nathani: I joined a new channel once during a random irc drama, and one of the actors in the drama asserted that I was hit bot the moment I joined. Totally random, none of them knew me. Took me several hours to convince the rest that I was a real person and not the drama llama's bot.
Can vim abbreviations and commands be used within weechat?
I'm not familiar with those vim concepts - what are they?
:wq ?
for example, I have in my vimrc: command -nargs=1 Link :normal i
so :Link << inserts the apropriate html to create a link with that URL
ends up like
i'm still confused
I suppose you could emulate that with /aliases
why would you have html in weechat?
thats just an example
but what I would use it for is like something folks ask often
kind of like a bot
Then definitely /aliase
Ooh, or custom tab-completions
you could write a bot nathani
the irc protocol is actually really simple
I'm also happy to add custom @whatever to BryceBot
you basically just haev to say PONG when you get PING
and then you can do privmsg #arpnetworks: This is a message
This is a message
privmsg #arpnetworks :This is a message
then it sees
:mercutio! PRIVMSG #arpnetworks :privmsg #arpnetworks :This is a message
freenode doesn't seem to ping upon connecting
Regarding aliases in weechat, for example I have a "/BryceBot" command that translates to (is set to): msg -server freenode BryceBot $*
mercutio: Why should they? You just connected, they know the connection is alive still :P
brycec: other servers do
Well that's silly.
it might be to record latency or such
brycec: Pong! Round-trip time: 1.8589 seconds.
11:27:08 ℹ | CTCP requested by BryceBot: PING 1485458827.8129
11:27:08 ℹ | CTCP reply to BryceBot: PING 1485458827.8129
oh i mean server-side ping
Yeah I know
speaking of irc clients, weechat android is awesome
I just discovered and it is also awesome
i wrote my own irc client years ago, as they all used too much ram. i see weechat is using 36mb atm, not that it matters
but i see nothing has changed :)
i wonder how much is message history, and whether it could be compressed with lz4 or such
over 4000 lines of histor
so yeah likely a win
what do I need to do to get weechat relay encrypted?
do I need an ssl certificate?
i think it's a config option
i think it's just tls with no cert, but i can't recall
back with ssl
self signed for 10 years
was there a network hiccup about 10 minutes ago
could not ping
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from TTL expired in transit.y
my server died
I took the easy way out - my weechat relay is only available over my VPN
uh oh... fsck
did something happen to ktc03?
Reporting in from kct03, a-okay
@uptime host
host uptime: 24 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes, and 24.879999999888 seconds.
(And that was my own reboot, not kct03's)
hmm it must have panicked
brycec: So I guess you cant really use glowing bear, unless your device is connected to your vpn
Right. i.e. my desktop
or my phone for that matter
I am trying to get weechat ssl relay to listen on port 443. is there any way to do that without running weechat as root?
modify the kernel to let your user listen on port 443 too?
what the freebsd equivalent of iptables forwrd external 443 port to internal 8443
that's probably a better idea
or I could just run weechat as root?
That is a horrible, horrible idea.
Port forward, maybe relayd or nginx to handle it.
testing this for now: $ sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh=0
Why do you want Weechat's SSL relay to listen on 433?
coffee shops etc block other ports
run ssh or something on port 443 and then you can forward whatever you need