#arpnetworks 2015-12-19,Sat

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brycecbrycec is now hosting/serving http2. Why? because why not. [00:12]
kellytkbrycec: Via Nginx? [00:17]
.... (idle for 17mn)
Upgraded from jessie-backports' 1.9.4 to nginx.org's 1.9.9
Word to the wise: nginx.org's nginx package doesn't 'conflict' with nginx-common or nginx-full
mercutiooh god
nginx likes to really screw with config if you use their packages.
i mean if you go from ubuntu/debian to nginx. i've been hit by that before too.
i did one test with http2. it didn't seem any faster. didn't really look into it further.
err faster than spdy that is.
mercutio can't remember specifics; i wouldn't mind so much if my config didn't get broken :)
brycecNo biggie on the configuration, just told Debian to keep my existing configs. sed s/spdy/http2/ and I was good to go. [00:41]
mercutiohmm maybe it's better now, i seem to remember it overwriting or such [00:42]
brycecAnd I didn't expect it to be faster or anything, but figured I might as well stay current. Especially as Chrome is supposed to be dropping SPDY support (in favour for h2) next year. [00:42]
mercutioyeah it doesn't hurt. [00:42]
brycecOooh I'd raise hell if it overwrote configs. (though I keep my configure modularized too, to minimize that sort of nuisance) [00:43]
mercutioi might just have to try it somewhere else again to see if it still does breakage.
i also haven't tried php7 yet. i haven't found myself using php for anything personal.
i'm thinking 2x... faster.. wouldn't it be great if smokeping was 2x faster...
oh wait a moment.. smokeping uses perl.
brycecNothing like using spdy/h2 to serve a single static jpg. All that asynchronous pipelining and what do I use it for most? A single image file. :D [00:44]
mercutioheh. [00:44]
bryceclol perl [00:44]
mercutioyeah i'm not a huge fan.
speaking of making things faster, i've been build a home test network with 10gbe :)
i was kind of surprised i managed to route an iperf at 9.91gigabit/sec.
brycecI've been doing lots and lots of Ruby lately (because $job) and enjoying it. Still much more fluent with PHP, and there are things I don't like about Ruby (starting with DSLs), but it's quickly taking over as my scripting language of choice, surprisingly quickly.
mercutioi'm pretty rusty on php myself. [00:45]
brycecI'm totally rusty on Rust :p [00:46]
mercutioi kind of don't do much coding anymore. i've done more c than anything php-like. [00:46]
brycec(having never written any) [00:46]
mercutioi don't quite understand why people say that c is complicated. [00:46]
brycecBecause you can't "echo 'Hello world'" [00:46]
mercutioi find most of the complexity comes from the problem you're dealing with rather than the language.
true, but hello world isn't that difficult.
i used to try and tell people that assembler was one of the simplest languages though...
brycecMost of the complexity in C (to me) is knowing which #includes I need for given functions [00:47]
mercutioyeah the include system is a nightmare.
as far as learning languages goes, assembler is pretty easy really.
brycecNot that scripting languages are any different, but at least they include their stdlib by default so I can print/echo/puts/whatever :p [00:48]
mercutiothere's less guessing / unknowns.
it's just more long-winded to do stuff.
but the base complexity is low. then you take these high level languages and you're looking at code and you have no idea what it does :)
what bugged me about php at first was the whole echo/print thing
why is there echo, and print!
when using it more, it bugged me that people kept sticking php code in the middle of html though.
which i think is kind of the point of php?
i do like this new shift happening towards web applications rather than individual self-contained pages.
y'know one thing i've noticed about ruby is that no-one that's used it has said how much they hated it..
BryceBot<mercutio> tudtultvcud tsubcnus tfdu appcbtboudtnardsuncbuappltcadttbsurad crud abutbdtvtdualusclf-ctbdatbcdupaocs. [00:54]
mercutioperl and php on the other hand..
and with programmers tending to be pretty open about things they dislike that is actually quite noteworthy.
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mike-burnsI've really wanted to hate Ruby, but it turns out I still like it. [02:00]
mercutioheh [02:05]
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trobotham has joined #arpnetworks [04:02]
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [04:38]
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ziyourenxiang has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [07:28]
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brycecI hated on Ruby for a long time until I sat down and really started using it... [11:26]
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kellytkI look forward to using Swift outside of Apple's platform. Specifically for web apps [12:16]
mike-burnsReally? [12:16]
kellytkI've been producing a web app using Node.js and JS for the past six months and I miss static typing
Since Apple announced it would be open-sourced earlier this year
mike-burnsIt is open source. [12:17]
kellytkYes, it is
I may have not understood you there
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PostgreSQL 9.5 nears (http://www.postgresql.org/about/news/1631/) [12:34]
mike-burnsOh, I see what you're saying now. Yes, we agree.
Though we disagree on excitement about using Swift outside of Apple.
kellytkhttps://github.com/apple/swift/commits/master I love the smell of commitlogs in the morning
Which language(s) do you prefer to use?
mike-burnsRuby, C, Haskell, Python, Rust, sh, Scheme, probably others.
I'd love to find a use for Idris.
mercutioi like how you put C between Ruby and Haskell :) [12:41]
kellytkDo you think Rust is capable of displacing C for new systems engineeering work? [12:41]
mike-burnsNah. [12:41]
mercutioit feels out of place haha [12:41]
mike-burnsHeh, C, Ruby, and Haskell all occupy the same "mainstream coding paradigm" part of my coding mind.
But Rust doesn't have system calls, so I don't see why it would be used for systems coding.
kellytkAnother 40 years for C! [12:43]
mike-burnsC is fun. [12:43]
mhoranAgreed. [12:44]
kellytkI sure like it [12:44]
mhoranI enjoy having to do systems programming so I can justify using it. [12:44]
mercutioi prefer systems programming myself
low level is easier than high level
mike-burnsI don't get to use C at work. I sneak it in, but I have no reason to. [12:45]
mercutioyeh people get put off by using C for work [12:45]
mike-burnsEspecially for Web programming. [12:46]
mercutioi don't know if it's always fair. but the strongest arguement these days seems to be that most people don't want to do C. [12:46]
kellytkHaha [12:46]
mercutioor don't know the language or whatever. [12:46]
mhoranI use Go and C#/C++ at work these days (guess which platform I'm on!) [12:46]
mercutioso that maintaining it is more complicated. [12:46]
mike-burnsC#? [12:46]
mhoranYup. [12:46]
mike-burnsWild. [12:46]
mercutiomhoran: a piano! [12:46]
mhoranSure is! [12:46]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [12:46]
mhoranmercutio: you got it! [12:47]
mercutioi've never used c#. [12:47]
kellytkmhoran: Do you think Go could replace C? [12:47]
mhoranNo. [12:47]
mike-burnsDo you think Go could replace Python? [12:47]
mhoranYes. [12:47]
mercutiobut people who like c# talk about it similar to people who like ruby.
the general sentiment of enthusiasm is there.
I'd prefer to write Ruby in this particular case, but ruby is an outcast on this project, and it's tough to do Windows systems programming in Ruby.
We have a C++ interface exposed via a WebSockets API in C# to a Go library and daemon that interfaces with a protobuf backend.
I think we've got all the things covered.
I like protobufs.
mhoranSo does Go. [12:49]
mercutiowhat happened to corba ? [12:50]
mike-burnsHeh. [12:50]
mhoranCan't say I miss that. [12:50]
kellytkIt went the way of WAP I think [12:50]
mercutioa quick look into protobufs reminded of corba :) [12:50]
mike-burnsBut CORBA didn't have a giant company behind it? [12:51]
mercutionot that it looks to be the same :) [12:51]
mhoranI met with a client the other day who is struggling to go agile with their C# web-app to mainframe API.
Apparently the mainframe programmers aren't on board with continuous delivery.
mike-burnsI did a Perl Web app-to-mainframe API! It sucked. [12:51]
kellytkThey simply lack cloud synergy [12:51]
mercutioi used to think iot'd be really cool to have distributed applications over computers
but everything's shifted to containers instead :/
and vm's etc
mike-burnsDistributed programming is really, really hard. [12:52]
mhoranIt's always a cycle; we'll be back to it! [12:52]
mercutiomike yeh
but so is smp etc
mike-burnsAlso true.
Hence, OpenBSD is still mostly non-paralleled.
mercutioi'm not saying it's necessarily the solution to performance or anything [12:53]
mhoranGo makes SMP easier (especially compared to C.) That's about the only benefit I see. [12:53]
kellytkNetwork Programming Barbie says "Distributed programming is really, really hard" [12:53]
mercutiobut it seems like a nifty thing :) [12:53]
mike-burnsRust make SMP safer, but so does Haskell.
Oh and also: Erlang.
(And Elixir.)
kellytkAnd https://bitbucket.org/trijezdci/m2r10 [12:57]
mike-burnsOh nice. [12:57]
kellytkI've been following it for a couple of years. The principles have put a lot of work into it [12:57]
mercutiodamn there are a lot of languages :) [13:00]
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kellytkGreat isn't it [13:57]
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mnathani"not doing SAV by default for all new customers,"
what would SAV stand for here?
@google SAV means
BryceBot420,000 total results returned for 'SAV means', here's 3
SAV - Definition by AcronymFinder (http://www.acronymfinder.com/SAV.html) 27 definitions of SAV. Meaning of SAV. What does SAV stand for? SAV abbreviation. Define SAV at AcronymFinder.com.

What does SAV stand for? (http://www.abbreviations.com/SAV) Looking for the definition of SAV? Find out what is the full meaning of SAV on Abbreviations.com! The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and ...
Sav | Define Sav at Dictionary.com (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sav) Sav definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
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mnathanihttp://root-servers.org/news/events-of-20151130.txt [20:58]
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mercutio420k results hah
i actually have no idea mnathani.
mnathaniit was on the dns-operations mailing list [21:36]
mercutioyou read a lot of technical mailing lists :)
i wonder if it's some dnssec thing or something
source address validiation
mnathanihere it is being said again, perhaps you can read into the context"
in other words, the only people who can measure SAV compliance are the operators and customers of networks who do not have SAV compliance. and in general, not caring about one means you don't care about the other, either.

so basic BCP-38 stuff?
mercutioyeah it seems
i thought it meant acl's on dns servers for customers on other peoples networks
err like how anyone can use etc.
but it seems that it's basically bcp-38 and about spoofing
mnathanidid you see the link I posted about the DDOS on root name servers? [21:39]
didn't check it out
mnathaniyea [21:39]
mercutiothe nameservers are so stupidly overprovisioned it's not funny
from a user pov i'm not relaly worried.
err the root nameservers
did you see me post about dynect dns?
mnathaniyou would need to take them all out for a week to impact users [21:40]
mercutiodynect had some strange weird partial outage.
and apparently twitter and paypal and various other sites use them.
i know you read a lot of random mailing lists so you may have seen it heh
mnathaniyou posted on the mailing list? [21:42]
mercutionah on another mailing lists
but you read a few :)
cool you didn't see it.
mnathanidid you use your name? [21:43]
mercutionot terribly exciting.
yeah i think so?
it was on ausnog.
you read a few don't you? :)
no hangon
it was on nznog
nznog hardly ever has anything technical on it :/
mnathaniI might not have nznog on this alias
but on another should be there
mercutioahh [21:45]
mnathani6/18/13 [21:45]
mercutioyeah i like to consider myself anonymous when i post on the internet in general [21:45]
mnathaniI have a nanog reply from that date [21:45]
mercutioit's kind of scary to think that everything is out there forever.
so the supermarket finally has 4g here.
but i still have none at home :(
it's kind of crazy here how 4g is starting to be similar in performance to peoples home internet [21:56]

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