***: mkb has joined #arpnetworks mkb: is this some kind of toll fraud scheme I'm unaware of
my phone rings, so I answer it. immediately I hear ringback which is strange. eventually someone answers. we both maintain the other party placed the call
so obviously someone called both of us and then cross the lines mercutio: weird
my first guess is it's like a prank
but i dunno if kids these days would be into phone pranks brycec: much less know wtf "toll fraud" is. Or dialtone. *sigh*
I don't see how it could be tollfraud, your end didn't place the second call.
At least, not in conventional telephony. Now if it were a cellphone with a fake "your phone is ringing" app that you "answered" and it then placed a toll call, that could work. But you'd have bigger problems then. ***: mkb has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
mkb has joined #arpnetworks nathani: mercutio: anything I can do to increase my upload bandwidth to ARP? mercutio: did you like bbr congestion?
s/like/try/ BryceBot: <mercutio> did you try bbr congestion? nathani: https://gist.github.com/mnathani/b3ada5b11361ab4633aadc6252b6bafc
sending from a windows ftp client
server is linux I guess
but I would have to compile kernel etc mercutio: oh
it's from windows up_the_irons: what amount of throughput are you expecting? mercutio: umm there is a tweak thingy for windows
i'll try and find it nathani: I have 100 mbit upload, so even 40 - 50 would be nice
I was maxing out at about 2.5 mbits /sec mercutio: Set-NetTCPSetting -SettingName InternetCustom -CongestionProvider CTCP
try that from powershell
prob as administrator up_the_irons: that's strange that it is so low nathani: holy cow
mercutio is the man
8.25 MB/sec mercutio: nice
bloody windows nathani: have a link where that came from? mercutio: http://www.speedguide.net/articles/windows-8-10-2012-server-tcpip-tweaks-5077 nathani: thanks mercutio: you're welcome nathani: I was at the auto show the other day: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNyndUjUMBxrNOZ7XDiK9OxhaCKv_AossenMlLXXnyTR62I5ykRO2H5Q3xprPoo5Q?key=U0prWkpJbjZ0N2dpLXpQUHVIejI5dVgtOE9JQUFB up_the_irons: holy crap, so you squeezed a whole 6 Mbps more by just changing congestion control? mercutio: 60 megabit
i suspect he means MB not Mb up_the_irons: omg BryceBot: That's what she said!! up_the_irons: hahaha nathani: I should have tested it right before mercutio: you can set it back nathani: to ensure it was 2.5 mbit to 80 mbit or so up_the_irons: jesus christ
"yet there is always some room for improvement" LOL nathani: When I asked "20:06:55 nathani | mercutio: anything I can do to increase my upload bandwidth to ARP?" << I thought I would get a response like: Call your ISP and complain to them :-)
Why didn't I get the full 100 mbit though :) mercutio: install linux? nathani: Arch or Ubuntu? mercutio: same diff for tcp speed
well actually
arch has bbr
cos they have recent kernels :)
new ubuntu is coming out in a couple of months mkb: mercutio, yeah a prank is possible but I wonder if kids these days even know how to do three-way calling
... except it's easy on a cell phone now that I think about it mercutio: i think most peopel struggle to do 3 way calling
people don't want to do it frequently enough to know how to do it
but yeah it's kin dof easy on cellphone mkb: with a landline you've got to flash the hook.... mercutio: i've seen a few people doing dial in conferences now mkb: and god forbid you have call waiting and three way calling mercutio: i think people find that easier to understand BryceBot: That's what she said!! ***: Nahual has joined #arpnetworks
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