#arpnetworks 2015-06-10,Wed

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***cahess has joined #arpnetworks
cahess_ has joined #arpnetworks
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up_the_ironsbrycec: kvr18 is gonna be upgraded soon, i think that will solve your panic issues
mercutio: thanks for helping out sorressean
mercutioi didn't help him
brycec did
up_the_ironsmercutio: oh i read that wrong sorry
brycec: thanks for helping sorressean !
.......................................................... (idle for 4h49mn)
cahess_Hi all. Having trouble getting into portal.arpnetworks.com ... just curious if anyone else is as well before I make stronger coffee. [09:04]
bryceclol up_the_irons. of course, I was happy I could help. I was around and my eyesight is a bit better (though I really, really need to get a new prescription)
cahess_: loads fine for me. What error are you getting?
cahess_Strange. The error I'm getting is "The page you were looking for doesn't exist. You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved." [09:10]
brycecAre you behind a proxy, maybe? [09:10]
cahess_I'm not ... but, I just reinstalled OS X on this machine, and didn't have anything but Safari. Works in Chrome ... fancy that =) [09:11]
brycecThat's quite peculiar. Either you've made a typo (but you're probably copy/pasting the url between browsers) or you have some weird addon in Safari, I'd guess.
loads fine in my Safari on Yosemite
cahess_It just updated Safari after reinstalling the OS. Had worked in Safari previously. It's all still vanilla ... but, yeah, I was copying/pasting the url. I'll chock it up to another Safari oddity for me.
what version of Safari is on your machine?
brycec8.0.6 it says [09:15]
m0undsportal loads fine in safari for me too [09:15]
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cahess_Oddest thing. I'm on Yosemite, current (8.0.6) version of Safari, and no plugins or add-ons. Chrome works OK, Safari doesn't. But that error when I look a little closer is giving me a 404, with the URL: https://portal.arpnetworks.com/dashboard
oh well. thanks for checking. I'll beat on this thing for a bit to see what's up with it
brycecNo problem. [09:23]
mnathanibrycec: is that safari / yosemite in virtualbox or bare metal mac? [09:30]
brycecReal mac
MacBook Pro
mnathanido you use the imessage ?? [09:30]
I barely use the machine nowadays at all :p
mnathaniI like having a mac around if I need to walk someone through something
virtual or otherwise
mnathani_using archlinux on bare metal has this really nice feeling, kind of like when I switched from nano to vi [09:34]
.......... (idle for 49mn)
m0undsdrivers in the new ppc-based rb launched in september don't support fasttrack. guess that's why it doesn't work. it'd be cool if mikrotik ever kept their official docs updated. [10:23]
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sng has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [10:43]
.... (idle for 19mn)
mercutioi reckon it's having an issue going to http rather than https and redirecting to portal; at a guess
if it only can find address on chrome..
hmm, redirects fine for me
brycecYeah exactly. and http issues a 30X and redirects nicely anyways
mercutioyeh i checked with curl
it could be some bug with safari
hmm, you can register a portal account
but yeah loads with spartan.
(was trying to think of browsers that i have that may be weird)
brycecI think my next test if I were cahess_ would be to tcpdump and see what's happening [11:09]
mercutionope [11:10]
brycec(or not use Safari :P) [11:10]
mercutiowell i mean it wouldn't be mine :)
if i was cahess i'd just not use safari
brycecPerhaps but that's an awful way to debug a Safari issue ;P [11:10]
cahess_I cleared all the browsing data and cookies, cleared the DNS Cache, and restarted Safari and it worked =) [11:10]
mercutiocool cahess [11:11]
brycecAlright then :) [11:11]
cahess_BUT, I am inclined to agree with @mercutio and not use Safari =P Just hadn't gotten around to installing Chrome yet. [11:11]
m0undssafari's good if you run on battery with any regularity [11:11]
mercutiom0unds: ahh i didn't think of that [11:11]
brycecMy number 1 use of Safari is installing Chrome. Number 2 is when I don't feel like launching Chrome and all its windows, I just need a quick browser. [11:11]
mercutiothat is how i am with ie on windows [11:12]
cahess_They still make IE? [11:12]
mercutioyip [11:12]
m0unds...never gets old
i guess
brycecIE on Win8.1 is not as bad as I remembered it being. [11:12]
mercutioi have ie11 [11:12]
m0undsthe profiler view is nice [11:12]
mercutioi find ie's a lot lighter than other browsers [11:13]
m0undsf12 by default [11:13]
mercutioit's disturbing :) [11:13]
brycecI used to find it completely unusable. Now it fills the same position as Safari on OSX for me :p [11:13]
mercutioless memory, less cpu etc. [11:13]
cahess_I haven't used Windows since 2010 ... Mac or *nix for me, thanks =) [11:14]
mercutioi found macos a lot more annoynig to setup
but then i was trying to use it as a hybrid between windows/unix
like the virtual desktop stuff by default that opens terminals in the same virtual desktop as your previous terminal..
so you have to run some script thingy to make it work
which takes fiddling around..
when linux just acts "sensibly" with regards to virtual desktop
gnome would have an option if they tried doing such a thing :/
brycecI don't think that's how it works... [11:16]
mercutioit's how it worked for me.. [11:16]
brycecOn Yosemit, if I click "new window" it opens on the workspace I'm on, not the workspace other windows of that app are open in [11:17]
mercutiomaybe it changed
hmm no that is diff issue

ok it changed in 10.9 it seems
what's yosemite like bryce?
i seemed to find that upgrades kept making things worse
brycecheh [11:21]
m0undsyosemite is a lot better than the pile of buggy shit that was mavericks [11:22]
brycecIt's okay. I'm not a heavy user [anymore] so I don't care. Mostly it was a visual style change, plus some improvements in battery information
Oh and improvements with notifications
I only upgraded to Yosemite because they stopped releasing security updates to Mavericks (or some such)
I'm slightly annoyed that I can't [reasonably,safely] have TRIM enabled for my SSD but that's my only gripe.
m0undsi have an app that adds a kext to enable trim for ssds
forgot the name
checks on boot, warns if the patch is disabled
brycecI do too, but since Yosemite changed kext signing...
I have to completely disable kext signing and that's annoying
m0undsmeh, i'd rather have working trim
it'd be nice if osx handled trim like every other os, haha
brycecOh but they do... for their own whitelisted SSDs :P
And in a way, I can't wholly fault them for it. They make their software work on their hardware. There's no reasonable expectation for them to make it work with stuff they don't see
but they support plenty of third party devices without any weird goofiness
***t7243Gues is now known as pjs [11:29]
m0undsi guess it just boils down to core hardware vs peripherals [11:29]
brycecYeah, it is a "weird" double-standard [11:30]
mercutioyeh i had a lot of problems on g4 because i had to use more recent os x and it was worse.
but stuff didn't support the older version
mac os kind of forces you into upgrades.
both of software and hardware :/
it was around 10.5 or 10.6 that was the most recent version for g4.
m0undsi probably wouldn't have gotten a macbook if not for the annoying tradeoffs that existed for ultrabooks [11:32]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [11:32]
m0undsslower cpu, inbuilt non-upgradeable ssds in lots of them, bad displays, etc [11:32]
brycec10.5 as I recall [11:33]
mercutioyeah looks like 10.5
which was slower :/
brycecI thought Macbooks had all those issues too, except decent displays? [11:33]
m0undsmacbook pro = user replaceable ssd, good battery life, i7 cpu, 8gb ram base
mine is pre retina
mercutioall the ultrabooks kind of suck i thought [11:34]
brycecI guess I'm thinking of Airbooks
er, Macbook Airs
m0undsyea, my wife has a macbook air
she got it her last year in grad school, got an edu discount on it - $1200ish for the higher end one w/256gb ssd and stuff
mercutiodoes os x go ok on low ram? [11:35]
brycec(People say "macbook" and there are three different "macbook" lines, it's confusing) [11:35]
mercutioi don't understand why they seem to skimp on ram so much [11:35]
m0undsyea [11:35]
mercutiom0unds: is it 4gb ram? [11:35]
m0undsmy mbp supports up to 16gb, hers has 4gb iirc [11:35]
mercutionon-upgrable ram, right? [11:35]
mine shipped with a 750gb disk, i replaced it with a 240gb intel ssd
mercutioon windows on a laptop 8gb for light usage, 16gb for heavy usgae seems to be where it's at. [11:36]
m0undshers shipped w/a 256gb ssd, haswell based cpu [11:36]
mercutiom0unds: is it one of those low ghz one?
not as low as the current ones
mercutioi find the cpu in my chromebook quite fast for linux [11:37]
m0undshttps://support.apple.com/kb/SP678?locale=en_US [11:37]
mercutiowhich is a little slower than that stuff i think
it kind of surprised me how well it worked though
i think it was 2955u
there's new broadwell desktop cpu's coming out
intel seems to have actually shifted to slower cpu's for desktop for the first time..
laptop's got slower already :)
it used to be that everyone thought they needed a fast cpu
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Seji has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:06]
CVE-2015-3636 sounds bad
oh it's only bad on non-x86-64
i wish ubuntu said that ....
basically escalation vulneribility using ping
mnathani_how can I simulate multiple sites connected via openvpn and cisco routers on a single machine? I intend to use pfSense and virtualization [15:16]
phluxlol wtf [15:16]
mnathani_On x86-64 architecture systems, a local user able to create ping sockets could use this flaw to crash the system WOW [15:17]
mercutiowell that's not as bad as the escalation vulnerability [15:17]
mnathani_crash the system could be viewed as a denial of service [15:18]
there's heaps of denial of service attacks with a user
on most systems you used to be able to do fork bombs trivally
i don't know how it's changed now
but most people don't have ulimits setup or anything..
if you have a load issue it's not nearly as bad as executing code as root
i mean you hack me, and my system crashes...
i reboot it and it's fine and i find out what you did and kick you out
but if you had root you could just hide and change password
mnathani_much worse [15:20]
mercutioand be much more annoying.
i mean yeah, ddos vulnerabilities aren't ideal
mnathani_@wa time in auckland [15:20]
BryceBotError fetching URI. [15:20]
mnathani_@google yyz [15:20]
BryceBot670,000 total results returned for 'yyz', here's 3
Toronto Pearson International Airport - Wikipedia, the free ... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_Pearson_International_Airport) Toronto Pearson International Airport (also known as Lester B. Pearson International Airport or simply Pearson Airport or Toronto Pearson) (IATA: YYZ, ICAO: ...
Toronto Pearson International Airport (http://www.torontopearson.com/) The voice of Toronto Pearson International Airport broadcasts arrivals, departures, traffic, weather, travel stories and aviation features.
YYZ (instrumental) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YYZ_(instrumental)) "YYZ" is an instrumental rock piece by Canadian rock band Rush, from their 1981 album Moving Pictures. Following its initial release, it became one of the ...
mercutiobut in practice i've had more problems with misperforming programs than any malacious attack [15:20]
mnathani_s/malacious/malicious [15:21]
BryceBot<mercutio> but in practice i've had more problems with misperforming programs than any malicious attack [15:21]
mercutioi did a fork bomb once to try it myself.
oh oops
it's 10:20 am
there's some new qemu vulnerability too
on cursory look i couldn't understand it though
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:25]
mercutioit's all about MSI etc
also something with PCNET driver
which i think windows used to use before virtual i/o
amd lance or whatever
because windows didn't used to have e1000 support bult in
ahh i think the MSI stuff is only for passed through pci devices
brycec@iata yyz [15:34]
BryceBotYYZ: Toronto Pearson International Airport located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada [15:34]
brycecmnathani_: ^ [15:34]
mercutio@iata moo [15:35]
BryceBotMOO: Not a valid IATA. [15:35]
mercutiodamn [15:35]
m0unds@iata omg [15:35]
BryceBotOMG: Not a valid IATA.
That's what she said!!
mercutio@iata akl [15:35]
BryceBotAKL: Auckland Airport located in Mangere, New Zealand [15:35]
bryceclol I hadn't seen CVE-2015-3636 yet today. [15:35]
mercutio@iata cnt [15:35]
BryceBotCNT: Charata Airport located in Charata, Chubut, Argentina [15:35]
brycecBut I did see the Xen/PCnet one, but didn't care too much [15:35]
mercutiobrycec: you're falling behind [15:35]
m0undswhat's its IATA source? [15:35]
mercutiothat's qemu not xen? [15:36]
brycechttp://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/advisory-135.html mercutio
"Heap overflow in QEMU PCNET controller, allowing guest->host escape
mercutioyeh qemu
xen and kvm both use qemu
brycecbut seems to be only their fork qemu? I wasn't clear on that [15:36]
mercutioqemu is the dirty part :) [15:36]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:36]
mercutiothey unforked qemu [15:36]
brycec(and since it was Xen's SA and patch, i assumed it was Xen only)
Oh well, I haven't used pcnet for 5 years
mercutiowell you can use their fork or not, but xen is currently non forked by default
last i knew pci passthrough worked better with the forked qemu though
brycecm0unds: airportcode.riobard.com [15:37]
mercutio@iata OWN [15:37]
BryceBotOWN: Not a valid IATA. [15:37]
brycec@iata Spokane [15:38]
BryceBot3 results returned: SKA, SFF, GEG [15:38]
@iata omega
BryceBotNo results found for: omega [15:39]
mercutio@iata HEH [15:39]
BryceBotHEH: Not a valid IATA. [15:39]
m0undsinteresting [15:39]
mercutiohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heho_Airport [15:40]
BryceBotHeho Airport :: Heho Airport (Burmese: ဟဲဟိုးလေဆိပ်; (IATA: HEH, ICAO: VYHH) is an airport serving Heho, a town in Kalaw Township, Taunggyi District, Shan State, Burma. It is the main airport serving Inle Lake, one of the top tourist destinations of Burma. History The airport served as an airbase both for the Allies and the Japanese during World War II. The airbase was heavily bombed by the Allies. Evidence of aircra [15:40]
brycecI see. Somebody should tell me@rioboard.com [15:40]
m0undsOMG is the IATA code for a tiny airport in omega, namibia [15:40]
brycec(or whatever it was) [15:40]
m0undsthere's probably some reason it's not included [15:40]
mercutio@iata HUH [15:41]
BryceBotHUH: Not a valid IATA. [15:41]
m0undsdon't care enough to email someone about a tiny airport in namibia not showing up in their db [15:41]
mercutiohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huahine_%E2%80%93_Fare_Airport [15:41]
BryceBotHuahine – Fare Airport :: Huahine – Fare Airport is an airport serving the island of Huahine in French Polynesia (IATA: HUH, ICAO: NTTH). The airport is located in the northern part of the commune of Fare, on the Island of Huahine.Fare.[1] In 2006, 151,907 passengers used the airport.[2] Airlines and destinations References External links Huahine-Fare Airport NTTH – HUAHINE (PDF). AIP from French Service d'information aér [15:41]
mercutioif you go from wikipedia IATA list it seems quite a few aren't included
@iata SJC
BryceBotSJC: Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport located in San Jose, California, United States [15:42]
mercutio@iata SFC [15:42]
BryceBotSFC: Not a valid IATA. [15:42]
mercutioisn't there two airports in san jose? [15:42]
m0undssjo [15:42]
mercutio@iata sfo [15:42]
BryceBotSFO: San Francisco International Airport located in San Francisco, California, United States [15:42]
m0undserr, wait
sjc, right
mercutiosjc and sfo
maybe tehere's closer
m0undsthere's a GA airport in san jose, iirc
but it probably doesn't have an iata code because lots of them don't
mercutioi'm thniking international [15:45]
m0undsoh [15:45]
mercutioall international airports have them
yeah my geography knowledge of california isn't great
BryceBotList of airports in California :: This is a list of airports in California (a U.S. state), grouped by type and sorted by location. It contains all public-use and military airports in the state. Some private-use and former airports may be included where notable, such as airports that were previously public-use, those with commercial enplanements recorded by the FAA or airports assigned an IATA airport code. Airports This list contains the fo [15:45]
mercutioIATA was formed in Cuba...
i kindof though cuba was despised
brycecmercutio: in 1945, pre-embargo when people still liked Cuba [15:57]
is cuba to the US like north korea is to south korea?
And if you hadn't heard, the embargo is lifted, they're just another carribean country now
mercutiook i don't really know what happened [15:58]
brycecalbeit one severely economically depressed [15:58]
mercutioit's communist right? [15:59]
brycecSo they claim [15:59]
mercutiooh so things are fine now [15:59]
brycecI guess, relatively.
But Castro hasn't been effective as dictator for awhile now.
And "most people" just want to be happy and prosper
Oh Wikipedia says I'm wrong, the embargo is still in place but it's been relaxed, and the US-Cuba relationship has eased.
mercutioahh ok [16:06]
....... (idle for 33mn)
staticsafeso I solved my little Cogent problem [16:39]
mercutiowhat cogent problem was that?
preferring EU route to US from Cogent?
........ (idle for 35mn)
staticsafemercutio: yeah [17:16]
mnathani_staticsafe: was that related to your bgp announcement from ARP? [17:17]
mercutiostaticsafe: i'd prepend cogent in EU to US if it was just that EU provider and ARP...
as arp hasn't got a dircet cogent route
staticsafewell it was unintentionally solved as I added a another US node that had Cogent transit [17:18]
same diff
i can't find relevant community for that
but yeah the other way will work i suppose
not having cogent was a positive thing of arp when i joined
cogent has got a little better since then though
well for on-net
staticsafestill nothing in asia pacific for now, those regions are expensive and I haven't found a suitable provider yet [17:21]
mercutioyeah AP is expensive
also routing sucks
arp shouldn't be too bad from AP
staticsafeindeed [17:22]
mercutiostrictly speaking i'm in AP
but pings are shorter to US than "AP" often
staticsafeI'll be addine a node in New York shortly as well [17:23]
mercutioactually routes from china can be better performance than from china to US
but that's probably congestion related more than anything else
why do you need so many?
where's your other US one?
staticsafeOrlando, FL
via AS33182
mercutiowhat's an ip on your network again? [17:30]
staticsafeanycast1.as393949.net [17:30]
mercutioyeh my route is hitting arp
so all good from here :)
oh wow it was hostdime
that was a guess just from location hah
san jose hits florida
uk hits arp
staticsafeinteresting, via what transit provider? [17:33]
it was fine with ipv6
it was only ipv4 doing that
and my other uk host is fine
anycast is a bit of a pita
staticsafeit is
also because BGP is a fairly dumb protocol
mercutioipv6 hits arp, ipv4 hits florida from japan
yeah you need to screw around with communities
which is different amongst different providers
that's why i'm normally go UK/US/AP
or such
so i don't worry about these slightly wrong things :)
i'm struggling to remember any locations i can try from
err any more
mnathani_he.net seems to like las01-01-edg01.knightswarm.net [17:37]
staticsafethat is in Las Vegas [17:37]
mercutioit works better if you haev the same upstreams in diff locations [17:37]
staticsafeyeah [17:37]
mercutiooh sydney i didn't check from
sydney is hitting arp
mnathani_is each node just a vm with identical services running? [17:38]
staticsafeyeah [17:38]
mnathani_and a unicast IP for management? [17:38]
staticsafeindeed [17:38]
mercutiohow expensive was the uk one? [17:39]
staticsafe22.50 GBP per month normally, first month was 72 GBP due to set up fees [17:39]
@exch 22.50 GBP to USD
BryceBot22.50 GBP -> 34.871448342986 USD (as of Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:01:01 -0700) [17:40]
mercutiooh not as bad as i thought
@exch 72 GBP to USD
BryceBot72 GBP -> 111.58863469756 USD (as of Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:01:01 -0700) [17:40]
mercutio@exch 50 GBP to USD [17:40]
BryceBot50 GBP -> 77.492107428858 USD (as of Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:01:01 -0700) [17:40]
mercutioi cant' remember if arp charges a setup fee
if it does it's not much
staticsafeno setup fee [17:41]
mercutioi wonder why
probably just to be nice
staticsafeHostdime waived their usual setup fee for me [17:42]
mercutioit's not like there's direct profit from offering bgp
what was their usual setup fee like?
staticsafehm not a set up fee but a maintenance fee per month which is $50/mo [17:43]
mercutioahh sweet
that was nice of them
staticsafeyeah [17:44]
mercutiodid you check out he.net's graph? [17:45]
staticsafeHostdime is well connected to South America due to their NOTA connection
mercutiohmm knightswarm has the biggest chunk
well on ipv4
they don't do ipv6?
staticsafethey don't, they told me it is coming soon [17:46]
mercutiohmm you have long path to level3
i think arp advertisement out level3 must not be working for some reason
the graph may change yet, Hostdime has told me not all of their transits have updated their filters yet
mercutiohostdime charge $50 for virtual servers? [17:52]
its not their usual market demographic, they sell colo mostly
mercutiosounds like it's getting expensive [18:07]
brycecbrycec is colo'd with Hostdime (not me personally, but a group I work with) [18:08]
staticsafemercutio: it is, but this little project is not a long-term project, once I am done, I will settle with one provider to route my prefix, no anycast [18:12]
you could do two?
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [18:13]
staticsafemercutio: well, long term goal is to run some services like personal websites, SMTP etc. [18:16]
mercutioahh right
and you only have one /24
staticsafeyeah [18:16]
........... (idle for 52mn)
mnathani_how does GRE work when it comes to NAT?
can certain ports or protocols be forwarded to get it going?
can both routers participating in the GRE be behind their respective NATs, or does one need its own public IP on an interface
routers being cisco ofcourse
brycecJust wondering -why "cisco ofcourse"? [19:09]
mnathani_because I am preparing for my CCNP
and its what I know best
brycecah [19:10]
grodyhmm, how comes yahoo dont do IPv6 anymore
swore they did
mercutioGRE is a separate protocol [19:24]
twobithackeriirc GRE doesn't do NAT traversal [19:26]
mercutioit can to a single host on some routers [19:27]
twobithackerah, that'd make sense [19:28]
mercutiobasically i think whoever initiates GRE it'll return traffic to
ie it's quite dumb
i don't think it works with two GRE tunnels at once
but it may be to separate ip's
m0undsright, it doesn't
mercutioerr it may to [19:29]
m0undsthat's been my experience [19:29]
twobithackerthis is why we should just adopt IPv6 everywhere and stop doing NAT :D [19:29]
..... (idle for 20mn)
mnathani_I tried GRE over Openvpn using pfsense, which seems to work ok - but then again this was on a LAN and not public Internet [19:49]
mercutiothat'll work fine
but that creates quite a lot of ovehead per packet
staticsafea common CCNP scenario is GRE + IPSec mnathani_
so if you are studying for that
....... (idle for 34mn)
mnathani_from what I know about IPSEC, its not very firewall friendly and I doubt vpn servers can live behind NAT, where as Openvpn only requires a single port to be forwarded [20:36]
@weather -v mumbai [20:50]
BryceBotmnathani_: Verbose results will be PM'd to you. [20:50]
mnathani_@weather -v yyz [20:53]
BryceBotmnathani_: Verbose results will be PM'd to you. [20:53]
mnathani_is that new, brycec? results being PM'd [20:53]
mercutiooh bryce fixed it
mnathani you do weather -v all the time :)
mnathani_thats true :-) [20:54]
mercutio@weather -v akl [20:55]
BryceBotmercutio: Verbose results will be PM'd to you. [20:55]
mnathani_I liked it when it was in the channel
atleast its not just me though
mercutiowow that was intersting
yeh that's what i wanted to check :)
apparently 20c is the hottest it's been on this day for a high here before
and it's 15c
it feels cold hah
.......... (idle for 49mn)
brycecmnathani_: I did change the behaviour, yes.
BryceBotbrycec: Fetching weather for your previous query (PHX).
Phoenix Sky Harbor International, AZ: Partly Cloudy ☁ 90°F (32°C), Humidity: 38%, Wind: From the SW at 6 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=33.42770004,-112.00379944 or re-request this with: @weather -v
brycecremains in the channel. It's just because -v beans at least 4 lines dumped to the channel which is somewhat spammy.
@weather 99019
BryceBotLiberty Lake, WA: Clear 75°F (24°C), Humidity: 35%, Wind: From the SE at 6.9 MPH Gusting to 10.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=47.666508,-117.100792 or re-request this with: @weather -v 99019 [21:46]
brycecAlso, IPsec can run behind firewalls on both sides (and there's NAT-T, UDP/4500 for that) [21:47]
mnathani_brycec: good to know about IPsec [21:50]
..... (idle for 21mn)
***Seji has joined #arpnetworks [22:11]
mercutio@weather akl
even non -v does it now?
mnathani_if I private message the bot, it still says mnathani_: Verbose results will be PM'd to you. [22:31]
mercutiowhen i pm the bot it does nothing.
it returns fine for me
@weather akl
now the bot is ignoring me
oh it pm'ed that response too
so if you -v once it'll always act as if you're doing it?
@weather sfo
@calc 2+2
BryceBot2+2;4;four;| +->-> = ->, 2->->2->->4;age 6: 3.2 seconds -> age 8: 1.8 seconds -> age 10: 1.2 seconds -> , age 18: 0.83 seconds, (ignoring concentration, repetition, variations in education, etc.) [22:34]
mercutiowhat [22:34]
mnathani_@calc tan 45 [22:34]
BryceBottan(45°);1;one;* [22:34]
mercutio@calc 1/0 [22:34]
BryceBot1/0;infinity^~ [22:34]
you wanna crash the bot
mercutio@calc `pwd` [22:35]
BryceBotCouldn't grab results from json stringified precioussss. [22:35]
mnathani_@calc sqrt (-1) [22:35]
BryceBotsqrt(-1);i;r = 1 (radius), theta = 90° (angle);i (principal root);-i [22:35]
mercutio@calc 2^^8 [22:35]
BryceBotCouldn't grab results from json stringified precioussss. [22:35]
mercutio@calc 2**8 [22:36]
BryceBot2^8;256;two hundred fifty-six [22:36]
mnathani_@calc 2 exp 128 [22:36]
BryceBot2 exp(128);2 e^128;7.7754168119891901844453473767149561454563501261659977715... × 10^55;2 e^128 is a transcendental number;~~ 96 × the size of the Monster group (~~ 8.1×10^53);~~ 1.5×10^6 × the number of chess positions (~~ 5.2×10^49);2 exp(128) = 2 sum_(k=0)^infinity 128^k/(k!);2 exp(128) = 2 (sum_(k=0)^infinity 1/(k!))^128;2 exp(128) = 2/(sum_(k=0)^infinity (-1)^k/(k!))^128 [22:36]
mnathani_@calc 2**128 [22:36]
BryceBot2^128;340282366920938463463374607431768211456;3.40282366920938463463374607431768211456 × 10^38;340 undecillion ...;340 billion billion billion billion ...;39 decimal digits [22:36]
mercutio@calc 0+0 [22:36]
BryceBot0+0;0;zero [22:36]
mercutio@calc zero plus one [22:36]
BryceBot0+1;1;one;0->+->-> = ->, ->->1->->1 [22:36]
mercutioit's quite intelligent
@calc 160 pounds to kg
BryceBotconvert 160 lb (pounds) to kilograms;72.57 kg (kilograms);11 stone 6 pounds;72575 grams;~~ typical standard adult human male mass (~~ 70 kg );mass;Weight w of a body from w = mg:, ->160 lbf (pounds-force), ->5 slugf (slugs-force), ->712 N (newtons), ->7.117×10^7 dynes, ->72575 ponds;Volume V of water from V = m/rho_(H_2O):, ->19 gallons, ->153 pints, ->73 L (liters), ->0.073 m^3 (cubic meters), ->(assuming maximum water density [22:37]
mnathani_@wa 160 lb to kg [22:37]
BryceBotconvert 160 lb (pounds) to kilograms;72.57 kg (kilograms);11 stone 6 pounds;72575 grams;~~ typical standard adult human male mass (~~ 70 kg );mass;Weight w of a body from w = mg:, ->160 lbf (pounds-force), ->5 slugf (slugs-force), ->712 N (newtons), ->7.117×10^7 dynes, ->72575 ponds;Volume V of water from V = m/rho_(H_2O):, ->19 gallons, ->153 pints, ->73 L (liters), ->0.073 m^3 (cubic meters), ->(assuming maximum water density [22:37]
mnathani_is calc just an alias for wa [22:37]
mercutioseems to be
these are too verbose too
mnathani_@ud irc [22:38]
BryceBotirc: Abbreviation for Internet Relay Chat. A multiplayer notepad. <2003-07-31T00:00:00+00:00> Example: "" [22:38]
mnathani_multiplayer notepad? [22:38]
mercutioi dunno, i assume that's ud
i mean urbandictionary
@ud facebook
BryceBotfacebook: a stalkers dream come true <2005-03-08T00:00:00+00:00> Example: "facebook addict #1: dude you know that hot girl who lives upstairs, i totally got her screen name and cell phone number off of facebookrfacebook addict #2: awesome, now you can totally stalk her" [22:39]
mercutioi mean if you ask the average joe what facebook is...
@ud user
BryceBotuser: user (n.) - a person who uses a friend or aquaintance rsolely for the purposes of gaining a type of advantage;rwhether it be: rr1) when no one else is around, they need rsomeone (like you) to take them placesrr2) someone who doesn't include you in any activities that they haverwith their friends, who you too, are friends with, yetrYOU would invite him or her in a heart beatrr3) a person who completely ignores you when he or sher [22:40]
mercutioit's like the cynical dictionary :)
@ud politician
BryceBotpolitician: 1. A person who practices politics.rr"Politics" is derived from the words "poly" meaning "many", and "tics" meaning "blood-sucking parasites."rr2. One who was perfected the art of lying.rr3. A highly paid yes-man. <2004-10-24T00:00:00+00:00> Example: "George W. Bush promised a man mission to Mars, of course we should believe him!" [22:40]
mnathani_do you know of any windows app that gives you workspaces like on linux and mac [22:41]
mercutiowindows comes with one
just press windows-tab
and right mouse button on a program and -> new desktop
mnathani_windows tab does nothing for me
I am running WIndows 8.1
mercutiohmm ok
maybe it's new in 10
it wasn't in 7
just use 10 :)
otherwise stardock may have something?
mnathani_Probably just wait till its finalized and released July 29 or so [22:43]
or just use linux :)
brycecdammit mercutio why are you breaking BryceBot ? [22:43]
mercutiohow'd i break it? [22:43]
brycecthe verbose thing [22:43]
mnathani_brycec: could have been me also [22:43]
brycec@weather [22:43]
mercutio@weather akl
i think it's just buggy
brycecYes it's a bug. But I blame mercutio. [22:44]
mercutiosure blame me :) [22:44]
brycec@weather [22:44]
BryceBotbrycec: Fetching weather for your previous query (99019).
Liberty Lake, WA: Clear 75°F (24°C), Humidity: 28%, Wind: From the South at 5.0 MPH Gusting to 13.0 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=47.624390,-117.092064 or re-request this with: @weather -v
mercutiohas anyone here use the "dict" client? [22:46]
m0undswindows tab was in win7
and vista
it did an aero task switch
there's no aero in win8/8.1, hence no aero task switch
brycecdict client to dictd? Not any time recently... In fact, I'm not sure I've used it this century. [22:46]
i used to use it quite a lot
when i wanted to look up words
but it'd be cool if brycebot could work something like that :)
brycecI have plans to add @define back
mercutiolike client/server
and just be able to type on local shell :)
That's what I like to call "PM"
mercutiomaybe there's something like that somewhere already? [22:49]
brycecYou can also DCC BryceBot, but that's localhost only ;)
(DCC CHAT to be precise)
mercutioyeah but setting up a relay for that would be a pita :) [22:49]
brycecIt's for admin only [22:49]
mercutiofor pm i mean
like a bot to query the bot? :)
bryceca relay for PM?
I'm so confused
But I have figured out how you triggered the bug!
mercutioso from a normal terminal shell you could look up stuff [22:50]
brycecircii [22:50]
mercutiolike open shell type cmd say bb @exch 20usd to nzd
bb being brycebot
how'd i trigger the bug?
bryceca second weather -v before it had replied to the first @weather [22:51]
mercutiomercutio schemes to write a bot
brycec(it set a flag, etc) [22:51]
mercutioso it was my fault! [22:51]
yours and mine, technically
mercutiodoes freenode have open bot policy?
or just some servers or something
brycecOkay, I think the bug is fixed.
(At least as fixed as BryceBot's architecture will allow)
mercutiooh it needs bot in the name [22:55]
brycecmercutio: link? [22:56]
search for "bot"
with the speech marks
brycecah thx [22:58]
Intel SSD 600GB for $250 http://sellout.woot.com/offers/intel-600gb-2-5-sata-solid-state-drive-4 [23:05]
mercutioisn't woot refurb? [23:05]
brycecThat is a refurb, yes
(not always, but often)
And yes this is only SATA2
mercutioick [23:07]
brycecbut hey, $.25/GB was worth posting. [23:07]
mercutioprobably sandforce then
dunno what's normal, 850evos were like $100 for 250gb
but dunno if it larger is cheaper or more expensive now
brycecCurrently $117
mercutioahh [23:08]
brycecI was going to buy one when they were $99 but missed it and the prices jacked up.
(So instead I went with a Transcend)
mercutioi have sandisk ultra and samsung evo's
in raid
the sandisk ultra's seem fine
brycecRAID would be nice, but my desktop only has a single m2 slot. [23:09]
mercutioi think it was $180 for 480gb or soemthing
i'm using sata
i don't have any m2
brycec(My desktop has a single SATA port too, but no place to mount it) [23:09]
mercutioyou can't get fast m2 slots yet [23:10]
brycecSATA3 is "fast" [23:10]
mercutiowhen they do pci-e 3 x4 it'd be nice
well yeh
brycecagreed [23:10]
mercutiomost motherboards are x2 pcie 2
so raid is still faster

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