#arpnetworks 2016-04-14,Thu

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up_the_ironsI like using Twitter because it's completely separate from us, so even if our LA data center was nuked, I could tweet that fact and everyone would know ;) [00:06]
erraticassuming you werent vaporized along with LA
oh dude that reminds me
BryceBotDead Hand (nuclear war) :: Dead Hand (Russian: Система «Периметр», Systema "Perimetr", 15Э601), also known as Perimeter, was a Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union. General speculation from insiders alleges that the system remains in use in post-Soviet Russia. An example of fail-deadly deterrence, it can automatically trigger the launch of the Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) if a nucle [00:19]
erraticyou need that [00:19]
brycecup_the_irons: Does mercutio have access to the Twitter account? :) [00:20]
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mercutiobrycec: no, i don't. [00:22]
up_the_ironsbrycec: no [00:22]
brycecWell maybe he should, in case Los Angeles is wiped off the map :P [00:22]
mercutioi think of los angeles was wiped off the map it would be in the news
and people would know about it :)
up_the_ironsLOL [00:23]
erraticheh [00:23]
brycecBut they might still assume their VPS and colo'd machines are okay, safe inside a datacenter... [00:23]
up_the_ironsbut the point is well taken; we should have human RAID1 [00:23]
erraticbrycec: hahahahahah [00:23]
mercutiobrycec: they might be :) [00:23]
erraticdespite however peppered in radioactive fallout [00:24]
mercutiothey'll probably still keep going for a little while at least
i don't know for sure
erraticmay cause a few bit flips but no big deal [00:24]
mercutioaren't things moving from radioactive to chemical weapons? [00:24]
brycecNever know until we try it! #NotAdvocatingGlobalThermonuclearWar [00:25]
erraticyes zombies
world war z inspired them to do things right because they saw the mountain of zombies and were like oh shit thats a really good idea, we should do that
I hear the book was like a completely different story
I haven't read it before though
up_the_ironslol [00:26]
erraticnot really my thing
BryceBotYouTube video: "PDP-11/34 with RL-01 drives" by Ray Fantini [00:29]
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brycecbrycec lost connectivity with his ARP Metal box :/
[and is now figuring out if it's a box issue or ARP]
up_the_ironsbrycec: what's the box label? [01:40]
last I "heard" from it was ~15 minutes ago
(And I don't want to fight the IPMI battle, but looks like I'll have to)
up_the_ironsI'm in our cage right now. Took a look at it. Seems alright.
But I can judge only from it's lights
brycecheh, thanks for looking.
Was running md5's on some big files, so could've choked on IO I suppose
up_the_ironsif you'd like a hard reboot at some point, just lmk [01:44]
brycecThanks - IPMI works so I can reboot if needed [01:44]
up_the_ironssaves you having to push the IPMI power button
ok cool
brycec(SOL doesn't, but I don't remember if I set that up) [01:45]
up_the_ironsSOL won't work unless you set it up, yeah
or rather, it'll work, but if you don't have anything talking to the serial port, then...
bryceclol I know
brycec is now hating on javaws and its propensity to randomly pick up Firefox's proxy settings
up_the_ironsouch [01:47]
brycecbut only *some* of the Proxy settings, totally ignores the "No proxy for" settings
o/ OOM o/
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up_the_ironslol rly [01:51]
brycecyep really
up_the_irons: Is the IPMI NIC separate from the dual-GBE ports?
up_the_ironsbrycec: yes [01:54]
brycecHm. I was thinking unplugging the Internet from it would allow it a chance to catch up, but probably not. I'm probably better off pushing the reset button :( [01:55]
up_the_ironswell i can unplug the nics if you like ;) [01:57]
brycecI just sent reset ;)
But thanks for the offer/willingness
up_the_ironsnp [01:58]
brycec16GB RAM, 16GB swap, and it OOM'd :(
brycec blames ZFS
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up_the_ironsup_the_irons blames ZFS too [02:04]
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up_the_ironsbrycec: running Linux or FreeBSD? [02:04]
brycecLinux [02:04]
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up_the_ironswhat do you have running on top of it, if you don't mind me asking [02:05]
(I don't mind)
up_the_ironshappen to have a lot of VMs, or?
mercutio and I are actually building a Linux / ZFS box for VMs...
so your experience scares me ;)
but we'll have 96GB RAM
brycecAnd in Proxmox, a variety of things: servers with databases, web stuff, mail and dns backups, Splunk, etc. But yeah the flexibility/control/cost is important.
I love ZFS absolutely, but I wouldn't really recommend running mission-critical applications on Linux-ZFS. It's not perfect, it has its periodic quirks.
mercutiobrycec: anything in logs? [02:07]
brycecOh and without question, SSD at least for a cache and logging vdev. [02:07]
mercutiobrycec: over allocating memory is the biggest concern with zfs atm
if you have a reasonable amount of headroom you're fine
brycec(Not that I have an SSD in my Metal box, but I wish I did :p it makes a huge IO boost) [02:08]
mercutioon older versions of zfs it's advised to raise /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes [02:08]
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mercutiossd caching doesn't help much except for metadata ime
with zfs at least
you use up ram with the tables as well
brycecI'll check into exact memory usage in the morning [02:09]
mercutioare you doing l2arc bryce? [02:09]
brycecMost recently I setup a box with a pair of 1TB drives in zfs-mirro. Performance was abysmal once the RAM buffers filled up. Slap in a cheap SSD and the thing soars now.
(Also RAM usage dropped once the cache vdev was added, for obvious reasons)
mercutiobrycec: how big is your l2arc? [02:11]
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brycecOn that system, 50GB, <1GB usage last I checked. [02:11]
mercutio<1GB usage heh
you may as well use zfs set secondarycache=metadata
but i'd go for smaller l2arc than that on 16gb of ram
brycecThe machine in question (with the SSD) only has 8GB RAM actually
[Not to be confused with my ARP machine tonight)
yeah i've seen l2arc be a problem with memory
brycec[ARP machine has no l2arc, so things can get sticky) [02:14]
brycec: i hit some serious performance deficits when i was trying to test low memory usage to eradicate caching :)
problem is with a 48gb server using hard-disks it takes ages to benchmark when you have to go above capacity
so i tried something silly low
2gb i think it was
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mercutiobrycec: my home linux box has 16gb with zfs
doesn't seem to be a problem
and that's with chrome etc running on it
and with more ram around that i had earmarked to upgrade with
mercutio doesn't like rebooting :)
i don't think 16gb should be in the generally difficult carea
brycecLike I said earlier, was doing heavy IO so apparently the ARC and everything else were in contention and before I knew up 6GB of RAM went out the window. [02:21]
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.... (idle for 17mn)
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mercutiois everything zfs? [02:49]
....... (idle for 33mn)
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erratic..I'll check twiiter.. [03:33]
up_the_ironsI was in the car so couldn't tweet... [03:40]
erraticah hehe no worries
Im gonna crash I'll check in the morning
up_the_ironsg'nite! [03:42]
erraticyeah was just gonna say I'm having trouble with OOB but that might be obvious catch you later [03:43]
up_the_ironsi'll take a look [03:44]
erraticseems up now it came up while I wasnt watching [03:44]
up_the_ironsin OOB?
web console connected alright for me
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paigeatyeah there was a little lag getting connected to the OOB bastion via ssh and I was trying to debug it but it seems fine now I'm not really sure how it works was just looking at ssh -vvv
it was connecting and authing but nothing was coming up.
up_the_ironsroger that [03:52]
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erratic has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [04:50]
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brycecmercutio: Yeah, ZFS root. (Because that's what Proxmox likes to do these days, and I can't say as I blame it because it's nice.) [09:43]
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mnathaniup_the_irons: is the zfs server with 96 gb ram headed for Germany, or LAX? [19:17]
up_the_ironsgermany [19:18]
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mnathanisupermicro server board? [21:55]
erraticI have one.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gP_Q2myNWo [22:08]
BryceBotYouTube video: "The Apple Tree Feat. The Glitch Mob" by Khameleon808 [22:08]
.... (idle for 15mn)
erraticyou can probably have it
I dont think Im gonna need it
BryceBotYouTube video: "Nick Warren ‎- Global Underground #028: Shanghai CD1" by Emsiukas69 [22:24]
erratictired of watching the world burn [22:24]
technology means nothing to me anymore [22:31]
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BryceBotGist: "https://gist.github.com/d3575d806f4c9d5be9ec" [22:35]
so close and yet so far
I dont really have a choice but to give it up at this point because I cant afford that
not to mention what good would it really do having been a ketamine/mxe user in the past, its temporary.
and I'm pretty sure the last thing anybody wants or needs is a scathing suicidal nutcase like me so I'm done and I need to find what really makes me happy which is not this shit [22:43]
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erraticand I just gotta make it stop, the nitrous the adderal the estrogen injections the effexor the klonopin the job its all gotta away
dare I even say facebook
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erraticI dont think anybody here can relate but thats okay you don't want to and I don't want you to either but yeah I'm I think I'm giving up everything
my feelings are pretty uncompromising about this
I just want to live my life and be happy and be a woman and my interests are not aligned with what the "average" customers interests (eg: create-saml-provider) are
fuck an mfa device
``aws iam help'' what do you they need me for
heh, saml
rolls eyes, http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/working-with-templates-cfn-designer.html meh!

I'm way more interested in algorithms https://gist.github.com/cloudkitsch/a214ca4e0467ff2a2db968ecca6cbe3a
but at the same time I dont care about money either because it doesn't make me happy
so fuck being a quant
I'm happy to do it for somebody else who would appreciate it but my interests are skin deep in the thing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEwCKtUJuFw [23:22]
BryceBotYouTube video: "Urban Exploration: Abandoned Subdivision Florida" by TikiTrex [23:22]
erraticI just imagine going into this place and a giant cockroach come flying across the room at me like ohaiiiiii! [23:28]

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