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kellytk | Did anyone notice a latency spike just now? | [02:37] | |
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grody | http://imgur.com/ZO1DfrA
seems good for me (time is UTC+1) | [12:37] | |
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pyvpx | mercutio: still plenty of space in AfriNIC
and loose policies like it's 1998! you're only a mauritius or seychelles shelf company away from all the IPv4 you can type | [13:17] | |
m0unds | lol | [13:19] | |
...... (idle for 28mn) | |||
kellytk | :-) | [13:47] | |
Are there robust exchanges in Africa? | [13:53] | ||
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pyvpx | ams-ix shut theirs down after two years
outside of south africa? not really. google has stuff in lagos and connectivity in nairobi. djibouti has five submarine cables but an exchange only in name. it was called DIX for awhile until the changed it to DjIX | [14:22] | |
kellytk | Thank you
Does south Africa have solid infrastructure? | [14:30] | |
pyvpx | I haven't been there personally
but it is far more developed than most other places on the continent | [14:42] | |
kellytk | Are you aware of a reputable VPS host there? | [14:43] | |
pyvpx | I am not, but a search of webhostingtalk or perhaps contacting oneprovider.com might be useful | [14:49] | |
kellytk | Thank you | [14:54] | |
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mercutio | i think south africa is pretty decent for connectivity
slow speeds for a lot of users in the past, dunno if it's still like that but i think it's generally pretty reliable | [15:15] | |
kellytk | Thanks mercutio | [15:17] | |
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*** | Seji has quit IRC (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | [20:15] | |
kellytk | Is there a more accurate way to measure round-trip time between hosts than ping? | [20:21] | |
*** | Seji has joined #arpnetworks | [20:25] | |
mercutio | you can look at the tcp headers | [20:27] | |
kellytk | To remove remote host processing time? | [20:28] | |
mercutio | and to get reading across multiple packets easily
it also picks up packet loss easily i made a simple program to test in-band latency with ssh once too | [20:31] | |
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kellytk | Did you write it in C? | [20:45] | |
*** | Seji has joined #arpnetworks | [20:47] | |
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mercutio | yeh
https://weallsee.net/cl it justs current cursor position and times how long that takes to get | [21:07] | |
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kellytk | Would it technically make sense to refer to round-trip time values as "latency"? I understand RTT to be an aggregate measure of latency | [21:14] | |
*** | Seji has joined #arpnetworks | [21:14] | |
mercutio | well just do median on it or such
median/min/max/mean | [21:16] | |
kellytk | Would it be correct to use "Latency" to refer to it? | [21:19] | |
brycec | No. Latency is the time between initiation and the response. In the context of a "ping" it's half of RTT (ideally)
Though the term "latency" his highly contextual. eg network latency, response latency, etc | [21:25] | |
mercutio | the half of rtt is usually called one way latency
and the latency can vary in either directional, normally latency is described as bidirectional latency these days. usually people who give half rtt for latency are trying to sell low latency network links or such and have a lower number | [21:27] | |
kellytk | What I gather is that latency can refer to either side of a request/response or both, however it's commonly used to refer to both, that is RTT | [21:29] | |
brycec | tl;dr "latency" as a word on its own is unspecific. | [21:37] | |
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Seji has joined #arpnetworks | [21:41] | |
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mnathani has joined #arpnetworks | [22:04] | ||
mnathani | @weather yyz | [22:04] | |
BryceBot | There is 1 weather alert in effect for your area! There is a Special Weather Statement.
| [22:04] | |
.... (idle for 17mn) | |||
brycec | It reached 42C here today, set new records and everything :(
I'm very jealous of your weather. | [22:21] | |
mercutio | ouch
@weather akl | [22:30] | |
BryceBot | Auckland International, New Zealand: Partly Cloudy ☁ 55°F (13°C), Humidity: 88%, Wind: From the WSW at 9 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=-37.00805664,174.79167175 or re-request this with: @weather -v akl | [22:31] | |
mercutio | i have the same hah
well less wet, and less wind. | [22:31] | |
BryceBot | That's what she said!! | [22:31] |
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