[06:15] what did i mess up this time? [06:18] oh right yea lol [06:18] typing in the dark again :P [09:24] channel has been quiet.... yeah, a little *too* quiet. [09:49] dun dun dunnnn [11:05] * JC_Denton yawns [11:05] i should upgrade more of my debian hosts from wheezy to jessie [13:55] anyone know how to get daily email updates of the top trending hashtags on twitter [15:07] is there an RSS feed of that? [15:07] rss2email would work in that case if there was [15:08] or ifttt.com [17:42] *** jcv has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [20:29] Hi [20:41] Hi [20:41] This is the world's slowest-moving conversation. :) [21:08] *** meingtsla has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [21:13] *** meingtsla has joined #arpnetworks [21:29] Hi [21:40] pie [21:52] word up [21:52] sup [23:25] @google arpnetworks irclogger [23:25] Searching for 'arp networks irc logger' instead. [23:25] 1,140 total results returned for 'arp networks irc logger', here's 3 [23:25] #arpnetworks irc log (http://irclogger.arpnetworks.com/irclogger_logs/arpnetworks) #arpnetworks irc log. ↑back Search. Files are stored in raw text in MIRC format by irclogger. Public logs. 2015-05-20, Wed (11 lines) (alternate forms: raw text, ... [23:25] Internet Relay Chat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat) As of April 2011, the top 100 IRC networks served more than half a million users at a time, with hundreds of thousands of channels operating on a total of roughly  ... [23:25] Debian -- Software Packages in "squeeze", Subsection net (https://packages.debian.org/squeeze/net/) ... changes in ethernet networks; arping (2.09-2): sends IP and/or ARP pings (to ...... network daemon; nadoka (0.7.2-1): IRC logger, monitor and proxy program ... [23:26] mnathani_: isn't it linked in the /topic ? [23:38] I was curious what the 2nd and third links would be [23:39] lol [23:42] @google coresite any2 ixp arpnetworks [23:42] Searching for 'coresite any2 ix arp networks' instead. [23:42] 11 total results returned for 'coresite any2 ix arp networks', here's 3 [23:42] Interconnection – Any2 Participants | CoreSite (http://www.coresite.com/solutions/interconnection/peering-exchanges/any2/any2-peering-participants) Any2 regional exchanges. Networks at 55 S. Market (San Jose) ... [23:42] IXP: CoreSite - Any2 Los Angeles - Euro-IX (https://www.euro-ix.net/ixps/52-CoreSite%20-%20Any2%20Los%20Angeles) IXP: CoreSite - Any2 Los Angeles. General info; Profile; Network; Services; Pricing; Tree; ASN Database. General info. Logo. Location: Los Angeles, United  ... [23:42] Peering Exchanges: The Open Internet Exchange | CoreSite (http://www.coresite.com/solutions/interconnection/peering-exchanges) Connect directly to other networks and cut costs, reduce latency and improve redundancy. ... The CoreSite Any2 Exchange® for Internet peering uses stable, fast and ... Additionally, CoreSite partners with top Internet Exchanges — AMS-IX,  ... [23:48] i wonder how the ams-ix linking thing works. [23:56] cross connect [23:57] fiber across the pond :-)