#arpnetworks 2015-05-05,Tue

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***mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks [13:23]
mnathani_@weather -v yyz [13:24]
BryceBotToronto-Pearson International, Ontario: Overcast ☁ 61°F (16°C), Humidity: 52%, Wind: From the SE at 8 MPH, Pressure: 30.29inHg (1026mb) and falling, Dewpoint: 43°F (6°C), Visibility: 15Mi (24km), UV index: 2, Sunrise 06:05, Sunset: 20:25, Lunar phase: Full moon
Tuesday: Partly Cloudy 61°F/48°F (16°C/9°C) | Wednesday: Partly Cloudy 71°F/50°F (22°C/10°C) | Thursday: Partly Cloudy 76°F/56°F (24°C/13°C) | Friday: Clear 84°F/61°F (29°C/16°C)
The average high for this date is 61°F (16°C), and the record of 82°F (27°C) was set in 2000. The average low is 44°F (6°C), and the record of 26°F (-3°C) was set in 2002
.... (idle for 15mn)
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Hien has joined #arpnetworks [13:50]
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..... (idle for 22mn)
grodyhmm.. anyone else tinkering with windows 10TP?
mine is now undergoing some kind of reinstall/upgrade
@weather sou
BryceBotSouthampton International, United Kingdom: Mostly Cloudy ☁ 52°F (11°C), Humidity: 76%, Wind: From the SW at 20 MPH Gusting to 33 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=50.94987869,-1.35853004 or re-request this with: @weather -v sou [15:54]
grodyneat [15:54]
mercutiogrody: i've got windows 10tp
grody: are you on slow path?
the updates take forever.
it does this hge reinstall thing that takes over 20 minutes
grodyi've got a black screen, white text, blue disc with a percentile mark.. telling me it's installing windows
it didn't even look like this installing TP
m0undsyea, it's doing a release upgrade [16:11]
grodyahh.. just as i was about to try testing some android devel apps on it
people are shitting on 8.x as it seems some of the stuff doesn't work.. i thought what the hell
m0undson 8.x what? [16:13]
grodywindows [16:13]
m0undswhich stuff doesn't work? dev-related? [16:14]
grodyi cant get my sony semc to work in 8.1 but had flashtool working in 10, but fastboot wouldn't work [16:14]
i have the sdk on my win8 box and it works fine
grodydriver related issues i think [16:14]
m0undsyeah, sounds like it
not w/a sony device in my case though
grodyim starting to dislike sony fast
although less than samsung
m0undsbut the drivers for my phone were acquired via windows update without me doing anything
i wish they'd step up their mobile imaging game
they're supposed to be removing some of the "barriers" that existed bw mobile and camera software engineering
so i hope that means they get some of the algorithms in their cameras ported to mobile cameras
grodyyea some devices seem ok with it, but these sonys have a special flash mode outside of adb/fastboot [16:15]
m0undsthat's weird
is it like the ODIN stuff for samsung devices?
grodyS1 flash protocol or something [16:16]
m0undswhere you have to bootstrap your device flashing with some middleware thing [16:16]
grodyyea [16:17]
m0undslame [16:17]
grodyhowever ODIN dies if you dd the entire internal emmc
this S1 mode you can still flash firmware back to it if you were stupid enough to do that
seems the samsungs store EVERYTHING on the emmc, wipe it and it wont even power up anymore
not sure wtf the sonys do, but did it for wth (was a dead device anyway) and was still able to bring it into that mode :/
....... (idle for 34mn)
mnathani_was a new windows 10 tp released?
or insider preview as it is now called
..... (idle for 24mn)
mercutiomnathani_: it changed names.
i can't remember to what
ok windows 10 pro insider preview build 10074 is what i have
m0undsyea, from technical preview to insider preview (which is what the name always was for mobile)
three days in a row w/heavy thunderstorms. weird weather for here.
mercutiosounds exciting
@weather akl
BryceBotAuckland International, New Zealand: Scattered Clouds 70°F (21°C), Humidity: 68%, Wind: From the North at 15 MPH -- For more details including the forecast and almanac, see http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=-37.00805664,174.79167175 or re-request this with: @weather -v akl [17:22]
m0undsour typical summer weather is thunderstorms most afternoons [17:22]
mercutiosuch boring weather here. [17:22]
m0undsbut we usually just have really heavy wind in the spring [17:22]
mercutiowind is boring :(
i much prefer thunderstorms.
i like it when it's kind of warm and stormy
like a nice pleasant thuunderstorm with lots of exciting lightening
m0undsyea, the wind we get is usually pretty annoying [17:24]
mercutiowhere the air can feel electric :)
wind can be kind of draining
m0undsspring and late fall are the worst here [17:24]
mercutioapparently it's sub-tropical here now, so we don't have 4 seasons. [17:24]
m0unds~105km/h those times of year [17:24]
is that gust?
m0undsnah, sustained, especially in winter
late fall winter
mercutiodamn that sucks [17:25]
m0undsit sucks [17:25]
mercutioabove 60k starts getting annoying i reckon [17:25]
m0undsblows shingles of roofs like crazy
i can handle it to that point
mnathani_mercutio: are you running in a VM or on physical Hardware? [17:25]
m0undsone year, it lifted an improperly installed radio rig off a verizon wireless tower
threw it on the ground
mercutiomnathani_: running what? [17:25]
mnathani_windows 10 [17:25]
i7-3770, 32gb ram, samsung 850 pro 256gb
it still runs out of memory, bloody windows and it's memory leaks.
mnathani_any performance boost compared to Win 8? [17:26]
mercutiowell i went from windows 2008
and it boots quicker than windows 2008
performance wise minor things like opening up directories in explorer seems faster.
m0undswin8 boots pretty fast
i think my power on to desktop is like 15 seconds
mercutioboth 2k8 and 10 are on uefi
with ssd
boot speed isn't really the biggest issue with windows these days
it's still got the bloody annoying "locking up" of the uuser interface
m0undsi had to diagnose a slow boot issue, turned out teamviewer was adding almost 50 seconds to boot time [17:27]
mercutiothat os/2 had :/ [17:27]
m0undsi don't really notice any ui lock-ups [17:28]
mercutioit's really noticable when you use synergy [17:28]
m0undslike explorer hanging? [17:28]
mercutioas you're typing and it sticks down on a key [17:28]
m0undsi don't think i've ever seen that in normal use [17:28]
mercutiolike the whole os locking as you start a 3d application [17:28]
m0undsbut i don't use synergy [17:28]
mercutiolike chrome slowing the whole system to a crawl. [17:28]
m0undsmy windows pc is almost explicitly used for 3d stuff [17:28]
mercutiolike swapping between 3d app and back to windowis taking forever [17:28]
m0undsgames and whatnot [17:29]
mercutioi dunno i seem to like to hit issues :/
chrome i have to restart all of the time
m0undschrome is getting to be more and more of a POS [17:29]
mercutiomy "low" memory usage is like 6gb [17:29]
m0undsyou might try some of the chromium builds instead of mainline chrome [17:29]
mercutioright now i'm using 204.gb? [17:29]
m0undsi found they were annoying in other ways, but i had fewer perf issues [17:29]
mercutioi dunno how to read it [17:29]
this dude builds chromium for windows, but last time i checked, it's incapable of automatically updating
mercutiohttps://weallsee.net/winmem.png [17:30]
m0undsjeez, what do you have running? [17:30]
mercutiochrome [17:30]
m0undsthat's it? really? [17:31]
mercutiooh skype too
skype is using up 200mb of ram
yeah there's a few windows open in chrome
m0undshave you looked at the details tab or whatever it is in taskmgr? [17:32]
mercutioGoogle Chrome 43.0.2357.45 [17:32]
m0undsyou can add additional columns w/cached vs in use vs committed memory use [17:32]
mercutio13,540,388k 54,233k 13,594,621k 16,401,432 k 9,800,920 k
the first is private
the fourth is virtual memory private
yeah chrome is such an insane memory hog
m0undsi stopped using firefox years ago because of that
often saw it referred to as fatfox
mercutiowhat do you recommend? [17:33]
m0undsi use chrome, but i'm not a huge fan [17:33]
mercutioi mean i upgraded from 16gb of ram to 32gb
because i was running out of memory..
m0undslike i mentioned, i tried the chromium builds and those had other issues like flash not working sometimes
since they don't include pepperflash
mercutiothis is on windows though [17:34]
m0undsand sometimes other little quirks, as they're built on more recent code than the stable chrome stuff
mercutioon linux i've started to usue firefox [17:34]
m0undsthat link i sent is builds for windows and osx [17:34]
mercutiobecause chrome seems to keep breaking pages [17:34]
scroll down a little
mercutioi buuilt chrome from source once [17:35]
m0undsoh, looks like he started including flash and html av
mercutioi like the cloud sync stuff [17:35]
m0undshttp://chromium.woolyss.com/#features [17:35]
mercutioit's reall handy for going to things quickly on my cellphone [17:35]
that's the only reason i still use chrome
that and auto updates
although pushbullet can make it a little easier, you have to actively push links instead of just "having" them there
mercutiothe auto updates doesn't delete old versions
so it gets more and more bloaty
m0undsoh, yeah [17:36]
mercutioi really want some kind of sync stuff that isn't google [17:36]
m0undsxmarks sucks [17:36]
mercutiobut i am not going to develop it myself
i just don't have the ressources to
but it's getting silly being tied into google infrastructure
m0undsyep [17:37]
mercutioand someone should do open soruce versions of core android apps [17:37]
m0undsgoogle stopped maintaing a lot of AOSP stuff
which is why the "open source" argument wrt android is amusing to me
it's getting more and more closed each release
you get lower SDK API levels with full open source builds because a lot of the newer stuff is included w/google play svcs
***mnathani_ has quit IRC () [17:39]
m0undsi don't like arstechnica too much, but there was an article they posted last year or the year before about how android keeps getting more and more closed each release and how google is slowly abandoning maintenance of AOSP apps because they provide closed source alternatives on most android powered devices [17:39]
i acutally want to see development to move towards c, objective-c, d, or something
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [17:40]
mercutiothis java crap gets in the way
i've noticed people are getting more and more keen on javscript over time
i used to use links in linux to use less memory
it's really hard navigating now days in links
but something more basic seems like a good idea :)
like if 8gb is enough for web browsing easily that'd be a good goal.
***mnathani_ has joined #arpnetworks [17:44]
mercutioif a test web page took up only 64mb of ram etc.
ok so wikipedia main page takes up 83mb of ram
wow spartan takes uup 23.2mb of process ram for just showing that page
oh ther's another process using 74.4mb
so yeh
it's insane
i think facebook uses about half a gig
m0undsi don't really care about memory use that much [17:47]
mercutioi didn't for ages.
it's just that you can't uupgrade desktops to more than 32gb.
m0undsright [17:48]
mercutioand it's kind of stupid when chrome will take ilke half of that memory
also it gets slow
m0undsthis is making me want to fire up my PC and look [17:48]
mercutioand accessing a large amount of memory tends to use up more cpu too [17:48]
m0undsbecause i'm pretty sure i rarely break 12-16GB total w/normal use [17:48]
mercutioserver stuff isn't as bad as desktop stuff these days
chromium has heaps of proceses so it's harder
also things like the spdy indicator icon use 18mb of ram
mnathaniI am running 24 GB on my Windows box [17:50]
mercutio24gb is probably fine [17:50]
mnathaniand keep running into low memory
lots of chrome tabs
and vms
mercutio32gb isn't really a lot better than 16gb.
it juust delays the amount of time betwween it running out of ram
ahh i'm not doing any vm's.
mnathaniare memory leaks hard to fix?
by the vendors
mercutiotbh, i only stuck the ram in here because windows was rnuning out of ram and saying it had to shut down something
it depends, in code like chrome probably yes.
mnathanichrome is still way faster than IE or Opera or Firefox [17:52]
m0undsFWIW, workstation boards support up to 64 or 128GB of RAM
socket 2011
mercutiouusually when its' hard is if you have multiple things accesing something, and it doesn't get rid of it when it's no longer needed
firefox used to lock up when web pages were buusy
at least chrome's lockups don't have as much impact
m0undsit has a single thread for rendering and loading iirc
it only containerizes plugins
there's been some ongoing effort to make it a multiprocess browser so it'll have dedicated ui and rendering threads so it doesn't hang up
mnathanichrome uses different processes for each tab, correct? [17:53]
m0undsbut that's been ongoing since like 2008
so does IE
mercutiothe thing is, i do notice that people often have slow chrome issuues with <= 8gb ram [17:53]
m0undsIE has since before chrome was released [17:53]
mercutioand not everyone knows that ram is cheap and you can juust get another 16gb.
and some desktop boards only have two slots.
mnathaniare you guys browsing a lot of video based sites? [17:54]
mercutiomnathani: evrey site has videos now
they juust pause them sometimes
m0undsnah [17:54]
mercutiolike news sites all have videos
facebook has videos
m0undsi use ghostery to suppress stuff on news sites
and suppress things like discus (don't care about comments) and livefyre
mercutiothe local news site here has these auto play in 5 second videos
you have to click don't play
it's bloody annoying
m0undsghostery typically just blocks those players from loading [17:55]
mercutiobecause it doesn't rmeember don't play for future videos [17:55]
m0undsshows a placeholder that lets you load it if you want it [17:55]
the thing is every pluugin slows chrome down too :/
m0undsi configure it to block everything and whitelist stuff i know i want like spotify's embeddable player, or soundcloud
well, it's sort of a tradeoff
i'd rather not be bothered w/idiots' comments on every article or autoplay videos everywhere
and only see that stuff when i want to
and the trade off is that it's another plugin but it also loads less shit on every site
mercutioheh [17:56]
m0undshttps://www.ghostery.com/en/ i like it quite a lot [17:57]
mercutiofwiw i restarted my browser after seeing such high memory use [17:57]
m0undshave you tried opera since they rebased on chromium? [18:02]
mercutioyeah it was terrible
it may be better now
m0undsi used to use opera a lot back when they were working on kraken and presto
i didn't like that i couldn't tell it to use a custom search engine
mercutiohmm wehre's update [18:03]
m0undsit just wanted me to use google, bing, ask or yahoo [18:03]
mercutioi can hardly read the version
and it won't scale it
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [18:03]
first snapshot feb
i need a newer version
m0unds`i think i had it on my macbook but reinstalled fresh w/mavericks because of an issue with upgrading causing stuttering
(that's the machine i'm on now)
mercutiothey're up to tp3
oh and about:version text got bigger but you still can't scale it :)
ok it's ugly and slow
m0undslol [18:06]
mercutioi liked how opera was fast
now it seems to do this weird thing with red to blue
like you're not loading a page and it's read and it's loaded and it's boue?
and it seems pretty intrusive
grodynot sure about these new theme
i loved opera
was first proper tabbed browser long before others picked up on that
they switched the engine from their own to webkit/mozilla one iirc
then it it went crap
their engine seeme dfine
grodyi do still have an older ASA opera i use for general browsing... nice and fast
it's mobile browsers atm im uffing about.. dolphin is by far the fastest, but it does weird things on android.. but tampermonkey support makes me like it more
all the others have this major hang loading/rendering certain pages, even on high end devices which reminds me of myspace/gif laden blog days
m0undsyea, the old engine was presto and kraken for jscript iirc
was faster than anything at the time they introduced it
i think it was just too much work to keep at it
webkit is "good enough"
grodyand little return too [18:22]
also no plugins or anything
i imagine that was a bear for them; hard to get folks to use a browser when you have no extensions
grodyopera had a torrent client built in too.. was good enough for most things.. java did work if you poked and flash worked.. [18:23]
m0undsi remember when they rolled out initial support for stuff before they switched to webkit, it was a mess
lastpass barely work
mail client too
grodyat the time that was more than enough [18:23]
m0undsyeah, i liked it a lot
used it for years
loved being able to make custom keyboard shortcuts
grodyno memory savaging (compared to most)
leave it open for days and still be responsive
m0undsyea, smooth scrolling almost as good as IE too [18:24]
grodysee, it's all these fracking script kiddies that have forced the hand of severe security measures that are breaking things [18:24]
mercutioscrolling is a huge peeve of mine these days
it used to really bug me with onboard video on cheap pc's years back.
being choppy and slow
but hardware acceleration fixed most of that
and now some things are still slow :/
grodythis laptop is weird... i sent that to another channel and it landed up partly here and in another terminal :/
not sure what is going on with web browsers atm
mercutioi think the general problem with scrolling on web pages is thaet it's synced to page loading
so if it hasn't got the page content figured out lower down the page it can't scroll at a consistent smooth rate down the page
and i'd rather it focused on the scrolling before the content, and gave a smoother experience.
grodyhave you ever used Vine? [18:28]
mercutiodon't think so
what's that
grodythat is epic smooth and the video content seems to load instantly [18:28]
mercutiodid you ever use dos? [18:29]
grodyhttps://vine.co/ [18:29]
mercutiopeople figured out how to do smooth scrolling on dos [18:29]
grodysadly [18:29]
mercutiowith tapping the harwdare
there were these cool "text viewers" etc
afaik they just hacked the character set
they could do it in text mode.
grodyi used to be bugged with slow scrolling.. i still see it on linux/bsd sometimes on slow outputs [18:30]
safari and whatever current version of IE is on win8 have the nicest scrolling i've seen
grodyif i 'ls -R /' on this terminal, it outputs at what seems stupid fast... but if i drop to native console (alt+fn1) it has a hanging to the scroll [18:31]
m0undsgoogle is supposedly looking to replicate the same method IE uses in chrome at some point [18:31]
grodyi do quite like IE on this TP/IP [18:32]
m0undshave you tried out the dev tools in it?
profiling and whatnot?
grodynever used to be a fan of it, but for quite browsing and hitting up random links it copes well [18:32]
m0undsprobably uses the same key - f12 to launch it [18:32]
grodynope.. curious [18:32]
m0undsnot sure if it's implemented in edge yet [18:33]
grodyoh crap wth at that start menu
its like they are taking "subtle" ideas from Unity
m0undsmy new idiot neighbors got a car alarm installed and they let it go off 30-60 seconds every time they try to get in their car [18:35]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [18:35]
m0undsevery day, 4-5 times a day
it's annoying as shit
grodybe funny if someone nicked it and it never went off at all [18:36]
or if someone snagged the car and no one noticed because they let the alarm go of all the time
just driving down the road w/the alarm going off like GTA
grodyhahahaha [18:37]
mercutioi still want my terminal to not flicker when scrolling
actually linux has vsync issues in general.
m0undshaha, i'd argue more than just vsync issues [18:38]
i was looking at urxvt code a while back
grodyon some terminals i've seen the scrolling cause tearing in the window [18:38]
mercutiothis new async X stuff, i didn't find much documentation for it [18:38]
m0undsi finally gave up my arch install - my experiment was installing it and updating it when i used it, and if it ever broke to the point that i'd have to do something out of the ordinary to fix it, i'd kill it [18:39]
mercutioit's not chronically bad, it's just niggly bad.
m0unds: what happened?
m0unds(i'd check update notes on their mailing list or board to see if i had to do anything special, and i would do it if that was the case, otherwise i'd just blindly take updates)
it failed to boot after the last update round i did a month ago
lasted 18 mos before i hosed it to needing to actually work to get anything running
i've been running it over that time and i've been fine.
m0undsyea, didn't care enough to figure it out, that was the experiment
only occasionally used it (like, maybe once a month if that)
grodyi had that with arch before.. they change quite a few things and boom [18:40]
m0undsi used to do it with fedora, but fedora routinely broke so it wasn't fun
arch was fun because i actually like it
and i'm not a huge fan of linux desktops
by any stretch
grodyim very careful about what im doing with this one atm.. until i get my arp back up properly its a small effort hanging on a hinge [18:41]
m0undsbut it worked and as long as i always checked their stuff for special cases, it was fine [18:41]
grodyahh you used it as a desktop.. im running this headless [18:41]
m0undsi ran arch on a server for over a year for personal stuff [18:41]
mercutiomy desktop doesn't look much different to how it looked 15 years ago [18:41]
m0undsit was great, didn't have any issues whatsoever (so long as i remembered to check before updating..haha) [18:42]
grodythis is meant to be my personal file/media server for the home network, but when i fubar the vps up, i had to make a fast and rapid switch [18:42]
m0undsthe provider i had the VM on were dicks about an issue i found w/their image, mainly that they didn't take the image before signing the keys for updates
so you'd get errors and shit when you tried to run pacman
mercutiowell mayhbe 14. [18:42]
m0undsalso building enough entropy on xen to generate keys sucked, but that was the case w/netbsd on xen too [18:43]
mercutiom0unds: what do you mean? [18:43]
m0undspacman-init was run before you installed [18:43]
mercutiodidn't take the image before signing the keys? [18:43]
m0undsso you'd get errors w/stuff not lining up
so you'd have to nuke it and start over and run pacman-key and whatnot
or whatever the command is
mercutiois there something special you have to do?
m0undson a fresh install, there's a command to pull down the keys and verify sigs
before allowing install of updates
they did that part of it, but you got your own set of keys w/the vm
so the signing key was different than what was used to sign the stuff on the img
mercutiooh [18:44]
m0undsso it would freak out that there was an inconsistency
because your vm's key was different than the signing key
mercutioi hate most distribuuution templates with vm's. [18:44]
m0undsbut linode (i'll say it) were not very nice when i pointed it out
and blamed me for it
but quitely fixed it on the next go-around
mercutiothe popuular free ones around install sendmail on ubuntu :/ [18:45]
m0undss/quitely/quietly [18:45]
BryceBot<m0unds> but quietly fixed it on the next go-around [18:45]
mercutioi'm doing an arch template for arp
there are a couple of issues
m0undscool [18:45]
mercutioi really should get back to it. [18:45]
grodyi hate that, i want the ability to manually install from an unfettled iso [18:45]
mercutioit's just ipv6 and setting the passwords properly. [18:45]
m0undsyeah, that's why i'm back with arp. just wanted to burn my $100someodd in credit w/linode [18:46]
grodyhehe [18:46]
mercutioi haven't done ipv6 with arp yet, it shouldn't be too complicated.
err ipv6 with arch
m0undsi can't get used to ip addr stuff
i'm so used to ifconfig
grodyim just utilizing the standard /64 atm.. no need for more on mine [18:46]
m0undshaha [18:46]
mercutioi like the new ip stuff [18:46]
m0undsi used my old arp vm to provide ipv6 via tunnel before comcast rolled out native stuff [18:46]
grodyi do want to expand this though and put a pfsense vm in front of the fbsd one [18:46]
mercutiobut i hate ip's documentation
and some things are confusing
grodyyea ip is weird [18:47]
m0undsso i had the /48 and split it off into a few chunks for my home network
but now that i have native i don't need the extra addresses so i just roll w/the /64
mercutioyeah it's cool that arp do /64 [18:47]
m0undsyeah, and not w/dhcp [18:48]
mercutiosolusvm gives out individual ip's. [18:48]
m0undsor weird kludgy shit
or that
grodyhehe [18:48]
m0undssolus is awful
mercutiom0unds: it's the standard
but yes it's awful.
m0undsi had a vm get wiped w/a provider who got hit w/the solus security "zero day" bug a couple years ago [18:48]
mercutioonce uupon a time i thought it'd be a cool idea to try doing something like solusvm that didn't suck
but then i woke up and realised it'd just be a huge pita.
m0undssomeone gained access to host boxes and killed a bunch of vms [18:48]
mercutioand you'd have to deal with idiots that all want to run their own virtualisation providers :/ [18:49]
m0undsi just said screw it and terminated my acct and deployed my backups to arp [18:49]
mercutioyeah the problem with arp is it's only in one location :(
so if you want to get vm's in other locations you have to use someone else :(
the control panel etc is all fine by me.
m0undsi like LA, it's close network-wise to me (was great when i tunneled ipv6, added no appreciable amount of latency) [18:50]
mercutioi mean there's room for improvement, but it doesn't annoy me.
i dunno i have fvm's for network testing partially
so having in different locations is handy
m0undsi do nothing fun w/this vm, it's just personal site stuff, irc and teamspeak [18:51]
mnathanianyone into minecraft? [18:51]
m0undsused to be
ran a server for friends for a couple years
mercutioi used to play openttd :/
and ran a server.
mnathanidid you ever pay to play? [18:52]
m0undshow do you mean? [18:52]
mercutioi never got the point of minecraft. [18:52]
m0undsbuilding stuff
we built a bacon machine under someone's house
lava + pig spawner + glass enclosure
it squeals every 10 seconds
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [18:53]
m0undsbuilt a big rail system. you could hop in a minecart and ride it from house to house
occasionally creepers would blow up a track section and you'd ride it into a pit and either drown or just fall out
staticsafeheh [18:53]
m0undsstaticsafe: how's the euro truck biz? ;)
i keep hearing that's a fun sim
staticsafeits going well, there is a new expansion coming out on the 7th, adds Scandinavian countries [18:54]
m0undssweet [18:55]
staticsafeset up one of my BGP sessions, waiting on them to export my prefixes as well

and give me an actual feed lol
mnathaniis your ASN 16 or 32 bit? [18:59]
staticsafe32 [18:59]
m0undscool [19:00]
......... (idle for 43mn)
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m0undseurotruck looks fun, but i don't think i need another sim for now
watched a couple videos of it, then remembered i have 4 flight sims, two driving sims and a train sim on my pc right now
I very rarely reboot to Windows to play games, but ETS2 is one of my fav sims, great for kicking back and relaxying
m0undsx-plane, fsx and dcs are probably most most regularly used sims though. i love me some planes.
that's why i bought train simulator whatever it is, years ago
brycecI play KSP and SE most often. I enjoy relaxing and goofing off. [19:51]
m0undsksp is so fun [19:51]
brycec(Space Engineers is not unlike Minecraft in many respects, but in spaaaace) [19:51]
m0undsi need to try it again - some version of unity they rolled up to caused some annoying ticking in my headphones that annoyed me [19:51]
brycec(It's all just "playing with legs" to me) [19:51]
m0undsyeah, i like space engineers too [19:52]
brycec*legos [19:52]
m0undssome of the folks who post on the SE subreddit do crazy shit i would never have thought of
one guy built a self-replicating ship
wish i could remember what he titled it; i guess it crashed the server he was on
http://imgur.com/a/ATORJ here's an example, but not the one i'm thinking of
brycecYeah I've tried to do similar but never quite successfully [19:57]
............ (idle for 55mn)
RandalSchwartzI'm not seeing /dev/gpt/swap0, but when I installed root-on-ZFS, it said to do that.
gpart shows type freebsd-sqap
so why doesn't /dev/gpt/swap0 show up?
ahh... gpart show -l ad0 says boot0, (null), root0
I must've messed up on building
can I change that after the fact?
gpart modify -i 2 -l swap0 ad0 seems to have done it
now for a quick reboot.
NiTeMaRemercutio: solus does v6 ranges now
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...................... (idle for 1h47mn)
mercutionite; how long did that take them? [22:52]
mnathani_do they dole out single /128?
I think virtuozzo does that
mercutionah usually like 8 /128s [22:54]
mnathani_does solus use kvm? [22:54]
mercutioit can i think [22:55]
mnathani_how far along are you with the arch template? [22:59]
mercutioi've been sick :(
going to do ubuntu, debian, openbsd first.
but it's nearly there, plus some checking
mnathani_how do you deal with different disk sizes at the time of order?
or do you make a template for each disk size
mercutiofor linux the file system gets resized.
yeh it's a pita for bsd.

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