s/i/ai <> haive-maind joained #arpnetworks BryceBot: you suck. hahaha s/ /space BryceBot:spaceyouspacesuck. haive-mind! :) sup Is anyone else noticeing some dropped packets? ping 24 packets transmitted, 14 received, 41% packet loss, time 23077ms Yup. Seems to be both IPv4 and IPv6. IPv6 seems a bit worse. Same when I ping the router from the outside… def not my server I was seeing high pings on ingress going through mzima and any2 for a bit, but it just went away yeah, looks okay now. I beleive I was coming in via level3 Seems better here as well. s/ /space Seemsspacebetterspaceherespaceasspacewell. oops hi :) Haha. Yup saw a blip myself (and VPN dropped...) https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?displaymode=n;start=2015-09-23%2018:20;end=2015-09-23%2020:00;target=ARP.ARPWebsite s/ /¿ <> bmacs¿left¿#arpnetworks BryceBot: no Oh, okay... I'm sorry. '' s/no/yes/ BryceBot: yes there was a ddos attack earlier. that's why the high pings. brycebot: twss Okay! twss! 'that's why the high pings.' Well then.