Anyone else lose connectivity to kvr19 for a bit?
does arp use qemu?
and if so, are we affected by Venom?
Yes and yes
I presume the guys in charge are on it?
I just got a notice from Elastichosts that I have to stop/start my box
Yes up_the_irons is aware and said he'll be patching and rebooting VMs
ok... one box down. :)
RandalSchwartz: Oh is up_the_irons already rebooting VM's?
No... this was at elastichosts
I wonder what digitalocean uses
they released an advisory about it
some of their boxes weren't affected, the ones that were are being patched or something to that effect
Ahh, thanks
there's actually no known exploit for this yet
I wonder if the wosign "free" certs can be cracked by the chinese government
as long as your dont share your private key :)
Ahh... right. you don't give them everything to be you.
but I wonder if the cert chain might allow them to fake on the fly
like some deep-inspection hotspots I've been on
That's what she said!!
your browser either trusts the CA or it doesnt, up to you
i'm sure all nations have some sort of backdoor/frontdoor into a root CA up their sleeves but would not use them much as it wouldnt be easily detectable
well .. this particular hotspot clearly intercepts https because all my mac apps bitch wildly
so I just fire up openvpn, and all done. :)
"deep inspect *this*, guys"
That's what she said!!
curious, looking over the messy arrangement of my virtual desktops and find a shell logged into my ARP.. that was initiated 16 days ago
i did wonder where that other user was, can get really annoying rebuilding a host
really should use tmux more
tmux rocks
will never return to screen
swore by screen
i only used to use screen because -U allowed UTF over a freebsd terminal.. but tmux seems to do it out of the box now
now swear at screen
haha i always swore at screen :)
buit i still used it
yeah I have -> ssh -> tmux -> emacs -> shell-mode
with a full utf-8 path
how do you verify utf?
what do you see?
that utf is working
like is there some easy program to show utf characters.
I see you have a heart on
in the mac, it's a "special characters... " usually under edit.
tbh i haven't really tested other than via irssi and my stupid alias sets
but some ncurses stuff uses utf and it goes all blocky
hmm proverbs in the amharic language arne't showing for me
they're not showing in chrome either
ok this isn't working :)
ff seems to work, but i am using ff on linsux
will check the fbsd...
that seems to work too
ahh, but i see more dominoes on the fbsd
hmm it's cos LANG wasn't set
the new syscons on freebsd is meant to support utf out of the box too, it does work for the most part
it also lets me run the cli at native resolutions too, which is always nice
cons25 is a total no go without screen -U
hah.. nice.. ♥ those currency conversions
even with foreign currency fee, my ARP only cost me 13.04 last month :D
cheaper (by quite a bit in fact) than any EU provider for same specs (and no bs as standard)
even when i was reselling, i was being wholsaled at 13.99
what i ♥ most is the fact i dont have to constanstly check up on my ARP
on which note, i need a beer, bath & bed
a beer bath?
i'd hop into one!
think i need to get a new boiler, this one is seriously paking the tiss
i think it's some english thing
maybe coal burner?
or hot water tank?
maybe :)
yea, that's what i was thinking (hot water tank)
i was thinking fire of some kind :)
well.. hot water tanks have fire
not normally :)
it's usually electric
at least here
gas is pretty common in the US
I prefer gas
natural gas
yea, same here
doesn't gas cause explosions?
it can
i thought gas was bad because of the hurricances in the US?
and electrical stuff can catch fire
pick your poison
hurricanes even
realize that there's a whole lot of US not anywhere near hurricane territory
no hurricanes outside south and east
oh right
they do cover a lot of distance
but the size is quite big compared to what i'm used to :)
yea, my state is approximately the same land area as new zealand
that's small
california is way bigger than new zealand
it sure is
NM is the 5th largest in the US
yeah - more of all of new england
california is bigger than middle earth
we've been getting little tornados here recently
california is less than twice the size of new zealnd
that surprised me :)
hmm and new zealand is bigger than florida
which is one of the places that doesn't have gas
so how does gas go in an earthquake?
oh there's special cut off valves apparently
hot water tank
grody: is it gas, or coal, or electric?
usually a gas boiler (inline heater), which im going to have installed
electric atm
it plays havock on the bill too, gas one would be much cheaper
FL is weird
wow, so russia apparently pipes hot water around the country
that's very russian
and you can't control the temperature
sounds odd, isn't it mostly cold there?#
m0unds: florida seems like the closest match to nz in some ways
because it's got water on both sides of the state
i think some of california does too?
buut not neearly as much of it
umm, baha i guess
baha. lol
more similar levels of wetness etc
baja isn't California though, that's part of Mexico.
(Sheesh does nobody learn their Mexican states? >.>)
uh... not really
upper baja was in fact california
lower baja is the peninsula
the mexicans have good claim all the way up to san jose area
No part of California has a major body of water on anywhere but the western border.
that's also true
Cali stops at Tijuana. The whole baja is Mexico.
baja norte extends to san jose
You and I have different definitions of baja apparently
I'm going based on the historical truths, before the mexicans were forced out
I'm going with *current* geographical boundaries.
yeah - after we forced them
RandalSchwartz: shows Baja Norte going only as far as Tijuana
sure, that's what the revisionists will say
notice the .uk there
give me a url with .mx :)
heh... in spanish
now I have to translate. :)
You live in California and you don't speak Spanish? Now that's really weird :P
(You did ask for a .mx)
I do not live in california
I live in Oregon
oh my bad then
s/California/the USA
You live in the USA and you don't speak Spanish? Now that's really weird :P
and I'm slowly learning spanish
but not fast enough
upgrading freebsd 8.4 to 9.3 for $client
hm...i need to upgrade too
yeah 8.4 is EOLed next month
thankfully my client let me experiment with him
so then I can take mine forward sometime in the past next weeks
if tonight his main machine goes 8.4 to 9.3, I'll be confident of taking mine foward.
wooo... got pings after my reboot to the 9.3 kernel
I may be done ahead of schedule :)
Okay! twss! 'I may be done ahead of schedule :)'
yeah, everything just worked
just telling up_the_irons that he is not needed tonight