#arpnetworks 2015-05-07,Thu

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***hoggworm_ is now known as s10g [06:26]
................. (idle for 1h20mn)
RandalSchwartzif I've been compiling -RELEASE from source, but making absolutely no local patches, is it safe to switch to binary updating? [07:46]
mhoranI've done it. The handbook and forums say not to, but I've never had a problem. [07:57]
.................................................................................................... (idle for 8h19mn)
mercutiohmm, so not only did the singapore pm write some code, but he published it under MIT license. [16:16]
............... (idle for 1h14mn)
jbergstroemup_the_irons: so when are you switching to bhyve for virtualisation? :) keepin' it 0day [17:30]
up_the_ironsLOL [17:36]
mercutiohas anyone properly tried bhyve yet? [17:36]
staticsafehrm Cogent is not seeing the ARP Networks announce yet [17:37]
mercutiocould be route filters. [17:37]
up_the_ironssomehow i'm not surprised [17:39]
mercutiofwiw i can see your route fine from nz :)
but it's going via any2ix..
hmm ntt goes somewehre completely different.
to europe?
is your old host in europe?

hmm that gives a ssl warning
ok ntt is showing "import suspect"
Origin-AS validity: not-found
up_the_ironsi wonder if that's IRR related [17:46]
staticsafehmm [17:46]
mercutioyeah it will be [17:46]
staticsafehow does NTT check that? [17:46]
mercutioit's also learning it from AS3257 [17:46]
staticsafemy IRR entries should be correct for [17:46]
mercutioyou have to register records of as origin, it's a protection mechanism. [17:47]
up_the_ironsand i think NTT may not have updated their filters yet for; i get the diffs only like once a day
forgot if i saw that block in there yet
staticsafehmm [17:50]
mercutioi wonder if level3 is working
yeah level3 is working, except it keepson saying AS3257
level3 is learning it from trit too
...... (idle for 29mn)
staticsafeup_the_irons: the v6 peering endpoint is the gateway as well right? [18:22]
mercutioyeah static
mercutio realises it wasn't directed at him :)
staticsafehrm getting Connection refused on that one [18:23]
i have too many shells open hah
RandalSchwartzc shells [18:30]
mercutio% ps uaxw | grep zsh | wc -l
RandalSchwartzit's like a beach! [18:34]
mercutioi need to fix up my shell naming
i misplace tabs and have to go through so many
.... (idle for 18mn)
staticsafestaticsafe shakes fist at Cogent [19:03]
....... (idle for 33mn)
mercutioi think it's upstream of cogent it's being stopped.
as much as it's nice to blame cogent
staticsafeprobably yeah [19:44]
mercutiothere was some delay when i first did bgp from memory [19:45]
staticsafemercutio: you think adding a aut-num object into the IRR will help? [19:52]
mercutioNTTCOM updates filters daily at 0000 UTC. Route objects submitted prior to 0000 UTC are included in this daily ACL build and are usually active on the network around 0600 UTC. [19:55]
staticsafe:o [19:56]
mercutioi dunno if it was by 0000 UTC or not
i'm thinking it probably was
whois -h whois.bgpmon.net
i found this and seen by #peers is /way/ lower than looking up other ip's
like arp is 232 number of peers you're #15
mnathani_bgpmon probably takes a while to update [20:09]
mercutioyeah maybe
it's a hgue diff though, most are saying like 230
mnathani_first seen 7th May, which is still today [20:10]
mercutio+/- 10
hmm there's roa validation
nothing else has had that yet :)
ntt doesn't see many route objects
but it doesn't for arp either
i dunno how this route object stuff works :/
like my ip address shows 7 records on rr.ntt.net
staticsafe: adding the aut-num may help
it seems common to have it
you can just do an open one like arp has?
import: from AS-ANY accept ANY
export: to AS-ANY announce AS-ARPNET
RandalSchwartztransport: near AS-ANY whisper ANY [20:41]
staticsafemercutio: added one [20:45]
.... (idle for 19mn)
mercutiooh hey it's working now static
from dallas
where it wasn't before
may have been timing related.
but that's ntt route working
hazardoushaha, what [21:04]
mercutiothen another ntt host isn't working :/ [21:04]
hazardousbitly is automatically adding their affiliate codes
to shortened urls
mercutiook hangon nlayer is working not ntt
hazard: hahahahahah
that's uhh tinet
staticsafemercutio: where are you testing from? [21:06]
mercutiostatic: vultr dallas
which uses gtt
buut gtt/tinet seem to be tied heavier than tinet/gtt<->nlayer
mnathani_14 orochi-sov-interconnect.mythic-beasts.com ( 98.887 ms 98.691 ms *
15 ( 99.743 ms 99.704 ms 99.270 ms
liquidweb > cogent
mercutioyeah cogent is still bad
it's cogent for ipv6 and not working
and ntt is still bad too.
oh i may have level3 test site
mnathani_the larger the network, the longer bgp takes to propagate? [21:09]
mercutiolevel3 is going via trit but working
well ntt say they do their updates at 6 am utc
which is about two hours from now
so level3 and ntt aren't propogating directly yet
staticsafei've been testing from Ramnode's LGs as well - http://lg.la.ramnode.com/ [21:11]
mercutiothere may be a double issue with cogent routes being shorter via the other path.
who do they uuse?
hazardousmercutio: oh man it gets better, apparently if you shorten an affiliate link, it'll get rewritten with bitly's affiliate id too
and you have to mnaulaly email them and ask to opt out that shortlink
mercutiohazardous: damn.
i hate url shortening
hazardousthat's just over the top hilarious and sad [21:12]
mercutioi think it's kind of nifty myself
i'd like to be bit.ly in this situation :)
hazardousalso link rot if any shortener dies [21:13]
mercutioi think people should just stop having 200+ character urls.
it's insane.
static: do you have a tunnel from old to new block?
BryceBot<mercutio> static: do you have a tunnel from old to new advertisement? [21:15]
staticsafehm? no tunnels are in place atm, im announcing at both because im experimenting with some ghetto anycast stuff [21:15]
mercutiooh right
so you plan to keep advertising at both?
staticsafemost likely yeah, i may be adding another location shortly [21:16]
i like anycast
it's hard to find cheap locations to do it thouugh
staticsafeindeed [21:17]
mercutiodo you know where most of your audience is? [21:18]
staticsafei was planning on using it for one of my authoritative nameservers, I get queries from all over the world but mostly NA; though i haven't taken a look at query sources in a while [21:19]
mercutiocool [21:19]
.............. (idle for 1h9mn)
jbergstroemmercutio: what do you mean by "properly" trying bhyve? I've been running all my staging vm's in it for half a year [22:28]
mercutiojbergstroem: err properly uusing it
so it's stable and works well?
i was trying to distinguish by just starting a vm to try it and seeing it seemed to work
jbergstroemmercutio: yep. i've had a few ups n downs, mainly because im on freebsd-current
but i'd say that the state in current is much improved from 10.1-release

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