#arpnetworks 2015-08-13,Thu

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dwarren has joined #arpnetworks [01:45]
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neish_ is now known as neish [11:05]
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mnathani@weather Waterloo, Ontario [15:46]
BryceBotMultiple locations matched your query: Waterloo, AL (zmw:35677.1.99999), Waterloo, BE (zmw:00000.25.06447), Waterloo, IL (zmw:62298.1.99999), Waterloo, IN (zmw:46793.1.99999), Waterloo, IA (zmw:50701.1.99999), Waterloo, NE (zmw:68069.1.99999), Waterloo, NY (zmw:13165.1.99999), Waterloo, OH (zmw:45688.1.99999), Waterloo, OR (zmw:97355.2.99999), Waterloo, QC, CA (zmw:00000.12.WCMGB), Waterloo, SL (zmw:00000.20.61856), Waterloo, SC (zmw:29384.1.9999 [15:46]
mnathani@weather ykf [15:47]
BryceBotKitchener-Waterloo Regional, Ontario: Mostly Cloudy ☁ 79°F (26°C), Humidity: 61%, Wind: From the WSW at 14 MPH Gusting to 21 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=43.46163177,-80.38565826 or re-request this with: @weather -v ykf [15:47]
mercutiohas anyone played with multipath tcp yet? [16:01]
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brycecFreeBSD 10.2 was just released. Bets on how many years until RandalSchwartz is running it? :D
@last RandalSchwartz
BryceBotbrycec, I last saw RandalSchwartz 1 days 9 hours 50 min 35 sec ago quitting: Ping timeout: 244 seconds. [17:58]
brycec@lastm RandalSchwartz [17:58]
BryceBotThe last thing RandalSchwartz said was on Jul 28, 2015 19:31:50, 2 weeks, 1 day, 22 hours, 24 minutes, 3 seconds ago, "back again." [17:58]
bryceclol [17:58]
JC_DentonJC_Denton yawns
i badly want a freenas mini
brycecBut it only holds 4 drives [18:01]
mercutioi still dunno if i trust freebsd 10 [18:01]
brycecWhat about it do you distrust? I've been running 10 without issue (except for one ZFS bug, argh)
(Now to determine if https://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/stable/10/sys/vm/vm_pageout.c?r1=272221&r2=272875&pathrev=272875 made it into 10.2...
mercutioit seemed a bit rushed, and there's that reboot bug
the non-syncing one or whatever
brycec^^ That's the fix to my bug, one that causes the machine to freeze up in strange ways when caching to SD [18:03]
mercutioit maybe mostly fine [18:04]
brycecLooks like yes, my fix is in 10.2 o/
brycec eagerly plans an upgrade
mercutioit sounded like it was a week out [18:06]
brycecAnd yet here they are, ready for fetching ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/ISO-IMAGES/10.2/ [18:07]

they're on ARP too.
brycecNice :) Now they just need to make it to the ISO library (if they haven't already) [18:14]
mercutiodon't think they have [18:18]
brycecLooks like ARP doesn't quite have them yet actually - a bunch of RC3 stuff, and some of the amd64 ISOs [18:18]
mercutioahh [18:18]
brycec(in the freebsd mirror) [18:18]
mercutioamd64 is all that matters [18:18]
brycecNot on my RPI it's not :P [18:18]
mercutiooh :) [18:18]
brycec(I didn't want to flood FreeBSD's own mirror, so I was going to download the image from ARP's mirror, but that turns out to be incomplete ;) ) [18:19]
mercutiohas freebsd 10.2 got the new openssh version
i suppose it missed out
m0undsnew version being what?
iirc, the announcement indicated 1.0.1p or something
i'm probably gonna wait to do my fbsd boxes, just out of laziness
brycecOpenSSH 7.0 was released a couple of days ago. [18:31]
oh, i was thinking openssl
m0unds derps
brycecclearly [18:31]
m0undsoh golly, i wonder why it didn't make it in
brycec(the "what you were thinking" not the "derps") [18:31]
m0undsboth are pretty clear
the derps and the openssl
the derps, i has them
oh, i meant to ask you brycec - do you have native ipv6 at home/work and have issues w/GCM on your android tablet?
brycecnative as in...? [18:33]
m0undsnative as in provided by your ISP and not by way of tunneling?
as in native?
brycecComcast offers it, but I still use my tunnel instead [18:34]
m0undsah, ok [18:34]
brycecin-network, it's "native ipv6" so I was unclear [18:34]
m0undsgotcha [18:34]
brycec(And no, I've not had GCM issues either) [18:34]
i don't know anyone who has a modern android device and ipv6 on their home network
brycectunnelled /48, radvd+dhcpv6, it all Just Works. [18:35]
mercutioi care way more than i should about the pf default hash changing in freebsd 10.2 [18:36]
brycecI agree, more than you should. That 3% improvement in PPS, man... [18:36]
mercutio3% pps improvement.
but murmur3 is not only a fast hash, but a good hash
it's win/win
brycecIck. Looks like my only reasonable path to update my RPI is to blow away my current SD and re-dd [18:38]
mercutiomaybe good excuse to get something better than a pi :) [18:38]
brycecBut now that it's an official image in 10.2 maybe there will be pkg repos for it and stuff now [18:38]
mercutiosd cards have limited writes and all
it may be designed to minimise writes.
brycecYeah, lots of md stuff
which makes debugging "why it crashed" a little annoying... but I really don't care that much
it's a simple out-of-band serial box in my server closet
And I really didn't want "just another Linux pi" so it runs FreeBSD.
(I'm pro-OpenBSD, but there is no working RPI port, and I don't have time+resources to work on it... So at least it's *a* BSD)
mercutiomaybe netbsd would work
i have an arm box that i had issues with
i should look at it again
brycecYou say that as if NetBSD is better than FreeBSD in some way. *burn* [18:41]
mercutioactually the most annoying thing is if you used a keyboard and mouse at once the power draw would create a whine
freebsd is the slackware of bsd's
all this bloat and questionably useful stuff
unfortunately in comparison to other things these days slackware doesn't seem as bloated :)
brycecI disagree. FreeBSD is the Ubuntu of BSDs [18:41]
mercutiobrycec: have you checked out bitrig? [18:42]
brycecI'm well aware of it
@bitrig amd64
BryceBotamd64 -> snapshots: Sat Jul 04 2015 05:48:12 GMT-0700 (PDT) [18:42]
mercutioi kind of thought it'd go nowhere. [18:42]
brycec@bitrig arm [18:42]
BryceBotSorry, I don't track 'arm'. I only track amd64, armv7. [18:42]
mercutiothey are doing arm stuff too afaik [18:42]
brycecI too am surprised it hasn't died yet :p
armv7, rpi is armv6
mercutioarmv6 eww
i think my arm box is v7
brycecBeagleBone Black is v7 I believe [18:43]
mercutiothis is cubietruck [18:43]
brycecbrycec happens to have cellphones of both architectures too
Yeah think that's 7 too
Pretty sure all the mainstream ARM boards are v7
mercutiomy old cellphone before my previous cellphone was v6 [18:44]
brycecIncluding the RPI2 [18:44]
mercutiocpu was pretty weak on it
lg optimus one
that said it was my first android phone, so it was special for that at least :)
apparently there's a cubieboard 4 now
m0undsyea, RPI2 is also A7 [18:48]
brycecbrycec said that [18:48]
m0undsi was confirming it [18:48]
brycecbrycec confirms m0unds [18:48]
mercutiodoesn't rpi2 run windows 10? [18:48]
m0undsm0unds confirms brycec confirmed me [18:48]
brycecYes [18:48]
m0undsit can [18:48]
brycechttps://dev.windows.com/en-us/featured/raspberrypi2support [18:49]
m0undsbananapis are fun too, slightly larger but have a sata controller
their soc mfgr kind of sucks though, it's not as "good" a variant as the rpi/rpi2
mercutiocubietruck has sata
it's also got onboard nand, microsd, gigabit ethernet
i should try finding a powered hub for it
it would probably fix the whine issue
i dunno why so many of these things use usb for power though
i'd rather shift to poe
but i suppose people want to do wireless etc.
brycecbecause "everybody" has a USB power brick
at least relative to the number of people with PoE
mercutiomeans you can't use 3.5" hard-disk though
yeh they could bundle injectors though
or at least support that way of doing things
brycecThey do
@google PoE to USB
BryceBot884,000 total results returned for 'PoE to USB', here's 3
How do I modify my Raspberry Pi to be powered over PoE? (http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/715/how-do-i-modify-my-raspberry-pi-to-be-powered-over-poe) Jun 26, 2012 ... If you want a Raspberry Pi PoE solution that conforms to IEEE 802.3af .... that converts POE to a 5v 3amp usb source: POE-MSPLT-USB.
PoE to USB Adapter for iPad Kiosks . iPad Enclosures (http://www.ipadenclosures.com/ipad_kiosk_enclosure/accessories/poe-to-usb-adapter-for-ipad) Using iPad kiosks has been a revolutionizing solution for many applications, the PoE adapter is the next accessory to assist that revolution, reducing cost of iPad ...
PoE to USB Adapter - ArmorActive (http://www.armoractive.com/products/poe-to-usb-adapter/) The PoE (Power-over-Ethernet) to USB Adapter by ArmorActive is a solution that lends itself to evolving the way tablet kiosks are used in business. With the ease ...
mercutioahh cool
i did not know that
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mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks [22:40]
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mercutiothis new skylake cpu really hasn't had that much press.
even though in theory it's two generations newer than haswlel
....... (idle for 33mn)
mnathani_@wa 40oz to ml [23:45]
BryceBotconvert 40 fl oz (fluid ounces) to milliliters;1183 mL (milliliters);1.183 L (liters);0.001183 m^3 (cubic meters);1183 cm^3 (cubic centimeters);5 cups;2.5 pints;~~ ( 0.053 ~~ 1/19 ) × volume of one mole of ideal gas at STP ( 1 mol molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) );~~ 2 × volume of a typical human breath (~~ 0.5 L );~~ 19 × volume of an Apple iPhone 4 (~~ 6.3×10^-5 m^3 );~~ 0.71 × volume of a US size 5 can ( 7 cups );~ [23:45]

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