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mercutio | mercutio didn't know that and has used vi forever
oh mine says that by default i know what mode i'm in anyway oh vim experts, does anyone know how to cut and paste code from elsewhere into vim without using "set noai" and then changing back to "set ai" | [00:30] | |
.... (idle for 15mn) | |||
mike-burns | mercutio: pastetoggle. | [00:46] | |
mercutio | i've been googling
and running around in circles not getting anywhere | [00:46] | |
mike-burns | There's also a clever plugin that I cannot find right now. | [00:47] | |
mercutio | some things say you can toggle with F2 or such
but i use F2 to open a new terminal | [00:47] | |
mike-burns | > googling
:h 'pastetoggle' :set pastetoggle=<F9> " press F9 before pasting, press it again after. | [00:48] | |
mercutio | hmm
yeah that works i'd rather it be automagic mercutio adds it to vimrc anyway | [00:49] | |
mike-burns | There's a plugin that will detect clipboard start/end codes and automatically pastetoggle for you, but I can't find it now.
https://coderwall.com/p/if9mda/automatically-set-paste-mode-in-vim-when-pasting-in-insert-mode - this. | [00:50] | |
mercutio | woot it works!
i tried it on itself thanks so much it had been bugging me for years so nice! | [00:51] | |
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up_the_irons | holy. fuck. | [01:51] | |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [01:51] | |
up_the_irons | hahahaa
that's awesome I always manually did it with F11 | [01:51] | |
.... (idle for 16mn) | |||
mnathani_ | traceroute6 2001:550:0:1000::9a18:231d doesn't work on devio.us I guess its not connected to the entire IPv6 Internet, rather just the He.net connected subset | [02:07] | |
brycec | Not sure I understand | [02:09] | |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [02:09] | |
brycec | What do you mean it doesn't work?
Like, at all? the command dies etc? fwiw I can't traceroute that from my home connection Oh, HE won't route to Cogent, is that what's happening? *HE IPv6 tunnels | [02:10] | |
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mnathani_ | yea he.net / cogent ipv6 connectivity | [11:38] | |
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meingtsla | What connectivity? :)
(Yeah, I realize that's exactly your point) | [11:53] | |
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brycec | How come, any idea? Can't say as I've noticed any loss of ipv6 websites due to it...
wow, seems to be a loooong running peering dispte, google results back to 2009
| [12:08] | |
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mercutio | so with cogent doing that what's to stop people going further?
like cogent could block russia because they don't like russians (say) cogent customers should make lots of noise about it, but that's about all that can happen? | [13:18] | |
brycec | I'm surprised it's gone on as long as it has. I guess most customers/ISPs work around it with multiple peerings.
If they didn't have that option, then everybody would (logically) abandon Cogent. But nobody does that, they just keep living with their redundant multiple peerings and work around the issues. (or never even realize there's an issue, like me)_ | [13:24] | |
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mercutio | whenever i check ebay tracking history they seem to send me an e-mail with updates.
i suspect it triggers updates when you look at it i've heard multiple times that cogent is better than it used to be. but i have my doubts/suspicions. "better" might just mean cheaper. | [13:43] | |
brycec | I've been hearing that too, specifically better quality links. But in light of this pathetic feud, they're back on my shit list. | [13:50] | |
mnathani_ | I wonder if they include that in contracts; ie he.net connects to the IPv6 internet except for cogent and its single homed customers and vice versa | [14:00] | |
mercutio | i don't think it belongs in contracts | [14:01] | |
brycec | More likely contracts state "we'll connect you to our peers" nice and generic
Can't be updating thousands of contacts every time they add or remove peers | [14:04] | |
mnathani_ | removing a peer is fine as long as they have transit to reach said peer
this he.net issue creates ipv6 islands | [14:05] | |
mercutio | mnathani_: things can fall back on ipv4 though
you can't actually be single homed on ipv6 yet and expect the internet to work normally | [14:06] | |
mnathani_ | as both providers are striving to attain tier 1 status | [14:06] | |
mercutio | like google has ipv6 - but they don't have ipv6 name servers | [14:06] | |
mnathani_ | I guess you can as long as that single homed network is neither he.net nor cogent | [14:07] | |
mercutio | google's name servers aren't even close to here.
it's a constant rather than random thing so if you want to ssh to someone with ipv6 on cogent from he.net tunnel you can't. like to get to individual servers. that's one of the ipv6 use cases i hear the most atm that actually matters. i mean having web sites and e-mail and so on with dual stack doesn't actually require ipv6.. there are things like ipv6 reducing cgnat, .. with some mobile providers moving to cgnat to free up ip address space. but again if you can't reach ipv6 destination then it'll just fallback | [14:07] | |
mnathani_ | 464xlat seems promising for mobile as well | [14:11] | |
mercutio | apparently nat is very common in china | [14:11] | |
mnathani_ | rather 646xlat? | [14:11] | |
mercutio | which explains how APNIC can get away with having so little IP's for so much population | [14:11] | |
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brycec | They do, actually 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 8844 https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using?hl=en 14:04:01 mercutio | like google has ipv6 - but they don't have ipv6 name servers | [14:22] | |
mercutio | i mean for authorative | [14:23] | |
mnathani_ | I think they have not yet worked out geolocation databases using IPv6 as yet | [14:24] | |
mercutio | ahh mnathani_ | [14:25] | |
mnathani_ | also a lot of broken IPv6 configs out there | [14:25] | |
brycec | That's the fun thing about tunelled ipv6 and geolcation - Google assumes I'm in the city of my POP and not 5 hours east. | [14:28] | |
mercutio | google picks up my location from my phone
and shares it with desktop chrome so it knows not only the city i'm in but suburb. | [14:29] | |
.... (idle for 16mn) | |||
mnathani_ | does your phone use IPv6 though? | [14:45] | |
brycec | Mine does :) | [14:46] | |
mnathani_ | from the carrier, as in native/
? or wifi tunnel | [14:47] | |
brycec | my home wifi
though I know of US carriers that have native/network ipv6 (just not AT&T) | [14:48] | |
mnathani_ | T-Mobile I believe | [14:49] | |
.... (idle for 19mn) | |||
mercutio | mnathani_: my phone would but i don't use ipv6 at home
and mobile doesn't do ipv6 here yet doesn't android have buggy ipv6 support? | [15:08] | |
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mnathani_ | mercutio: what was that copy paste / vim thing from earlier? | [21:27] | |
brycec | 2015-10-23 00:47:13 @mike-burns There's a plugin that will detect clipboard start/end codes and automatically pastetoggle for you, but I can't find it now.
2015-10-23 00:47:46 @mike-burns https://coderwall.com/p/if9mda/automatically-set-paste-mode-in-vim-when-pasting-in-insert-mode - this. | [21:28] | |
mnathani_ | I read that, but couldn't make out what it did
also this didn't make sense: [04:48] <@up_the_irons> I always manually did it with F11 | [21:28] | |
brycec | brycec shrugs | [21:30] | |
mercutio | i can pastebin my .vimrc snippet | [21:31] | |
mnathani_ | sure | [21:31] | |
brycec | I can look up logs, but I don't speak Vim beyond the very basics (insert/replace-one/replace-many/write/quit etc)
(I can do a little bit more than those too, but you get the idea) | [21:31] | |
mercutio | http://pastebin.com/CbaZViEp
just append that to your vimrc | [21:32] | |
mnathani_ | I guess I should start at the top : what problem is this trying to solve? | [21:32] | |
mercutio | do you use set ai? | [21:33] | |
mnathani_ | dont think so | [21:33] | |
mercutio | then it may not help you so much :)
in vim type :set ai then do tab some text and press enter and see how it stays at the same indentation level. which is really useful when coding. or for lots of things in general. but then you have something like say that vimrc fragment which you want to paste in and it starts indenting more and more with every line | [21:33] | |
mnathani_ | I see the auto indent | [21:35] | |
mercutio | so you can do ":set noai" and paste, and then do ":set ai" again
but that's a pita so that vimrc snippet means whenever you paste it doesn't autoindent. but your normal text can continue to be indented. | [21:35] | |
mnathani_ | ok, I think I get it | [21:36] | |
mercutio | it's bugged me so many times | [21:36] | |
mnathani_ | but what text are you copying and pasting from I mean what program
is it another vim instance? | [21:36] | |
mercutio | that when people were talking about things to do in vim i was keen if anyone knew how to fix it.
any program like that pastebin web site | [21:36] | |
mnathani_ | has to be text based though? | [21:37] | |
mercutio | if you want to cut and paste the vimrc snippet into your vimrc
it'll auto indent crazy like normally well yeah vim is for text | [21:37] | |
mnathani_ | can you copy from gui to textbased vim and still expect that behavior? | [21:37] | |
mercutio | from chrome and pastebin sure
but you have to copy text in not images :) | [21:37] | |
mnathani_ | ofcourse | [21:38] | |
mercutio | it's like magic :)
i love it so much the other thing i love is when i found a way to do shared persitent history for zsh shells. persistent it really sucks when you have more than one shell open and you lose blobs of history | [21:38] | |
mnathani_ | is there a bash equivalent to that? | [21:40] | |
mercutio | not that i know of
but i haven't used bash in a very long time don't really see the point in using bash when zsh is available but zsh vs bash is kind of like vim vs emacs i suppose | [21:40] | |
mnathani_ | I havent really tried zsh
bash is usually set as default on linux | [21:45] | |
mercutio | zsh is smaller binary than bash, freeer license, better programmable completion, and lots of cool things you can do with it easily
zsh comes with osx by default and is readily available. if using ubuntu zsh will complete apt-get install <package name> by default. whereas bash wouldn't by default last i knew that's one of the easiest most visible ways to see the improved completion you can also complete things like scp :) although you need to use keys for that to work err things like remote files with scp so you can do scp server:somefile<tab> and complete to .tar.gz or whatever | [21:46] | |
mnathani_ | does it open a connection in the background? | [21:48] | |
mercutio | yeah | [21:48] | |
mnathani_ | cool | [21:48] | |
mercutio | it's really quick to close servers.
but really slow to far away ones :) | [21:48] | |
mnathani_ | does zsh have to be set on remote and local server
? | [21:49] | |
mercutio | nope
just locally you can just type zsh too without changing your default shell if you want to play | [21:49] | |
..... (idle for 20mn) | |||
brycec | brycec <3 the grml zsh config
And speaking of ssh/scp completion - it will complete hostnames from your ssh_config and known_hosts https://grml.org/zsh/ so many perfect defaults IMO :) And it's what ArchLinux uses in the install iso, and have a package 'grml-zsh-config' too It's how I got hooked on zsh. I'd been wanting to try it for awhile, and gave bare zsh a shot but was relatively "meh" on it. Then I was installing Arch one day and discovered that the shell was zsh and it looked nice and did nice things... And here I am now, devout zsh user 80% of the time. | [22:09] | |
mercutio | i haven't done much config on mine
"prompt -p" is pretty cool it's like thre are a few default prompt styles you can choose easily i'm using "clint" | [22:12] | |
brycec | Mine's pretty much stock :D I have a .zshrc.pre with> [ "x${TERM:0:6}" = "xscreen" ] && NOPRECMD=1 < which makes my tmux life easier. And .zshrc that sets my HISTFILE/SIZE, bindkey -e, and the three lines to load the completion stuff. | [22:14] | |
mercutio | which isn't ideal, but "good enough" | [22:14] | |
brycec | lol I'd forgotten all about prompt
I'm using, unsurprisingly, grml theme | [22:14] | |
mercutio | heh i was just looking through it and bumped my history size up from 12,000 to 25,000 | [22:15] | |
brycec | (grml-chroot) | [22:15] | |
mercutio | zsh will also tell you when you're in a git repo etc | [22:15] | |
brycec | I love zsh's history - shared between instances, and I can just start typing then up-arrow to complete from my history | [22:15] | |
mercutio | and which branch you're following | [22:15] | |
brycec | Yes! Love that (and svn and cvs and hg...) Totally necessary for me to keep track of where I am and what I'm doing.
clint theme is spiffy, but way too much. I had a two-line prompt in bash for a long time, and I'm enjoying being back to a single useful line. I don't need the current pty or version info... | [22:16] | |
mercutio | yeah i don't need that either | [22:17] | |
brycec | brycec is tempted by the fade/fire themes though, they're so pretty... but too big. | [22:17] | |
mercutio | but having the date, time, hostname is useful
and having a separate line from that stuff to having my commands. like i said it's not ideal, but it's sufficient. and the colours don't bug me | [22:17] | |
brycec | gotta have the hostname. time/date, my wm or tmux take care of (though I sometimes miss knowing what time I started a command running - zsh does display the `time` after long running processes at least) | [22:18] | |
mercutio | yeah for me i like to see when commands were | [22:18] | |
brycec | I like having my prompt go red if I'm root, that was something I first saw in Gentoo's default bashrc and I've carried it forward since then. | [22:18] | |
mercutio | when i went from 1440p to 4k i went down in time size in wm
doesn't bother me :) nothing else really got samller smaller hmm so i don't need pts, linux version, arch etc, zsh versino and the histoy line number could move to that line i don't need zsh/2 either i wonder what that is maybe i should try and figure out how to do prompts :) is anyone here using redshift? | [22:19] | |
mnathani_ | is command line options completion a feature of zsh? | [22:21] | |
mercutio | mnathani_: yes | [22:21] | |
brycec | mnathani_: yes!! | [22:21] | |
mercutio | it doesn't do everything though | [22:21] | |
brycec | mercutio: I used to use redshift, but meh | [22:21] | |
mercutio | brycec: got annoying? | [22:22] | |
mnathani_ | bash: zsh: command not found | [22:22] | |
brycec | http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html have fun with your $PROMPT and $RPROMPT | [22:22] | |
mercutio | mnathani_: ubuntu?
apt-get install zsh | [22:23] | |
brycec | mercutio: kinda. Didn't really benefit me. | [22:23] | |
mercutio | i find it nice. | [22:23] | |
mnathani_ | centos, figured yum install zsh | [22:23] | |
mercutio | but i use subtle settings.
oh centos is a bitch but it's somewhere i think centos had bash1 for ages even if it has zsh it's probably old :) | [22:23] | |
mnathani_ | not sure how old it is zsh: 4.3.11-4.el6.centos | [22:24] | |
mercutio | oh new version of zsh added cut and paste thing so if you paste something into zsh it won't run it until you press enter | [22:24] | |
brycec | 5.1.1 is current | [22:24] | |
mercutio | yeah i'm using 5.1.1
that's what version added the cut+paste thing but yeah old versions are still fine | [22:24] | |
mnathani_ | [root@compaq ~]# zsh
[root@compaq]~# echo $SHELL > /bin/bash do I need to log out and log back in? | [22:25] | |
mercutio | nope
it probably isn't setting SHELL | [22:26] | |
mnathani_ | I am in tmux though | [22:26] | |
mercutio | because it's not a login shell
try zsh -l | [22:26] | |
mnathani_ | ok makes sense I guess | [22:26] | |
mercutio | err
it's sudo that has -l isn't it | [22:26] | |
mnathani_ | no output for zsh -l | [22:26] | |
mercutio | try "prompt -p"
inside zsh | [22:26] | |
mnathani_ | zsh: command not found: prompt | [22:27] | |
mercutio | see
you're in zsh autoload -U promptinit promptinit prompt -p | [22:27] | |
mnathani_ | how do I get the command line options for ls though | [22:27] | |
mercutio | bah you need a .zshrc :)
makes it easier :) it should offer to help you when you first login maybe centos doesn't do that | [22:27] | |
trobotham | oh-my-zsh
:P | [22:28] | |
mercutio | sounds good
ohmyz.sh | [22:28] | |
trobotham | ya
it is awesome | [22:28] | |
mnathani_ | I have a freebsd vm here as well with zsh | [22:29] | |
mercutio | freebsd will have old zsh too
probably 5.0.7? | [22:29] | |
mnathani_ | zsh 5.1.1 (amd64-portbld-freebsd10.1 | [22:30] | |
mercutio | or do i need to update :)
oh hmm woot the cut+paste thing is cool from someone who's accidentally run something cut+pasted before but not any time recently i used to type echo and cut and paste :) | [22:30] | |
trobotham | going to be a long night ;[22:35] <mercutio> this blinks theme seems ok | [22:32] | |
ya, I use bira myself | [22:39] | ||
mercutio | ok i gone back to my normal one already heh
but yeah it gives a nice starting point mnathani_: what'd you think? | [22:39] | |
mnathani_ | I tried the command line option completion and its not working
need to research zsh features some more | [22:42] | |
mercutio | did you try oh-my-zsh | [22:43] | |
brycec | (or grml for that matter) | [22:43] | |
mnathani_ | grml worked for completion | [22:44] | |
brycec | Cool :) | [22:45] |
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