#arpnetworks 2015-08-21,Fri

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m0undsyeah, it seems okay now
was pretty bad for a bit, kept losing my ssh session
..... (idle for 20mn)
mercutio500+ is bad
ping me next time if you like
ie say my name
........................................................... (idle for 4h52mn)
***ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [05:30]
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grodyso i get better game play routing my ps3 via my ARP on a NAT than i do NAT from @home to US players....
looking at pings to players from home, is 200+ (west coasters too) but via ARP i hit 180
brycec<10% difference? could easily be anomalous [10:21]
grodytrue [10:21]
brycecAnd >100ms for gaming is still "not good" [10:21]
grodyit's horrid
but tekken is slightly more playable via ARP than direct
route when my packets enter the US to them go all over the place it seems, from ARP to them it's a few hops
seem to get 10-50ms better via ARP
i'll never understand the internet
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RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz hands grody "Internet for Dummies" [12:17]
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qbitup_the_irons: i can haz vpn config? :D [13:42]
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brycecI thought you already had config, just not certs, qbit ? [14:37]
qbitya [14:39]
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grodyRandalSchwartz, too complex.. got anything simpler? :P [15:17]
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mercutiogrody: 20 msec diff between uk<->eu is rather common
brycec: your'e not going to get < 100 to west coast us from uk :/
grody: loss can matter too
grody: also there's a new cable going down to cut latency for stock market traders :/
(but i think other people wlil be able to use it too)
there's like 10 cables already :/

so apparently they can cut 5.2 msec of latency over the ocean
.................. (idle for 1h26mn)
up_the_ironsqbit: didn't i send you the config with the cert? we send 4 files, one is openvpn.conf [18:34]
qbitup_the_irons: earlier this week, but now the links just take me to the portal [18:36]
up_the_ironsqbit: login to the Portal, click 'Help Desk', then click the links again
the reason you're redirected is because it doesn't have your login token
qbitoh snap
up_the_irons: <3
sweet victory!
up_the_irons:) [18:44]
..................... (idle for 1h42mn)
qbitdang. io errors on the second disk :( [20:26]

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