#arpnetworks 2015-11-10,Tue

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BryceBotHairpinning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairpinning) In network computing, hairpinning describes a communication between two hosts behind the same NAT device using their mapped endpoint. Because not all ...
Hairpin NAT - MikroTik Wiki (http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Hairpin_NAT) Sep 16, 2010 ... In the below network topology a web server behind a router is on private IP address space, and the router performs NAT to forward traffic to its ...
EdgeMAX - NAT Hairpin (Nat Inside-to-Inside / Loopback / Reflection) (https://help.ubnt.com/hc/en-us/articles/204952134-EdgeMAX-NAT-Hairpin-Nat-Inside-to-Inside-Loopback-Reflection-) Aug 13, 2015 ... Overview. Readers will learn about the NAT Hairpin for EdgeRouter. Typically, a NAT Port Forwarding rule is used from the outside network to ...
Hairpin NAT - MikroTik Wiki (http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Hairpin_NAT) Sep 16, 2010 ... In the below network topology a web server behind a router is on private IP address space, and the router performs NAT to forward traffic to its ...
Port Forwarding from inner network to inner network (hairpin NAT) (http://superuser.com/questions/663820/port-forwarding-from-inner-network-to-inner-network-hairpin-nat) Oct 22, 2013 ... I've successfully setup a port forwarding on a Mikrotik router that translates every request going to WAN ip address on port 8844 (let's say: ...
routing - mikrotik nat redirect to local from local - Stack Overflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20163669/mikrotik-nat-redirect-to-local-from-local) I'm using Mikrotik 750GL and I have such a problem: ... your situation need something called Hairpin NAT... all the explanation i will tell you ...
Hairpin NAT - MikroTik Wiki (http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Hairpin_NAT) Sep 16, 2010 ... In the below network topology a web server behind a router is on private IP address space, and the router performs NAT to forward traffic to its ...
Port Forwarding from inner network to inner network (hairpin NAT) (http://superuser.com/questions/663820/port-forwarding-from-inner-network-to-inner-network-hairpin-nat) Oct 22, 2013 ... I've successfully setup a port forwarding on a Mikrotik router that translates every request going to WAN ip address on port 8844 (let's say: ...
DHCP/DNS, Port Forward, Hairpin... - MikroTik RouterOS (http://forum.mikrotik.com/viewtopic.php?t=99867) DHCP/DNS, Port Forward, Hairpin... Post by bhlowe » Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:11 pm. Automatically assign DNS record for DHCP client_id [off, dynamic and static,  ...
brycecwell there were forum results for that too. :P http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20163669/mikrotik-nat-redirect-to-local-from-local seems promising (complete with port number change) [20:48]
BryceBotHow to change the listening port for Remote Desktop (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/306759) Describes how to change the port that Remote Desktop listens on. ... Microsoft ended support for Windows Server 2003 on July 14, 2015. This change has ...
Change the Remote Desktop Connection port to your Windows Server (https://kb.iweb.com/entries/23462112-Change-the-Remote-Desktop-Connection-port-to-your-Windows-Server) Mar 29, 2013 ... Windows servers are remotely accessible with Remote Desktop via the TCP 3389 port (default port). In some situations, as when you wish to ...
Change Remote Desktop RDP Port (http://tweaks.com/windows/50743/change-remote-desktop-rdp-port/) Port 3389 is the home of the remote desktop protocol that powers Remote Desktop Services on all modern versions of Windows. If your...
mercutiohttps://twitter.com/arpnetworks/status/664003063124992000 [22:03]
BryceBotTWITTER: Checking out Telehouse in Germany https://t.co/2htmDzosjp (Tue Nov 10 08:54:01 +0000 2015, retweeted 1 times) [22:03]
brycecTelehouse looks quite a bit like a prison https://goo.gl/maps/58NckLhMN512 [22:14]
Looks totally different from the front side though https://ssl.panoramio.com/photo/92207614 [22:15]
Well they do have a Stockholm location https://www.cloudflare.com/network-map/ [22:23]

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