#arpnetworks 2015-07-06,Mon

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mnathani__anyone use FreeRADIUS before ? [01:21]
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mercutioi have [01:25]
It's the only Radius I've ever used, in fact :P (And I've used it in several deployments, and using it now.)
***mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks [01:36]
mercutioi've used cistron radius too
although not in a long long time
***rendrag has joined #arpnetworks [01:38]
mnathani_brycec: does it have a web interface for configuration or is it command line / config files only?
also what capacity have you used it? My use case is centralized cisco login database
but I hear it can be used for VPN, WPA2 Enterprise wifi logins etc
I need to do read more documentation
BryceBot<mnathani_> I need to go read more gocumentation [01:43]
mercutiomnathani_: there are heaps of web ui's for it
afaik they all suck
mnathani_: you could consider ldap too for that i imagine
if you just want to add users the sql structure is pretty simple
***LT has joined #arpnetworks [01:52]
rendragDon't suppose anyone knows how long graphs.arpnetworks.com is going to be down? [01:52]
mercutiorendrag: probably not long?
up_the_irons: you around?
been down about 12 hours so far
wasn't sure if it was a known outage, or if I should email them
mercutiodid you do a ticket?
probably if in doubt email
well that's what i'd do if i cared ;)
brycecFreeRadius itself does not have a GUI. 01:39:51 mnathani_ | brycec: does it have a web interface for configuration or is it command line / config files only?
But since it can pull from all sorts of sources/databases...
mercutiobrycec: it sort of does now
there's soemthing called dialupadmin on their page
brycecThat would be news to me. But I don't care :P [02:01]
mercutiobut it's loosely coupled etc i imagine [02:01]
brycecpfSense makes a pretty easy GUI/RADIUS server actually [02:01]
mercutioi've used ara too
ara is pretty basic
brycecWell *I* didn't know about it, if that counts for anything :P 01:52:42 ⤷ | wasn't sure if it was a known outage, or if I should email them [02:03]
mercutioi checked my graphs like a week ago and it was working
but i don't check very often at all
brycecDitto [02:03]
mercutioi learnt that leaving mtr running pushes my traffic baseline up [02:04]
brycecMy machines monitor their own bandwidth, and I have such a fat allotment anyways... [02:04]
mercutioi don't think i'm even doing much volume [02:04]
rendraghaha yeah, I don't check it overly often either
we've just been doing a fair bit of international traffic this week, so i wanted to check were we're at
mercutioahh [02:04]
rendrag(one of our upstreams uses black lotus for DDoS mitigation, and BL suck majorly for throughput - can't get more than ~5mbps through them, so we use an ARP networks VPS with a BGP session and GREv6 tunnels to get our international traffic over the pond to AU here, without BL being in the way [02:05]
mercutioyou get like 10tb of data if you get a dedicated server [02:05]
rendragyeah I'm about to send them an email to see about migrating to a dedi
just had a few months on a VPS to see what their stability is like :)
brycecI have 12TB [02:05]
mercutioyeah for your user case i'd recommend [02:06]
brycec(on my dedi's account) [02:06]
rendragIt's been pretty impressive, only one BGP outage [02:06]
mercutiouse [02:06]
brycec(though there is a VPS in that mix now that I think about it) [02:06]
mercutiowhat was the bgp outage? [02:06]
rendragI don't know, late march, they dropped off the internet for ~5 mins [02:06]
mercutiorendrag: what's throughput like from nz to you out of curiosity? [02:07]
rendragcould get in on V6, but not V4 [02:07]
mercutiodoes it bypass the mitigation shit [02:07]
rendragdepends on where in NZ [02:07]
mercutiomercutio is in new zealand and can upload at high speed if you want to check :)
rendragour main upstream has gear in NZ, so anything on peering in NZ ends up coming across directly [02:07]
what's an ip of yours
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [02:08]
mercutioi hope it's not vocus :/ [02:08]
rendragyep that goes straight across :)
mercutiovocus are shit from nz for their peered stuff
bloody vocus
25.8msec min, 26.5msec average
rendrag(I should mention I also work at my upstream, lol) [02:08]
mercutiodo you peer in sydney? [02:09]
rendragi don't, my upstream does
traceroute to your IP hits megaport peering in syd, then goes across the pond inside plain's network from the look
mercutiowho's the upstream? servercontrol?
yip reverse path hits vocus ape
rendragyeah, servers australia [02:10]
mercutiomegaport in both dircetions would be faster [02:10]
rendrag(servercontrol is their whitelabel brand to keep some customers happy ;) ) [02:10]
wow your web site loaded quick
rendragsome of their smaller (but like to pretend they're bigger) customers got cranky having sau.net.au hops in traceroutes lol [02:11]
mercutioheh [02:11]
kellytkThoughts on https://www.icann.org/stewardship/coordination-group out of curiosity? [02:11]
mercutioyou have cheap vps's ;) [02:12]
rendragand yet noone ever signs up for them, go figure
meanwhile I sell a mega-shit-tonne of shoutcast streaming lol
it's probably openvz
rendragyeah those ones are :) [02:12]
mercutiois my thought upon reading it [02:13]
rendragI should put the xen plans up some day
sell a lot of those, but it's all word of mouth
mercutioput it up then [02:13]
rendragfigured I wouldn't sell expensive VPS's by general passing traffic [02:13]
mercutioi have a vultr host i use for testing stuff from australia [02:14]
rendragit's all citrix xenserver with iscsi san backend [02:14]
mercutiono-one else seemed to have affordable au vps's [02:14]
rendragnice and reliable, but not cheap in the slightest [02:14]
mercutiooh they're expensive.
i like your icon for your service status ;/
it reminded me of xymon
rendragit is ;) [02:15]
mercutiodamn xymon is ugly
but it works well
rendragstarted off as big brother back in the 90's
and then when that went commercial, I installed hobbit, and it used the same config and history, and then went to xymon when hobbit changed names
mercutioi like it how your web pages load quick [02:16]
rendragramdrive for mysql tmp tables :)
makes a crazy difference
mercutiowith all the database lookups etc most people selling hosting and stuff seem to have web sites that crawl
bloody mysql
rendraghah ayeah
would be bad form for me to have a slow DB ;)
we (servers aus, not rendag) hosted the afl/nfl fantasy football last year
now THAT was some mysql tuning ;)
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [02:18]
rendraghad 32gb of ramdrive per db server ;) [02:18]
mercutiois it serversaustralia or rendrag you work for? [02:18]
rendragbut we were stustaining 5000 concurrent web requests without a sweat :) [02:19]
mercutioor do youwork for both? [02:19]
rendragboth :-p [02:19]
mercutioahh [02:19]
rendragsau is my day job, rendrag is my own thing [02:19]
mercutioahh right
and serversaustralia don't mind?
well they're selling you bandwidth
so they can't mind too much :)
rendrag(rendrag kinda formed out of a previous employer that went bust back in 2004, and paid me out by handing me their client base) [02:19]
mercutioahh [02:20]
rendraghaha yeah they don't mind, just have to keep it balanced if I do rendrag stuff during work hours [02:20]
mercutioso you're not really expanding it [02:20]
rendragnah, it just slowly expands, pickup ~15 clients a year, drop maybe 5 a year [02:20]
serversaustralia web page loads much slower
rendraghah ayeah,I have nothing to do with the public website [02:20]
mercutiothis is what i mean by web sites that load slow ;/ [02:21]
rendragI look after the customer portal and all the backend provisioning automations
yeah, their site has way too much marketing crap on it
all the various analytics-ey stuff
mercutiocurl --compressed -v https://www.serversaustralia.com.au/ 0.01s user 0.00s system 0% cpu 3.720 total
i mean seriously
the main web page before all that stuff still takes 3.7 seconds to load
curl --compressed -v https://www.rendrag.net.au/ > /dev/null 0.01s user 0.00s system 3% cpu 0.300 total
an order of magnitude faster :)
rendraghahahahh yeah
man, wtf are they doing with the redirects
mercutiocurl --compressed -v https://www.arpnetworks.com/ > /dev/null 0.01s user 0.00s system 1% cpu 0.579 total [02:23]
rendragwww.servers -> servers -> https://servers, and THEN 3 seconds [02:23]
mercutioarp is fine too, and it's further away..
probably some cookies thing i dunno
rendragyeah, I might dig at that a bit tomorrow [02:24]
mercutiothat knid of slowness isn't uncommon though
heh, out of curiosity i tried checking my email for rendrag. you post to ausnog a lot? :)
rendragperhaps ;) [02:26]
nothing about blacklotus sucking i see though
rendraghaha nah [02:28]
mercutioi suppose you can't really say that in public [02:28]
rendragcan't really gripe about it too publically when my work spruik's them so hard ;) [02:28]
yeah it's one thing that really puts me off serversaustralia :/
the other is using vocus :/
it's hard to get away from vocus now
even equinix use them as their upstream :[02:29] <mercutio> price?
mercutiomegaport :/
why even touch equinix
equininix is overpriced anyway
rendragbecause the boss did some crazy deals with both, and x amount of transit gets included with every rack [02:30]
mercutioand if they're going to use vocus ... [02:30]
rendragwhich ads up like mad when you're buying hundreds and hundreds of racks ;) [02:30]
mercutioso they're not allowed to buy non vocus transit?
or just harder to justify the expense of
rendragnono, equinix and vocus are the largest datacenters here in .au ;) [02:31]
isn't equinix like really expensive per 1u?
new zealand sucks for data centres
it's not that cheap to fix though
rendragyeah they're not cheap.. but we buy a few hundred racks from them, so the price comes down quite remarkably [02:32]
mercutioso no-one seems to be willing to suddenly build a decent datacentre with good pricing
at a few hundred you could consider building your own dc?: )
rendragwas funny actually, I got a call from equinix a few weeks ago.. 'We noticed on your website, that you say you're colocated at equinix! We don't have a record of you, so you must be through one of our customers.. We'd like to get you to move directly to us!! We can be very competitive!'
'Sure, just match what I pay with my current provider, and I'd be receptive!'
mercutiohaha [02:33]
rendrag'Oh, how much do you pay? [02:33]
i think that's fucking rude btw
rendrag'1450 a month per rack for 3 racks, and 2 gig of transit!'
*crickets chirping*
mercutio2 gigabit flat rate for $1450/month?
hell 3 racks for $1450/month
that sounds good ;)
rendragyeah, they left a message, so I called them back from my work phone, and they went through all of that, so I emailed my boss and he pulled the call and then got stuck into our account manager :-p
well, 3 racks * 1450/month, and then transit thrown in.. helps to work there ;)
though they tend to throw in 10-20mbit per rack if you order full racks
mercutiooh it's 1450 per rack
rendrag(sau don't sell racks that cheap though normally ;) [02:36]
mercutiois power on top of that? [02:37]
rendragnah that's included [02:37]
mercutiodual feeds? [02:37]
rendragbut 13.5Amps which is a little low
yeah dual feeds though
mercutiothat's a lot low
well to really use a rack :)
i thought they'd do 15amp
i suppose that's 10% head room?
rendragyeah I think they do that, to get some head room for their dedicated server racks
using these new supermicro cases doing 12 servers in 3ru
they're bloody cool
also averaging around 40w per blade
mercutiohow much power?
what's max like?
rendragwhich is freakishly good [02:39]
mercutioeven that's like 2amps per 3u [02:39]
rendragthe dual cpu blades will pull about 120W max
mercutioso you could only do like 18u of them [02:39]
rendragthough you can't fill a rack with them [02:39]
mercutiohence the not enoguh power to fill a rack :) [02:40]
rendragone 3ru microcloud chassis has 12 ipmi ports, and 24 ethernet ports [02:40]
mercutioand you're selling them as cheap dedicated servers? [02:40]
rendragyeah we're starting to
they've only just come out of product development
yeah actually now i check out your prices they don't seem so great haha
15gb of bw in your cheap vps :)
rendraghah yeah
I need to sit down and do the maths again
I priced them back before I moved to SAU
and was on 100mbps with my previous workplace
the sales manager at work is always like 'dude, push your banwdidth limits etc right up, people don't use anywhere near their quota, so over-quote it!!!'
but I'm like 'yeah, but it'd be just my luck I DID say 1tb quota with every VPS, and then I'd sell 20 vps, and they'd ALL do 1tb each!'
mercutioi was hitting my quota limit on my cheap vultr vm
but i'm doing curl bandwidth tests with smokeping

ends up using about 200gb per location
hmm that's like 2/3rd of a megabit of bandwidth
oh well :)
just double them all, it's the easiest non-thinking thing to do
you could probably do 10x as much though yeh ... bu tyou might encourage people wanting to torrent etc
but you did say you had 2 gigabit of bandwidth...
rendraglol yeah
my concern is that should I leave servers someday, that 2 gigabit may not be gratis anymore ;)
yeah, and what's the going price for bandwidth, $15/megabit?
rendragso even though i don't pay for it, I work it out at what I know it would cost if I have to
yeah, about that :)
mercutioi doubt you're doing anything close to 2 gigabit
and at 2 gigabit commit it'd come down :)
rendraghahah nothing near it
more like 60mbits
mercutioso that's like $900/month
maybe less
rendragyeah [02:58]
mercutioif you can do 95th and you just have some bursts of more
it'll come down further anyway
60 megabit is still quuite a few tb
nearly 20tb
hmm, i see why you want to check graphs now :)
graphs seems to be working again btw
rendragcool, changed plans around a little
lol yeah, currently on a 500gb/month vps :-p
(I do surprisingly little international traffic)
(and most of that is my own torrents LOL)
Oh they are back too!
mercutioyeah australia has poor upload speeds?
sometimes i have peers in australia if i torrent, they never seem to upload at more than like 20k/sec
rendragprobably more that most australians are stuck on adsl with 256k upload speed ;) [03:09]
mercutiowow really [03:09]
rendragyeah, there's some epic congestion
plus teh lines are just really crap
mercutiovdsl is available here quite oftne
does about 9.5 megabit/sec up i think
rendragim' only 3km from the exchange, but I only sync at 6/800 [03:10]
mercutio3km is ages away
i'm about 300 metres :/
rendragand if I upload/download more than about 75% capacity, the line drops every couple of minutes
which is pretty standard
3km is good
mercutioreally? [03:10]
rendragmost exchanges cover a 20km radius [03:10]
mercutiothey're doing cabinets here
rendragso you'll find rim's everywhere [03:10]
mercutioi've been at uhh 6 or 7km
it sucked
rendragwhere there's a rim, it's 8 or 16 adsl lines on a 8mbps backhaul to the exchange [03:10]
mercutioeww ;/
yeah i read something on whirlpool about that ;/
rendragor you might get a large rim (48 adsl ports), that they've upgraded to 600mbps instead (there's four fibres to each rim, they'll either be 2mbps each, or 155mbps each)
and ou're sharing that bandwidth with phone calls too
mercutioso it's still atm? [03:11]
rendragso there might be 500 phones lines into a rim, and there's 8, 16, or 48 dsl ports for them [03:12]
yeah i heard that internet is prett ybad there
but i thought local loop unbundling was helping things a bit
rendragproblem is, ULL only works if you're NOT on a rim [03:12]
mercutiofor some reason they're pushing for 200 megabit down here [03:13]
rendragand if the exchange is open for other providers [03:13]
mercutioit's kind of weird [03:13]
rendragfor example, the exchange I'm on (gorokan) is the largest single DA in australia [03:13]
mercutio5 years ago i had 10 megabit down [03:13]
rendragand there's no other providers in the exchange
so the only choice is telstra
mercutiothen it jumped to about 20 megabit [03:13]
rendraghaha yeah
NZ seems really good
mercutioand now people are all getting 200 megabit?
ewll if in fibre area
rendragmy previous work, we had 10mbps EFM into each office, which was the fastest we could get at all [03:14]
mercutiomy house doesnt' get fibre until 2019
i've got vdsl+adsl
rendragour NZ office when they moved, we were told 'oh, Snap have gear in the building, phone them' [03:14]
mercutioupgrading the backup adsl connection to vdsl too [03:14]
rendragI phone snap, and we get 100mbps fibre for like $1k a month
where as our 10/10 EFM services in .au, we were paying $2500 a pop for
mercutioyou can do gpon often
dark fibre prices have come way down
you can do 10 gigabit really cheap using dark fibre
rendragGPON is what they're doing for the NBN over here [03:15]
mercutiothink it's $350/end or something
you can get point to point non dark fibre too
rendragonly the govt screwed it in the last election, and instead of fibre to the house, most of the country is now going to get fibre to the node [03:15]
mercutioyeah i saw that :) [03:15]
rendragso i have a cabinet 3 blocks away which I'll be able to get vdsl to
they reckon i'll get 35mbps down
but like
mercutioi saw someone saying about how they doing everything wrong [03:16]
rendragif you order a second service [03:16]
mercutioand shouldn't do qos etc [03:16]
rendragyou don't get a second VDSL [03:16]
mercutioshould keep things simple [03:16]
rendragyou only ever get that ONE vdsl
if you order extra services, they're just delivered as extra ethernet ports off the same NTU
rendrag sighs
mercutiooh what
they're still doing that ntu shit?
how lame
can they do vdsl bonding?
are they still charging like $20/megabit for domestic backhaul ?
that's what seemed to me the most scary part
like what's the point of having a fast pipe if you pay shit loads for local traffic over it
and when you charge more for domestic than international it's just crazy
which means people will all want to cap how quickly people can do stuff etc
block netflix as bandwidth intensive etc
rendragman, to get $20/mbit you have to buy a LOT of transit
but the worst bit
mercutioand when it's lke $20 megabit then peak time with movies and stuff is extra scary [03:19]
rendragon the NBN, there's 121 POI's
(points of interconnect)
mercutiooh it's more than $20/megabit on nbn?
that's why internode got sold?
rendragto service everyone in australia, an ISP has to have gear in every POI [03:20]
mercutiosomeone should start doing their own fibre network :) [03:20]
rendragand you can't do your own fibre at a POI
you have to pay NBN to backhaul to the capital city for that state
mercutiowhy not? [03:20]
rendragat $45/mbit
err 35/mbit
oh it's 35/mbit
i mean seriously
that's not even appropriate for adsl
rendragit's like wtf, it's private backhaul, it's not even trasnit or anything [03:21]
mercutiolet alone faster network connections [03:21]
rendragmeanwhile NBN are trying to tell consumers that they can buy 100mbps NBN for $80/month [03:21]
mercutiopeople are going to have 100 megabit fibre with 100gb data caps
or peak time rate limits of 2 megabit
rendragyeah, there's already TIO disputes about it [03:21]
mercutioi mean $3.50/megabit is pushing it [03:22]
mercutiobut $35 [03:22]
rendragyeah, like NBN should be a whole order of magnitude bigger than megaport intercap [03:22]
mercutioheh there's been congestion issues here recently a bit
as bandwidth usage is climbing
rendragyet it's stupidly more expensive than megaport [03:23]
mercutioit used to be really bad here
but ever since the atm -> ethernet migration things have been a lot better
rendragahh nice [03:23]
mercutioi mean there's occasional issues
but there used to be 5 to 10% packet loss at peak time all the time
rendragoh wow [03:23]
mercutioyeah made it hard to use the net
started getting worse and worse, was bad at 4 pm even
got better around midnight
and of course torrents were fine
rendragmy dsl is so bad here, that i actually run 3g as a backup, run PPTP over both ADSL and 3g, and MPLS+OSPF over the top with a 2 second timeout on the session over the adsl tunnel [03:24]
mercutiobecause they used heaps of connections
but web browsing sucked
rendragand just throw all my traffic via the data center :-p [03:25]
mercutiohow much data do you get with 4g? [03:25]
rendragotherwise the internet is unusable for 2-3 mins every 30 mins
it's $10/gb :-p
mercutioerr 3g even
rendragI use a data sharing sim off my company mobile account [03:25]
mercutiois it high loss or high latency? [03:25]
rendragso we have three mobiles with 6gb each, which is all shared
so most of the time it doesn't cost me anything
mercutioi've been thinking about hacking together some stuff to mitigate against issues over the top of normal ip [03:25]
rendragdepends on the time of day, and whether I have 4g recpeption
if the weather is good, it sits on 4g, and then it's ~30msec with no loss
mercutioand to do joining of two dsl connections at the IP level
rather than ppp bonding
rendragif it drops to 3g, then i'm with all the plebs on their 3g dongles, and then it sucks with 300msec latency
telstra has two networks, 3g and 4g
mercutioie be able to get faster throughput with 2 connections at once [03:26]
rendragtheir wholesalers only get access to 3g [03:26]
mercutiolame [03:27]
rendrag4g is telstra retail only [03:27]
mercutiomaybe you can get better antenna?
there's no 4g here :(
rendragyeah I should do that, haven't really looked at it much yet
nbn is meant to be here in september
so i've been dragging my feet a bit
is that vdsl nbn for you?
rendragwhen nbn comes in, i'll order a tail through work, and terminate it straight to my lns
yeah vdsl
mercutiocool [03:28]
rendragends up as an ethernet port from their MTU, which I do pppoe over
BryceBot<rendrag> ends up as an ethernet port from their NTU, which I do pppoe over [03:28]
mercutiocan't you just run straight ip over it? [03:28]
rendraghahahahah that's cool
you'd think so, but no
that'd make too much sense
mercutioqinq? [03:28]
rendragwe had the same back in 2005'ish with 'TransAct', which was the canberra fibre network [03:29]
mercutiowhy go with pppoe still? [03:29]
rendragand was suposed to be one HUGE ethernet network with 10/8 on it
and then you'd bring up a PPTP/L2TP tunnel to an ISP
then nortel went bust at the last minute, and it all fell apart
so will you get the tail delivered via l2tp or pppoe?
rendragI'm not sure, I think they decided then it'd be plug and play from ADSL, you'd unplug your adsl modem from your router, and plug in the NBN NTU, and it'd 'just work'
I'm not sure, seems to be PPPOE
mercutioso you do pppoe on a vlan to them [03:30]
rendragone of the guys at work had his NBN installe the other day, and he just unplugged one of his ADSL modems (he has three lines doing OSPF over them), and plugged into the NTU, and bingo, his PPPOE session just came up [03:30]
mercutiothey do l2tp or pppoe to nbn or whatever [03:30]
rendragnah, they have four ethernet ports [03:30]
mercutioi mean when it terminates on your network [03:31]
rendragOH [03:31]
mercutioi don't care about the ntu [03:31]
rendragyeah ends up as l2tp from work's LNS [03:31]
mercutioyou can probably stick your own vdsl modem on
and just ignore their whole shit
rendragyeah I'lll see
NBN makes it a bit dicky
cause their NTU has four ethernet ports, and two phone ports
mercutioit's about $80 for a vdsl modem here
probably about the same there
then normal vdsl modem can just do bridging
rendragwith in-built VOIP, that's all auto-configured via the NBN provisioning stuff [03:32]
mercutioand you can still terminate on linux
without their weird shit
you don't need their voip stuff though?
rendragif you order services from multiple ISP's, the API call to NBNco just comes back saying 'complete, ask custome to connect to ethernet 3' [03:32]
mercutiohmm [03:32]
rendragHost Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
1. 0.0% 5089 1.0 0.7 0.6 12.8 0.4
2. 0.2% 5089 28.4 27.8 18.8 99.4 3.4
3. core-rtr-01-vlan49.syd01.nsw.ren 0.1% 5089 28.9 28.3 19.2 91.5 3.0
4. rtr02.syd01.nsw.rendrag.net.au 0.1% 5089 30.6 28.9 21.4 72.4 2.7
5. po112.310.bdr-1-3-new.servercont 0.2% 5089 31.5 29.5 21.6 80.8 2.9
mercutiowhat if you run hard both connections at once [03:33]
rendragoh look, I must have fallen over to 3g for a while there [03:33]
mercutioand complain that one is going slow? [03:33]
rendraghaha not sure
noone has FTTN yet
my suburb is the first in .au
why do they call it fttn?
why not just call it vdsl?
rendragfibre to the node [03:33]
mercutioi know [03:33]
rendragthey don't want to tell people it's just *dsl
cause all hell would break loose
mercutiogod [03:34]
rendragwhen the current govt got voted in, they cancelled all planned works for the NBN the next day [03:34]
mercutiocan llu do vdsl too?
yeah it was ick
rendragand the country just about exploded [03:34]
mercutioi mean i don't like how it's going in nz [03:34]
rendragso they very quickly went 'Oh, we're going to do this FTTN trial, these 20 places are going on the trial, we just paid telstra $8b to do it!' [03:34]
mercutiobut i look at australia and it's so much worse [03:34]
rendragyeah i can, but you need to be within like 2km of the exchange, and have a VDSL provider in the exchange [03:35]
mercutioyeah has anyone taken them to court yet? [03:35]
rendragI don't think there really is any though [03:35]
mercutioit's obviously some kind of insider thing [03:35]
rendragVDSL is mostly used in big apartment buildings where someone like TPG or PIPE or someone pulls fibre into the building, then puts VDSL into the basement [03:35]
who wants to live in an apartment building though
rendragwe have EoC/EFM/BDSL, where they bond 2-8 pairs together to give you up to 10mbps symmetrical, but you have to be within like 1km of the exchange
haha yeah
mercutiowhat upload speed are they doing on vdsl? [03:36]
rendragI'm not sure [03:36]
mercutiobecause my connection could do over 30 megabit/sec
but it's being capped at 10
and that's PTM 10... so has high overhead
and from what i recall australia is even more into senselessly limiting upload speed for no good reason
rendragyeah, a lot of times, if an exchange is congested, telstra's 'fix' is to limit everyone to 8/1 during peak hours
or more often, 8/256k
why limit the upload?
i doubt the upload is the issue
rendraghaha i have no idea
it's annoying
our internet is totally dead whenever we plug an iphone into power to charge
as it starts backing up or uploading photos lol
mercutioi noticed a HUGE difference jumping from 1 to 10 megabit [03:41]
rendragi've now put all our iDevices into their own /28 which is limimited to 30k/sec upload [03:41]
that stuff is way better at 10 megabit than 1 megabit
skype video calls used to saturate my 1 megabit upload
i'm using fq_codel now though
rendragoh, yeah totally [03:42]
mercutiohave you tried that? [03:42]
rendragnope? [03:42]
mercutioi get like 1 msec jitter if that
even if i use connection fully
it's an aqm (active queue management) algoritham for limiting speeds
rendragooooh [03:43]
mercutioit uses head drop rather than tail drop
so you don't even with a whole lot of stale data in the queue
rendragrendrag reads [03:43]
mercutiofor ethernet etc you just have to tc qdisc add dev eth0 root fq_codel
but if you have dsl or such you need to limit bandwidth first
rendragahh yeah [03:44]
mercutioit's the same as doing sfq basically
but it works better than sfq
so you can basically s/sfq/fq_codel/
i'm surprised the bot didn't "fix" that for me
rendraglol [03:45]
mercutioi've got it at both sides of my dsl though [03:45]
mercutiobut yeah if you're terminating nbn you could do it on both sides [03:46]
rendragi had NOT thought of lmiting it at the other end [03:46]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [03:46]
mercutiowell it hepls for download :) [03:46]
woudl stop my 'dsl dies at 75% capacity' problem
mercutiodo you control both ends? [03:46]
rendragrendrag puts on todo list for tomorrow [03:46]
mercutiomost people don't ;) [03:46]
rendragyeah I PPTP to one of my routers [03:46]
mercutiooh [03:46]
rendragPPTP over both ADSL and 3g [03:46]
mercutiooh right [03:47]
rendragso my internet just keeps going if the adsl drops out
mercutioso yeah you could do it at the pptp end
why are you doing pptp? :)
rendragbecause this crappy little 4g dongle doesnt pass any other tunelling protocol ;) [03:47]
ok that's lame
rendragand my adsl is still in contract with telstra
november and it's out of contract
mercutioand sau don't sell dsl? [03:48]
rendragthen if the nbn isn't in, I'll port it over to work [03:48]
mercutiooh they do?
so you could do l2tp to your network of both adsl ane nbn?
rendragyeah they do
yeah I could lol
mercutioi've been playing with accel-ppp on linux for l2tp termination
it does pppoe etc too though.
but fq_codel is only on linux so far, it's meant to be coming to os x though
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grodyL2TP should work, if it doesn't, run the LNS on port 53 :>
most of our mobile carriers are the same here, only allow TCP/UDP
rendraghaha [06:23]
grodythere is one that does allow passing of RAW IP though [06:23]
rendragnah was more that the 3g dongle's nat is VERY basic
it's linux on a stick that presents an LTE interface to the device it's plugged into
grodyooh nice [06:23]
rendragI managed to hack it's filesystem around enough to change the subnet it was using on the LTE interface back to my mikrotik
it's quite buggy though
needs power cycling about every 4 days
grodyi have a hilink like that... displays a virtual ethernet adaptor to which you DHCP to (and NATs on dongle) [06:24]
rendragbut I have a script setup for that now [06:24]
grodypain in the royal [06:24]
rendragif it can't ping the router at the DC for 60 seconds, it does a USB reset
i wish telstra would let us wholesale 4g
on 3g, it comes up up and authenticates to L2TP as the IMEI of the card
grodyMVNO'ing here is quite simple to acquire [06:25]
rendragso we can drop them right into customer VRF's which is sexy as hell [06:25]
grodyoooh [06:25]
rendragthere's something kinda cool about being able to ping the GPS nav in your car, from your lounge room lol [06:27]
grodymy ISP offer a wholesaled 3G service that does something similar, they can hand off the connection to your own L2TP
that way you can route all your 3G via your own network, give it whatever IPs you like etc.
rendragnice yeah :) [06:27]
grodynever gotten it to work pfSense' L2TP server mind
xl2tpd it was easy
maybe pfSense's one is as finnicky as RouterOS's
grodyi think it's the shared key issue
pfsense and their choices dont logically matchh
RouterOS, you have to have the upstream LNS turn off key's and have RouterOS purely auth by IP address
grodyi miss my old routerboard [06:29]
rendrag(auth the upstrem LNS, that is) [06:29]
grodyused to swear by that thing on dual adsl w/ a eDOCSIS too [06:30]
rendraghah nice [06:30]
grodyRB750 - three lines got me about 28mbps max (and would soon start to cause the thing to flap) [06:30]
rendraghahah yeah
you'd be pushing the routing limit on it if you were bonding
grodynow im cheap-skate and use an openwrt and pfsense
hmm.. gftp being weird.. just went to download a 2,003,075,125 KB file, it's now at 3,721,121,023 tranferred :/
it's gonna be one these days /me thinks
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mercutiois pfsense using mpd? [07:02]
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grodyfor l2tp, yea
it uses mpd for pretty much any kind of PPP like link iirc
pptp, l2tp, ppp(oe/oa)
if FreeBSD moved away from netgraph_pppoe, things might get better
it is sooo behind
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mkbcome on google... it's not funny
"When you have eliminated the JavaScript, whatever remains must be an empty page." and a picture of sherlock holmes
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hazardouswhy is itn ot funny? [13:00]
mkbbecause it should work perfectly fine without JavaScript [13:02]
staticsafewhat are you referring to [13:03]
hazardoussites use javascript now, that's just a way of life
js is fine. imo the biggest joke is meteorjs sites that actually push all html through websocket
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kellytkI'm developing a website currently and it will work without JS, with the JS only adding to the experience [13:30]
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mike-burnsI find JS Web sites hard to use. [14:13]
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mercutioi think the web in general is hard to use :)
There's so many sites each with their own layout that often it's less predictable than it should be to figure out where things are.
even big sites, like amazon, it can be hard to figure out how to message them for support
although i wonder if they do that on purpose
brycecSo Gopher or die? :P [15:17]
mike-burnsI feel that way, too. [15:18]
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kellytkmike-burns: What do you find hard to use? [15:43]
mike-burnsUnique widgets, anything besides my default typeface and font size, divs that pretend to be text areas (but see also: unique widgets), AJAX POSTs, any network activity that I do not initiate myself, any network activity that the browser does not indicate progress for.
In general, anything that breaks the HTTP model, and anything that changes the widgets.
brycecYou must really hate HTML5+JS' ability to define custom elements then :P [15:48]
mike-burnsYup. [15:48]
kellytkmike-burns: Would you explain what you mean by "AJAX POSTs"? Given the context I think you're referring to background data requests that don't cause the page to reload? [15:49]
mike-burnsYes, that. [15:49]
kellytkI think those are excellent points [15:50]
brycec(I figured "AJAX" was pretty self-explanatory in that context :p) [15:50]
hazardousto be quite fair, "i don't want to use any font face and size but my own" starts to get a bit unreasonable
at that point you'd just want no images either and browse gopher or something
mike-burnsI don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a text that I can physically read. [15:58]
mercutioI've noticed a hute shift to Sans Serif fonts.. [16:01]
kellytkmercutio: The reason that's given for this, is that serifs do not render well on computer screens, as they do on paper. Therefore they become more of a hiderance than benefit [16:03]
mercutioOh? [16:03]
kellytkI studied type and newspaper design when building a product (http://pulscene.com) [16:04]
mercutioI don't think Comic Sans is nice to read. [16:04]
hazardousi haven't seen anywhere use comic sans non-ironic/sarcastically [16:04]
mercutioI find that Serif'ed text seems easier to read when there's a lot of it
hazardous: it's pretty popular
if you get some random black+white advert in your letterbox from some small business or such it's likely to use comic sans
mike-burnsIn OpenBSD slides. [16:05]
hazardouswhat the hell [16:05]
mercutiooh yeh that was weid mike [16:06]
hazardousthat's probably the last place i'd expect that [16:06]
mercutiobut they're bloody huge and slow and ick aynway :/ [16:06]
mike-burnsThey do it for the lulz. [16:06]
undeadly can't go to previous pages
that's what older stuff links to
query=* ? :)
yesterday works
this is the slide stuff that i was th inking of
mike-burnsYes exactly. [16:10]
mercutiodoes that load really slowly for you? [16:10]
mike-burnsYes. [16:10]
mercutiook so it's not just me ;) [16:11]
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