#arpnetworks 2015-03-28,Sat

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mercutioand the level3 problem may have been diff from any2ix
on a positive note i got my transparent tcp proxy to work today.
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m0undsi was seeing 150-200 ms first hop with some regularity [00:12]
mercutioi see
i was seeing about 250msec etc.
***puffy is now known as DigitalNerd [00:12]
mercutiobut tracing to your ip it didn't look nearly so bad [00:13]
m0undsaverage full trip was 80ms, but almost solidly 40% loss for a long time [00:13]
mercutioi can't remember what kvr you are on [00:13]
m0unds3 [00:13]
mercutioyeah kvr03 itself is fine
which seems strange
you sure you don't mean 2nd hop or futher away?
m0undswait, was second hop [00:15]
mercutiocool, ok
that's better
i mean from making sense
m0undswas looking at mtr on my phone, terminal wrapped funny [00:16]
mercutioahh ok [00:16]
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DigitalNerd has left [00:53]
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grodyheh and now i remember why i ♥ gentoo
why did i ever stop using this
its the freebsd of linux
trying to build a small, clean linux for my windows tablet
no support for tgis thing in any distro off the bat
goodix touchscreen, sdio wifi and sst audio on i2c bus.. its fun
...... (idle for 25mn)
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..... (idle for 21mn)
mercutioi would use the word painful instead
but some peoople are masochistic
how'd it work out in the end?
i found linux worked pretty well on my chromebook, until i ran out of memory and it reset boot loader to go back to "chrome os"
err battery not memory
..... (idle for 23mn)
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grodyheh heh
i actually like gentoo for the compile-as-you-go method
i can chuck in patches pre-emerge (well, download sources, patch, compile using emerge)
it's going ookish
sound doesn't work, touchscreen does (although i need to calibrate it somehow)
wifi is sort of working, it keeps bloody resetting
using a 4.0 kernel though
if i dont care about whats on i2c, this would make a pretty good desktop solution (even with limited RAM)
mercutioi thought it was a tablet [14:42]
grodyuse a USB OTG hub, mouse, kb, wifi - happy days (got the micro HDMI output working(
it is
but it's proving to be a challenge
i can see why ubuntu hasn't delved into this tablet yet, it is a couple years old
Linx 8
32bit uefi, but will boot 64bit kernels
my current run down
mercutiooh you got it for free :) [14:46]
grodyyea, plus my theory of leaving internal emmc alone for now should prevent bricking
it happily boots from usb
was annoying finding two-way OTG hub w/ powering ability so i could charge the bloody thing when using the micro usb
it's odd.. i curse tablets that only allow charging via a serperate power jack and not a micro usb, and curse those that only charge via micro usb
i'd like both thanks
mhl is doing something for charging both?
but then you don't have otg
i was trying to figure out how to use mhl and otg at once on my tablet before
just having two usb plugs would be the simplest solution :)
grodyyou can get dual-use otg stuff
for example
will power via the microusb whilst in host mode
need a 2AM supply for things like that at minimum - i have some cheap chinese knock-off from ebay that is working very well
plus i have a 10A USB ring around my home (can supply upto 2A in any port, and one with a special 5A option)
mercutioprobalby won't do mhl [15:04]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:04]
grodyobviously nothing generic will use the 5A (will negotiate only 1A max, same with 2A lines), only have 1 gadget that actually draws 2A on request and my special hub which draws 4A [15:04]
mercutioi thought lots of 2a stuff did 2amp without negotiatin [15:04]
grodythat micro hdmi? [15:04]
mercutioerr negotiation
esp cheap chinese crap
not micro hdmi mhl
grodyeven this tablet only requests 1A off a 2A capable
my S5 draws 2A on capable kit
mercutios5 should do mhl
i have galaxy note 10.1 2014
it's kind of annoying because although it can do mhl, it can't do mhl at a decent resolution
that is, the tablet is 2560x1600, but it'll only do mhl at 720p
grodyahh yes there is MHL on this Lynx
720 too
MHL is different to what i was needing :P
i have played with otg too
just not powered otg.
grodythe microusb is both host and client and is primary for powering/charging - i have the micro hdmi port working by figuring out it's port connector [15:07]
mercutiobut my mhl cable allows plugging in normal power cable [15:07]
grodycan you power/charge via MHL too?
now that'd be curious to find out
mercutiosome stuff lerts the monitor provide power over mhl
like my monitor supports that
i don't think the tablet supports it though
first monitor i've had that even mentions mhl :/
when mhl is really just hdmi
but i suppose hdmi+power is what it's talking about
grodyPoHMDI [15:09]
mercutioPOHDMI? [15:09]
grodypower over HDMI
i use PoE a lot now (power over ethernet)
mercutioyeh you had hmdi :)
i have a poe injector.
i think poe is a good idea in some ways
grodyim still confused over how much volts to kick down the line with PoE [15:10]
mercutiowell different things up it :/
well up wattage
dunno about volts.
grodyan injector i use on an AP, will run the AP fine from 12v to 30v (900mA to 500Ma) - but is rated 9v 1A [15:11]
mercutioi am using the injector that came with ap
unifi uap-ac
except i stopped using it because it whined.
grodyi have 12V 1A chucked into it for hells sake, but it's odd as hell as a router here wont work unless i push 30V 1A down it [15:12]
mercutiomaybe it's hungry. [15:12]
grodyoh if i try 9V 1A in the injector for the AP, it wont power it [15:12]
mercutiomy ap got so damn hot
but the whining while transferring data over it is what pissed me off
grodyeek [15:13]
mercutioyeah it was annoying when people streamed over it [15:13]
grodyi used to have a PC that whined like hell when you did different things [15:13]
mercutionad it start/stop a lot [15:13]
grodybuffering online streams was the worst [15:13]
mercutioi've seen computers that whine when you move the mouse cursor [15:13]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:13]
mercutiothis was louder though
it wasn't so bad for my own usage
because i'd just do stuff then stop
grodyinterference with sound systems is most common from poorly shielded kit [15:13]
mercutiobut i'm normally on ethernet, so don't have lots of background wifi crap
it wasn't the sound system
grodymy old 450MHz K7 used to pick up police transmissions through the sound card if they were transmitting close enough to my home [15:14]
mercutioit was whining from the unit itself [15:14]
grodythat freaked me the hell out sometimes [15:14]
i had a stereo pickp up the pc speaker once
years back with wolfenstein
the thing is there was no cable between the two!
grodythey used to use analogue 452.5MHz in my area, but nobody could explain it why it came through crytal clear [15:15]
mercutiowolfenstein has terrible sound anyway
and pc speakers sucked, so it didn't seem to degrade a lot
grodymy friend spent a shyte load on an old TV (back when widescreen CRT was the fad) and had an epic sound system to couple with it [15:16]
mercutioeww sidescreen crt :/ [15:16]
grodyplaces his speakers right neext to the tv, puts it all on and wonders why there are colour distortions like he's on acid [15:16]
yeah they're all shielded these days
it used to be a really annoying problem often
grodyyea but trying to explain magnetic fields to a luddite that has taken a bold step into technology... [15:17]
mercutiojust tell him to try moving speakers further away
rather than explain how it works
well obviously it's in the past
grodyi used to spot all kinds of weirdness with technology as a kid [15:17]
mercutiothings have got better overall [15:18]
grodymy walkmans radio would interefer with my 'ghetto blasters' radio if i was listening to 97.7MHz on the blaster and 252KHz on the walkman
they would mute each other
mercutio252khz? [15:18]
grodyLW radio [15:19]
mercutioahh [15:19]
grodyused to be Atlantic 252 [15:19]
mercutiodid you ever use dialup? [15:20]
grodymy dad used to scan for radio frequencies all the time on numerous kit, the first year he got me a scanner (1Khz to 1.2GHz no gaps) - in a space of a month, i found more of the channels he was looking for than he did in 10 years
gawd yea
i used to get obsessed with ISPs using MNP5 and v42bis compression just to get more theoretical speed
mercutioi always wondered why dialup couldn't deal better with things like picking up the phone
like it'd often lose sync.
grodyv92 [15:21]
mercutiorather than slow down and speed back up
ahh did you ever play with software compression?
grodyon dialup it was internet or phone
couldn't pick between
if you picked up the phone, it would usuallt need to resync
mercutioyeah but if you have shared line people can pick up the phone
it would often drop the call.
i tried using avatar instead of ansi for my bbs
grodyi only had my modem in my line back then [15:22]
mercutioand tested the difference in performance [15:22]
grodynever talked to anyone except onlline [15:22]
mercutioit was close to 0 difference - as there was compression that made it end up bsaically the same anyway. [15:22]
grodybbs' are a little before my time [15:22]
mercutioi even did avatar autodetect, which no-one semeed to do. i left it in ayway. [15:22]
grodyi didn't really get my hands on a proper PC until i was 16 [15:23]
mercutioahh ok [15:23]
grodybefore then was the watery archs of archies and bbc's [15:23]
mercutioi was using bbs's when i was like 13. [15:23]
grodyand nothing with internet.. econets internally, yea [15:23]
mercutioand running my own bbs when i was around 16 [15:23]
grodyi didn't start running anything until i was late 20's
was paranoid to hell to even run a web site
mercutiowhy's that?
running a bbs wasn't very exciting really.
you'd get heaps of users that would connect in, and "page sysop"
grodyi met the wrong sort of people when i first got into it all and saw the 'darker' side of computers [15:24]
mercutioalthough i found a few things interesting.
and i liked having my custom written software, and not doing lame stuff :)
like i hated how every bbs wanted your phone number.
grodylike how every site now wants your email? [15:25]
mercutioso i made my bbs so that it would still ask for phone number, but you could just press enter and skip it [15:25]
grodythe internet sure isn't like what it used to be [15:26]
mercutiobut most people still entered their phone number.
well phone number is a bit dfif to email
grodyim like that with anonymouse ftp's [15:26]
mercutioyou can't change your phone nuumber. [15:26]
grodythey usually want anonymous/youremail@address.com [15:26]
mercutiowell you can but it's a pita [15:26]
grodythis day in age it's too easy [15:26]
mercutiooh that's just a standard back from 90s (or maybe eariler)
so that they can log it, and if there's an issue get in touch etc.
grodyi have a static number i keep, and random other numbers that simply point to that number
yea, i think my first deludes on the interwebs would have to have been 1998
where i missed all the fun
and was mostly spam
mercutiohttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBCjq2SU0AAYyro.jpg [15:29]
oh crapsticks
mercutioi never have the corerect time in my car
it's not even the correct minutes
once i'm driving, it's not like i'm going to be able to change time :/
at the mercy of traffic
grodycar clocks are weird [15:31]
mercutioi think my one has to loop for ages.
on a previous car someone else set the clock for me
grodyi dont have a car atm [15:31]
mercutioand it seemed to take them ages.
i think youu have to loop through the whole hours/minutes thing
grodybut my old c2 had a dashboardy wannabe tablet builtin that syncs with your phone
would automagic itself each time
mercutioi love how my microwave doesn't even try to pretend to know the time
what really bugs me is devices that will blink until you set the time
grodywith the handsfree unit i was able to run android assistant and voice control things
mercutiobecause having 3 clocks in one room or something is pointless [15:33]
grodymine doesn't even have a clock on it [15:33]
mercutiomine has timer. [15:33]
grodyit's simply two dials [15:33]
mercutioit's all you need [15:33]
grodyone for heat level, one for time
tbh, i dont really care for time
my current work doesn't require me to be anywhere doing anything at any given time, as long as it's done by X date
mercutiosounds good [15:34]
grodynot as well paid, but it is nice [15:34]
mercutioi mostly care about avoiding peak traffic :)
but it's not so bad around here.
going into the city or such it can easily add an hour going at wrong time
grodyhavent had a car for a while and what little public transport i've used hasn't delayed me
all seems peachy *fingers stay crossed*
mercutioheh i had no car for a while
it was really painful
grodyit is at first [15:35]
mercutioit never stopped until i had a car
but even looking at cars is harder without a car
grodyit's been nice not having to fork out what little money there is on a moneypit
although fuel prices have come down some since i was driving
thats annoyed me
they came down here
then went back up
apparently they're coming down again
but it surprised me one day
grodyi thiink they fluxed here, but still cheaper [15:37]
mercutioit had got way cheaper while i wasn't paying attention
like i've had a number in my head of $2.31/litre
but it can be like $2.35 a litre or more
grodylast i saw the pump prices i thought i was 21 again [15:37]
mercutioand it's soemthing like uhh $1.95/litre or something
i can't actually remember
grody1.50 something i think [15:38]
mercutio1.50 pounds?
you're in uk right?
grodyas low as 1.10 atm
1.10 to 1.34 for diesel
mercutiois that litre or gallon [15:38]
grodyper litre [15:38]
mercutioi can't remember how metric yiou are :) [15:38]
grodyit's kind stupid [15:39]
mercutioi use 98 ron [15:39]
grodyit's metric with some imperial [15:39]
mercutiodo you use ron there? [15:39]
grodyim not sure
i doubt it
mercutioi think you do
Super unleaded ??? 98 RON
yeah so i use that
grodyahh research octane rating [15:40]
mercutiowhich usually costs a bit more than the lower octane [15:40]
grodyi think so [15:40]
mercutioyeah they odn't use that measurement system in some places [15:41]
grodyon some pumps there are different kinds of "unleaded" [15:41]
mercutiothere's biofuel here now [15:41]
grodybut i think it's labelled differentlt [15:41]
mercutiomy car isn't necessarily compatible with it
but i use it anyway
grodysuper unleaded / unleaded yea
i always went for disiels simply as they generally had more miles per gallon
well, my c2 would do upto 87 on roadtrips and 60 around town
(i did managed 106 mpg when doing 56 on motorways on top gear)
mercutiodiesal isn't too bad with turbo [15:42]
grodyoh this baby had power [15:43]
i have no idea how many mpg i have
grody0-60 took 11 seconds, but would tow twice it's weight up a hill np
not that i tried the latter
mercutiothat sounds slow to me? [15:43]
BryceBotThat's what she said!! [15:43]
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grodyit's was a small 1.3tdi [15:44]
mercutioaround 7 to 9 is what seems more normal?
ahh ok :)
grodyhad more torque than speed [15:44]
mercutiowell there goes it
i can get up hills pretty fast if i use 1st or 2nd gear
but having a turbo car, it's like no power no power no power VOOOM
grodyi would barely lose speed upping a steep hill
used to do a lot of coastal runs in my old baby
i love driving on hills
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mercutioand at night, and in the rain [15:45]
grodyi hate driving in the rain [15:46]
mercutiothere's something about driving on a really hot day drenched in sun that just seems bland [15:46]
grodytoo many assholes come out in the rain [15:46]
mercutiolike it's better to be at the destination :) [15:46]
grodyand the sun! [15:46]
RandalSchwartzin oregon, we're all used to driving in the rain [15:46]
mercutioit rains all the time here, and people are still terrible driving in the rain [15:46]
RandalSchwartzexcept the recently immigrated californias [15:46]
grodygrody needs to cook breakfast [15:46]
mercutioRandalSchwartz: i've seen videos of los angeles drivers in the rain :) [15:47]
grodywell, dinner .. but i really fancy a fry up british breakfast [15:47]
RandalSchwartzscary... socal people don't grok rain well [15:47]
mercutiogrody: i wa sthinking 12 hours dfiference... oh it's your morning
i didn't even think of the pm/am thing :)
RandalSchwartz: their streets suck for it too
RandalSchwartzyeah lots of floods [15:48]
mercutiowell they're not designed for rain
becuase it doesn't rain much
RandalSchwartzLA River is weirdly dry [15:48]
mercutiobut it means you have to be extra careful
they probably don't have tyres suitable for rain too
but hard to know
.... (idle for 15mn)
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......... (idle for 41mn)
grodylol nah it's nearly midnight
a fried english breakfast is good at anytime
BryceBothttp://goo.gl/LaO3vP -> https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-O8APXhVph-w/VRc8SDda1YI/AAAAAAAAKU8/xOV2i3DFdSI/w691-h518-no/DSC_0043.JPG [16:50]
grodywow, was whole point of shortening, was to avoid those horribly long links [16:51]
............ (idle for 57mn)
call me masochistic if you will, but gawd damn gentoo i ♥ you
after i've patched this, i need to make a way to create a workable installer from
got grub2 32bit w/ EFI awareness, made the layout of the image GPT w/ EFI loader (and is seen as bootable in the tablets internal bootloader), have X working w/ touchscreen, 3D seems working and HD video playback works, still no sound...
grody needs a beer
may have to do work on my VPS.. this is too devel heavy for me
battery feedback is kind of working after seeing a feature in the 4.0 kernel that allowed the system to get warnings the battery is about to shart
from this working image, what would be the best way (it's a 16GB GPT partitioned image initially) to make this something people could download, that is not as large as the image (trunacate the unused space) that they could then bunzip or something then dd to a disk?
it's base is only 763MB big uncompressed
was easy enough from laptop virtual env to usb disk via the vm, but would ofc like for others to try it out
mercutioxz compress it
xz gives wonderful compression
.... (idle for 18mn)
grodypipe dd through xz?
that could work i suppose
someone did show me a tar trick once, but it felt dirty
knew i should have used vmware and direct access to a disk .. this bloody variable sized VHD on vbox is proving to be a see you next tuesday
grody zeroes the thing to fill and tries again
mercutioi'd just dd to a file then use xz over it
i dunno if it changes aynthing or not
with regards to looking in different places of file
grodythe tar method i was shown preserves all the files, ownerships, special features etc. whilst negating the white space, which could then be dumped into a disk with an identical layout (gpt0 for grub, gpt1 for efi, gpt2 for swap gpt3 for rootfs (gentoo generic layout)
that way it doesn't care how big the partition is
BryceBot<grody> that way it doesn't care how big the partition are [18:45]
mercutiolike tar -czf / tar -vxpf [18:45]
grodyoh thats not fair! i used to think it was smug doing that!
tar -C / -cvf - . | tar -C /ouput/file -xf -
or to some degree
mercutiop does permissions [18:47]
grodythis will end up on my pogo server initially.. so want it to be as small as possible
already getting buttraped for creating a custom firmware and repo for a specific pocket router
was meant to be a backup until i got my ARP VPS back to a happy working standard after i completely fubar
"oh sure, upgrading from 8.2 to 10.1 wont be a problem, i already have migrated to pkg!" .....
glass was half full my arse!
..... (idle for 24mn)
mercutioyou can use fstrim to zero blocks
err that aren't used
then i think xz should give good compression
grodyhah.. that didnt work.. would need a way of preserving UUIDs among the filesystems too, so will need to be a dd effort
just i made this 16GB
not sure how resizing would work, although the rootfs is in the last partition
some of these things has 16GB eMMC, some 32GB - mine has 32GB but made it 16 as i have another OS on my 32GB OTG
leaving windows on the eMMC for now
mercutiooh i don't use uuid's
i do use things like mdadm with /dev/md0 wtf
how did i type wtf instead of etc
grodysee, this is why i dont like sharing my solutions - the painstaking effort needed to make it simple
mercutioyeah it can be hard
the uuid thing is annoying
also if they have a different mac address is it renaming ethernet interface?
grodyyea i prefer to use physical locations, but in the case of a pendrive that can end up anywhere among anything, UUIDs are a way to ensure the correct thing gets mounted where it's needed
crap i wished i were better at code
i can sort of read drivers (a few are quite simple) - but hell if i can fix this bloody issue
sleep time i think
if i fix this, im going to force (when i get sound working) the tablet to scream a screaming sound when it senses being dropped (since im trying to get the accelerometer to work)
.............. (idle for 1h7mn)
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m0unds__there's that packet loss again
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m0unds__so much so that i can't even get a shell, awesome
buddy can't reach it from FL either
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brycecI too am seeing some shitty performance :/
Periodic packet loss and huge latency on ntt.net
ipv6 specifically. Runninga n mtr now
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Major bummer, m0unds__
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brycecHere is the reverse path http://sprunge.us/GZDG [20:47]
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brycecAnd just for fun, HOLY CRAP look at my smokeping https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?target=Slaves.master [20:47]
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brycecup_the_irons: We're seeing some terrible connectivity. Here's my smokeping that runs on ARP http://i.imgur.com/aA0g29b.png an mtr TO my VPS so much lag
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brycecup_the_irons: We're seeing some terrible connectivity. Here's my smokeping that runs on ARP http://i.imgur.com/aA0g29b.png, an mtr from my home to my VPS http://sprunge.us/OYfL and an mtr in the opposite direction http://sprunge.us/GZDG. I say "we" because m0unds is also experiencing this. [20:51]
m0unds__brycec: did you see this last night too?
i can't even get a shell on my vps at this point via v6 or v4
brycecm0unds__: I wasn't around, but my smokeping shows a nasty spike then [20:51]
m0unds__yea, was close to the same time yesterday [20:51]
brycecI had 2 minutes' lag until recently [20:51]
m0unds__ugh [20:51]
brycecSurprisingl that it's affecting both v4 and v6
m0unds__: are you on kvr21 too?
m0unds__nah, kvr03 [20:52]
brycecHuh, I don't think there are any common factors then [20:53]
m0unds__yea, it's puzzling and has been happening randomly for the last 2 weeks or so
sometimes during the day, last two nights it's been around this time
this is the worst i've seen it, as i can usually maintain a shell w/horrible delay
brycecup_the_irons: This is the ipv4 mtr's for to+from http://sprunge.us/QONA
I'm not connected over ipv4, but several VPN clients cannot stay connected.
(Alas I cannot connect to them to run mtr's unless they're connected)
mercutiobrycec: it's affecting any2ix badly. [21:00]
m0unds__http://pastebin.com/m79saBmk here's me [21:01]
brycec(/me is running an mtr to his flapping vpn client, slowly [21:02]
m0unds__i was able to get connected but it dropped me a few times before i could get mtr to run for a bit [21:02]
mercutioyeah it's unusable from my home connection if i don't bounce the connection atm [21:02]
brycecHuh, yet your mtr's don't look too bad. Traffic is getting through, no loss
(to the end point, anyways)
m0unds__yea [21:03]
brycecwhoa, it seems to be clearing up... [21:03]
mercutiomy loss has gone down now [21:03]
brycecI'm 100% responsive [21:03]
mercutioand ping gone down [21:03]
m0unds__yep, just established my voice session again
ssh is looking ok
mercutioi got alerts this time
last time it was actually only a little loss, and degraded performance
and it was still usable
butu this time it wasn't really usable
would you agree m0unds__ ?
brycecWhat's strange is that it seemed to affect the "internal" network too. My VPS couldn't resolve DNS, and I'm using ARP's resolvers, both v4 and v6 addresses. [21:05]
m0unds__yep, couldn't even get a stable session for almost 25 mins [21:05]
mercutiothat is strange [21:05]
m0unds__brycec: did you mention that it looked shitty via NTT too? [21:06]
brycecmtr from my vps to the last-known external IP of my flapping vpn client, taken about the time that things cleared up http://sprunge.us/AOce [21:06]
mercutioi was going via ntt and it wasn't nearly as bad as any2ix
with my "bounce"
brycecm0unds__: if you look at my first mtr, http://sprunge.us/OYfL he-ntt was where it went to shit [21:06]
mercutiobut when i traced to where i was sshing from a lot of inbetween ip's showed loss, and it looked like there was loss [21:07]
m0unds__ouch [21:07]
brycec(Though I see some jitter along he's route in that mtr too) [21:07]
mercutiobrycec: that'll be any2ix prob? [21:07]
brycecIs ntt any2ix? (I'm nub on these matters) [21:07]
mercutiobrycec: nope
but he.net is
brycec(I just look at the domain in the reverse dns) [21:07]
mercutiontt is on s7, and peering is on r1 [21:08]
m0unds__i'm curious what keeps causing this [21:08]
mercutiom0unds__: ddos. [21:08]
i remember you said something about ntp attack last night
reflection or something?
mercutioithink there's a level3->comcast issue, and some weird level3 stuff
yeh they were getting ntp response
so someone else had open ntt that was being abuased
well more than one someone else, so it hit in lots of places
m0unds__my buddy in FL connects via some rural cableco who peers w/AT&T and couldn't even ping my VPS [21:10]
brycechttp://i.imgur.com/VfsWK05.png (yes, I took the time to make this) [21:10]
m0unds__hahah [21:10]
brycecAnyhow, I'm off for now. Good luck, gents. [21:11]
m0unds__cya [21:11]
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mercutiodunno what path at&t takes
i'd guess ntt
but that's just a guerss
brycecOh one more smokeping: https://smokeping.cobryce.com/?target=ARP.DNS at the time of ddos, only one of my slaves saw major v4 issues, and every slave saw major v6 issues
(looking at the weekly graphs, there's definitely a daily cycle to it too)
BryceBotBye brycec! [21:13]
mercutioBryceBot: oh that's interesting
oh that's not from the vps pov
brycecYes it is
my smokeping master is my vps
mercutioso it's 250 msec from the arp vps? [21:15]
brycecak "from ARP" [21:15]
mercutiooh yeah mean it goes up a ltitle [21:15]
m0unds__mercutio: level3
via atlanta
brycechttps://smokeping.cobryce.com/?target=ARP.DNS.DNSv4A shows flat out packet loss *on* ARP's network, and slight increases from other slaves [21:16]
mercutioyou sure it's not smokeping having issues doing dn slookups
it doesn't say any loss, it just has monitoring gap
smokeping is annoying like that
if it can't complete it's run due to dns issues it shows nothing
bryceceither way [21:17]
m0unds__so...dns issues on what's essentially a local network [21:17]
brycecsince it's pinging the dns servers in the first place
BryceBotAu revoir brycec! [21:17]
m0unds__haha [21:17]
mercutioyeah the dns may not be handling itself very well at high loss
there'll be a lot more outstanding requests than normal etc.
m0unds__: well no it includes any external probes by name too
you'll get something in syslog saying that the probe didn't complete in time
it's a pita to fix
because often you want to use names rather than ip's.
m0unds__well, i'd say looking at the graphs coinciding with all the issues we're all having says there's something more to it than smokeping is being silly [21:18]
mercutioand you'd need something that can use old name->ip mappings if it takes too long
you coudl hack it into fping source code or something, but it'd be non trivial and lots of work.
m0unds__: there's issues, but not necessarily local issues.
i don't think my smokeping was screwing up
yeah my smpokeing is fine
but there's a local dns cache
so if the dns was going slow it'd stil be ok
i had problem with vultr and smokeping/dns

bisacally thave to have local cache
and it looks like loss peaked at 47% hmm
also looks like pings went up by more than 250 msec this time
also lwn.net had issues this time and dind't last time.
m0undsmy pageload times went from an avg of 170ms to 1.21s [21:24]
mercutiosounds about right
mercutio should stop talking so much :)
i've had the least product day ever. all i managed to do today was put new curtains up

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