#arpnetworks 2016-12-31,Sat

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***mjp_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [02:53]
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Lucifer333 has joined #arpnetworks [07:57]
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raptelan has joined #arpnetworks [11:01]
raptelanhello, about to install a custom O/S on a VPS originally configured for Debian 8 - anything I should be aware of or that would need set differently for different guest O/S's? [11:02]
mike-burnsNothing in general. Which OS are you installing? (Or do you mean "custom" as in you wrote it yourself?) [11:06]
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maybe netbsd later
at some point, the VPS's would have different "hardware" configurations for different guests
mercutiothey should all work with the same config
netbsd should work with virtio
which would be the main thing that may not work with an obscure OS.
but netbsd supporting being a xen domu, means it's very likely to support virtio
raptelanwhat's the deal with /dev/vda vs /dev/sda? [11:42]
mercutiovda is virtio, sda is legacy
raptelanok so ultimately I should figure out how to switch to vda [11:42]
mercutiosome of the newer virtual machines are using virtio-scsi too
which also show as sda
raptelanI think mine has virtio-scsi but shows as vda in debian 8
virtio-scsi is the hdd boot option
mercutiohmm [11:43]
raptelandisk shows up as sda when booted off gentoo installation media [11:43]
mercutiothere's virtio-blk, and virtio-scsi to be confusing
that's even stranger.
raptelanjust want to configure things as optimally as possible [11:43]
mercutioso yeh probably is virtio-scsi, and maybe the naming scheme changed and debian has ancient kernel.
the name itself shouldn't matter.
raptelanMBR partition table
I'm guessing there's no EFI...
mercutioyeah [11:49]
raptelanbummer...ish [11:59]
mercutiowhy did you want EFI? [11:59]
raptelanthe question is - why would I want BIOS? [11:59]
mercutioit is simpler [12:00]
raptelanit's just a more modern setup. bit of a pain though. [12:00]
mercutioEFI can be useful on desktops
and laptops
but for virtual machines the benefits aren't really there
raptelanit's not for gain but consistency.
since that's the way everything is going
no worries
mercutiowell KVM has some recent EFI support
i don't think it's enabled by default
and is likely to have less testing
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raptelan has joined #arpnetworks [13:55]
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raptelan has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) [14:34]
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up_the_ironsThings are back to "sda" with virtio-scsi. Confusing, yes. [15:23]
nathani37 minutes till the leap second [15:23]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:23]
nathaniBryceBot: me, or up_the_irons [15:23]
up_the_ironsBryceBot: no [15:23]
BryceBotOh, okay... I'm sorry. '37 minutes till the leap second' [15:23]
nathaniI win [15:24]
Do emojis work here...
mercutiounicode ones may?
it seems it may depend..
up_the_ironsI can see them on my phone
mercutioi could see that last one in putty but not with urxvt [15:29]
up_the_ironsPretty sure won't show up on my laptop [15:29]
they look much better on android-weechat
they're different colours and bigger
up_the_ironsChannel announcement: there's a new "Add Service" button in the Portal and blank VMs can be ordered on-demand (ones with an OS are coming soon)
Yeah weechat-android is pretty cool
mercutiohow do you type the emoji on weechat-android?
depends which keyboard..
up_the_ironsI just do it with the regular keyboard
Personally I use the Google keyboard
Which in just the last update went to shit
mercutiomy keyboard seems to vary [15:37]
up_the_ironsIt wants to mix the EN and DE keyboards now, and prediction is now all fucked. It guesses German words when I mean English and vice versa
Like why the fuck can't I turn that off
mercutioi'm normally using samsung keyboard
which isn't ideal
hmm samsung's prediction is bad too
the initial swype one i used was better
up_the_ironsGoogle *was* good
mercutioit'd be kind of cool to have graphics support in terminals
still the terminal and remote thing, but being able to do things like show those emoji's :)
some kind of way to do real graphics wuold be even better
nathaniI use Swiftkey Keyboard
only one language though so predictions are good
and it learns from your gmail, SMS etc
up_the_ironsI was just looking into Swiftkey [15:44]
should probably stop before I go overboard
anyknow know if there is an equivalent weechat-android app for iphone?
mercutiooh that may have been what i used before i think [15:47]
up_the_ironsI like all the emojis [15:47]
mercutioi can't see those ones [15:47]
up_the_ironsI can see them all perfectly on Android [15:47]
mercutioi can't see any of those ones in linux [15:48]
up_the_ironsI bet they'll all break when I check my terminal too [15:48]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:48]
mercutiothey do indeed all show on my phone
the skull and cross bones works on pc though
up_the_ironsI think it's an older one [15:51]
mercutioapparently os x terminal supports coloured emoji [15:52]
RandalSchwartzless than 10 minutes to the leap second!
I wonder how NTP handles that
mercutioclocks are a second off all of the time
i don't think it'll be any big deal
up_the_ironsup_the_irons agrees [15:53]
gizmoguythe problem is having a minute with 61 seconds in it :)
anyone smearing this year?
mercutionot i
smearing is a stupid idea
gizmoguysmearing would mean I don't have to sit here on my laptop and babysit this... [15:54]
mercutiohappy 2017 gizmo [15:55]
gizmoguyyou too mercutio
hey you nznogging this year?
up_the_irons🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 [15:55]
mercutiowasn't planning to,. but who knows, where is it? [15:55]
gizmoguytauranga [15:55]
mercutiohmm [15:55]
gizmoguyI'm teaching a tutorial and providing the internet
well providing the l2/l3 infra
vibe are giving me bandwidth
mercutioi've never been to tauranga [15:56]
RandalSchwartzgoogle and facebook are smearing [15:56]
gizmoguyand an ASN /22 /48 [15:56]
mercutiono cgnat? :) [15:56]
up_the_ironsNice [15:56]
gizmoguyNAT64 and DNS64 though!
going to do an ipv6 only network
mercutiohow much bandwidth are you getting? [15:56]
gizmoguyonly 1gbit
all done through Openvswitch+DPDK+linux+openflow too
mercutioahh i thought vibe might be trying to show off [15:57]
up_the_ironsIPv6 only +++ [15:57]
gizmoguyand i have allied-tellesis sponsoring openflow switches
to have a physical network too
2 mins
till the end of the world
mercutionice [15:58]
up_the_irons😂😂😂 [15:58]
mercutioy2k nothing happened [15:58]
gizmoguyyeah 'cause people prepared for y2k@ [15:58]
RandalSchwartzmany things happened on y2k [15:58]
gizmoguyI ignored leap second this year [15:58]
mercutiois anything exciting happening at nznog this year? [15:58]
RandalSchwartzneed to read RISKS some time [15:58]
gizmoguyjust assumed our devs are smart enough to make our software survive it [15:58]
RandalSchwartztalked about a lot of the breakage [15:58]
gizmoguymercutio: SDN SDN SDN
got 2 guys from google this year
RandalSchwartzmost amusing was something that broke on jan 1 2001, because they hacked something for 2000 [15:59]
i'm surprised i didn't hear about nznog earlier
won't it be in jan?
hmm there's a post from june saying it's jan 23 to jan 27
gizmoguy[2410311.468298] Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC [16:00]
mercutiothere was something on fb too [16:00]
RandalSchwartzwoo hoo! [16:01]
mercutiohmm buuntu says that and arch doesn't [16:02]
up_the_ironsmy VM is still up
Ceph monitors still happy
mkbI wonder when ntp will notice it's a second behind
Dec 31 18:05:19 x220 ntpd[20569]: adjusting clock frequency by 0.494154 to 5.917
there's my answer
gizmoguyyou don't have a leap second aware ntpd? [16:05]
mkbno [16:05]
gizmoguythat must get awkward [16:05]
mkbI tried recording telephone time but apparently other people had the same idea [16:06]
up_the_ironsLOL [16:10]
mercutio: I can only see your skull emoji in Linux; nothing else shows up [16:15]
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brycec: anything up with zeit right now? I'm getting clock skew warnings in Ceph, which use zeit
i've sync'd with other servers, but doesn't seem to help
...and now it's fixed (itself) [18:25]
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Lucifer333 has joined #arpnetworks [19:53]
nathaniup_the_irons: perhaps related to the leap second at 0:00 UTC
Ceph needs accurate time correct to within 50 msec correct?
up_the_ironsyeah most likely [20:05]

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