using vultr for random testing vps's is starting to piss me off. there's so many incidents @google bras 55,000,000 total results returned for 'bras', here's 3 Broadband remote access server - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( A broadband remote access server (BRAS, B-RAS or BBRAS) routes traffic to and from broadband remote access devices such as digital subscriber line access ... Bra and Panties, Boy Shorts, Lace Underwear & More | GO2BRAS ( Full figure Bras, Panties, Accessories and more. A solution focused lingerie brand for the modern, classic woman. Shop Go2Bras today! Bra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( A bra (/ˈbrɑː/) (or brassiere UK /ˈbræzɪər/ or US /brəˈzɪər/) is a form-fitting undergarment that women wear to support their breasts. Women may also wear ... weird you got diff 1st response to me i don't even get that wikipedia link i used "bras network" mercutio: I have BryceBot's google search configured to return tech stuff over articles of underwear specifically, sites like wikipedia, openbsd, etc lol oh cool i have google at default i suppose It's a feature of the Google Custom Search API @google Google CSE 2,440,000 total results returned for 'Google CSE', here's 3 Google Custom Search Engine ( Sign in to Custom Search Engine. With Google Custom Search, add a search box to your homepage to help people find what they need on your website. Custom Search | Google Developers ( May 24, 2015 ... Custom Search lets you programmatically build and manage custom search engines for your site. Custom Search ( All of Google. Sign in with your Google Account. Email Password Stay signed in ... One Google Account for everything Google. About Google · Privacy · Terms ... yeah i'm playing with it now although it's not working now. does yours have a public url? maybe it's a cahcing issue, the bit on the right works but not the public url still works for me mercutio: cool ^ That's nothing more than the html bit they provide for you to embed in a webpage yeah playing with that myself heh there was some geturl thing that seemed to show the original stuff i had set which made most sites not show (heh, there are two users in here running IrssiUrlLog) heh yours is black+white somehow That's what she said!! what do you mean, what part? ohh the results embedded yeah my results show as an extra sort of sub window but in colour on mine ahh in other words, compare the html ;) yeah i have i just took the defaults but defaults may have changed :) As I recall, the embedded editor lets you customise it a bit, including some checkbox to not show popup results or whatsuch No idea, I don't use it except to test yeh whos here is arp? mrsaint: @up_the_irons is staff, other ops are long-time customers :-) hehe okey :) who to talk to about bissniss opportunities :) that would be me, but later on alright.. :) :) might be up for another 30-40 mins after all its 1.30 here. in the night :) mnathani_: I could swear I've read that somewhere... :P :-) openbsd 5.8 is out :) arp mirror hasn't updated yet but should be soon woot arp mirror is synced i like the idea of openbsd, but not the implementation of openbsd :P what don't you like about it? the process of updates there's m:tier now is this what I need to download to installl openbsd? yes k how long should it take to backup 17 GB using tarsnap for the first time ? # uname -a >> OpenBSD 5.8 GENERIC#1170 amd64 nice now what should I try doing with it? seems really fast and responsive yeh openbsd is nice like that its in a Vmware VM running off an SSD i've found it fast even on old pre sas machines. with scsi drives. can it be used as a full fledged desktop? yeah i used to with sound and video driver support i'm not sure what the browser staet is these days i used to use linux/freebsd binary compatibility and use opera.. yeh. on most hw. they only just introduced support for hd 5200,5500 etc i think apparently: Chrome has been in OpenBSD's ports tree since at least OpenBSD 4.8. chromium rather it was very many years back i was doing it and chrome has always been a memory hog have more ram tehse days, but with the number of tabs i tend to have open it was terrible :) I am at 91 tabs presently i use the notion window manager. but you can use various ones. you can do gnome etc. weird there's no port of notion it seems