#arpnetworks 2016-01-25,Mon

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***lyarick2 has joined #arpnetworks [05:40]
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lyarick2 has joined #arpnetworks [07:47]
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relrod_ is now known as relrod [08:06]
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DaCa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:18]
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mercutio@weather auckland [13:53]
BryceBotAuckland, New Zealand: Partly Cloudy ☁ 79°F (26°C), Humidity: 80%, Wind: Calm -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=-36.973896,174.878021 or re-request this with: @weather -v auckland [13:53]
mercutiomercutio drops a pin [13:54]
ncleex2quiet down over there. [13:58]
mercutioit says 26c but in here it's 32 or 33c [14:03]
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mike-burnsIt's a warm 0°C here! [14:38]
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mercutioas opposed to a cold 0c?
well i suppose it depends how much wind you have
mike-burnsIndeed: it was -20, and now it's warmed up to 0. [14:55]
mercutiooh i see [14:55]
mike-burnsI wore shorts today in celebration. [14:55]
mercutiooh wow
when i was a kid i lived somewhere that got to 0c
well below a little
and we had to wear shorts to school when kids.
mike-burnsThat's fun. [14:55]
mercutionow it gets to 13c and i think it's cold :)
i've never really minded cold legs though
it's cold hands that get to me
mike-burnsOh yeah; I wore gloves today with my shorts. [14:56]
mercutioespecially with rain and wind and it goes all numb
and then you go into a warmer room and it's like tingling
so when you go outside and it's -20c how much colder does it feel than 0c?
mike-burnsAbout 20.
I kid. It's hard to say.
i've only really been in environments a few c negative.
mike-burnsI feel like I can't tell the difference between -5 and -20 -- it's all really cold. [14:59]
mercutiobut after cold it didn't really feel much colder
just cold
mike-burnsYeah exactly. [15:00]
mercutiowhereas hot i seem to feel every c [15:00]
mike-burnsNot sure about -40 though. I hear that is unbearably cold. [15:00]
staticsafe-40C means you can't leave anything exposed [15:00]
mike-burnsYeah exactly. [15:00]
mercutiopeople who seem to go to antarctica all seem to wear shorts in winter i've noticed
i don't know if it's preparing themselves for such, or if they just don't mind the cold so much
mike-burnsI went camping in -20 the other weekend and I spent the rest of the week without a jacket because I had adjusted to the cold so quickly. [15:01]
mercutiothere seems to be quite a bias with the kinds of people who want to go somewhere like antarctica though [15:01]
mike-burnsHeh yes.
I can recommend the film _Meru_ if you want to watch insane people in the cold.
mercutiothat could be interesting

haha what!
mike-burnsThat's ... rather cold. [15:06]
staticsafei wonder how long the human body can thermoregulate at those temps [15:06]
mike-burnsI wonder how much alcohol was involved in that picture. [15:06]
it's certaintly not hard to find pictures of people wearing shorts in antarctica
staticsafeaccording to wikipedia, alcohol intoxication is a common cause of hypothermia [15:07]
mike-burnsHa! [15:08]
mercutiohaha [15:08]
staticsafeAlcohol consumption increases the risk of hypothermia by its action as a vasodilator. It increases blood flow to the skin and extremities, making a person feel warm, while increasing heat loss.[31] Between 33% and 73% of hypothermia cases are complicated by alcohol
so yeah
you feel warm but you are actually losing heat
isn't that ironic
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mike-burnsThat's how they get ya. [15:10]
mercutionot really surprising though
alcohol feels like a buzz in it's warmth
oh, so if you drink alcohol in the sun does that mean it cools you too?
well assuming adequete water
mike-burnsYes, people who drink in the sun always drink the appropriate amount of water. [15:13]
mercutioheh [15:13]
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plettmercutio: In fact, it's so easy to find photos of people in shorts in Antarctica, here's one of me doing just that :) https://www.flickr.com/photos/plett/16271150585/in/album-72157649856524617/ [16:17]
mercutioplett: oh wow you've been there [16:17]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [16:17]
mercutiodo you wear shorts in winter normally? [16:17]
plettNo. And that was the only occasion I wore shorts on that trip [16:18]
mercutiois it some kind of initiation thing? :) [16:18]
plettThat was taken inside an active volcano in Antarctica on Christmas Day 2014. The water is heated by the ground, so shallow bits like that are quite nice to stand in [16:19]
so kind of cheating? :)
still i can't imagine the ambient temperature is that warm
plettVery much cheating. This was a more typical set of clothes: https://www.flickr.com/photos/plett/16271154815/in/album-72157649856524617/ [16:21]
mercutiodid your ears get cold? [16:21]
plettNot with a hat on :)
But there were days when it was warm enough to wander around on the deck of the boat in a short-sleeved shirt https://www.flickr.com/photos/plett/16269358141/in/album-72157649856524617/
So long as you stayed in the sun - if you went into a shaded bit, you realised how cold the air actually was!
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ivyvisorsgenerally does anyone know how long a arpnetworks vps takes to provision? [21:00]
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mkbuntil morning almost certainly
it's not an automated thing
ivyvisorsthanks mkb
Not in that much in a hurry, but just was wondering.
thanks again
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ivyvisors has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [22:08]

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