#arpnetworks 2015-07-03,Fri

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mercutiohaha i been using youtube without adblock a little recently... i forgot there were ad's
but haven't even seen normal tv in a long long time
but it's the people who tend to watch tv that tend to not think
we had a lot of anti drink driving ads for a while, and it did seem to make a bit of difference..
bryceclolol [00:04]
mercutioi got breath tested a couple of nights ago. they seem to check at least. [00:11]
brycecbrycec has never [00:21]
mercutionot common over there?
a car blinked his lights at me coming up to it...
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [00:22]
mercutiobut they'll just close off a major street late at night, and make you have to go through the checkpoint. [00:24]
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brycecBryceBot: no [00:34]
BryceBotOh, okay... I'm sorry. 'a car blinked his lights at me coming up to it...' [00:34]
brycecNot saying it doesn't happen - I've heard of it - but I've never been stopped at one. [00:35]
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eryc has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [02:33]
mnathani_anyone ever use the auto update feature on a mikrotik router?
I am wondering how safe it is in terms of retaining config and how long the router goes out of service for
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mnathanigot it sorted out
I now have my he.net IPv6 tunnel terminating on the Mikrotik
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read peoples update woes with routeros, then tell me you want to do blind updates.
rule of thumb seems to be "don't touch it if it's working"
they randomly break this or that quite frequently.
oh wow, they want to do sub releases with only bug fixes..
that may be safer.
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m0undsi used to work midshift, ending at 0200 and i'd typically go to the gym. got stopped at a dwi/dui checkpoint and they made me do a field sobriety test because my "eyes were red"
it was irritating
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ydorgbloody hate rebooting that router
it takes too long to reboot to come back and reinstate all active states on shutdown to keep connections open
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merc2 has joined #arpnetworks [11:38]
m0unds has joined #arpnetworks [11:44]
m0undsstupid freenode [11:44]
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brycecAlt-= Yep, stupid Freenode Alt-= [12:09]
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m0undsi have a big blue, fancy tarp on my roof right now. hoping my idiot redneck neighbors don't burn a hole in it with fireworks [12:39]
staticsafe#justamericanthings [12:40]
roof damage ended up being ~$1300
brycecCongrats. And that's not too terrible. Any insurance help?
brycec imagines buying Macbook Airs as roofing tiles, that would be much more expensive
m0undsyeah, i called them last night. adjuster called me today, had guys come out w/a tarp and roofers to give a preliminary estimate
two more roofers coming tuesday to give me estimates
brycecso 1300 before or after ins? [12:42]
$1800 total damage
brycecOh that's slightly suckier :p [12:43]
m0unds$1300 out of my pocket
brycecSilly m0unds you should know better than to have a roof during storms. [12:43]
m0undslol [12:43]
brycec(And if NM dirt wasn't hard and rocky, I'm sure more people would live just beneath the surface)
"hobit style"
m0undsi feel really bad for the guys who just had new roofs installed because builders screwed up and didn't do it right on a bunch of houses
one house lost half of its northwest facing second story roof - their roof was installed in november
brycecSure hope they find it *rimshot* [12:45]
i found part of it in my back yard
at least i think it's theirs
it's not mine - mine were all in my driveway, front yard and in the street
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Wf6Am_aSumOVE_yIOR-Mit2ehBH_sXzfFtAj0N1l_z4=w1086-h619-no / https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/S-ph1A1SU2WdDYAQe7hxQjxEHVMzZmr0mQYxKZ5rOeo=w846-h634-no

3 mins apart, haha
brycecLooks about right :p [12:48]
m0undsyup! it's fun when it doesn't damage stuff
or when it doesn't damage /your/ stuff
brycecfosho [12:48]
m0undsguess i should probably go acquire beer and a new garden hose nozzle to prepare for tomorrow [12:53]
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acf___ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [22:26]

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