#arpnetworks 2016-04-10,Sun

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***rmlhhd has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
jelleke has joined #arpnetworks
rmlhhd has joined #arpnetworks [09:40]
.................. (idle for 1h26mn)
mnathanibrycec: how is your dns migration off of he.net coming along? [11:06]
brycecLong done.
Change nameservers with the registrar, setup DNSSEC while I'm at it, export my zone file from HE, import it into Cloudflare, clean up the TXT records that didn't merge quite right along with any other gaffs, and finally update my dynamic dns-updating clients.
I do still have a couple client domains on HE because trying to explain or walk the client through updating the nameservers with the registrar is just more effort than it's worth.
(Oh and I had to be sure to remove the old NS records [for the root domain anyways] after the import)
....... (idle for 33mn)
mnathanijust curious, how many domains?
does cloudflare charge for dns hosting?
@google cloudflare dns pricing
BryceBot13,700 total results returned for 'cloudflare dns pricing', here's 3
Plans | CloudFlare | The web performance & security company (https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/) Global Anycast DNS, YES. HTTP/2 and SPDY, YES. Polish & Mirage image optimization, YES. Mobile optimization, YES. Railgun™ origin network optimizer  ...
How much does CloudFlare cost? – CloudFlare Support (https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200172486-How-much-does-CloudFlare-cost-) May 8, 2014 ... Free DNS services; A free CDN for static content; Free Basic Security to challenge known spammers and recently problematic IPs; Free website ...
Advanced DDoS Protection and Mitigation | CloudFlare | The web ... (https://www.cloudflare.com/ddos/) Layer 3/4 attacks; DNS amplification attacks; SMURF attacks; ACK attacks; Layer ..... No limit on attack size; Predictable pricing; pricing not based on attack size ...
.............. (idle for 1h7mn)
mnathaniyay! insider preview 14316 just showed up [12:50]
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brycecmnathani: 6 or 8 domains, I think. And DNS hosting is free (among other features) with their "Free tier"
I may never have to renew another SSL cert again if I don't want to, courtesy of CloudFlare's SSL service, for instance (granted CF->server traffic remains unencrypted, but at least browser->CF is encrypted and that's all that matters for non-sensitive data)
"all that matters" means "it makes $browser not show angry pictographs to $lusers"
Also their IPv6/IPv4 forwarding is neat, if I didn't already have both natively ;)
mnathanigood to nkow
BryceBot<mnathani> good to know [14:10]
mnathaniare there limitations on say number of records per zone etc? [14:11]
mercutioBryceBot: you can use a private ssl cert on your web site and do ssl from CF to server iirc.
brycec even :)
....... (idle for 30mn)
guess not
mercutiomnathani: so what do you think of ubuntu on windows?
i stopped playing when i couldn't ssh into my server or use tmux because of lack of pty support
brycecmnathani: Yes there's a limitation. I think I saw it was 3000.
Yes 3000 https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200169116-How-many-zone-file-records-can-I-have-per-domain-

mercutio: Yes, if I felt like paying money I could use my own personal certificates.
mercutiooh that's only on higher end plans? [14:57]
brycecwell, non-free [14:57]
mnathanionce 14316 is installed, should it just be run bash and it downloads the ubuntu bits?
downloading now
earlier I tried the bash command from within cmd
brycechttps://www.cloudflare.com/plans/ "Free" and "Pro" plans cannot use custom SSL certs, only the higher-end "Business" and "Enterprise" [15:02]
mnathanihow does their caching services work for dynamic websites? [15:03]
brycecbrycec shrugs [15:04]
mercutionot very well ime
mnathani: you have to add feature
mnathaniI added the feature
Linux localhost 3.4.0+ #1 PREEMPT Thu Aug 1 17:06:05 CST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
resizing the windows messes things up
mercutiomnathani: i said that earlier :)
or maybe said it somewhere else. it's things like that which make it annoying to use
but i suspect they'll be fixed pretty quickly.
mnathani: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list to a closer mirror to get faster downloads
it defaults to archive.ubuntu.com
mnathaniwhere does / get mounted relative to c:[15:18] <mnathani> brb reboot [15:16]
***mnathani has quit IRC () [15:18]
mnathani has joined #arpnetworks [15:28]
mnathaniDamn, I liked the desktop app. Oh well
From April 15, you'll need to access TweetDeck on the web. Still the same TweetDeck you know and love, at tweetdeck.twitter.com.
........... (idle for 50mn)
brycec: did you consider Amazon's Route53 for DNS services? [16:31]
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screen doesnt work either on linux for windows [19:14]
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free -m on a 4gb vm shows about 1 gb on linux for windows [19:32]
.... (idle for 19mn)
mercutiomnathani: i tried ramsmp and it faulted. so yeh it probably ran out of ram. and that was on 32gb.
mnathani: screen not working is the pty issue, same reason tmux and sshd don't work
xterm etc don't work too
even if going to external server
..... (idle for 20mn)
mnathaniits a project still in its infancy
I dont really see myself using it when I can just as easily use a linux vm with all linux bells and whistles

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