how much work would it be to configure a custom dns server to return the registrar of a domain in response to a query say : dig txt | Output would be something like "Godaddy" or "Enom" etc perhaps a whois api I can use to return xml or json output heh, you mean like whois | grep Registrar yea, but in a url format I can parse within Google Sheets I dont mind running the api on my server awk/sed/perl python/php/intercal/brainf**k nathani: There are already some whois "API"s out there, why wouldn't you use one of them? Or what about writing your own HTTP API, why insist on a DNS-type response? dns would cache? So does/can HTTP nginx can even do it I managed to pull together some php with the right output now I need to figure out how to get it into google sheets my JSON foo is weak makes it pretty easy and transparent. thanks np thought it was you one of your many nicks 3. I have 3 nicks I use. Not "many" :P I guess you dont count bryebot brycebot even brycec_m I seen KILL ALL HUMANS etc Correct, I'm not counting bots that also identify under my freenode account