ohhh new website cables and servers! must be srs business testimonials too And those are really ARP's cables and servers, no less. Not just crappy stockphotos. they're very high quality pictures i'm thinking the image quality should probably be dropped a little, but i'm not sure by how much. it's fast for me - but the main page is 4.5MB big. i kind of wish users could decide on image quality more. like that's probably find on 20 megabit+ internet, but probably a bit too sow on 10 megabit and lower and i suuspect with the "asia optimized routes" that there are some asia users. but at least the page doesn't pause while loading the big images. wow apparently the biggest storm on erath is happening atm oh maybe that means at the moment rather than history :) i wonder what it'd be like if it was closer. Typically "smart" sites will pick an image based on the user's resolution. (eg. Apple has shown off their retina displays on their website) hmm resolution isn't really a good test though Not for bandwidth, no like 1080p and 4k both want good quality images if you have plenty of bandwidth the web site looks relaly nice in 4k :) but like you can have 4k with low bandwidth too so yeah some kind of general quality setting would be nice so like when using 3g youu may set it to low and with fast net you set to high and normal users set to medium although it's a bit hard to test - as it's initial page that can be slower It would probably simpler to lookup the IP and determine whether the connection is 3g, dsl, etc. that wouuld't work very well in asia, and with quite a few providers that don't show connection type in reverse lookup. i wonder if any cdn's do anything automatica. as they could map users connection speeds through repeated access i imagine. mercutio: it may not be in the rDNS but I suspect the ISPs sell that data to geoip databases ahh ok still i'd prefer a browser setting there is actuually a quality setting That's what she said!! you just can't set it (geoip databases have much more than just location. and ISPs like making extra money) https://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip2-connection-type-database ahh Precisely still it's expensive For individuals, definitely. I wonder if any shared hosting providers buy a site license for their customers fever isn't cutting it for me anymore. Whats the go to web based rss reader folks use these days? (I still miss Google Reader) rss2email for me