#arpnetworks 2016-09-18,Sun

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up_the_ironsthis is cool looking:
...... (idle for 27mn)
plett_mercutio: I saw the HN posting about BBR in Linux, it looks like a sensible idea. And for bonus points it doesn't need client side changes, it's just a tweak to how the windowing algorithm works in TCP [02:04]
***plett_ is now known as plett [02:04]
mercutioplett: yeh. cubic could actualyl be improved slightly too
prr actually helped a bit
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mjp_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [08:00]
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dne has quit IRC (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
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gizmoguymercutio: remind me in a month and I'll grab you the PDF for BBR [14:59]
mercutiogizmoguy: sweet. do you know when it comes out? [14:59]
gizmoguyOct probably [14:59]
mercutiobeginning? [14:59]
gizmoguyProbably the end [15:00]
i'm impatient :)
scrape this page looking for Vol 14 No. 5
mercutioweb archive says july/agust was there on aug 16
but doesn't have more refrences

this article appears to be free :)
about logging with containers
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hzr is now known as hazard0us
hazard0us is now known as hazardous_
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.... (idle for 19mn)
hazardous_ has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [18:49]
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mnathanianyone else find the new google contacts annoying?
within gmail
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