#arpnetworks 2015-06-12,Fri

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plett_mercutio: I can't imagine many IXPs accepting a member who only has a /28 of soembody else's address space [02:11]
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mnathani__https://twitter.com/arpnetworks/status/609286905834766336 I wonder if that fixed your VPS panic issue [02:14]
BryceBotTWITTER: Maintenance window on host kvr18 is over (Fri Jun 12 09:11:33 +0000 2015) [02:14]
mnathani__brycec ^ [02:14]
mercutiolet's see if bryce continues to get crashes
plett: one of the small ones here did
although it was a kind of metro ethernet thing
plettmercutio: Wow. Did they at least have an ASN? [02:21]
mercutiodidn't need asn
allowed it i mean
plettAhh. Point-to-point link? [02:21]
mercutiolike small companies etc
it was like a huge ethernet network
with lots of buildings in central city having ethernet
and being able to get a port cheap compared to other options..
plettAnd you used a small block of IPs from another ISP? Presumably the original ISP okayed that [02:22]
mercutioi dunno, i never did it
i just remember reading about it
plettIf it's a private closed network, you can pretty much do whatever you want. That won't fly if you want to connect to the internet [02:28]
mercutioyeah that's what i mean
if you want to connect to a voip provider or such it's fine though
people used to always advertise isp owned address space here fwiw
like that's how the internet started...
plettWell [02:29]
mercutiobefore APNIC, ARIN etc..
there wasn't clear ownership
like when yo see impoted from on a subnet
plettThere was clear assignment. Jon Postel maintained a list [02:31]
mercutiomaybe not in NZ as much [02:31]
plettEven today, 'ownership' is probably the wrong term to use [02:31]
mercutioit was before my time..
it's messy
apparently a lot of /24s are being sold/bought etc now.
it used to be pretty common for small companies to have a /24
plettYeah. We bought a block of pre-RIR legacy space a few weeks ago [02:33]
mercutioi don't even know how much ip address space is worth now days
i heard a figure of $5/IP
but that seems cheap
plettThere isn't really a single price. It's really just down to how desparate the buyer is
I wasn't involved in the commercial side, just the technical bit. But we paid somehwere in the ballpark of a few hundred GBP for a /24
I'm not even sure why we did it. I can't see us having a use for it any time soon
mercutiothat sounds cheap
doesn't hurt
it'll be worth 1000 GBP easy soon
apparently people are buying up whole "legacy" companies to get ip address space.
i mean it's that or nat
like say you wanted to start a vps provider, with apnic you can get a /22... so you're limited to 1000 customers or something if they each get one ip..
plettThere is a business model in becoming a new RIPE LIR and getting an assignment of a /22, then selling the whole thing
RIPE are in the process of closing that loophole: https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2015-01
mercutioand you can't exactly have NAT for a VPS provider :)
so if you want to grow, you buy another vps provider :)
plettWith the added bonus that it comes with an existing customer base [02:41]
mercutioand probably solusvm :/
i wonder if up_the_irons has considered buying out other vps providers to get a second location going
i don't have that kind of money
my google foo is failing again. i don't know much vps providers sell for [02:57]
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mercutiohttps://twitter.com/TMCorp/status/609167065300271104 [06:52]
BryceBotTWITTER: Goooood morning Malaysia! http://t.co/DMiGfnUW3e (Fri Jun 12 01:15:20 +0000 2015, retweeted 174 times) [06:52]
mercutio(they broke the internet) [06:57]
...... (idle for 25mn)
m0undswish i would have seen this when we talked about apple music the other day: http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2015/06/10/apple-music/
summarizes it pretty well (ouch)
mercutiodid you see the youtube video? [07:22]
m0undswhich? [07:22]
mercutiohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atfNL0_KAcs [07:23]
BryceBotYouTube video: "BBC mistakes cab driver for IT-expert" by f0xmuld3r [07:23]
mercutiowell it's years ago [07:24]
m0undslol [07:24]
mercutioand only semi related, but it seems to be going around facebook [07:24]
m0undsthat's funny [07:24]
mercutioi wodner why your link doesn't work for me [07:25]
m0undsnot working for me either anymore
i just read it a moment ago
mercutiooh [07:25]
m0undsweird [07:26]
mercutiodid you hear about the route leak? [07:26]
m0undsnope [07:26]
mercutiolevel3 leaked a whole lot of routes
enough to shut down peoples bgp sessions etc.
like a full table leak :/
it came from malaysia telecom
who had just posted that thing on twitter i linked
apparently it was mostly europe that got damaged badly
dunno why
m0undsoh, that
yeah, saw the happy friday thing
that's a more informative thing about it
m0undsthat site loaded really slow, but i pastebinned the dude's post: http://pastebin.com/x2uFFqdN (the apple music thing) [07:29]
mercutiopastebin loaded real fast :/
of leftsetz loaded sometime for me too
maybe it got put on slsahot or doesn't
it says wordpress
they probably haven't enabled caching :/
which means it scales like siht
i wish that stuff would be automatic :/
i saw it posted in a few places, probably getting hammered
mercutioi better get to bed [07:35]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [07:35]
mercutioit's like 2:30 am here [07:35]
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grodythats my hour!
grody hates daylight hours
daytime has this side effect in the UK, all the idiots are solar powered
allthough im starting to suspect thats a worldwide phenomena
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mkbw [13:00]
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brycecYes, yes it is, grody. [13:13]
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mercutiobrycec: is your crashing vps working ok?
(well too soon to know if it'll crash again)
And before the kvr18 reboot it had run for longer than its previous crash runtime
Will be days before I know at the earliest
mercutioahh ok [15:26]
brycecBefore its two recent crashes, it had run for a month without issue [15:26]
mercutiowell it was being tempermental before
so it may have got worse for all i know :)
brycec:p [15:26]
...... (idle for 26mn)
mnathani_how would performance compare going with a current gen i7 processor vs say dual xeon when building my own workstation? Ie: is it work the money/ performance / value going for the second processor? Workload will involve running several VMs simultaneously. [15:52]
m0undsare all vms going to be hammering the cpu constantly?
because i think the largest benefit you'd see would be if they were all pretty busy and you were able to spread the load out more
mnathani_vms will be light on cpu usage
test vms - various server os and linux
if you were going to be running tons of busy vms, it might be worth it
but going smp with current gen xeons + multiproc mobos would be super pricey
brycecFrom what you've described, even a mid-range i5 could work for you [16:01]
m0undsyeah [16:01]
brycecWhich is to say, even my i5-2400 which I used for my desktop (heavy-ish) and test VMs (VirtualBox, mix of lightweight and Windows) was easily up to the task [16:02]
mnathani_I do run Photoshop / Premiere Pro on occasion
no gaming though
brycecI should probably note that my desktop was Linux. With Windows as a host, I wouldn't expect the same kind of performance (because Windows is just a hog, generally.) [16:04]
mnathani_my current setup is 3 years old - i7 960, 24 GB ram Windows 8.1 host - VMs alternate between Virtualbox and Vmware Workstation [16:06]
m0undscurrent gen i7 would use less power, maybe 15% faster ipc
looks like 15-35% faster ipc, depending on operation
mercutiomnathani_: what kind of dual xeons do you mean?
you're stuck with 32gb maximum on shitty serers.
m0undsw/dual, not so much [16:20]
mercutioif you want to go 48gb you can do for e5620 or such [16:20]
mnathani_something like Intel Xeon E5-2620 v2 Ivy Bridge-EP 2.1GHz 15MB L3 Cache LGA 2011 80W BX80635E52620V2 Server Processor [16:20]
mercutio96gb dual e5620 [16:20]
m0undsfor smp of any kind, iirc, you have to go e5 [16:20]
mercutiomnathani_: i wouldn't spend that much for personal use :/ [16:21]
staticsafeE5s are major overkill for home use [16:21]
mercutioe5-2620s are really slow too :/ [16:21]
m0undsyou could build a separate i7 box just for vms for less than it would cost to build that [16:21]
mercutiostatic: e5620s are like $100 for cpu :/
and 6 core with hyper threading
so with dual it's like having 24 cpus :)
m0undsstill overkill, tons of juice, not really a great idea for low use vms
mercutiom0unds: 5620s are pretty light on power usage [16:22]
m0undsi wouldn't say that at all [16:22]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [16:22]
m0undsBryceBot: no [16:22]
BryceBotOh, okay... I'm sorry. 'i wouldn't say that at all' [16:22]
mercutio5500 series is a good improvement over 5400
5600 a good improvement over 5500
it's really only if you want more than 32gb of ram
i test vm's on a g3258 :/
with 16gb of ram
staticsafeI have an i7-4770, I would recommend it for your uses mnathani_ [16:24]
mercutioi7-4770s are pertty great, as long as you're fine with 32gb of ram [16:24]
mnathani_Intel Core i7-4820K Ivy Bridge-E Quad-Core 3.7GHz (Turbo 3.9GHz) LGA 2011 130W BX80633i74820K Desktop Processor
how is that one
mercutiomnathani_: i'd go haswell..
the desktop extreme class is really expensive normally
and you don't really need to overclock
mnathani_Integrated IPMI 2.0 with Dedicated LAN < thats cool [16:26]
mercutioi like how he says "pooled from worked environment" [16:26]
m0undsthe biggest benefit to skt 2011 configs for workstations is that you can install more ram
and spend way more money on cpus w/more cores
but that's about it
mercutiom0unds: yeh but you get the same diff from the server stuff with dual cpus
and you can stick a second cpu in later and more ram still
ok well that server omotherboard has dual intel ethernet, dedicated ipmi more
remote kvm
onboard sas controller
but it lacks sata3
and things like sata3 is where dekstop stuff can be better
as well as having faster ram speeds
also you have to use registered ram to use lots of memory
m0undsand more pcie lanes
and other stuff
mercutioi dunno last i saw the extreme series was like 2x as expensive as i7-4770
when you factor in motherboard too
m0undsthat's why i mentioned that you could build two 4770 boxes for the price of one of the other [16:29]
mercutioit's liek $600 vs $300 for cpu, $400 vs $150 for motherboard or somethig
ahh ok :)
yeh mnathani how's that for an idea
build two i7-4770 boxes :)
also, if you want to go i7-4770 you can just go e3-1240v3
or such
staticsafeindeed [16:30]
mercutioas long as you don'tneed onboard video
or the +5 for onboard video
then you can use ecc ram
you may not care about ecc though
ebay is funny
so this seller says he won't sell to anyone in florida..
but yeah e3 cpus aren't expensive really
the motherboards cost more...
i'd buy new for a current cpu though
rather than risk random ebay sellers
staticsaferecently maxed out my desktop with 32GB of RAM, I'm all set for now
I suppose a GPU upgrade would be nice
m0undsjust need your gpu to blow up and then you have an excuse
although i don't recommend that route
staticsafeheh [16:33]
(mine did it a couple weeks back)
staticsafestaticsafe hugs his GTX760 [16:34]
mercutiowhy not just go g3258 16gb ram?
it's cheap
i doubt your requirements are really that steep, and they have great single threaded performance and cost a lot less :)
i think it's like $60 US for g3258
and just get a cheap motherboard with 4 slots.
err with 4 memory slots
do 16gb now, upgrade to 32gb later.
and do ssd raid
and you're set :)
disk is usually more of a bottleneck than cpu
oh hangon mnathani_ you're trying to use the same computer for desktop and server stuff?
just keep the i7 960 for desktop stuff and get a computer for server stuff
mnathani_two i7s, now thats an idea
mercutio: dont really have server workloads, more like some testing on different Operating systems and such
mercutioyeh g3258 or i7 then [16:49]
mnathani_so I gather dual xeon is just way too expensive and overkill for my needs [16:49]
mercutioi3s and i5s are bad value
mnathani_: well dual xeon 5600 series isn't too expensive
mnathani_what about the 6-core i7 [16:49]
mercutiobut would use more power
i wouldn't go for the 6 core i7
e5620s are amazingly cheap now :/
but compare the performance compared to e3-1240v3

second link is dual cpu
so dual e5620 is actually slower than single e3-1240v3..
ohit was 5640 with 6 cores i think
ahh l5640 i was thinking of for 6 core
which are slightly more expensive
something liek that isn't that epxensive though
but 1u boxes suck for home use
m0undsput that sucker in a box and fill it with expanding foam [16:55]
mnathani_I have one of these gathering dust: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-PowerEdge-T605-QC-AMD-Opteron-2350-2GHz-8GB-4X-2GB-2X-1TB-SATA-HDD-/121662799414?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c53aafe36
32GB Ram, 2 x quad core AMD Opteron
mercutioyeh opterons suck
but why aren't you using it?
mnathani_its just too loud to use in my room [16:55]
mercutioyaeh [16:56]
mnathani_its in my apartment [16:56]
mercutioit's easier to go quiet with desktop hardware [16:56]
i had a dual opteron server for a while - only coolers i could find that fit it were 1u dynatron blowers (8000rpm)
mercutioi'm actually running my i7-3770 on my windows box with no cpu fan.
just the case fan and a huge heatsync
seems to go fine.
mnathani_liquid cooling?
i wondered how it would go, so i tried it :)
and it's only windows :)
mnathani_how about a heatsink though [16:57]
mercutioi'm using a big thermaltake one [16:57]
mnathani_reading back now
you have a heatsink
mercutiothermaltake tower.
yeh i have a huge heatsync
it's 120 or 140mm or something
something like that kind of thing
mnathani_cool [16:58]
mercutioit's not that one because it has 8 weird circular things in the end
but they're not too expensive..
it's more expensive not using any hard-disks :)
going ssd only and having a decent amount of storage starts adding up..
mnathani_do you know of any workstation motherboards that have ipmi / kvm over ip [16:59]
mercutiosupermicro are common to get on ebay
or new
you can get hp stuff with lights out easy, but you don't tend to get just the motherboard.
lenovo are meant to do lights out too, but i've never touched any of it
i dunno if it was ibm or lenovo now
but they tend to use lsi controllers which is good
do you have another room your apartment?
lights out increases power use too btw
also a lot of the server motherboards are e-atx
so you need a bigger than normal case
mnathani_there are other rooms, but are inhabited by other residents who would not be happy hosting server gear [17:03]
colo would be my preference
get that shit away from me! :)
if you've got lights out then colo you can even screw around with plenty
and you can just stick it in without doing any install or anything
adn do everythign remote :/
i love virtual media :)
mnathani_how is this motherboard: Asus SABERTOOTH X99 ATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard [17:15]
mercutionot sure
looks expensive :)
it's ddr4, which you still pay a premium for memory for
2011-v3 is ddr4
mnathani_good to know and watch out for
does 2011 support 64 GB ram?
mercutioit's not insane
$275 US for 32gb of ram
it's quad channel, so you kind of want to go straight to 32gb..
i think 16gb sticks will come out for ddr4
that motherboard does x4 m2 :)
that one is 2011
and supports 64 Gb
mercutioyeh you can go 64gb right now with that motherboard
128gb in the future i imagine
ddr3 can't do 16gb sticks on desktops cos of intel bug
otherwise we'd be able to get 16gb sticks easier :)
oh it's registered
probably wouldn't work in that motherboard
........ (idle for 36mn)
mnathani_lol [18:06]
mercutiohttp://www.ipv4auctions.com/ [18:12]
m0undsbrycec: after talking about TRIM on third party drives w/OSX the other day - there's a new tool in el capitan that enables TRIM on third party devices [18:14]
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m0undsthrows up "OMGZ YUR DATAZ MIGHT GET CORRUPTED AN STUFF" errors, but it does enable TRIM
so maybe apple is softening their stance on that
mercutiobut requiring signed drivers sounds bad in general
it should be optional
maye with a warning
m0undsm0unds shrugs [18:17]
brycecm0unds: ohhh?
m0undsone sec
might only be there because it's a dev release, but who knows
brycechm. thx for the link [18:30]
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