awfully quiet in here Speaking of... Anybody heard from up_the_irons2 lately? I realize he's probably busy, but I put in a ticket (non-urgent, granted) a few days ago without anything more than the autoresponse. Thanks mercutio (at least I think Ben = mercutio. I could be wrong) yea, i think so Google says I'm right (thanks to a TCL issue last year) damnit, how am i meant to hide? :) up the irons has been on holiday, but around reasonably often just briefly mercutio: that slacker! But again, thanks :D yeh i saw it and it didn't look urgent I've seen Ben=mercutio somewhere else in the past... Twitter or similar probably And yeah, wasn't urgent I'm thinking about upgrading zeit to Jessie... Can't really think of a reason /not/ to it's unlikely to break a reason not to is that it's working fine atm heh Yeah I've done a number of successful Jessie upgrades on headless systems, I'm pleased and impressed. And yeah it's working. and even receiving security updates. I just hate it falling "behind" resources i suspect Is anyone aware of a tool that would allow me to sync local files over SSH, and upon completion run a script on the server? rsync && ssh server brycec: What do you mean by "ssh server"? I mean something like "ssh $MyServerThatIWantToRunAScriptUpon /path/to/some/script/i/want/to/" If you're not aware, ssh(1)'s basic syntax is ssh [options] [command to run on remote host] That's nice. I had only been thinking of it as session-oriented Thank you brycec: would /path/to/some/script/i/want/to/ exist on the local machine or on the remote one we are logging into with ssh? Remote. thought so, but wasn't sure you could do cat /usr/local/bin/ | ssh server sh but yeah remote :) mercutio: would that even work wouldnt the contents of localscript be sent to ssh command rather than the sh I should try it mnathani_: Yes it does work It sends the contents of the file to stdin of sh running on the remote server You can do the same thing with anything else... Like tar :D tar -c some files etc | ssh server "tar -x -C /some/dir/" Or your can dd dd if=/dev/drive | ssh server "cat > myfile.img" no disk space required on the originating machine Or better still, use compression of your choice! (and not just ssh's UseCompression option) dd if=/dev/drive | gzip -9 | ssh server "cat > myfile.img.gz" (there are plenty more Stupid SSH Tricks, but these are the simpler/most obvious/most useful, I think) The key here is that anything you can do with a pipe on the local machine "dd file | cat > blah.img" you can do over ssh what bryce said except gzip -9 is pointless if you want high compression use something better than gzip. i've recently start using xz with -1 to -3 mercutio: It was for illustrative purposes ;) gzip is well-known and recognized. ahh (I figured if they didn't know about this use of ssh, they might not know bzip2, xz, etc) i reckon it's so cool the way lz4 has been progressing it kind of came out of nowhere. and blew everything else away for performance. with acceptable compression ratios for a lot of use cases. and now they're still making it fsater. and the author is doing a higher compression slower one that's still faster than zlib his blog is really good too thanks brycec, mercutio np I had no idea that ssh was so versatily s/versatily/versatile I had no idea that ssh was so versatile once again this channel never ceases to amaze me. (learned a lot idling in here) Can someone think of a feature that makes sense for a VPS yet not for a dedicated server or vice versa?