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RandalSchwartz: I guess my host server upgrade went ok. Now to finish my guest server upgrade. :)
mercutio: yip
brycec: Weird. That same VPS on kvr18 that was dead (kvm process died) yesterday was kernel panicked this morning.
-: brycec grumbles
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grody: hmm.. linux & HP printers... how the hell can i get this thing to join my wifi w/o going into windows...
i rather not boot into windows just to USB in and do it... surely there is another way... (cant do crap from it's 3in display)
oh wow.. feel free to use me as a punching bag
hplip-setup can do it
mnathani_: brycec: are you suggesting the kvr18 host has some issue?
brycec: Maybe? I mean, not really but I don't have enough information. It's just weird.
If the kvm process hadn't died completely the other day, I wouldn't even be looking at the host :p
mnathani_: and you know the process had died as VNC was not accepting connections?
brycec: And because all I had to do was click "boot"
mnathani_: Is there a mailing list similar to NANOG that focuses on System Adminstration ?
grody: ugh i hate firefox - why do they think they are being helpful disabling IPv6 DNS records, thus forcing IPv4 usage
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mnathani_: happy eyeballs maybe?
staticsafe: happy eyeballs
if your IPv6 is not working or is slow it will fast fallback to v4
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grody: indeed
some tests indicate it in seconds (<2) - which is enough to let me know something is amiss
innernets @ home is usually lightning fast, any delay usually indicates a b0rk
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grody: http://ipv6-test.com/ says < 1s
dead AAAA record with valid A record, just over a second for browser (Chromium) to fall back to 4
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sorressean: Is there anyone besides up_the_irons that can do anything with servers? I issued a shutdown to the wrong server and I can't get in through IPMI. there's a ton of stuff running on that box, need it up asap. was trying to see if someone would power it on.
brycec: Can't reach its IPMI? That sounds like a major failure (or user error)
sorressean: What's the issue with IPMI?
sorressean: brycec: user error. I'm not sure if I'm mistyping the pass, but I can't log into the VPN.
brycec: sorressean: Mind if I PM you?
sorressean: brycec: go for it
brycec: And it's resolved. :)
Oh Supermicro, you make no sense! IPMI firmware 1.42 "firmware build time" is 2014. Version 1.64 is 2012.
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sorressean: sweet. everything back to normal. thanks again. I was trying to show some work for my job and rebooted the wrong server. :o
well, shutdown. so it was slightly scary. Don't mind me... I just shut down my box, come back later!
brycec: lol
We've all kicked the wrong box ;)
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ant: molly-guard ftw
brycec: @google molly-guard
BryceBot: 609,000 total results returned for 'molly-guard', here's 3
Big red button - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_red_button) Contents. [hide]. 1 Usages; 2 Symbolism. 2.1 Contemporary Definition. 3 Computing and industrial; 4 Molly-guard; 5 See also; 6 References ...
molly-guard - Wiktionary (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/molly-guard) molly-guard ... From Molly (“female given name”) + guard. ... 4341 mainframe after a programmer's toddler daughter (named Molly) tripped it twice in one day.
Debian -- Details of package molly-guard in sid (https://packages.debian.org/sid/molly-guard) protects machines from accidental shutdowns/reboots.
brycec: lol, a molly-guard over top a keyboard sounds highly ineffective.
the package looks interesting though.
sorressean: anyone installed php56 on freebsd? I'm struggling to find the APC package (pecl-apc is only for php55 not php56).
brycec: I have.
but I don't bother with APC
What about pecl-APCu?
grody: proof simple confuses me: i was able to build beklin sources for a router for a chump (albeit it was horrid and didn't Just Work(tm) and needed all kinds of fu's) - however, i can not for the ♥ of me get a 232mb file from laptop 1 to laptop 2 over the wifi - i just had to pendrive transfer the bloody file
and wc :D
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mercutio: grody: some kind of bug with scp?
brycec: is kvr18 in the current batch of upgrades?
ie did you get an email
brycec: mercutio: Thursday
mercutio: cool.
brycec: I wish my coworkers would stop calling this 'arpanetworks'
mercutio: heh
brycec: Date: 06/12/2015 Maintenance Window: 01:00AM - 02:30AM PDT (08:00 - 09:30 UTC)
So Friday morning technically
mercutio: yeh.
yeh i figured
it's friday evening for me :/
brycec: If I'm smart, I'll remember to migrate the load off that VPS
I wonder if there's more downtime if I copy that VPS over to another, or just live with the reboot?
mercutio: there is around 45 to 60 minutes downtime
brycec: Yeah that's what the email said
mercutio: i'd just live with the reboot myself
that said
i don't know why your vps woudl be crashing
brycec: Yeah that's annoying too. It's usually okay...
But there have been some externally-triggerable bugs with KVM in the past. Who knows.
I think I could have a hot-spare ready to take over the VPS load with minimal downtime (just the time to rsync and transfer IP's)
mercutio: sweet
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grody: mercutio, no idea... i just assumed it was a "Gag me with a spoon" day
it would talk to internet, but not locally
mercutio: seems strange
is that the day you were like screw it i'm going to pub
i seem to recall you saying something like that
grody: lol yea
but it was today too.. normally it's saturdays that hit me with daily wtfs
mercutio: heh
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grody: i need to start coding again
brycec: @py print "Hello, world!"
BryceBot: Hello, world!
brycec: There, all done coding for the day.
grody: amount of bad code i've seen lately im just horrified and i cant diss them for being bad coders when they can do something i cant
python is script, not code :P
-: grody hides
grody: it's the whole, book in one hand, laptop on lap and trying to flick between them that puts me off
brycec: @go package main; import "fmt"; func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, world!") }
BryceBot: Hello, world!n
brycec: That better, grody ? :P
grody: i've snipped and cut enough code to understand the basics, can build simple arrays and functions in C++, but nothing fancy
brycec: Go *is* a compiled language ;P
grody: can't python be binary built, or is that ruby?
brycec: Most scripting languages can sorta. Python gets compiled to byte-code at runtime, little .py[co] files
grody: ahh
it's the whitesspaces i hate in python
brycec: @py print " "*40 + "Was that enough whitespace?"
BryceBot: Was that enough whitespace?
mercutio: interpreting vs compiling code doesn't really change that you're writing code
grody: c has white space too
perl code heavy with regexp's seems like it has no white space
i kind of don't like code to be condensed too much
grody: C & C++ are just perfect for me
bash scripting is something i enjoy too
but absolutely suck at regexp
to be honest, even though i can spend days tinkering getting somethig to work the way i want.. i dont get why i never got into programming
never had fancy computers at school only acorns and bbc micros with at best an econet to play with
but making small BASIC apps to run talking pendown a rude statement halfway though registration always got a laugh
do ♥ networking though
figured out that issue... the wifi had ap isolation on
total plebbkac
mercutio: i like c
i don't really do c++
i hate complicated regexp, it always means figuring out what it's doing bit by bit
it's often worse reading than writing
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mkb: so when you get new IP space at ARP you get to see the previous customer's PTR records...
brycec: At least until up_the_irons fixes it, yep
mkb: I managed to convince a company I'm part of to use ARP so I get to do all this again
brycec: I'm a little bummed that I didn't gain any mystery PTR's when I grew to a /28 here
Nice, congrats to you and ARP
mkb: which also means I get to use OpenBSD :)
brycec: o/
Subnet Usage: Used: 11 | Free: ~184·10^17 (100%)
fun with /64 subnetting :D
mkb: don't know how long this'll last. the CEO is pushing Amazon but I didn't think we needed that complexity yet
brycec: Amazon tends to make a terrible VPS provider because EC2 isn't a VPS, it's a cog in a machine. I hope your CEO understands that and isn't just riding the hype and buzz :/
mkb: He doesn't. Fortunately he knows that so he'll defer to my decision. I know that's rarer than it should be
brycec: That's rarer than a CEO actually know that stuff.
-: brycec english good.
mercutio: arp needs to increase prices closer to amazon to compete more directly with people who wnat touse amazon like a vps
because if it's more expensive it must be better
well have a second tier i mean
mkb yay for openbsd
brycec: I thought that was the "Only schmucks pay the extra $10 on dedicated machines" tier?
mercutio: heh.
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