brycec: links should be fixed now I hate apple the progress bar in the app store disappears if you look at it for more than 10 seconds I was about to write a rant about how they must consider everyone has stupid gigabit Internet because there was no progress bar and seemingly no way to tell that it was downloading other than running tcpdump but it turns out it just disappears lolol progress bars used to be shockingly bad in general now days they seem to do "activity" bars instead of progress so it'll go to the end and back again and to the end, just to show you it's doing something it's kind of frustrating when a progress bar reaches 99% when it's half way done. it's quite a complicated problem i suppose like if you are extracting files, and there's heaps of big files at the start, then lots of small ones at the end, then the end may be slower than the start. and if you have some kind of write cache it may be that you can burst write the first stuff, but then have to go to disk etc. chrome's app store is in the "activity" category. and it doesn't even tell you how fast it's going, just how many mb it's done, which seems to be less than 1/sec