nice new site! @weather -v yyz Toronto-Pearson International, Ontario: Scattered Clouds 63°F (17°C), Humidity: 59%, Wind: From the SSE at 9 MPH, Pressure: 30.19inHg (1022mb) and falling, Dewpoint: 48°F (9°C), Visibility: 15Mi (24km), UV index: 8, Sunrise 05:39, Sunset: 20:53, Lunar phase: Full moon Tuesday: Clear 64°F/47°F (18°C/8°C) | Wednesday: Clear 69°F/50°F (21°C/10°C) | Thursday: Clear 76°F/57°F (24°C/14°C) | Friday: Mostly Cloudy 78°F/55°F (26°C/13°C) The average high for this date is 67°F (19°C), and the record of 85°F (29°C) was set in 2014. The average low is 49°F (9°C), and the record of 46°F (7°C) was set in 1998 winter is coming actually shouldn't winter be leaving for you? qbit: thanks! mnathani_: thanks! for spotting that Starting on June 27, Google Calendar will no longer send SMS notifications. which sucks np up_the_irons mnathani_: Unless you're a paying GApps customer I was amused by their justification, essentially "everybody has smartphones now so we don't need to send SMS anymore" \o/ i had an issue w/google sending me sms about a meeting i deleted a year ago it was amusing and annoying at the same time recurring meeting, happened every 2 weeks damn m0unds that sonuds rather annoying yea, it took forever for them to figure out what happened. the event wasn't showing up in the calendar, but was still present somewhere else so i read about comcast giving their customers $5 today due to dns outage. how does comcast manage to have such a big dns outage? who knows not impacted myself because i don't use their resolvers and how many people will care either way about a $5 service credit. didn't google public dns have an outage or something recently? remembered seeing something about it on nanog or somewhere google dns is kind of unreliable but a lot of their outages are limited in area. and short. umm, comcast outage impacted SFO area and SEA area probably not /that/ many subs without svc Plus, you know, nobody is paying "for" Google DNS :P Comcast on the other hand... yeah a friend was mentioning how bad he was finding comcast. well, nobody pays comcast for dns either but he could still skype it's value added or something tell him to try out centurylink for perspective haha It's inherent in being an ISP when you hand out that IP as part of your services don't think he has any other options. he's in santa clara. i'd imagine he has an ILEC he could use which apparently is not very well serviced for residential users. even though it's basically silicon valley. Except it was built before SV was SV... i think he can use at&t as well. true. he dropped speeds from 105 megabit to 25 megabit i think. it speed tests at 30 megabit, but it seems to struggle really easily. my theory was that there's either weird cable congestion in his location or there's just really bad buffering/queuing. speedtest servers on the west coast are regularly awfully congested yeah but he said that playing a youtube video would screw up voip calls. sounds like he needs qos or something to prioritize voice maybe on download is hard i do it despite having 50mbit service here on comcast? not that hard, just don't permit stuff to use 100% of your pipe yep yeah i was suggesting he could do that. how well does it work when you don't control the other end? i clamp at 85% down and 80% up it's fine cool. i use fq_codel myself. and i get like 1 msec higher pings when going hard. i've done it for years, did it when i could only get 7mbit DSL the buffer bloat is real :( you want some kind of fair queuing too policing sucks too i thought he should just get the 150/20 service. having high upload speed is nice for remote backups etc too :/ funny, facebook is testing pgp support for notification emails I anticipate "Ugh what's this funny text/attachment? I must've been haxxed!" well, if you have a pubkey and don't know what it is...find something clever to do to yourself because you have to submit it to facebook, decrypt the resultant message from them and then approve the whole thing before it will do it (i reactivated my acct just to try it) pgp signing emails seems like a nice thing to do but encrypting with pgp seems silly to me for things like web site notifications. the downgrade attacks on smtp need to be fixed. there should be able to be something in dns saying always use TLS or such facebook is on tor wow m0unds: Ahhh so it's encrypted, not just signed, and requires opt-in. Interesting. yeah still hate facebook, but it's neat they decided to roll that out yeah in spite of not liking a lot of things about facebook they do seem to have quite a few technical people doing interesting thing. they used to post interesting stuff on their engineering blog. dunno if they still do. facebook is probably the slowest popular web site around here though In other interesting news i miss donuts that looks healthy If by "healthy" you mean "american" then yes heh i wonder how far opencomute got err opencompute Microsoft announced today they will begin contributing to the OpenSSH project, as well as enabling PowerShell to be a native SSH client. this sounds like fun Micosoft vs Theo DeRaadt s/icrosoft/oney/ | s/ T.*/ Open Wallet/ Money announced today they will begin contributing to the OpenSSH project, as well as enabling PowerShell to be a native SSH client. s/icosoft/oney/ | s/ T.*/ Open Wallet/ Money vs Open Wallet oh i thought they meant contributing code not money hardly anyone funds openssh I dunno, it might be both yeah i will be keen to see how this goes :) But I can't help but feel that Microsoft's best move is to step back, consume, and fund. they need to add some stuff to make it work on windows i imagine.. and openssh on openbsd won't even support aesni because they want better security. OpenSSH already compiles/runs on Windows fine (see Cygwin). It's a matter of integrating it into PSH... it's not like they're "open minded", it's vey much security/right first. ahh ok. but i'd think they'd want native rather than cygwin It is native (well, mingw IIRC) btw, MSFT already flubbed up hilariously TWITTER: @canadianbryan @damienmiller we sent mail last week to the alias ...subject: OpenSSH on Windows (Tue Jun 02 23:35:20 +0000 2015, in reply to @canadianbryan) That's a read-only list "The Linux/Unix port of OpenSSH has a read-only mailing list" (the replied-to tweet TWITTER: .@ANGELCALVOS That's great, but according to @damienmiller and other OpenBSD developers, you never even reached out to before going public. (Tue Jun 02 23:01:16 +0000 2015, in reply to @ANGELCALVOS, retweeted 1 times) haha mindrot i mean seriously who emails something that says mindrot about something official i mean i think mindrot is as good as any other mailing list viewer. nevermind that they would have had to read past the blurb about it being a read-only list to get the announce list address buut it's obviously something not to be taken too seriously. oh this was discussed earlier in devious? i missed it because it said twitter and i stopped paying attention. Yeah not longer ago *long wtf is with me... i have internal filter :) it doesn't help that it says TWITTER and then has a really long line.. I swear that between my brain and fingers is speech recognition, and it's not great... yeah it's kind of like that for me too except it's half-sounded. appparently there's like three ways to read, which i suppose is related, fully verbalising, half-verbalising, and something else. the something else is what happens when skim reading i think and if you switch from half-verbal to full-verbal you can be more precise. first time installing arch on bare metal (lenovo laptop) all is going well except I cant get into kde startx > xf869OpenConsole: Cannot open virtual console 1 (Permission denied) am probably missing some little step using lightdm? i don't remember ever hitting that oh using startx just use lightdm it'll run as root and setuid itself to lightdm uusername I installed lightdm systemctl start lightdm Basically looks like a permissions issue Check that you have group=tty running x as root is working bad practice my user should be in the tty group? mnathani_: check that /dev/tty1 is owned by you Should be $user:tty (I have no idea what's response for creating /dev/tty1 these days, but I'd suspect either you logged in as root and su'd, or systemd got a bit funky) *responsible su logged out and logged in as regular user and its working now heh protip: Don't mess up permissions :p sudo pacman -Syu there is nothing to do all up to date which seems odd Why is that odd? sudo pacman -S plasma-meta Download size 0 Gist: "" gnome terminal error fixed a locale issue