every dump? dbtid: apparently
13:36:43 <+piroko> Destroying inanimate objects makes me sad :( zod000: the dump of sorrows piroko: Yes lteo: rectal despair zod000: turds of tears
ok i'm done mianosm: I'll give you a dickens of a time! kusuriya: hmm that was an intersting experience, my freinds wife dropped her iPhone and shattered the face lteo: dbtid: my turd is an animate object though kusuriya: apperently that is covered under warrenty without apple care piroko: ROFL lteo: kusuriya: i bet it depends on the apple genius you get dbtid: lteo: better watch out for those lteo: friend and i went to the apple store separately to get our under-warranty macbooks repaired for similar issues. she gets a brand new macbook as a replacement; i get the "that's not covered under warranty bro" treatment kusuriya: lteo: my buddy says you have to wear a FreeBSD shirt
an OpenBSD shirt may get you some rough handling but better treatment
he apperently gets blowjobs all the way around when he goes to the mac store with his free BSD polo zod000: lteo: if you had boobs you'd do better lteo: kusuriya: interdasting. maybe i should show up in my openbsd hackathon shirt next time kusuriya: but lteo my experience is more like youres thats why I dont bother with mac anymore zod000: lteo: wear a black turtleneck lteo: zod000: i'm pretty sure those could be two valid reasons kusuriya: **yours
where my Lenovo experience has been
"wait you ran your laptop over, we will have it fixed in 2 - 3 days, have to wait for parts from california" ***: hhhhhhhh has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat lteo: <3 my x220 snk: <3 my x230 kusuriya: my GF loves my t520
i cant pry it out of her hands to even do upgrades kyl: <3 my mbp
>.> kusuriya: i had to bump her to 16 gigs of ram :D
twss mcchunkie: Added funny: "i had to bump her to 16 gigs of ram :D" zod000: heh kusuriya: it messed up one of her games though
the game went WTF 16 gb of ram, what kind of sourcery is this!
so we had to fiddle with it lteo: what's the name of the third party VNC software that can make the Mac accessible by *nix systems over VNC? qbit: goddamnit nexus4 - use my location for camera! lteo: s/nex/an/ lazylopez_: goddamnit anus4 - use my location for camera! niteye: one of my coworkers today
god damn
i wanted to ravish her on the spot
curse her and her sexy dress kusuriya: lteo: tightvnc
s/vnc/pussy/ lazylopez_: lteo: tightpussy ***: addies has joined #devious niteye: i bet thats what my coworker has lteo: not creepy at all qbit: ^ niteye: am i still here lteo: doesn't seem like it niteye: bah
typidal of the belgian mirrors to go down just when i want to install stuff
no wait im retarded brycec: lteo: what are you talking about? Mac's have a built-in VNC server lteo: brycec: but afaik it only allows mac's vnc clients to connect. i would be happy to be long. i mean wrong brycec: System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Desktop
ha, works for me from my ubuntu
work laptop
(damnit usb/ps2 thingy) ***: mcchunkie has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) lteo: which client do you use in ubuntu? brycec: qbit: ^
g*vnc*, lemme look zod000: http://interviews.slashdot.org/story/12/11/28/049240/ask-richard-stallman-anything
inb4 toenail questions qbit: lol brycec: lteo: gvncviewer
prints "Got credential request for 2 credential(s)" to the console then pops up asking for username+password niteye: i have remmina in debian, it supports VNC, windows rdp, and also allows you to set up a vnc through ssh tunnel in the settings (without needing to run a separate shell window open to keep the tunnel up) qbit: aw that time she really died ***: mcchunkie has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v mcchunkie kyl: brycec: what it neglected to tell you was it was I who received the credentials brycec: no big deal, it's just a mac kyl: a big mac? brycec: and everybody knows a mac can't really do anything, it's just a hobby computer zod000: no professional would use a computer without serial ports
>.> brycec: damnit KDE... the more I use you, the less I loathe and hate you
I just keep my UARTs on the inside zod000: every once in a while, i need to take a break and get in touch with my inner UART
wait, wat lteo: you know you're lteo when:
$ mkdir poop
mkdir: poop: File exists -: brycec checks to see if he's lteo brycec: Nope, I'm god. *whew*
*good zod000: brycec has a good complex
:) benDos: lold brycec: lold lteo: i wonder if there's a gvncviewer in openbsd ports tree brycec: lteo: is there gtk-vnc?
gnvcviewer is just a PyGTK frontend for it
lteo: in fact gtk-vnc looks like it's in packages
http://www.openbsd.org/4.4_packages/amd64/gtk-vnc-0.3.6p1.tgz-long.html qbit: 4.4
lal brycec: heh yeah I saw that
it felt more credible with the age qbit: kusuriya: http://open.spotify.com/artist/0ilsDGmlSM7nHPJgbOX0A9 ***: cmeiklejohn has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +o cmeiklejohn kusuriya: wow i didnt realize powershell uses HTTP post/postback lteo: brycec: sadly it's not in latest kusuriya: for its remote powershell crap ***: strings has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) kyl: we lost strings kusuriya: dear god no benDos: I saw an android "hacker" keyboard layout
but it requires you go into a symbols mode for things like & and *
Wtf that's no hacker keyboard.
& and ^ for the bit hackers. snk: guys
guys guys'
a REAL hacker keyboard only has two keys
0 and 1
sheesh, you noobs niteye: and enter benDos: snk, you mean one key Lefty: the any key. kyl: s/two keys/one toggle/ lazylopez_: the any key. benDos: That you either press or dont press at 1ghz snk: heh, true :D niteye: thats how i win the racing games in mario party 5 benDos: We're both wrong actually
Hacker keyboards only need ( and ) kyl: no, they only need a toggle to switch between HIGH and LOW trafficone: no, they only need butterflies kyl: make sure to sync with the clock rate on the chip snk: they need "hacking teh gibson" and "not hacking teh gibson" buttons kyl: the just need a port installed in the brain stem
they need to find a way to instain hackers qbit: stain
lal benDos: Can't i just give my keyboard some uml and get an elf back already?
It's 2012. lteo: brycec: gvncviewer sorta worked. i got to a big blank screen with the lion "galaxy" background brycec: congrats
maybe it's waiting for the user to allow sharing or some crap? lteo: that's further than i ever got with the other tools brycec: either way, sounds like the VNC side is up and running
just waiting for the server to do something interesting lteo: i think it might be spectrwm-incompatible brycec: what do you mean? the viewer? lteo: yeah
there's no mouse pointer
oh wait! brycec: it works fine in awesome lteo: it's showing two screens. and it's kinda squashed ***: cmeiklejohn has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) lteo: brycec: http://lteo.net/stuff/oof.png brycec: looks good, yep
under settings is "scale"
hence the squish
and the distortion is becaues you're tiling bro lteo: hm without scale it just shows part of the left screen brycec: right - were you expecting something different?
i.e. zoom, unzoom... 1 or 0
LIFE IS BOOLEAN qbit: allyallfuckers listen to dan auerbach
right meow brycec: lol oh dxtr WHAT HAVE YOU DONE http://www.svd.se/naringsliv/nyheter/sverige/monsterorder-stoppade-borsen_7708362.svd
wait, where is dxtr
@seen dxtr BryceBot: brycec, I last saw dxtr 6 hours 8 min 49 sec ago quitting: Quit: leaving. brycec: !tell dxtr WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?? http://www.svd.se/naringsliv/nyheter/sverige/monsterorder-stoppade-borsen_7708362.svd zdo`: brycec: I'll tell dxtr next time they speak. brycec: eest: should be aware too eest: brycec: you can read that? qbit: http://www.mailvelope.com/ kyl: this scares the everloving shit out of me: http://openpgpjs.org/ lteo: because it's a .org site? kyl: yes
which everyone knows are organ-harvesting sites Lefty: I always mentally append a "y" to .org sites qbit: ++ kyl: lefty: and then giggle like a schoolgirl? lteo: lol i just tried moving the mouse in my vncviewer screenshot and wondered why nothing worked qbit: heh ***: ninjapants has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) Lefty: kyl: I'm always giggling like a schoolgirl kyl: oh, fair enough qbit: http://open.spotify.com/artist/7lGyDgJJYSgOd9R5T4Cwe4 kusuriya: http://youtu.be/Pj2WKny3eZE BryceBot: YouTube Comedy: "Things that suck about New York" by maddoxaom (5m 1s), 147,268 views, 3,007 likes and 92 dislikes. Uploaded 2012-09-27T15:13:07.000Z. kylezoa: benDos: http://devio.us/~kylezoa/ kusuriya: http://devio.us/~kylezoa/pr0n/ kylezoa stop hiding your pr0n ***: pherricoxide has joined #devious kylezoa: kusuriya: fine i'll open up my stash. kusuriya: http://devio.us/~kusuriya/pr0n/
my stash is open
NSFW hot ascii action mcchunkie: TWSS! kylezoa: giggity chi: so hawt http://devio.us/~kusuriya/pr0n/hotbewbs.txt qbit: scumbag gpg
omg kylezoa o/ kylezoa: sup qbit: cheelllin
you? kylezoa: finishing up a chem lab qbit: s/chem lab/making meth/ lazylopez_: finishing up a making meth qbit: ! ***: pherrico1ide has quit IRC (*.net *.split) trafficone: meth is relatively easy to synthesize kylezoa: qbit: lol trafficone: come to think of it, most organic chemicals in that class are -: qbit looks at coffeee trafficone: caffiene extracts are easymode kylezoa: benDos: I hope that that is all you need to ease your curiosity. ***: lwhalen_ has joined #devious
mwheeler has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) lteo: in ruby, if i have:
def foo
puts "bleh"
is foo() considered a function or a method? trafficone: you can boil the grounds and get the caffiene and other stuff into solution
then you can just separate the alkaloids out via an organic solvent snk: lteo: bro i thought function and method were synonymous in ruby land trafficone: then just evap out the organic solvent
you'll get some other stuff too, but it's all good lteo: snk: i dunno, i never got that deep into ruby to know that, but that's good to know ***: pherrico1ide has joined #devious kylezoa: trafficone: you did that in ochem? trafficone: kylezoa: yeah
also extracted tannins from tea
synthesized tea tree oil
extracted nutmeg essential oil brycec: eest: of course I can. It's the internet, I can read 100+ languages ***: pskept_ has joined #devious qbit: one million epeen points to the person who figures out how to encrypt a file over a pipe using ssh and gpg kylezoa: trafficone: i'll look forward to that in a couple years then trafficone: made some acid out of a phenol or something like that
I don't remember all the labs kylezoa: heh
I'm not sure I'll be taking ochem actually...
jk, I haveto trafficone: I was surprised I did, it was just out of nowhere it was like "TAKE CHEM"
ochem is a buttload of fun, though ***: pherricoxide has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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pskept has quit IRC (*.net *.split) trafficone: lots of MSDS and carcinogens lteo: as for me, chem hurt my butt qbit: wew! kylezoa: lol our chemicals in AP Chem are too diluted to give a shit about MSDS qbit: cat file | gpg -c - | ssh host 'cat > newfile.gpg' -: qbit adds 1million epeen to his epeen trafficone: enlightened or resistance? qbit: E
:D brycec: qbit: duh... I thought that had been suggested long, long ago kyl: R qbit: trafficone: i joined when E was waaaaaay behind
but now they are in th elead
so .. maybe underdogum brycec: qbit: THOSE EPEEN POINTS ARE benDos'
09:41 <+benDos> passing gpg's stdout to ssh's stdin? trafficone: well, it seems that nanaimocorp.com or whatever is totally PRO R qbit: brycec: negatron
cuz up until now i was using --output brycec: qbit: But the logs do not lie qbit: which .. despite it's name
is not output brycec: qbit: benDos provided the solution, you just implemented it wrong qbit: i already had that solution
hence my asking exactly about that solution :P brycec: so what you're saying is that you're a colossal failure. qbit: with a huge epeen mcchunkie: ew! you guys are sick! lteo: hawt mcchunkie: aw, where's the pun in that? qbit: mcchunkie: no mcchunkie: Sorry: "hawt" qbit: mcchunkie: no mcchunkie: Sorry: "hawt" qbit: ;D lteo: i get it. mine is never hawt. trafficone: SUNDAY I WILL EAT A NANAIMO BAR AND A POUTINE IN AMERICA
hawt brycec: trafficone: mmmmm nanaimo
and poutine trafficone: ur jelly brycec: but not together because that sounds bad -: brycec is jelly trafficone: brycec: I've seen nanaimo bars on poutine brycec: in your nightmares probably ***: Gallomimia has quit IRC (Quit: I am likely going to change locations) trafficone: LoadingReadyRun had some thing where they did it
it was nasty-ass poutine brycec: I'm not someone that's anti-"savoury+sweet", afterall Skyline Chili is delish (they add chocolate), but it's about moderation. piroko: Some fucking retard coworker of mine just came in here and said "OSX sucks because it doesn't have aptitude" brycec: add a pinch of chocolate, etc piroko: It took all of my self control not to call him a whole bunch of explitives brycec: piroko: "you suck because you have no aptitude." ***: pherricoxide has joined #devious qbit: pherricoxide: wb brycec: wb pherricoxide ***: pherricoxide has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) lteo: good work brycec: lteo: don't worry, it was just his shitty dsl ***: JainAmber has joined #devious qbit: phew brycec: I cannot wait for December... ***: mwheeler has joined #devious
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ChanServ sets mode: +v mwheeler brycec: wb mwheeler
apparently I have the touch-of-death
sweet! benDos: qbit, what'd you end up doing for the gpg -> ssh thinger? qbit: that above cmd
cat file | gpg -c - | ssh host 'cat > newfile.gpg' benDos: Neat piroko: brycec: WHat's happening in december? benDos: Christmas. brycec: piroko: end of this no-shave-ness -: brycec is getting looong
qbit shaved brycec: but qbit, your prostate!
twss mcchunkie: Added funny: "but qbit, your prostate!" qbit: going for a lincoln look lteo: no alaskan whaler look? -: lteo disappoint qbit: i haven't disconnected the burns yet
so it still looks pretty whaler
my kneck beard grows like 3x faster than my beard beard.. so i gotta tease it into shape brycec: what the hell is wrong with puebs, qbit? why is it so warm there? qbit: srs
55/13 right now brycec: (NWS says it's 61) qbit: was almsot 70 earlier lteo: whut brycec: you were just getting snow, and now? bet it's all gone lteo: how can it be 70 anywhere now qbit: oh the snow didn't last for more than a few hours :P brycec: lteo: it's 81 here qbit: it's 15.3 here brycec: aw poor qbit qbit: according to my majobber brycec: TIL qbit's majobber is metric qbit: i only use metric for temps brycec: well at least pueblo gets cold at night - was 22 this a.m. -: brycec loves NWS maps http://graphical.weather.gov/sectors/southrockies.php#tabs eest: brycec: how did you even hear about it? our is this some kind of international sensation? brycec: eest: it hit slashdot eest: ah lteo: brycec: that is so hawt brycec: which linked to a Google Translate page... and I shared the original .se
lteo: is
lol Seattle's temp actually dropped between 7 and 10am lteo: oh mang i love it when i can improve code by deleting code eest: brycec: heh, its funny how the babelfish is almost here lteo: i would like to try fried babelfish sometime brycec: easily fixed with some css, background { color: yellow; } lteo: great, the moment i read the word "yellow", the song "yellow" played in my head eest: :) ***: Gallomimia has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +v Gallomimia brycec: GODDAMNIT CHROME
STOP SYNC'ING the "Use System Title Bars and Borders" between my browsers
STOP IT THE FUCK RIGHT NOW mcchunkie: (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻ brycec: mcchunkie: +1 kusuriya: brycec: but i thought chrome knew better than you, i thought it was the most perfect browser ever trafficone: I like that I can inject HTML+JS in any page that's currently running
I don't like that it's a little bitch -: piroko just discovered aziz ansari brycec: I like that too piroko: AND HE SOUNDS LIKE FUCKING MITCH HEDBERG brycec: piroko is a bit slow piroko: WOOOOO brycec: then again, so was @mitch
@mitch BryceBot: Mitch Hedberg says: With a stop light, green means 'go' and yellow means 'slow down'. With a banana, however, it is quite the opposite. Yellow means 'go', green means 'whoa, slow down', and red means 'where the heck did you get that banana?' piroko: s/heck/fuck/ lazylopez_: @mitch BryceBot: Mitch Hedberg says: An escalator can never break--it can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. We apologize for the fact that you can still get up there." piroko: haha damn
Those jokes are all wrong
Fuck brycec: so lazylopez_ is ignoring BryceBot, and BryceBot isn't ignoring lazylopez_
wtf zentrification1
i mean zenmower
sorry again zentrification1 trafficone: I thought the second joke was by Damian whats'isname brycec: I dunno, but I've seen Mitch perform the escalator joke, live on Youtube
and by live, I mean from when he was alive trafficone: *gasp* stolen joke! brycec: s// lazylopez_: *gasp* stolen joke! brycec: s//@mitch/ lazylopez_: @mitch*@mitchg@mitcha@mitchs@mitchp@mitch*@mitch @mitchs@mitcht@mitcho@mitchl@mitche@mitchn@mitch @mitchj@mitcho@mitchk@mitche@mitch!@mitch brycec: ha whoops
s/ha whoops/@mitch/ lazylopez_: @mitch BryceBot: Mitch Hedberg says: I got so much tartar, I don't have to dip my fishsticks in shit! That's, that's actually kind of gross, you know? After that joke, I always clarify that I'm just jokin'. I do not know how much tartar I actually have. I believe it's the average amount. If we all took a tartar test right now, my name would be right in the fuckin' middle. brycec: damni
what the eff is up with BryceBot's ignore lteo: your earlier @mitch sounds like a european techno song brycec: s/.*/@ping/ lazylopez_: @ping@ping brycec: fuck you regex
s/fuck you regex/@ping/ lazylopez_: @ping kusuriya: @ping BryceBot: kusuriya: Pong! Round-trip time: 3.4441 seconds. kusuriya: @tdr BryceBot: Theo de Raadt says: doing it with environment variables is OH SO SYSTEM FIVE LIKE OH MY GOD PASS ME THE SPOON brycec: okay, I feel much better
twss mcchunkie: twss!
I am a respectable lady! I will not take this lying down!
Added funny: "okay, I feel much better" qbit: ha brycec: uh what the hell just happened with mcchunkie , qbit ? qbit: Theo de Raadt says: doing it with environment variables is OH SO SYSTEM FIVE LIKE OH MY GOD PASS ME THE SPOON mcchunkie: ohlol, that's what she said! brycec: that was redonk qbit: okay, I feel much better mcchunkie: ew! you guys are sick! qbit: ^^^
two in a row brycec: qbit: this is what I saw https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3167967/screenshot_2012-11-28_15-26-38.png qbit: http://sprunge.us/JdFQ
what i saw ^ Lefty: ugh, new version of rdio for android is cocktacular qbit: really?
it looks awesome Lefty: it just refuses to play music sometimes qbit: oh yeah that's pewpee Lefty: which is a detrimental quality in a music streaming app! qbit: only one solution left
switch to spotify! Lefty: @tableflip BryceBot: (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻ mcchunkie: ┬──┬ ¯_(ツ) brycec: spotify ftw! qbit: http://www.ingress.com/intel?latE6=38259957&lngE6=-104621133&z=13
god i can't win ***: cmeiklejohn has joined #devious
ChanServ sets mode: +o cmeiklejohn lteo: never give up! never surrender! qbit: :D -: kusuriya makes a white flag out of his boxers Lefty: well, white and brown kusuriya: yeah its the cowards flag
white boxers with a brown stripe qbit: that's why i have brown stripe boxers kusuriya: qbit: we wont beable to tell your surrendering -: brycec just keeps his underwear clean like a civilized person Lefty: s/civilized/boring/ -: lazylopez_ just keeps his underwear clean like a boring person qbit: ^ brycec: v
:> mcchunkie: oh god.. why would you use that face!!!!! Lefty: mcchunkie: it's the only face he's got brycec: s/it/your mom/ lazylopez_: mcchunkie: your mom's the only face he's got mwheeler: hai brycec: oh THERE you are mwheeler mwheeler: bysup?
brycec: sup? -: brycec is just leaving work
mwheeler is skipping work for today ***: zentrification1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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JainAmber has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) dbtid: howdy mwheeler
how's things down there? ***: JainAmber has joined #devious
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cachopo has joined #devious dbtid: mwheeler: :) mwheeler: dbtid: sup? ***: pherricoxide has joined #devious dbtid: not much
just watching over my daughter while she finishes a school assignment
she's going sloooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
painfully so mwheeler: hehe dbtid: things change when you have kids! mwheeler: I jsut finished soldering up a shield for my ardiuno home controll system dbtid: neato ***: lwhalen has quit IRC (Quit: Got Root?) trafficone: wait, does your home control the arduino, or the other way around mwheeler: arduino controls my home
although there are some feedback loops like temp and hummidity
which will eventually control the aircon ***: zcrayfish has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) trafficone: sharvey: are you running raytracer.php anywhere public?
!tell sharvey Are you running raytracer-php anywhere public? sharvey: trafficone: no not yet trafficone: oh sharvey: it doesn't work yet trafficone: you're there
all the more reason to run it somewhere
you know what! sharvey: it produces a green square, which means there's some fuckup somewhere
oh, short of ddosing whatever it is on ***: zdo` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) trafficone: when I get home, I'mma host it on my devio.us page
then I won't sharvey: hm trafficone: :-P sharvey: maybe I'll work on that some more instead of my eula crawler trafficone: EULA crawler? sharvey: yeah trafficone: is there an EULAtabase? sharvey: nope
crawling the internet! trafficone: which houses the EULA-pository? sharvey: I need to find 1000 EULAs roughly over the next two weeks trafficone: well, yeah, but it then would save the EULAs somewhere sharvey: yup
I will house a EULA repository trafficone: yay
welp, I have to get food to my wife mwheeler: :S sharvey: ok
you have convinced me ***: ckrailo has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) Dereckson: sharvey: what's the goal of the database kyl: lteo: i got my copy of fusion... even came with a thumb drive installer! brah sharvey: Dereckson: I need a dataset of EULAs for my experiments benDos: sharvey, there are plenty of decent enough crawlers or ddg/google/bing search apis
shouldn't be too bad to find sharvey: oh
yes I know
I'm basically just using a search api to search for eula, go to the pages, download it, strip of html tags zenmower: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byDiILrNbM4 BryceBot: YouTube Music: "King Missile - Detachable Penis" by vidsforfark (3m 9s), 846,612 views, 3,158 likes and 128 dislikes. Uploaded 2006-09-30T21:31:43.000Z. pherricoxide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byDiILrNbM4 benDos: how much html parsing you are doing BryceBot: YouTube Music: "King Missile - Detachable Penis" by vidsforfark (3m 9s), 846,612 views, 3,158 likes and 128 dislikes. Uploaded 2006-09-30T21:31:43.000Z. pherricoxide: oops
was copy/pasting benDos: beautiful soup is a pretty fantastic html lib that does super well even with kind of broken tags
http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ dbtid: iiiiiiiiiiick
webscraping bullshit
had to inherit a bunch of scripts done by a total moron who delved way down in deep into Iridium's provisioning system with beautiful soup
nasty nasty nasty sharvey: woah
hahahaha ***: cook__ has joined #devious kyl: man i hate when i forget to push at work ***: cmeiklejohn has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
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lwhalen has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) trafficone: yeah, ++ for beautiful soup lteo: kyl: i just got mine too but havent opened it yet ;) ***: cmeiklejohn has joined #devious
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JainAmber has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) sharvey: didn't find all the bugs
will fix tomorrow trafficone: woo, bugfixes sharvey: yeah trafficone: I've been lazy and haven't written any code all evening
and tomorrow
SNOWBOARDING! sharvey: haha
I found some pretty glorious bugs
like adding things to itself
switching a / for a * by accident trafficone: ;_; sharvey: so I got it to render a flat image fine, but adding the diffuse rays and specular is all broken
due to some of the intersection rays being calculated wrong mwheeler: sharvey: to browse your eula collection will users have to agree to an EULA ? sharvey: mwheeler: hahahahaa I dunno yet
considering they are available freely on the internet, probably not? mwheeler: make it select a random eula sharvey: hah trafficone: sharvey: you could have them agree to ALL eulas to use the EULA scanner sharvey: oh jesus ***: cmeiklejohn has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) sharvey: in other news I have new windows!
very exciting mwheeler: as in the hardware windows ? or the software windows ? sharvey: windows in a wall
where I see through
out to hte street mwheeler: haha cool sharvey: yeah it's pretty amazing mwheeler: any reason for new windows? sharvey: I dunno
apt landlord decided we needed new windows mwheeler: Cool ***: lwhalen has quit IRC (Quit: Got Root?)
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