#arpnetworks 2015-08-10,Mon

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..... (idle for 22mn)
mnathanianyone else experience a 5 minute network issue? [00:29]
mercutioi have graphs
i can check
fine from here
mnathaniperhaps it was just my vps [00:34]
what kvr?
did you trace the kvr?
mnathani30 [00:36]
mercutioyeah hard to know, if it happens again try pinging kvr30 at the same tiem [00:45]
mnathaniwill do [00:45]
brycecKiSpeaking of weird connectivity issues, I'm getting 503's from ecx.images-amazon.com. Makes shopping hard. [00:49]
........... (idle for 50mn)
mercutiohmm i never see 503s
is that internal server error?
or was that 500
oh http://ecx.images-amazon.com gives 503

it just don't tell me that it's a 503
.......................................... (idle for 3h27mn)
***jbergstroem has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [05:08]
jbergstroem has joined #arpnetworks [05:14]
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jpalmer503 usually is a proxy response, saying no backend servers are available to fulfill a request
and, I'm like 10 hours late. nevermind.
bryceclol, so late :P [11:17]
........ (idle for 36mn)
jpalmerI know. as usual.
from now on, before I type in here, I'm going to check the time. if it's 5+ hours, resist the urge to type. lol
m0undsyou could just type anyway and spark conversation about how late you are
could make a game out of it, commenting on stuff from last week
confuse everyone
brycechaha [12:09]
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***neish has joined #arpnetworks [13:34]
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mercutiolate responses seem fine by me [16:22]
sorresseanI'm setting up an SSL cert for a new site. I know this changes sometimes--is 2048 the best way to go right now? e.g: openssl genrsa -out ~/domain.com.ssl/domain.com.key 2048 [16:30]
kellytksorressean: Did you use a third party CA? I'm in the market so I'd be curious to know who you went with if so [16:32]
sorresseankellytk: I'm going through namecheap, they have comodo SSL which is like $10.
I know there's way more expensive, but I don't need it.
m0undsi've used both gandi and startssl, both of those are alright too [16:33]
kellytkThat's a good deal. Yes I've been pointed to StartSSL. I found gandi didn't have a great reputation [16:34]
m0undshow so? [16:34]
kellytkI don't recall particulars [16:34]
m0undsonly caveat i can think of w/startssl is if you use the free cert product, you have to pay them to revoke [16:34]
mercutionamecheap is cheap enough not to worry imo
you still need to to do chain certificates.
m0undsah. was just curious because i've never heard anyone say anything bad about them (i've used them for 10+ years myself) [16:35]
kellytkThat's good to know [16:35]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [16:35]
mercutiobut all the cheap ones are like that
sorressean: most of the stuff that needs to be none now days is on the server
you need to disable sslv3, tls1.0, use longer dh key
and some other stuff
now days hsts has become more popular too
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [16:36]
mercutiowhich forces ssl [16:36]
sorresseanyeah, I just didn't know if 2048 was good enough. [16:36]
mercutiohttps://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack&page=7 [16:36]
sorresseanor if there was anything else to keep in mind when generating. [16:36]
mercutiogenerating i don't think so now
2048 is fine
someone got linux running on a hard-disk firmware
sorresseanawesome. thanks.
also that's nuts.
kellytkThat's impressive [16:43]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [16:43]
mercutiothe killer ethernet cards are meant to run linux for qos
in general i think i like the idea of smart devices wehre part of it is the restricted normal firmware and part of it is closer access that OS can upload
......... (idle for 42mn)
grodythat hdd hack is awesome [17:27]
...... (idle for 26mn)
http://imgur.com/WVGGmqo curious pattern
thats just pinging the gateway too
mercutiothat looks like buffer bloat [17:54]
....... (idle for 30mn)
kellytkgrody: Which hour of the day is packetloss beginning?
I should also ask the timezone
.................... (idle for 1h35mn)
***mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks [20:02]
mnathani_what do folks think about the google restructuring / alphabet conglomerate? https://investor.google.com/releases/2015/0810.html [20:02]
..... (idle for 20mn)
mike-burnsIt's a good effort to avoid a anti-trust lawsuit (or, is it a response to an existing suit?). [20:22]
m0undsyea, that's what i was thinking too mike-burns [20:27]
mnathani_I recall they had issues in Europe [20:32]
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mercutioIt does seem that European countries are a bit more stringent.
I'm growing to quite like news.ycombinator.com
brycecbrycec much, much prefers lobste.rs [23:13]
never heard of it
bryceclol [23:19]
mercutiojust going there now [23:19]
It was created because HN has come to suck, to put it bluntly
mercutioi never really read it much until someone was telling me about somethign that was on it
which i still think is kind of nifty
erk maybe that's not quite it
bryceclobste.rs even has a lovely BBS interface :) [23:21]
i'm not a big fan of assembler web server, but the idea behind improving performance is still interesting.
brycechttps://lobste.rs/s/chovpc :P [23:22]
mercutioeven if it's usually php etc that slow web sites down
they did assembler ssh implementation too
with their own ssl code
it's tls where it really bet nginx
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [23:23]
mercutioand alternative ssl implementations are important i think
the reason why rwasa is slower than nginx should be fixable
for some reason on localhost i find lighttpd performs better than nginx for me
but localhost is kind of a special case
***jbum has joined #arpnetworks [23:26]
mercutiooh, sendfile support was the reason nginx was faster.
there's also another cool web server that can do reordering and preloading
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