#arpnetworks 2016-03-21,Mon

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brycecFYI dns.he.net (and all of *.he.net) are having DNS issues - returning empty zones for all queries.
(strangely, tunnelbroker.net is unaffected)
mhoranYeah. Not good. :( [09:56]
brycecrecords are starting to reappear now at least [09:58]
I only use them as a slave so I guess they had some catastrophic failure!
brycec(Not yet my whole zone, but a couple records I've tried so far)
I once used them as secondary, then decided to stop wasting my time with my own and go 100% them, afterall they've got massive geographic redundancy and such...
Regretting that now
Weighing a "proper (paid)" dns provider or running my own+he.net for backup
Thinking I'll run my own for a bit, that way I can get an idea of queries-per-month and know how much $provider would cost [10:06]
antwell, they returned nxdomain+noerror to queries, so a resolver would cache the response until the negative cache ttl expires and not even try to query another server. so even with other nameservers from other providers some clients would still fail to resolve names under affected domains [10:14]
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jpalmerbrycec: I used he.net for dns for a long time. now I pay the 50c/month for amazon route53. [11:13]
brycecIf only Route53 supported dual-home access [11:14]
jpalmerhow do you mean, split views? [11:14]
brycecv4 and v6 addresses on their nameservers
I'm currently setting up CF with a test domain of mine
jpalmeroh, yeah cloudflare is a pretty decent option for dns too. [11:15]
brycecYep, free too
Which is a plus
jpalmerused them for years as well. Kim and Todd were my friends.
(kim and todd were the names of the 2 DNS servers assigned to my properties.)
oh, I see. by dual-home you meant dual stack. yeah, R53 isn't available via v6 yet.
brycecYeah I mis-spoke, sorry :( [11:20]
jpalmernp, was just confused for a minute. I was like "uhh, if AWS is anything.. they are multihomed.. so what am I missing" lol [11:21]
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mnathani_I use dnsmadeeasy - a paid DNS servic
BryceBot<mnathani_> I use dnsmadeeasy - a paid DNS service [12:26]
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mercutioi wish cloudflare didn't need to take over dns :) [14:42]
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up_the_ironsme too [15:13]
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dnedne replaced dnsmadeeasy last year with 3 geographically distributed freebsd virtual machines running nsd
now I can automate zone updates using a version controlled ansible playbook
staticsafethat is what I do as well! I use BIND instead though
(and Linux)
mhoranI've been happy with my transition to nsd.
Since BIND was removed from base, I decided not to keep it.
But I could keep my zone files, which was great.
up_the_ironsi like nsd too [16:19]
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mercutioi shifted from bind 4 to tinydns years ago
openbsd sticking with bind 4 over bind 8 was interesting.
but bind seemed to get worse :)
i've never understood why people wanted to distribute dns when their site was small and non-redundant
there's a slight performance win if you do anycast, but without anycast what use is having dns up if none of your content works
it's kind of like when people used to do backup mx to receive mail when their net connection went down, and then all the spam comes in the back door
although mail delays can be quite bad if you have patchy internet
staticsafedistributing DNS is cheaper [citation needed] than distributing HTTP
(also DNS is not relevant to just HTTP, reliable DNS means things like e-mail, VOIP etc. works)
not just monetary cost but knowledge cost, distributing DNS is as simple as running two instances of $AUTHDNSSOFTWARE in two separate networks
HTTP requires knowledge of load balancing basics, HTTP basics, SSL termination etc.
mercutioyeah it's way harder
but if you have a single location with all of your services, and dns works but nothing else works it doesn't help much
you don't really need citation, distributing dns is obviously simpler
staticsafe:P been stick in paper writing mode for school
if you have an intermittent dns server it can create delays
mhoranHaving DNS distributed could make it easier to recover from a failure of that single point of failure. [17:27]
mercutioso if you have dns in two different locations it can actually increase your chances of performance deficits. [17:27]
mhoranHaving your MX record not drop off the face of the earth is pretty good. [17:27]
mercutiomhoran: now /that/ is true. [17:27]
mhoranGiven it takes time to change records at your registrar, having that distributed and easy to fail over is nice. So That's why I do it, even though everything else is on ARP. [17:27]
mercutioi have distributed dns, and i do think overall it's a good idea, it's just not necessarilly that important. [17:27]
mhoranIt's a pain in the ass to change shit for my .at domain.
It requires faxing them things!
staticsafegood to know .at is still a PITA [17:28]
mercutiofax! [17:28]
staticsafewell [17:28]
mhoranI remember having to do that with Network Solutions, 10 years ago! [17:28]
mercutiowhen i first got my own phone line connected i needed to fax them stuff
i'm like what
mhoranHah. [17:28]
mercutiothis was a while back, but even then fax wasn't common [17:29]
staticsafeGandi required me to fax a form once for some ownership change stuff
I was like ...
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [17:29]
mercutiopeople used to do fax spam
the other day i added an extra digit to a phone number accidentally and hit a fax or a modem (i can't tell the difference)
although it sounded more like fax .. as it didn't have that 56k type extra whine in it
how well does fax go over long distance?
staticsafenot sure, I don't think I've ever done that [17:31]
mnathani_I don't think fax works well over VOIP, but I might be wrong [17:31]
mercutiono inter state faxes?
well voip is special case
i tried doing fax from modem ages ago
actually i think i had my bbs so it could receive faxes
oh i did, there was some special number you could call and it'd fax back you a report on your phone line quality
or maybe you had to fax them and they faxed you back
staticsafeanybody looking to understand HTTP load balancing should start with reading the haproxy documentation, it is fantastic [17:35]
mercutioi'd love to have the need :)
i find things like wikipedia and torrent sites and so on fascinating when they manage to do high load with low resources.
staticsafecache all the things
put Varnish in front of it!
mercutioand get amiga reliability?
i'd rather just code my own backend in c :)
and have fast backend
there's lots of complications from template based cache systems
where the code is in one or more places and is all put together and presented by some "cache"
often what ends up happening is the cache helps when users aren't logged in, then not nearly as much when they are
because all the dynamic code has to still run, and caching static pages doesn't really help
and so the idea of templates is to mix some dynamic code with some static code, and be able to remember some useful parts of the page and not have to regenerate
usually with a ttl..
which often means that if you hit the ttl expiry suddenly your page load is slower
even if the average is good.
the main local news site here uses varnish, and quite frequently has slow page loads
staticsafeyeah Varnish won't save your shitty code, bad SQL query design or other such issues [17:43]
mercutioapache traffic server actually has a nifty feature called stale-while-revalidate which isn't supported by many browsers.
but basically on a ttl expiry you can send old content, and then in the background fetch new content for the next load
staticsafe:o [17:46]
mercutiothe local news site is using cold fusion.. [17:46]
staticsafeheh [17:46]
mercutioso yeah i expect shitty code :)
not that i've seen it.
but pages randomly don't work
mkbdoes anyone know what they've done to completely break tab completion on linux? [17:47]
mercutiomkb: that's an open-ended question [17:47]
mkbI realize that :) [17:47]
mercutiolinux itself doesn't have tab completion [17:47]
mkbbash [17:47]
mercutioi find bash terrible for tab completion
upgrade to zsh
mkbhalf the time I press tab and it doesn't complete [17:48]
mercutioyour problem may magically go away :) [17:48]
mkbthen I type ls and it shows me the file clearly exists [17:48]
mercutioare they file names with weird characters in them? [17:48]
mkbno ordinary file names like grub.cfg [17:48]
mercutioi find bash completes file names when i'm expecting it to complete paramaters to the program i'm running
mkbgrumble... I hate having to configure these things [17:48]
mercutiotry pressing tab twice
like in /boot/grub i have grub.cfg and grubenv
mkbI think it's trying to be hyperintelligent and only complete things it thinks can go there [17:49]
mercutioand so it doesn't complete by default [17:49]
mkbno I've pressed it like 20 times [17:49]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [17:49]
mkbhah [17:49]
mercutiochsh [17:49]
knoxvillemercutio, hi
I've setup the BGP
mercutioknox: cool [17:50]
mkbI've noticed it won't complete directories sometimes... [17:50]
mercutiozsh shows grub.cfg* and grubenv* just below when i press tab once after /boot/grub/grub
bash does nothing in the same situation
if i press twice it shows the two names, then reshows my prompt on a new line
mkbbut it prints it out when you press twice
or does if I start the line with ls
but not with grub2-mkconfig -o ...
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [17:51]
mercutioyeh i'm starting the line with ls -l
works for me
although grub-mkconfig for me
mkbos? [17:51]
mercutioarch linux [17:51]
mkbaha.. centos here [17:52]
i've had no problems with completion in years
but i don't regularly use bash
mkb: centos should have zsh package :)
mkbmkb reboots it and wonders whether it'll come up with the right kernel without me sitting at the console [17:52]
mercutiomkb: is this centos 6 or 7? [17:53]
grub2 made configuration a lot more obscure
centos 7 is what switched to grub2 isn't it?
mkbyeah [17:53]
mercutioyeh i hate grub2
i have been using systemd-bootd at home
mkbthey've written a bootloader!? [17:54]
mercutioi have weird issues with grub having extremely slow output
it's efiboot
err gummiboot

and efi only
mkbmkb isn't allowed to have fast output
9600 baud !
mercutio% cat /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root=/dev/md1 rw
how's that for simple? :)
mkbway better than the maze I have to go through with grub2
and sometimes it changes the default on my according to unknown heuristics
mercutioyeah it's refreshingly simple
i have also set "editor 1", "timeout 3" "default arch" in /boot/loader/loader.conf
mkbI think yum screws it up [17:57]
mercutioand have memtest and some other stuff in there [17:57]
mkbsee I'm working on the kernel, so I'm always building new ones
and then yum comes along with an update to some super outdated kernel and sets the defaults
mercutiohave you considered doing dev in xen or kvm?
why centos? :)
mkbthis other guy here does use kvm [17:59]
mercutioyou can actually set the default kernel for grub [17:59]
mkbhe also doesn't use tab completion because it wasn't in ultrix [17:59]
mercutiodo you have /etc/default/grub ? [17:59]
but I never did like it
mercutioGRUB_DEFAULT="Arch Linux, with Linux linux"
you can do something like that
mkbexactly [17:59]
mercutioalthough there's a new more complex way
it whines when you do it that way but still works :)
mkbyou need the exact string which is hard to get (okay grep 4.5.0+ /boot/grub/grub.cfg) [18:00]
mercutioat least on arch which does everything recent [18:00]
mkbyeah they won't update centos for a few years [18:00]
mercutionot if use vmlinuz-linux or such
and don't put your version number in it :)
mkbwe deploy on centos so... that's why I have to use it [18:00]
mercutiodo you have virtual environment? [18:01]
mkbthough I'm thinking about just using something else anyway.. not like the distro matters when you're working on the kernel [18:01]
mercutioyou can actually tell xen or kvm just to boot a kernel direct
and then point it at the /
mkbooh that would be nice [18:01]
mercutiothen you can continue using your normal userland
and it bypasses boot loader giving a bit quicker boot
and you can boot either one by having different templates or command lines
mkbI'll have to look into that [18:02]
mercutioi tried witing my own simple OS kernel once
it was so annoying rebooting to test changes
mkbI've tried more than once... [18:03]
mercutioi was using a fast booting 386 with grub booting off a floppy and doing a network load [18:04]
mkbI used qemu [18:04]
mercutioheh this was years ago :)
it's so much easier now
if i was to try again i'd just use xen or kvm
and virtio devices
no hardware support :)
people have been doing cool application as an OS stuff on xen
mkbinitrd takes forever... [18:05]
mercutiodon't use it then
i'm still annoyed i need initrd for mdadm
you can also use lz4 to make it a bit faster to load if it's cpu bound
mkbhmm I guess all I need is to compile enough modules in [18:06]
mercutioyeah you shouldn't need many. [18:07]
mkbI'm pretty sure I already do
make localmodconfig...
mercutiowell take it out and see if it breaks :) [18:07]
mkboh that involves learning grub2 :( [18:07]
mercutio% lsmod | wc -l
mkbwell it's easy enough to test by pulling it out at the boot prompt
mercutiocrazy eh?
this is arch default kernel
you mostly just need disk drivers
even network should be able to load after it's booted
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