Yay, back up and running. jbum: cool does arpnetwork have any lg? yes lg.arpnetworks.com what is lg? looking glass ahh shows you routes that arp sees etc hmm it's not laoding for me seems to be slow yes... was just getting to that :) ok thanks.. need to see if Arp see the communities I do tag against them to have my advertiesments altered :) ahh they still may be stripped but you could check on he.net or such yeah emailed about it might be that it can be fixed.. :) I expect arps own LG to see the communities internallY :) yeh i mean if it's stripped on external advertisements what's your subnet? Yeah.. but I emailed them abou tit and they didnt think it was stripped my anycast network I do like it to look like Im tagging with this set community 2914:4229 2914:4429 2914:439 :) eu gone asia gone hmm i see no communities on AS30893 from where i'm testing from and specificly out of region gone. Ooh. interesting i see 25795:100, 25795:40000 anycast-arp.mainstreamhosting.net(config-router)# neighbor send-community extended this is funny nd it does not fucking take on the quagga crap today dont like it same versions everywhere i have same setups and same configs i quagga its only here it doesnt really work. its crazy.. i hate quagrga quagga Anyways time to get some sleep.. I ONLY use it for anycast vps-dns/web :) cheap and easy :) you can still use bird, or openbgpd, or something sane or something else sane Yeah.. ofcoz but same template everywhere mostly on same hw.. easy to use and I do happend to like cisco look-alike cli :) My netnod-routers and some of our transitrouters are openbgpd :) cool lg.arpnetworks.com is back