#arpnetworks 2015-06-08,Mon

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m0undsmilki: i always leave a printed sheet of paper weighted by a rock, but it eventually blows away :( [07:16]
***Guest10976 is now known as qbit [07:22]
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kevr is now known as PrincessLady [10:07]
PrincessLady has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
PrincessLady has joined #arpnetworks
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mkbup_the_irons: around?
I've got an order I wanted to check the status on
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relrod_ is now known as relrod [12:31]
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kellytk has joined #arpnetworks [12:58]
kellytkHi everyone
Does anyone know in some detail how the VNC service is provided to VPS customers? As in, if it's a separate physical appliance, or if it's a virtual VNC service provided by KVM, or other entirely?
m0undsprovided by kvm, iirc [13:00]
qbithuh, just found some weird reverse dns records on my account
not things I created.
changed my password for good measure .. but maybe i could get a record of when they were added?
and if it was from my account?
brycecqbit: did you grow your IP space? Probably records from the previous user. [13:06]
kellytkqbit: Can you show the DNS record? I might know what it is [13:06]
qbitbrycec: ya, got new ip space
few for agatl.net and one for unixterrorist.com
kellytkGood call brycec [13:07]
brycec(it came up just yesterday with another customer)
Oh sorry, Saturday http://irclogger.arpnetworks.com/irclogger_log/arpnetworks?date=2015-06-06,Sat
qbitok, i feel less bad about that...
but it still seems shady :D
brycecI agree, when IP space is disused, records should be expunged
up_the_irons: ^
kellytkIs anyone aware of an issue with VNC where attempting to connect from two different IPs causes VNC to freeze, requiring a VPS reboot? [13:10]
brycecI am not aware of any issues. That seems like a bit of an edgecase. [13:11]
kellytkFrom the KB: "Only 1 VNC connection per VPS is supported. If you leave a connection open on one computer, and try to connect from another, it will hang." [13:12]
brycecwell there's your answer. [13:12]
kellytkYep [13:13]
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cahessAfternoon, all. I was curious what the turn-around time was on new signups getting provisioned? [13:20]
brycecTypically within 24 hours, but that's not a promise as it is a human being with a life. [13:21]
cahessAwesome. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't a week =) Thanks! [13:21]
brycecI'd expect it in a couple hours from now, typically. [13:22]
cahessSounds good. Placed it yesterday, but I don't count weekends, in hopes that people are out actually having fun. [13:22]
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....... (idle for 33mn)
kellytk has left "WeeChat 1.0.1" [14:05]
mercutioit's good to see more people coming on irc
of course they seem to just come in ask a question and leave ;/
but i tihkn i started that way
i just forgot to leave
bryceclol [14:14]
.... (idle for 19mn)
mnathani_once they learn about screen / tmux / weechat / irssi and have a vps, you will find them idling in here a lot more
eventually they will connect with multiple nicks, and from different networks, say home, cellphone, work etc
you don't need multiple nicks with tmux/screen
mnathani_I meant one connection from home, another from the vps [14:34]
brycecbut you do with mutliple connections :P [14:34]
mnathani_to the same channel [14:34]
brycecI use a bouncer, but I still have a second connection from a separate place just in case of network issues :p
brycec ends too many sentences with emoji :(
Including that one! D:
mnathani_do you share a bouncer with your bot, brycec? [14:40]
brycecyes [14:42]
mercutioso is the new os x version going to work on security?
anandtech seemed to say nothing of the kind
os x seems a bit sketchy security wise
brycecbrycec hasn't been following today's news at all [14:49]
mkbapparently Apple made a ton of announcements [14:56]
brycecit is their big announcement event afterall [15:00]
mercutioyeah, apparently they're trying to improve their graphics performance
for graphics performance is considerably worse than linux
phoroning was benchmarking a p4 today (recently?); it's interesting to see just how much better things are now
a p4 is still faster than home routers though, so i wonder how home routers place
m0undsthere are sites that benchmark lan/wan perf of home routers and whatnot
smallnetbuilder is one
there are a couple others i can't think of
mercutiodo they benchmark samba performance on pc's? [15:33]
yes, USB 3.0 read/write speed
2.0 on older stuff
mercutiopc's as routers i meant
to compare ;)
m0undsi was answering to where home routers place - i guess you could look at his numbers and figure out your own w/a pc [15:38]
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mercutioi only really care because i found an old atom too slow for samba
the j1900s are probably fine
......... (idle for 43mn)
up_the_ironsbrycec: I agree ,we should kill the records
mkb: i'm around
RandalSchwartz: mercutio : I actually stopped putting "Monday" , "
RandalSchwartz: mercutio : I actually stopped putting "Monday" , "Tuesday", etc... in maintenance notices just for that reason . can confuse people and myself too!
***PrincessLady is now known as kevr [16:31]
mnathani_up_the_irons: perhaps revert to when a customer leaves or no longer needs the ip space [16:32]
grodymercutio, and then you have the likes of me.. who hangs around and jibbers sometimes [16:32]
mnathani_whats a good link for the apple coverage from today? [16:33]
m0undsumm, launched music service, open sourced swift, promised an emphasis on performance and battery from osx and ios
and that's all i gleaned from what i read
mjp_shutupandtakemymoney.jpg [16:38]
up_the_ironsmnathani_: i think i'd just delete the record(s) [16:40]
mercutiogrody: you're around quite a lot :) [16:41]
up_the_ironsm0unds: do you know how the new music service would differ from itunes? [16:41]
mercutiobeing uk and all you're around at some times that some americans aren't as much [16:41]
m0undsup_the_irons: it'd be like spotify more
but with video
grodygrody is usually a night owl [16:42]
m0undsbut somehow, that's an innovative approach to music because there aren't any other streaming svcs in existence
mercutiogrody: i think most of us here are other than RandalSchwartz :) [16:42]
phluxwho was I talking to about Nefarious and X3? [16:43]
up_the_ironsm0unds: ah ok [16:48]
m0undsup_the_irons: apple ate beats music, and i think they're just spinning the svc around, polishing it and calling it apple music or whatever the name of it will be
(along w/their acquisition of all the other beats stuff)
there was an earlier streaming svc called mog that i used for years, but beats bought them out and ruined their model. they were more album and sound-quality focused than spotify was at the time
beats added a bunch of silly shit like celebrity playlists and stuff, made the apps shinier and reduced audio quality
i think they had fewer than 1m users when apple bought beats
up_the_ironsinteresting [16:55]
mercutiohow does pandora compare? [16:58]
m0undswell, w/pandora you tell it something you like and it guesses what else you might like
or do you mean user count wise?
if the latter, i have no idea
mercutiofor audio quality etc. [17:02]
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bryceclololol, typical Apple-hype field thinking, perfectly summed up 16:40:24 m0unds | but somehow, that's an innovative approach to music because there aren't any other streaming svcs in existence
Last I knew, Pandora was 128kps MP3. That was a couple years ago.
mercutio: ^ definitive
at least as far as codecs go[17:10] <m0unds> spotify does something like 96/160/320 or something to that effect
m0undsbrycec: https://twitter.com/bkurbs/status/607988178364985344 [17:11]
BryceBotTWITTER: Dad stop. #WWDC15 http://t.co/K90vEvW09W (Mon Jun 08 19:10:52 +0000 2015, retweeted 1205 times) [17:11]
brycecThat tweet made NO sense before the Gif had loaded. [17:11]
mercutiois that good or bad compared to what other people are doing? [17:11]
brycecmercutio: It's in-line with everyone else, a bit higher [17:12]
haha, spotify CEO "reacted" to the announcement by saying: "Oh ok."
the deleted it for some reason. SKURRED.
brycechaha [17:13]
mercutioi did a/b testing with ogg vorbis, wav, and mp3 in 2001 [17:14]
m0undshttps://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/607982271321116672 [17:14]
BryceBotTWITTER: Apple Music. Delivering you the best of U2 whether you want it or not (Mon Jun 08 18:47:23 +0000 2015, retweeted 173 times) [17:14]
mercutiomp3 128kbit was terrible back then.
but so was 320kbit mp3
m0undsi like m4a, sounds better at 224vbr than mp3, smaller file size too
so i just encode my stuff to flac and transcode flac to > m4a if i want lossy for whatever reason
mercutioit's complicated though, as 320kbit was doing a noticable degredation that wasn't too impacting
but was easy to notice in a/b testing.
this is blind a/b
i also did blind a/b with two sound cards
m0undsyea, i used some plugin for foobar to a/b m4a vs mp3 [17:15]
mercutiohave you tried ogg vorbis?
i couldn't ab ogg vorbis at ~192kbit
against wav.
m0undsi stick to m4a or mp3 because mroe devices support those natively [17:16]
yeah i don't care nearly as much as i did when i was younger.
it was partially because my flatmate had a soundblaster live that i was adament sounded bad with sp/dif output
m0undsi ended up getting a usb dac and headphone amp for my pc, i like it a lot [17:17]
mercutioand he was like it's digital, it shouldn't sound any different.
and so we ab'ed it against my cmi8738.
m0undsi have the first gen version of http://schiit.com/products/magni-2 and http://schiit.com/products/modi-2 [17:17]
mercutioand yeah it was easy to spot, even when running a long sp/dif cable from my sound card.
sound blaster live used to go digital -> analogue -> digital
and resample to 48k
i have a music fidelity x-dac.
a bit old now.
erk hangon
it may have been x-24k
i think
yeah x-24k, and i haven't used it for a while
i should switch back to it, i was evaluating cheap chinese dac's :/

i wonder how much they're going for now
m0undsi've heard good things about some of fiio's stuff
i think they're chinese
could be wrong
brycecFiio and Schiit are well regarded
Creative have a spotty history, but I'm happy with my E5
mercutiowhen i first was into audio i was all about what sounded good to me.
and it was much harder to find information etc.
and products locally..
but basically by using a good dac and a computer, i could have great sound quality on par with expensive cd players etc.
now all computers seem to have built in sp/dif etc, and good audio quality seems to be by default.
and i kind of realised that listening to music too intensely just makes you look for issues, rather than get into the groove of it
and you can never be satisfied, something twice as good might sound a little better, but that doesn't mean you need to spend more money..
and now i'm using a cheap $10 or $20 ebay chinese dac powered off usb ..
and the only real issue is that it makes a loud noise when turning on/off
what i'd like is a dac that can take two audio inputs and mix them to one pair of stereo speakers.
so i can play music in linux or windows; atm i'm just running linux through my monitor for pidgin.
brycecheh, I do that with my E5. USB DAC takes audio from Linux, SP/DIF line-in takes audio from my Windows desktop, and Bluetooth takes audio from my phone and it all plays out my headphones. (plus it also has a stereo mic)
(it has all sorts of features!)
mercutioso you're recording from sp/dif input?
maybe my audigy does sp/dif input
grodyneat.. i have beagleboards providing me audio in the flat [17:47]
mercutiousb is kind of nifty. i'm using a usb mic now, after giving up trying to get semi-decent microphone quality with analogue [17:47]
grodycan walk around and have my music on my phone come with [17:47]
mercutioheh i'd like to be able to walk around and have music and phone calls nicely wherever i go
i can walk around my room nad talk on mic fine.
grodystill working on the phone calls one... not keen on planting mics all around the place though [17:48]
mercutiothe echo cancelling seems to work fine with speakers and mic with skype
well i mostly just want my kitchen and main room
grodytoilet and study for me :D [17:48]
mercutioi'm quite impressed with this microphone
for music or phone calls?
grodymusic... i've made a point of not doing the other on the phone [17:49]
mercutioi hate it when you're on a phone call and want to go to the toilet [17:49]
grodyeverything echoes [17:49]
mercutioand you're like "can i get away with it?" [17:49]
trying to pee up the side of the pan.... pleeeease dont answer
i've started shifting to speaker phone mode much more now
it's quite freeing.
it's especially good if you're typing as you talk.
but i find the biggest problem is when people talk quietly it's harder to hear them
with a normal headset it's easier to listen hard, but with speakers there's background noise too.
brycecAll mixing is done on the device itself. No specific recording being done, no tromboning. 17:43:39 mercutio | so you're recording from sp/dif input? [17:53]
so your dac can mix
damn i never found one t hat could, and i looked :)
you must have better google foo than i
brycecheh, it's not an advertised feature, nor one I was specifically looking for
Just noticed it one day...
mercutioahh [18:08]
grodythis is probably a stupid qiuestion, so feel free to give a stupid answer.. but us there any potential issues on type of encryptions that can be used on tunnels between here and my ARP VPS? [18:11]
mercutioshouldn't be
if you're using udp tunneling you're rate limited to 5 megabit by default
unless you put in ticket request to get it removed
Only apples to non-OpenVPN/1194 traffic
so OpenVPN on the default port is fine.
mercutioahh ok i didn't realise that
i thought it was blanket
grodyhm [18:15]
mercutioi had mine removed [18:16]
grodyL2TP/IPSEC would be rate limited then [18:16]
oh ipsec might not be
l2tp would be.
doesn't ipsec create another protocol
i forget how it works
grodyL2TP wrapped up in IPSec iirc [18:17]
mercutioare you doing l2tp/ipsec? [18:17]
grodystill contemplating openvpn or l2tp/ipsec [18:18]
mercutioyou can always test to see if it goes more than 5 megabit
l2tp/ipsec is better if you want to connect from phones etc.
openvpn is easier to setup if you just want a simple vpn for linux
grodysite-to-site [18:18]
mercutiosite to site openvpn is pretty simple [18:19]
grodyopenvpn was a pita last time i tried s2s [18:19]
how so?
grodysimple things confuse me [18:19]
mercutioi don't think people call l2tp/ipsec simple
i've only ever heard of myself saying l2tp it simple.
and that's without ipsec :)
grodyits the pushing of all of the routes in the client (it can be a headache).. with the L2TP/IPSec, pfSense will show it up as a configurable adapter and end up being treated like any NIC [18:20]
mercutiook [18:20]
grodyopenvpn is all psuedo and needs server/client matches [18:20]
mercutiojust go with l2tp/ipsec if pfsense makes it simple [18:20]
grodyl2tp is yea.. setting up the ipsec is the hard part [18:20]
mercutioi use l2tp with mpd, which is probably what pfsense uses. [18:20]
grodyyea [18:21]
mercutioif you use radius you can just send a framed route stanza.
it may have some way withotu radius too.
there's an alternative grody
you can just run bgp or ospf across your tunnel
ospf would have to be in p2p mode
grodyyea everything i do atm keeps pointing be back at quagga [18:23]
mercutiowhich means if you ever want to get fancy and have more than one tunnel going out different routes you can fail over the routes.
you can do the same with more specific route as wlel though
i use bird :)
but quagga should work too
actually on freebsd i use openbgpd
whichseems a little unstable
but yeah there are a few choices
grodywould ospf/etc work over a GRE?
just realised the L2TP in this is session only, no actually L2 tunneling
ospf can do peer to peer ormulticast.
.......................... (idle for 2h6mn)
mnathani_how can routers that are behind site to site vpns become ospf neighbours?
ospf router 1 <> VPN Router 1 <> Internet cloud<> VPN Router 2 <> OSPF ROuter 2
mercutioby running ospf over a p2p tunnel [20:42]
mnathani_funny, you guys were just talking about ospf and GRE a few hours ago [20:43]
mercutioit was l2tp not gre
but yeah same diff
............ (idle for 57mn)
mnathani_brycec: whats an E5 ? [21:41]
@google E5 [21:46]
BryceBot13,300,000 total results returned for 'E5', here's 3
E5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E5) E5, E05 or E-5 may refer to: E5 (EP), an album by Ivy Queen; E5 fuel, a mixture of 5% ethanol and 95% gasoline; E5 National Highway, a National Highways of ...
Samsung Galaxy E5 - Full phone specifications (http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_e5-6906.php) Samsung Galaxy E5 Android smartphone. Announced 2015, January. Features 3G, 5.0″ Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 8 MP camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, ...
Xeon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xeon) 7.1 E3-12xx-series "Sandy Bridge"; 7.2 E3-12xx v2-series "Ivy Bridge"; 7.3 E5- 14xx/24xx series "Sandy Bridge-EN" and E5-16xx/26xx/46xx-series "Sandy ...
mnathani_Smartphone? [21:46]
brycecCreative E5
(I thought it was clear in the context - had mentioned it by its full name at the time)
er, the discussion had been about Creative hardware immediately preceding.
BryceBotAmazon: "Creative Sound Blaster E5 High-Resolution USB DAC 600 ohm Headphone Amplifier with Bluetooth" [21:48]
mercutioyeah i'd never heard of it before, but it still made sense to me [21:49]
mnathani_I use one of these for my audio needs: http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-CA-9011124-EU-Gaming-Headset/dp/B00F0IZQQ0/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1433825437&sr=8-13&keywords=corsair+usb+headset [21:52]
BryceBotAmazon: "Corsair Vengeance 1500 CA-9011124-EU Dolby 7.1 USB Gaming Headset" [21:52]
..... (idle for 21mn)
mercutioi haev a headset too, and i can't wear it for more than an hour
speakers+mic is much more comfortable
brycecAgreed. A very comfy pair of headphones + the nice mics in my Creative E5 makes "speakerphone" fantastic. (Except for it picking up my keyboard typing.) [22:27]
mercutioheh my keyboard typing gets picked up too
my keyboard i'm finding a lot noiser than i remember it being.
i do think my typo rate went down though.
brycecThe "problems" of having a mechanical keyboard and sensitive microphones. I just get good at muting myself anyways, or not typing, or typing very softly (they're smooth linear switches so no click at least, just the basic sound as the key hits the bottom) [22:29]
mercutioyeah this is blue and you have to press quite hard.
well compared to red.
it seems more so at least.
brycecI'm typing on blacks :D
(so I know about force)
(but not about "click")
mercutioyeah i think the hardest i have is brown [22:31]
brycecI know my typing's improved with it. They keys are properly spaced, they all move smoothly in the same direction, etc. My prior Logitech keyboard was nice but the keys annoyed the heck out of me, never quite smooth and frequently jamming. [22:31]
mercutioi find i bump left ctrl sometimes. [22:31]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [22:31]
mercutioand that's been better with blue than red.
it probably means i'm sitting too low :)
actually i think it means the desk is too high
brycecI've come to learn the importance of proper chair height and typing [22:32]
mercutioi should figure out how to adjust my desk height
i'm pretty sure it's doable.
red 45, black 60, blue 50
apparently browns are just as hard to press as red
so red is hardly lighter than blue, but feels considerably lighter, hmm..
brycecIt would be nice if my desk were a bit higher, but it's not quite easy. It has 5 legs that I'd have to shove something under. Or there are some kits out there.
Which would be awesome - electric raise and lower
mercutioyeah i was wondering about sticking something under my chair to fix
i've love it if my desk coudl go up and down by itself
brycecThese get pretty expensive http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/categories/departments/workspaces/18962/ [22:37]
mercutioi'd kind of like to tilt my desk
but there's stuff on it :)
bryceclol [22:37]
mercutioactually what would be cool is a desk that half tilts
like you have somewhre for coffee etc that doesn't tilt
and the back can tilt up a bit
brycecWhy do you want the desk to tilt? [22:37]
i dunno i like looking up at things.
and i'd rather not have a monitor standing really tall up
with nothing beside it
brycecNot sure I can envision what you're describing [22:39]
mercutioso the desk goes liek -/
with some break aways for monitor etc.
maybe some trays in the / bit etc.
kind of like the difference between round rooms and square rooms
square is more pratical but round looks cooler
brycecI'd argue that round is more efficient. Square leaves relatively unusable space in the form of the back corner. [22:42]
mercutiousually round is made from the square shape though
so it can't be bigger than the square it was from
brycecA round desk has uniform depth. A square desk and room does not have uniform depth... [22:44]
mercutiooh i was thinking square room
thie desk being deep really helps me
it makes it feel a lot bigger
brycecEverything on my desk ends up wrapping around anyways.Any extra space just gets covered with "clutter" [22:48]
i have multiple desks.
and i still have clutter.
brycecOh for sure it doesn't solve things. But the less space there is, the more I'm forced to put things away somewhere else... perhaps a drawer of clutter. But at least everything looks tidy. [22:52]
mercutioahh my problem is i have too much stuff.
and no garage
brycecsame. [22:53]
............. (idle for 1h2mn)
***NiTe has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [23:55]

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